212 resultados para URTICARIAL VASCULITIS


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To report a case of triple association of juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), juvenile dermatomyositis and urticarial vasculitis as well as a review of the relevant literature. A 12-year-old male patient diagnosed with overlap syndrome between SLE and juvenile dermatomyositis since 2004 evolved with erythematous plaques, which were compatible with an urticarial rash. Clinical, laboratory and histopathological findings indicated a diagnosis of urticarial vasculitis. The patient previously had a C1q deficiency. Using the established treatment with methylprednisolone (1 g/day for 3 days), increasing doses of deflazacort and introduction of a dapsone, as well as mycophenolate mofetil regimen, with the suspension of azathioprine resulted in complete resolution of skin lesions. Urticarial vasculitis can present in various diseases. In SLE, presentation of urticarial vasculitis in children is rarely found. The triple association of juvenile-onset SLE, juvenile dermatomyositis and urticarial vasculitis is unusual, and this is the first case described in literature.


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The objective of this study is to determine if digital vasculitis (DV), a clinical manifestation with a high systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index (SLEDAI) score, is associated with lupus severity. DV and other clinical manifestations defined according to the SLEDAI were evaluated in 168 consecutive patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Two groups were defined according to presence (DV+, n = 27) or absence of DV (DV-, n = 141) at the time of evaluation. The exclusion criterion was the presence of antiphospholipid syndrome (Sapporo`s criteria). The two groups were comparable with regard to age (P = 0.09), gender (P = 1.00), white race (P = 0.81), and disease duration (P = 0.78). Compared to the DV-group, the DV+ group had a significantly higher frequency of mucocutaneous manifestations (66.7 vs. 39.0%, P = 0.01), haematological abnormalities (22.2 vs. 6.4%, P = 0.02) and constitutional symptoms (11.1 vs. 0.7%, P = 0.01). Renal and neurological involvements were similar in both groups ( P = 0.57 and P = 1.00, respectively). The evaluation of each SLEDAI parameter confirmed that the DV+ group had higher frequencies of mild manifestations, such as new rash (P = 0.02), alopecia (P = 0.02), oral ulcers (P = 0.045), fever (P = 0.01) and leucopenia (P = 0.005). In contrast, both groups had similarly increased anti-dsDNA (P = 0.78) and decreased complement levels (P = 0.29). In conclusion, DV in patients with SLE identifies a subgroup of a mild disease. The high `weighted` index attributed to this alteration in the SLEDAI score should therefore be revised. Lupus (2009) 18, 990-993.


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Ninety-one consecutive systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients (American College of Rheumatology criteria) with a history of cutaneous vasculitis were compared to 163 SLE controls without this clinical manifestation from July to December 2007 in order to determine the possible clinical and serological association of this manifestation. Data were obtained in an ongoing electronic database protocol and autoantibodies to anti-double-stranded DNA, anti-Sm, anti-RNP, anti-Ro/SS-A, anti-La/SS-B, and anticardiolipin and ribosomal P protein antibody (anti-P) were detected by standard techniques. Exclusion criteria were the presence of anti-phospholipid syndrome or antibodies, Sjogren syndrome, and a history of thrombosis. The mean age (38.5 +/- 11.5 vs. 37.8 +/- 11.6 years, p = 0.635), disease duration (12.5 +/- 7.8 vs. 11.8 +/- 7.9 years, p = 0.501), and frequency of white race (71.4% vs. 70.5%, p = 0.872) and female sex (96.8% vs. 93.7%, p = 0.272) were comparable in both groups. The vasculitis group had a higher frequency of malar rash (97.9% vs. 87.4%, p = 0.004), photosensitivity (91.4% vs. 81.6%, p = 0.030), and Raynaud phenomenon (RP; 27.7% vs. 7.5%, p < 0.001), whereas all other clinical manifestation including renal and central nervous system involvements were similar to the control group. Laboratorial data revealed that only anti-P (35.1% vs. 12.1%, p < 0.001) was more frequent in patients with vasculitis. In a multivariate logistic regression model, cutaneous vasculitis was associated to the presence of RP (OR = 3.70; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.73-8.00) and anti-P (OR = 3.42; 95% CI = 1.76-6.66). In summary, SLE cutaneous vasculitis characterizes a subgroup of patients with more RP and anti-P antibodies but not accompanied by a higher frequency of renal and central nervous system involvements.


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Ovarian vasculitis is a rare complication seen in the reproductive system and has been described in only one patient with lupus and a few patients with other rheumatic conditions (polyarteritis nodosa, giant cell arteritis, scleroderma). Three additional cases following gynecology procedures have also been reported. We report the second case of a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus, who developed ovarian vasculitis. The diagnosis was made at the age of 12 and confirmed by laparoscopy and histopathology in the presence of disease activity. She experienced late menarche at the age of 16, and she experienced a good clinical evolution after disease treatment with regular menstrual cycles and normal levels of sexual hormones. Lupus (2009) 18, 1313-1315.


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Syphilis, a disease that in the past was associated with significant morbidity and lethality rates, has resurged in recent years principally as a consequence of changes in risk behavior. An epidemiological group that is commonly affected is the HIV-infected population. The characteristics of the disease and its progression may differ in these patients. The present report describes a case of an HIV-positive male patient, who developed florid secondary syphilis: in addition to syphilitic roseola, he also presented with bilateral panuveitis and involvement of the central nervous system. Investigation revealed the prozone phenomenon and histological examination of the skin lesions showed the presence of leukocytoclastic vasculitis. This finding is extremely rare and few cases have been documented.


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Although Aspergillus is widespread, clinically significant disease is rare in immunocompetent patients. We present a case of an otherwise healthy individual who developed cerebral vasculitis and stroke symptoms from Aspergillus, to raise awareness of this entity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc.


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a complex systemic autoimmune disease with various clinical and serological manifestations. Previous studies have shown the association of SLE and anti-Ro antibody with a series of clinical manifestations. We investigated this association in Brazilian patients with SLE. Five hundred and nine consecutive patients who fulfilled the revised American College of Rheumatology criteria for the SLE were enrolled in the study from June to December 2007. All patients were from our Service of Rheumatology, School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Frequencies of a series of laboratorial and clinical manifestations were calculated. Anti-Ro antibody was associated to anti-La antibody, female, and cutaneous vasculitis. In multivariate analysis, patients with anti-Ro antibody has 1.63 (95% CI 1.07-2.50) more risk to develop cutaneous vasculitis than patients without this antibody. Our data have demonstrated that anti-Ro antibody is an independent useful serologic marker for cutaneous vasculitis.


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Cutaneous vasculitis may represent a great clinical challenge, even after careful dermatological examination and laboratory assessment. The authors present a case of cutaneous cryoglobulinemic vasculitis associated to chronic hepatitis C virus infection, pointing out the importance of the dermatological examination for diagnostic investigation. They discuss about the importance of defining the etiology and making correct classification for appropriate prognosis and treatment of cutaneous vasculitis.


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BACKGROUND: The purpose of this communication is to report a severe occlusive vasculitis as a complication of cat scratch. HISTORY AND SIGNS: A 34-year-old Hispanic woman presented with a sudden visual loss of the right eye associated with shivers, high fever and arthritis which developed 2 months after a cat's bite. Fundus examination showed papillitis and a palor of the paramacular zone of the retina. Fluorescein angiography revealed multiple arterial and venous vasculitic occlusions. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: Auto-immune disease and endocarditis were ruled out by an extensive medical work-up.The diagnosis of Bartonella henselae was confirmed by a positive serology. A systemic antibiotherapy with azithromycin, doxycyclin, rifampicin and steroid therapy resulted in a good clinical response, including a rapid visual recovery with a visual acuity of 20/20 and no relapse of the disease at 6 months follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Ocular complications associated with cat scratch disease may include vasculitis with both arterial and venous occlusions causing severe visual loss.


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Résumé Valeur prédictive des anticorps dirigés contre le cytoplasme des neutrophiles (ANCA) dans les vasculites des vaisseaux de petit calibre But du travail : Les vasculites sont des pathologies le plus souvent sévères et parfois létales ; elles nécessitent une reconnaissance et un traitement précoces. Il est donc utile de pouvoir disposer de marqueurs diagnostiques, et éventuellement de marqueurs qui puissent prédire l'activité de la maladie. Les « antineutrophil cytoplasm antibodies » (ANCA) constituent une famille d'autoanticorps dirigés contre des antigènes du cytoplasme des neutrophiles, cellules clés du processus inflammatoire au cours des vasculites. De nombreuses études ont tenté de préciser l'utilité des ANCA dans le diagnostic et le suivi des vasculites avec des résultats contradictoires. Le but de ce travail a été de passer en revue l'évolution clinique des patients suivis dans notre service pour une vasculite à ANCA et évaluer la valeur prédictive des ANCA comme marqueur de récidive. Méthode: Les dossiers médicaux de 36 patients, suivis à notre consultation ambulatoire d'immunologie et allergie du CHUV pour une vasculite à ANCA entre janvier 1990 et décembre 2001, ont été analysés de manière rétrospective afin d'établir une base de données. Les données démographiques, le type de vasculite (granulomatose de Wegener ou polyangéite microscopique) et ses caractéristiques (organes touchés), les traitements reçus, les dosages des ANCA (par immunofluorescence et par ELISA avec détermination des anti-PR3 et/ou anti-MPO), et l'évolution clinique (récidive/rémission) ont été considérés. La valeur pronostique des ANCA dans notre population a été calculée utilisant les valeurs prédictives positive et négative, la likelihood et les odds ratios. La valeur statistique a été examinée par les tests Chi-square test ou Fisher's exact test (valeur significative définie comme p <0.05) à l'aide du programme GraphPad Instat software version 3, San Diego, CA. Résultats : Vingt-trois patients atteints d'une maladie de Wegener et treize d'une polyangéite microscopique ont été suivis pour une durée médiane de cinq ans (entre 1 mois et 16 ans). La plupart des patients ont été traités avec des corticostéroïdes associés à du cyclophosphamide. Une rémission a été obtenue chez 21 patients (91 %) atteints d'une maladie de Wegener, mais 74% ont présenté par la suite une récidive. Tous les patients atteints d'une polyangéite microscopique sont entrés en rémission et 33% ont par la suite récidivé. Une élévation persistante (définie comme supérieure à 6 mois) des ANCA ne s'est pas révélée associée à un risque statistiquement significatif de récidive (p=0.14). En revanche, une élévation soudaine du taux des ANCA s'est démontrée prédictive d'une récidive (table 3). Conclusion : Durant le suivi de certaines vasculites, comme la granulomatose de Wegener et la polyangéite microscopique une élévation des ANCA doit faire redouter une exacerbation de la maladie et, par conséquent, justifie une surveillance accrue.


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Toperform a meta-analysis of FDG-PET performances in the diagnosis of largevessels vasculitis (Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) associated or not withPolymyalgia Rheumatica(PMR), Takayasu). Materials and methods : The MEDLINE,Cochrane Library, Embase were searched for relevant original articlesdescribing FDG-PET for vasculitis assessment, using MesH terms ("GiantCell Arteritis or Vasculitis" AND "PET"). Criteria for inclusionwere:(1)FDG-PET for diagnosis of vasculitis(2)American College of Rheumatologycriteria as reference standard(3)control group. After data extraction, analyseswere performed using a random-effects model. Results : Of 184 citations(database search and references screening),70 articles were reviewed of which12 eligible studies were extracted (sensitivity range from 32% to 97%). 7studies fulfilled all inclusion criteria. Owing to overlapping population, 1study was excluded. Statistical heterogeneity justified the random-effectsmodel. Pooled 6 studies analysis(116 vasculitis,224 controls) showed a 81%sensitivity (95%CI:70-89%);a 89% specificity (95%CI:77-95%);a 85%PPV(95%CI:63-95%); a 90% NPV(95%CI:79-95%);a 7.1 positive LR(95%CI:3.4-14.9); a0.2 negative LR(95%CI:0.14-0.35) and 90.1 DOR(95%CI: 18.6-437). Conclusion :FDG-PET has good diagnostic performances in the detection of large vesselsvasculitis. Its promising role could be extended to follow up patients undertreatment, but further studies are needed to confirm this possibility.


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Meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae is a rare complication of trans-sphenoidal surgery. We present the case of a patient who developed pneumococcal meningitis with associated bacteraemia after elective endoscopic trans-sphenoidal resection of a pituitary macro-adenoma. After initial treatment with ceftriaxone and dexamethasone, the patient made a good recovery and dexamethasone was discontinued. Two days later the patient's condition deteriorated rapidly, presenting focal and diffuse neurological deficits. Cerebral MRI revealed widespread punctate ischaemic-type lesions affecting both anterior and posterior vascular territories bilaterally and involving features consistent with cerebral vasculitis. Antibiotic treatment was broadened to include meropenem and dexamethasone was restarted, but the patient remained in a comatose state and died 14 days later. Steroid treatment may play a dual role in this poorly characterised infectious complication of trans-sphenoidal pituitary surgery. This possibility is discussed and the options for prophylaxis are reviewed.