981 resultados para URBAN DIFFERENCES


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- Objective To investigate if parental disapproval of alcohol use accounts for differences in adolescent alcohol use across regional and urban communities. - Design Secondary data analysis of grade-level stratified data from a random sample of schools. - Setting High schools in Victoria, Australia. - Participants A random sample of 10273 adolescents from Grade 7 (mean age=12.51 years), 9 (14.46 years) and 11 (16.42 years). - Main outcome measures The key independent variables were parental disapproval of adolescent alcohol use and regionality (regional/ urban), and the dependent variable was past 30 days alcohol use. - Results After adjusting for potential confounders, adolescents in regional areas were more likely to use alcohol in the past 30 days (OR=1.83, 1.44 and 1.37 for Grades 7, 9 and 11, respectively, P<0.05), and their parents have a lower level of disapproval of their alcohol use (b=-0.12, -0.15 and -0.19 for Grades 7, 9 and 11, respectively, P<0.001). Bootstrapping analyses suggested that 8.37%, 23.30% and 39.22% of the effect of regionality on adolescent alcohol use was mediated by parental disapproval of alcohol use for Grades 7, 9 and 11 participants respectively (P<0.05). - Conclusions Adolescents in urban areas had a lower risk of alcohol use compared with their regional counterparts, and differences in parental disapproval of alcohol use contributed to this difference.


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 Objective: The suicide rate in Australia is cause for concern, especially the increase in attempted and completed suicides in rural and regional locations. The present study examined reasons for choosing not to commit suicide as a function of residential location. Method: The study involved 655 Victorian residents from four population-based strata; urban, regional city, regional town, and rural. Results: Results from the Reasons for Living Inventory revealed significant differences as a function of residential location. Overall, residents in rural locations reported having significantly more to live for than their urban counterparts. Further analysis of six reasons for living (child, family, moral, social, coping and death-related concerns) showed a pattern whereby residents in rural locations reported having the most to live for, followed by regional residents, and urban residents who reported having the least to live for. Conclusions: These findings are in contrast to increase of suicide rates in rural areas, and highlight the need for a greater understanding of the mechanisms underlying suicidal behaviour.


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Objective: To investigate if parental disapproval of alcohol use accounts for differences in adolescent alcohol use across regional and urban communities. Design: Secondary data analysis of grade-level stratified data from a random sample of schools. Setting: High schools in Victoria, Australia. Participants: A random sample of 10273 adolescents from Grade 7 (mean age=12.51 years), 9 (14.46 years) and 11 (16.42 years). Main outcome measures: The key independent variables were parental disapproval of adolescent alcohol use and regionality (regional/ urban), and the dependent variable was past 30 days alcohol use. Results: After adjusting for potential confounders, adolescents in regional areas were more likely to use alcohol in the past 30 days (OR=1.83, 1.44 and 1.37 for Grades 7, 9 and 11, respectively, P<0.05), and their parents have a lower level of disapproval of their alcohol use (b=-0.12, -0.15 and -0.19 for Grades 7, 9 and 11, respectively, P<0.001). Bootstrapping analyses suggested that 8.37%, 23.30% and 39.22% of the effect of regionality on adolescent alcohol use was mediated by parental disapproval of alcohol use for Grades 7, 9 and 11 participants respectively (P<0.05). Conclusions: Adolescents in urban areas had a lower risk of alcohol use compared with their regional counterparts, and differences in parental disapproval of alcohol use contributed to this difference.


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Research on admissions to care homes for older people has paid more attention to individual and social characteristics than to geographical factors. This paper considers rural-urban differences in household composition and admission rates. Cohort: 51,619 people aged 65 years or older at the time of the 2001 Census and not living in a care home, drawn from a data linkage study based on c.28% of the Northern Ireland population.Living alone was less common in rural areas; 25% of older people in rural areas lived with children compared to 18% in urban areas. Care home admission was more common in urban (4.7%) and intermediate (4.3%) areas than in rural areas (3.2%). Even after adjusting for age, sex, health and living arrangements, the rate of care home admission in rural areas was still only 75% of that in urban areas.People in rural areas experience better family support by living as part of two or three generation households. Even after accounting for this difference, older rural dwellers are less likely to enter care homes; suggesting that neighbours and relatives in rural areas provide more informal care; or that there may be differential deployment of formal home care services.


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Background The persistence of rural-urban disparities in child nutrition outcomes in developing countries alongside rapid urbanisation and increasing incidence of child malnutrition in urban areas raises an important health policy question - whether fundamentally different nutrition policies and interventions are required in rural and urban areas. Addressing this question requires an enhanced understanding of the main drivers of rural-urban disparities in child nutrition outcomes especially for the vulnerable segments of the population. This study applies recently developed statistical methods to quantify the contribution of different socio-economic determinants to rural-urban differences in child nutrition outcomes in two South Asian countries – Bangladesh and Nepal. Methods Using DHS data sets for Bangladesh and Nepal, we apply quantile regression-based counterfactual decomposition methods to quantify the contribution of (1) the differences in levels of socio-economic determinants (covariate effects) and (2) the differences in the strength of association between socio-economic determinants and child nutrition outcomes (co-efficient effects) to the observed rural-urban disparities in child HAZ scores. The methodology employed in the study allows the covariate and coefficient effects to vary across entire distribution of child nutrition outcomes. This is particularly useful in providing specific insights into factors influencing rural-urban disparities at the lower tails of child HAZ score distributions. It also helps assess the importance of individual determinants and how they vary across the distribution of HAZ scores. Results There are no fundamental differences in the characteristics that determine child nutrition outcomes in urban and rural areas. Differences in the levels of a limited number of socio-economic characteristics – maternal education, spouse’s education and the wealth index (incorporating household asset ownership and access to drinking water and sanitation) contribute a major share of rural-urban disparities in the lowest quantiles of child nutrition outcomes. Differences in the strength of association between socio-economic characteristics and child nutrition outcomes account for less than a quarter of rural-urban disparities at the lower end of the HAZ score distribution. Conclusions Public health interventions aimed at overcoming rural-urban disparities in child nutrition outcomes need to focus principally on bridging gaps in socio-economic endowments of rural and urban households and improving the quality of rural infrastructure. Improving child nutrition outcomes in developing countries does not call for fundamentally different approaches to public health interventions in rural and urban areas.


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Potential adverse effects on children health may result from school exposure to airborne particles. To address this issue, measurements in terms of particle number concentration, particle size distribution and black carbon (BC) concentrations were performed in three school buildings in Cassino (Italy) and its suburbs, outside and inside of the classrooms during normal occupancy and use. Additional time resolved information was gathered on ventilation condition, classroom activity, and traffic count data around the schools were obtained using a video camera. Across the three investigated school buildings, the outdoor and indoor particle number concentration monitored down to 4 nm and up to 3 m ranged from 2.8×104 part cm-3 to 4.7×104 part cm-3 and from 2.0×104 part cm-3 to 3.5×104 part cm-3, respectively. The total particle concentrations were usually higher outdoors than indoors, because no indoor sources were detected. I/O measured was less than 1 (varying in a relatively narrow range from 0.63 to 0.74), however one school exhibited indoor concentrations higher than outdoor during the morning rush hours. Particle size distribution at the outdoor site showed high particle concentrations in different size ranges, varying during the day; in relation to the starting and finishing of school time two modes were found. BC concentrations were 5 times higher at the urban school compared with the suburban and suburban-to-urban differences were larger than the relative differences of ultrafine particle concentrations.


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Les Inuits sont le plus petit groupe autochtone au Canada. Les femmes inuites présentent des risques beaucoup plus élevés d’issues de grossesse défavorables que leurs homologues non autochtones. Quelques études régionales font état d’une mortalité fœtale et infantile bien plus importante chez les Inuits canadiens par rapport aux populations non autochtones. Des facteurs de risque tant au niveau individuel que communautaire peuvent affecter les issues de grossesse inuites. Les relations entre les caractéristiques communautaires et les issues de grossesse inuites sont peu connues. La compréhension des effets des facteurs de risque au niveau communautaire peut être hautement importante pour le développement de programmes de promotion de la santé maternelle et infantile efficaces, destinés à améliorer les issues de grossesse dans les communautés inuites. Dans une étude de cohorte de naissance reposant sur les codes postaux et basée sur les fichiers jumelés des mortinaissances/naissances vivantes/mortalité infantile, pour toutes les naissances survenues au Québec de 1991 à 2000, nous avons évalué les effets des caractéristiques communautaires sur les issues de grossesse inuites. Lorsque cela est approprié et réalisable, des données sur les issues de grossesse d’un autre groupe autochtone majeur, les Premières Nations, sont aussi présentées. Nous avons tout d'abord évalué les disparités et les tendances temporelles dans les issues de grossesse et la mortalité infantile aux niveaux individuel et communautaire chez les Premières Nations et les Inuits par rapport à d'autres populations au Québec. Puis nous avons étudié les tendances temporelles dans les issues de grossesse pour les Inuits, les Premières Nations et les populations non autochtones dans les régions rurales et du nord du Québec. Les travaux concernant les différences entre milieu rural et urbain dans les issues de grossesse chez les peuples autochtones sont limités et contradictoires, c’est pourquoi nous avons examiné les issues de grossesse dans les groupes dont la langue maternelle des femmes est l’inuktitut, une langue les Premières Nations ou le français (langue majoritairement parlée au Québec), en fonction de la résidence rurale ou urbaine au Québec. Finalement, puisqu'il y avait un manque de données sur la sécurité des soins de maternité menés par des sages-femmes dans les communautés éloignées ou autochtones, nous avons examiné les issues de grossesse en fonction du principal type de fournisseur de soins au cours de l'accouchement dans deux groupes de communautés inuites éloignées. Nous avons trouvé d’importantes et persistantes disparités dans la mortalité fœtale et infantile parmi les Premières Nations et les Inuits comparativement à d'autres populations au Québec en se basant sur des évaluations au niveau individuel ou communautaire. Une hausse déconcertante de certains indicateurs de mortalité pour les naissances de femmes dont la langue maternelle est une langue des Premières Nations et l’inuktitut, et pour les femmes résidant dans des communautés peuplées principalement par des individus des Premières Nations et Inuits a été observée, ce qui contraste avec quelques améliorations pour les naissances de femmes dont la langue maternelle est une langue non autochtone et pour les femmes résidant dans des communautés principalement habitées par des personnes non autochtones en zone rurale ou dans le nord du Québec. La vie dans les régions urbaines n'est pas associée à de meilleures issues de grossesse pour les Inuits et les Premières Nations au Québec, malgré la couverture d'assurance maladie universelle. Les risques de mortalité périnatale étaient quelque peu, mais non significativement plus élevés dans les communautés de la Baie d'Hudson où les soins de maternité sont prodigués par des sages-femmes, en comparaison des communautés de la Baie d'Ungava où les soins de maternité sont dispensés par des médecins. Nos résultats sont peu concluants, bien que les résultats excluant les naissances extrêmement prématurées soient plus rassurants concernant la sécurité des soins de maternité dirigés par des sages-femmes dans les communautés autochtones éloignées. Nos résultats indiquent fortement le besoin d’améliorer les conditions socio-économiques, les soins périnataux et infantiles pour les Inuits et les peuples des Premières Nations, et ce quel que soit l’endroit où ils vivent (en zone éloignée au Nord, en milieu rural ou urbain). De nouvelles données de surveillance de routine sont nécessaires pour évaluer la sécurité et améliorer la qualité des soins de maternité fournis par les sages-femmes au Nunavik.


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En este trabajo se pretende evaluar la existencia de cambios en la relación entre fecundidad y escolaridad en Colombia para mujeres de 30 a 40 años de edad entre 1995 y 2005. Para tal efecto se utilizan modelos de Poisson sobre la Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud 1995 y 2005. Se encuentra una reducción en la fecundidad durante el periodo y su relación inversa con la escolaridad, que puede ser explicada por el efecto de la educación sobre otras variables como el incremento en el conocimiento sobre los programas de control natal. Se encuentra además que el efecto de culminar un nivel educativo sobre la fecundidad es mayor en 2005 que en 1995. De otro lado, se encuentra que las diferencias entre zonas urbanas y rurales son significativas en la explicación de la fecundidad en Colombia durante la última década.


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This paper investigates the extent to which office activity contributes to travel-related CO2 emission. Using ‘end-user’ figures[1], travel accounts for 32% of UK CO2 emission (Commission for Integrated Transport, 2007) and commuting and business travel accounts for a fifth of transport-related CO2 emissions, equating to 6.4% of total UK emissions (Building Research Establishment, 2000). Figures from the Department for Transport (2006) report that 70% of commuting trips were made by car, accounting for 73% of all commuting miles travelled. In assessing the environmental performance of an office building, the paper questions whether commuting and business travel-related CO2 emission is being properly assessed. For example, are office buildings in locations that are easily accessible by public transport being sufficiently rewarded? The de facto method for assessing the environmental performance of office buildings in the UK is the Building Research Establishment’s Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM). Using data for Bristol, this paper examines firstly whether BREEAM places sufficient weight on travel-related CO2 emission in comparison with building operation-related CO2 emission, and secondly whether the methodology for assigning credits for travel-related CO2 emission efficiency is capable of discerning intra-urban differences in location such as city centre and out-of-town. The results show that, despite CO2 emission per worker from building operation and travel being comparable, there is a substantial difference in the credit-weighting allocated to each. Under the current version of BREEAM for offices, only a maximum of 4% of the available credits can be awarded for ensuring the office location is environmentally sustainable. The results also show that all locations within the established city centre of Bristol will receive maximum BREEAM credits. Given the parameters of the test there is little to distinguish one city centre location from another and out of town only one office location receives any credits. It would appear from these results that the assessment method is not able to discern subtle differences in the sustainability of office locations


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Australian states and territories have legislation mandating reporting of cancer diagnoses; however, tumour stage at diagnosis, treatment plan and associated outcomes are not routinely recorded in cancer registries for all tumour types. This study describes the Evaluation of Cancer Outcomes study that collects detailed information for patients diagnosed with cancer in south-western Victoria.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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BACKGROUND Avoidable hospitalizations (AH) are hospital admissions for diseases and conditions that could have been prevented by appropriate ambulatory care. We examine regional variation of AH in Switzerland and the factors that determine AH. METHODS We used hospital service areas, and data from 2008-2010 hospital discharges in Switzerland to examine regional variation in AH. Age and sex standardized AH were the outcome variable, and year of admission, primary care physician density, medical specialist density, rurality, hospital bed density and type of hospital reimbursement system were explanatory variables in our multilevel poisson regression. RESULTS Regional differences in AH were as high as 12-fold. Poisson regression showed significant increase of all AH over time. There was a significantly lower rate of all AH in areas with more primary care physicians. Rates increased in areas with more specialists. Rates of all AH also increased where the proportion of residences in rural communities increased. Regional hospital capacity and type of hospital reimbursement did not have significant associations. Inconsistent patterns of significant determinants were found for disease specific analyses. CONCLUSION The identification of regions with high and low AH rates is a starting point for future studies on unwarranted medical procedures, and may help to reduce their incidence. AH have complex multifactorial origins and this study demonstrates that rurality and physician density are relevant determinants. The results are helpful to improve the performance of the outpatient sector with emphasis on local context. Rural and urban differences in health care delivery remain a cause of concern in Switzerland.


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Las características urbanísticas de las expansiones urbanas postindustriales desarrolladas en las últimas décadas en numerosas ciudades españolas presentan diferencias notables con las de barrios centrales y pericentrales más compactos preexistentes. Con el fin de estudiar cómo son percibidas por los ciudadanos de Vitoria-Gasteiz dichas diferencias urbanísticas, se realizaron 250 encuestas a residentes en los barrios compactos de la ciudad sobre sus preferencias entre el paisaje urbano de su barrio y el de los barrios postindustriales. Se observó que la gran mayoría de los encuestados prefirieron su compacto barrio en aspectos de sociabilidad, accesibilidad a servicios y bienestar global. Los resultados obtenidos se contrastaron con los de un estudio previo en el que una encuesta similar fue realizada a residentes en un barrio postindustrial. Se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados para desarrollar una práctica urbanística más sostenible y que integre la percepción de los usuarios de la ciudad.


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The objective was to compare ethnic differences in anthropometry, including size, proportions and fat distribution, and body composition in a cohort of seventy Caucasian (forty-four boys, twenty-six girls) and seventy-four urban Indigenous (thirty-six boys, thirty-eight girls) children (aged 9–15 years). Anthropometric measures (stature, body mass, eight skinfolds, thirteen girths, six bone lengths and five bone breadths) and body composition assessment using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry were conducted. Body composition variables including total body fat percentage and percentage abdominal fat were determined and together with anthropometric indices, including BMI (kg/m2), abdominal:height ratio (AHtR) and sum of skinfolds, ethnic differences were compared for each sex. After adjustment for age, Indigenous girls showed significantly (P < 0·05) greater trunk circumferences and proportion of overweight and obesity than their Caucasian counterparts. In addition, Indigenous children had a significantly greater proportion (P < 0·05) of trunk fat. The best model for total and android fat prediction included sum of skinfolds and age in both sexes (>93 % of variation). Ethnicity was only important in girls where abdominal circumference and AHtR were included and Indigenous girls showed significantly (P < 0·05) smaller total/android fat deposition than Caucasian girls at the given abdominal circumference or AHtR values. Differences in anthropometric and fat distribution patterns in Caucasian and Indigenous children may justify the need for more appropriate screening criteria for obesity in Australian children relevant to ethnic origin.