Experimental results show that the exchange coupling field (H-ex) of NiFe/FeMn for Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers is higher than that for spin-valve multilayers Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy shows that Cu atoms segregate to the NiFe/FeMn interface for Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers. While studying Ta/X(X=Bi,Pb,Ag,In)/NiFe/FeMn multilayers, we also find that X atoms segregate to the NiFe/FeMn interface, which results in a decrease of the H-ex. However, a small amount of Bi, Pb, etc. deposited between Cu and pinned NiFe layer for Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers can increase H-ex. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
The experimental results show that the exchange coupling field of NiFe/FeMn for Ta/ NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers is higher than that for the spin valve multilayers Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/ Ta. In order to find out the reason, the composition and chemical states at the surfaces of Ta(12nm)/ NiFe(7nm), Ta(12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(4nm) and Ta(12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(3nm)/NiFe(5nm) were studied using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results show that no elements from lower layers float out or segregate to the surface for the first and second samples. However, Cu atoms segregate to the surface of Ta(12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(3nm)/NiFe(5nm) multilayers, i.e. Cu atoms segregate to the NiFe/FeMn interface for Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers. We believe that the presence of Cu atoms at the interface of NiFe/FeMn is one of the important factors causing the exchange coupling field of Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers to be higher than that of Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/ FeMn/Ta multilayers.
Experimental results show that the exchange coupling field (H-ex) of NiFe/FeMn for Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers is higher than that for spin-valve multilayers Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta. In order to find out the reason, the composition and chemical states at the surface of Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7 nm), Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7 nm)/Cu(4 nm), and Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7 nm)/Cu(3 nm)/NiFe(5 nm) were studied using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results show that no elements from lower layers float out or segregate to the surface in the first and second samples. However, Cu atoms segregate to the surface of Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7 nm)/Cu(3 nm)/NiFe(5 nm) multilayers, i.e., Cu atoms segregate to the NiFe/FeMn interface for Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers. We believe that the presence of Cu atoms at the interface of NiFe/FeMn is one of the important factors which causes the exchange coupling field (H-ex) of Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta to be weaker than that of Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.
We have developed a theoretical study of magnetic bilayers composed by a ferromagnetic film grown in direct contact on an antiferromagnetic one. We have investigated the interface effects in this systems due to the interfilms coupling. We describe the interface effects by a Heisenberg like coupling with an additional unidirectional anisotropy. In the first approach we assume that the magnetic layers are thick enough to be described by the bulk parameters and they are coupled through the interaction between the magnetic moments located at the interface. We use this approach to calculate the modified dynamical response of each material. We use the magnetic permeability of the layers (with corrections introduced by interface interactions) to obtain a correlation between the interface characteristics and the physical behavior of the magnetic excitations propagating in the system. In the second model, we calculated an effective susceptibility of the system considering a nearly microscopical approach. The dynamic response obtained by this approach was used to study the modifications in the spectrum of the polaritons and its consequences on the attenuated total reflection (ATR). In addition, we have calculated the oblique reflectivity. We compare our result with those obtained for the dispersion relation of the magnetostatic modes in these systems
The magnetic order of bylayers composed by a ferromagnetic film (F) coupled with an antiferromagnetic film (AF) is studied. Piles of coupled monolayers describe the films and the interfilm coupling is described by an exchange interaction between the magnetic moments at the interface. The F has a cubic anisotropy while the AF has a uniaxial anisotropy. We analyze the effects of an external do magnetic field applied parallel to the interface. We consider the intralayer coupling is strong enough to keep parallel all moments of the monolayer an then they are described by one vector proportional to the magnetization of the layer. The interlayer coupling is represented by an exchange interaction between these vectors. The magnetic energy of the system is the sum of the exchange. Anisotropy and Zeeman energies and the equilibrium configuration is one that gives the absolute minimum of the total energy. The magnetization of the system is calculated and the influence of the external do field combined with the interfilm coupling and the unidirectional anisotropy is studied. Special attention is given to the region near of the transition fields. The torque equation is used to study dynamical behavior of these systems. We consider small oscillations around the equilibrium position and we negleet nonlinear terms to obtain the natural frequencies of the system. The dependence of the frequencies with the external do field and their behavior in the phase transition region is analized
Transverse spin relaxation rates of water protons in articular cartilage and tendon depend on the orientation of the tissue relative to the applied static magnetic field. This complicates the interpretation of magnetic resonance images of these tissues. At the same time, relaxation data can provide information about their organisation and microstructure. We present a theoretical analysis of the anisotropy of spin relaxation of water protons observed in fully hydrated cartilage. We demonstrate that the anisotropy of transverse relaxation is due almost entirely to intramolecular dipolar coupling modulated by a specific mode of slow molecular motion: the diffusion of water molecules in the hydration shell of a collagen fibre around the fibre, such that the molecular director remains perpendicular to the fibre. The theoretical anisotropy arising from this mechanism follows the “magic-angle” dependence observed in magnetic-resonance measurements of cartilage and tendon and is in good agreement with the available experimental results. We discuss the implications of the theoretical findings for MRI of ordered collagenous tissues.
Tissue-specific extracellular matrix (ECM) is known to be an ideal bioscaffold to inspire the future of regenerative medicine. It holds the secret of how nature has developed such an organization of molecules into a unique functional complexity. This work exploited an innovative image processing algorithm and high resolution microscopy associated with mechanical analysis to establish a correlation between the gradient organization of cartiligous ECM and its anisotropic biomechanical response. This was hypothesized to be a reliable determinant that can elucidate how microarchitecture interrelates with biomechanical properties. Hough-Radon transform of the ECM cross-section images revealed its conformational variation from tangential interface down to subchondral region. As the orientation varied layer by layer, the anisotropic mechanical response deviated relatively. Although, results were in good agreement (Kendall's tau-b > 90%), there were evidences proposing that alignment of the fibrous network, specifically in middle zone, is not as random as it was previously thought.
The possibility for the switch-over of the growth mode from a continuous network to unidirectional arrays of well-separated, self-organized, vertically oriented graphene nanosheets has been demonstrated using a unique, yet simple plasma-based approach. The process enables highly reproducible, catalyst-free synthesis of arrays of graphene nanosheets with reactive open graphitic edges facing upwards. Effective control over the nanosheet length, number density, and the degree of alignment along the electric field direction is achieved by a simple variation of the substrate bias. These results are of interest for environment-friendly fabrication of next-generation nanodevices based on three-dimensional, ordered self-organized nanoarrays of active nanostructures with very large surface areas and aspect ratios, highly reactive edges, and controlled density on the substrate. Our simple and versatile plasma-based approach paves the way for direct integration of such nanoarrays directly into the Si-based nanodevice platform.
Anisotropy of transverse proton spin relaxation in collagen-rich tissues like cartilage and tendon is a well-known phenomenon that manifests itself as the "magic-angle" effect in magnetic resonance images of these tissues. It is usually attributed to the non-zero averaging of intra-molecular dipolar interactions in water molecules bound to oriented collagen fibers. One way to manipulate the contributions of these interactions to spin relaxation is by partially replacing the water in the cartilage sample with deuterium oxide. It is known that dipolar interactions in deuterated solutions are weaker, resulting in a decrease in proton relaxation rates. In this work, we investigate the effects of deuteration on the longitudinal and the isotropic and anisotropic contributions to transverse relaxation of water protons in bovine articular cartilage. We demonstrate that the anisotropy of transverse proton spin relaxation in articular cartilage is independent of the degree of deuteration, bringing into question some of the assumptions currently held over the origins of relaxation anisotropy in oriented tissues.
Brain asymmetry has been a topic of interest for neuroscientists for many years. The advent of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) allows researchers to extend the study of asymmetry to a microscopic scale by examining fiber integrity differences across hemispheres rather than the macroscopic differences in shape or structure volumes. Even so, the power to detect these microarchitectural differences depends on the sample size and how the brain images are registered and how many subjects are studied. We fluidly registered 4 Tesla DTI scans from 180 healthy adult twins (45 identical and fraternal pairs) to a geometrically-centered population mean template. We computed voxelwise maps of significant asymmetries (left/right hemisphere differences) for common fiber anisotropy indices (FA, GA). Quantitative genetic models revealed that 47-62% of the variance in asymmetry was due to genetic differences in the population. We studied how these heritability estimates varied with the type of registration target (T1- or T2-weighted) and with sample size. All methods consistently found that genetic factors strongly determined the lateralization of fiber anisotropy, facilitating the quest for specific genes that might influence brain asymmetry and fiber integrity.
Combining datasets across independent studies can boost statistical power by increasing the numbers of observations and can achieve more accurate estimates of effect sizes. This is especially important for genetic studies where a large number of observations are required to obtain sufficient power to detect and replicate genetic effects. There is a need to develop and evaluate methods for joint-analytical analyses of rich datasets collected in imaging genetics studies. The ENIGMA-DTI consortium is developing and evaluating approaches for obtaining pooled estimates of heritability through meta-and mega-genetic analytical approaches, to estimate the general additive genetic contributions to the intersubject variance in fractional anisotropy (FA) measured from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). We used the ENIGMA-DTI data harmonization protocol for uniform processing of DTI data from multiple sites. We evaluated this protocol in five family-based cohorts providing data from a total of 2248 children and adults (ages: 9-85) collected with various imaging protocols. We used the imaging genetics analysis tool, SOLAR-Eclipse, to combine twin and family data from Dutch, Australian and Mexican-American cohorts into one large "mega-family". We showed that heritability estimates may vary from one cohort to another. We used two meta-analytical (the sample-size and standard-error weighted) approaches and a mega-genetic analysis to calculate heritability estimates across-population. We performed leave-one-out analysis of the joint estimates of heritability, removing a different cohort each time to understand the estimate variability. Overall, meta- and mega-genetic analyses of heritability produced robust estimates of heritability.
We used diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DTI) to reveal the extent of genetic effects on brain fiber microstructure, based on tensor-derived measures, in 22 pairs of monozygotic (MZ) twins and 23 pairs of dizygotic (DZ) twins (90 scans). After Log-Euclidean denoising to remove rank-deficient tensors, DTI volumes were fluidly registered by high-dimensional mapping of co-registered MP-RAGE scans to a geometrically-centered mean neuroanatomical template. After tensor reorientation using the strain of the 3D fluid transformation, we computed two widely used scalar measures of fiber integrity: fractional anisotropy (FA), and geodesic anisotropy (GA), which measures the geodesic distance between tensors in the symmetric positive-definite tensor manifold. Spatial maps of intraclass correlations (r) between MZ and DZ twins were compared to compute maps of Falconer's heritability statistics, i.e. the proportion of population variance explainable by genetic differences among individuals. Cumulative distribution plots (CDF) of effect sizes showed that the manifold measure, GA, comparably the Euclidean measure, FA, in detecting genetic correlations. While maps were relatively noisy, the CDFs showed promise for detecting genetic influences on brain fiber integrity as the current sample expands.
Fractional anisotropy (FA), a very widely used measure of fiber integrity based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), is a problematic concept as it is influenced by several quantities including the number of dominant fiber directions within each voxel, each fiber's anisotropy, and partial volume effects from neighboring gray matter. High-angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) can resolve more complex diffusion geometries than standard DTI, including fibers crossing or mixing. The tensor distribution function (TDF) can be used to reconstruct multiple underlying fibers per voxel, representing the diffusion profile as a probabilistic mixture of tensors. Here we found that DTIderived mean diffusivity (MD) correlates well with actual individual fiber MD, but DTI-derived FA correlates poorly with actual individual fiber anisotropy, and may be suboptimal when used to detect disease processes that affect myelination. Analysis of the TDFs revealed that almost 40% of voxels in the white matter had more than one dominant fiber present. To more accurately assess fiber integrity in these cases, we here propose the differential diffusivity (DD), which measures the average anisotropy based on all dominant directions in each voxel.