1000 resultados para UDK:662
Invocatio: I.G.N.
The FIT trial was conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan (0.4 mCi/kg; maximum dose 32 mCi) when used as consolidation of first complete or partial remission in patients with previously untreated, advanced-stage follicular lymphoma (FL). Patients were randomly assigned to either 90Y-ibritumomab treatment (n = 207) or observation (n = 202) within 3 months (mo) of completing initial induction therapy (chemotherapy only: 86%; rituximab in combination with chemotherapy: 14%). Response status prior to randomization did not differ between the groups: 52% complete response (CR)/CR unconfirmed (CRu) to induction therapy and 48% partial response (PR) in the 90Y-ibritumomab arm vs 53% CR/CRu and 44% PR in the control arm. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS) of the intent-to-treat (ITT) population. Results from the first extended follow-up after a median of 3.5 years revealed a significant improvement in PFS from the time of randomization with 90Y-ibritumomab consolidation compared with control (36.5 vs 13.3 mo, respectively; P < 0.0001; Morschhauser et al. JCO. 2008; 26:5156-5164). Here we report a median follow-up of 66.2 mo (5.5 years). Five-year PFS was 47% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group and 29% in the control group (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.51, 95% CI 0.39-0.65; P < 0.0001). Median PFS in the 90Y-ibritumomab group was 49 mo vs 14 mo in the control group. In patients achieving a CR/CRu after induction, 5-year PFS was 57% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group, and the median had not yet been reached at 92 months, compared with a 43% 5-year PFS in the control group and a median of 31 mo (HR = 0.61, 95% CI 0.42-0.89). For patients in PR after induction, the 5-year PFS was 38% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group with a median PFS of 30 mo vs 14% in the control group with a median PFS of 6 mo (HR = 0.38, 95% CI 0.27-0.53). Patients who had received rituximab as part of induction treatment had a 5-year PFS of 64% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group and 48% in the control group (HR = 0.66, 95% CI 0.30-1.47). For all patients, time to next treatment (as calculated from the date of randomization) differed significantly between both groups; median not reached at 99 mo in the 90Y-ibritumomab group vs 35 mo in the control group (P < 0.0001). The majority of patients received rituximab-containing regimens when treated after progression (63/82 [77%] in the 90Y-ibritumomab group and 102/122 [84%] in the control group). Overall response rate to second-line treatment was 79% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group (57% CR/CRu and 22% PR) vs 78% in the control arm (59% CR/CRu, 19% PR). Five-year overall survival was not significantly different between the groups; 93% and 89% in the 90Y-ibritumomab and control groups, respectively (P = 0.561). To date, 40 patients have died; 18 in the 90Y-ibritumomab group and 22 in the control group. Secondary malignancies were diagnosed in 16 patients in the 90Y-ibritumomab arm vs 9 patients in the control arm (P = 0.19). There were 6 (3%) cases of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)/acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in the 90Y-ibritumomab arm vs 1 MDS in the control arm (P = 0.063). In conclusion, this extended follow-up of the FIT trial confirms the benefit of 90Y-ibritumomab consolidation with a nearly 3 year advantage in median PFS. A significant 5-year PFS improvement was confirmed for patients with a CR/CRu or a PR after induction. Effective rescue treatment with rituximab-containing regimens may explain the observed no difference in overall survival between both patient groups who were - for the greater part - rituximab-naïve.
Well-performing subsurface drainage systems form an important aspect of pavement design by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). The recently completed Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) project TR-643 provided extensive insights into Iowa subsurface drainage practices and pavement subdrain outlet performance. However, the project TR-643 (Phase I) forensic testing and evaluation were carried out in a drought year and during the fall season in 2012. Based on the findings of IHRB Project TR-643, the Iowa DOT requested an expanded Phase II study to address several additional research needs: evaluate the seasonal variation effects (dry fall 2012 versus wet spring/summer 2013, etc.) on subdrain outlet condition and performance; investigate the characteristics of tufa formation in Iowa subdrain outlets; investigate the condition of composite pavement subdrain outlets; examine the effect of resurfacing/widening/rehabilitation on subdrain outlets (e.g., the effects of patching on subdrain outlet performance); and identify a suitable drain outlet protection mechanism (like a headwall) and design for Iowa subdrain outlets based on a review of practices adopted by nearby states. A detailed forensic test plan was developed and executed for inspecting the Iowa pavement subdrains in pursuit of fulfilling the Phase II study objectives. The observed outlets with blockage and the associated surface distresses in newly constructed jointed plain concrete pavements (JPCPs) were slightly higher during summer 2013 compared to fall 2012. However, these differences are not significant. Less tufa formation due to the recycled portland cement concrete (RPCC) base was observed with (a) the use of plastic outlet pipe without the gate screen–type rodent guard and (b) the use of blended RPCC and virgin aggregate materials. In hot-mix asphalt (HMA) over JPCP, moisture-related distress types (e.g., reflection cracking) were observed more near blocked drainage outlet locations than near “no blockage” outlet locations. This finding indicates that compromised drainage outlet performance could accelerate the development of moisture-related distresses in Iowa composite pavement systems. ****** Note: This report follows on work report in "Evaluating Roadway Subsurface Drainage Practices, 2013" http://publications.iowa.gov/14902/ Note: This record contains links to the 210 page full report as well as the 3 page tech transfer summary. The summary is NOT deposited separately.
Invocatio: B.C.D.
Luettelo Kansalliskirjastossa olevan Olavi Leimun arkiston sisällöstä
Versión en inglés disponible en Biblioteca
Spanish version available
abgedruckt in: Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch 54 (1973), S 129
"International Institute of Social Research: Research-Project on Anti-Semitism" (1939-42) (veröffentlicht in Studies in Philosophy and Social Science Bd. IX, 1941, S. 124-143): 1. "Research Project on Anti-Semitism", b) Typoskript, 38 Blatt, c) Typoskript, 38 Blatt, d) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen und handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 46 Blatt;
The record of planktonic foraminifer abundances at Site 662 during the late Pliocene (~1.7-2.1 Ma) was examined to determine variations in estimated sea-surface temperature (SST). We compared the results to SST estimates from a late Pleistocene record (~1.5-200 ka) from nearby piston core RC24-7. Within the primary orbital band (~20-100 k.y.), the cold-season responses of both equatorial Atlantic records are dominated by the precessional period, and the computed range of variability is quite similar. This is in contrast to the evolution of the dominant climatic response from 41 to 100 k.y. at high northern latitudes between the late Pliocene and the late Pleistocene. The orbital-band SST response in this region of greatest divergence in the equatorial Atlantic has not changed appreciably between the late Pliocene and the late Pleistocene.