1000 resultados para UDK:528
Dedicatio: Johan Parmen Timm [ruots. pr.].
Invocatio: D.D.
Invocatio: D.D.
Researchers should continuously ask how to improve the models we rely on to make financial decisions in terms of the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of roadways. This project presents an alternative tool that will supplement local decision making but maintain a full appreciation of the complexity and sophistication of today’s regional model and local traffic impact study methodologies. This alternative method is tailored to the desires of local agencies, which requested a better, faster, and easier way to evaluate land uses and their impact on future traffic demands at the sub-area or project corridor levels. A particular emphasis was placed on scenario planning for currently undeveloped areas. The scenario planning tool was developed using actual land use and roadway information for the communities of Johnston and West Des Moines, Iowa. Both communities used the output from this process to make regular decisions regarding infrastructure investment, design, and land use planning. The City of Johnston case study included forecasting future traffic for the western portion of the city within a 2,600-acre area, which included 42 intersections. The City of West Des Moines case study included forecasting future traffic for the city’s western growth area covering over 30,000 acres and 331 intersections. Both studies included forecasting a.m. and p.m. peak-hour traffic volumes based upon a variety of different land use scenarios. The tool developed took goegraphic information system (GIS)-based parcel and roadway information, converted the data into a graphical spreadsheet tool, allowed the user to conduct trip generation, distribution, and assignment, and then to automatically convert the data into a Synchro roadway network which allows for capacity analysis and visualization. The operational delay outputs were converted back into a GIS thematic format for contrast and further scenario planning. This project has laid the groundwork for improving both planning and civil transportation decision making at the sub-regional, super-project level.
Based upon the success the Iowa Department of Transportation has had using thin bonded, low slump, dense portland cement concrete on bridge decks for rehabilitation, it was decided to pursue research in the area of bonded portland cement concrete resurfacing of pavements. Since that time, in an effort to reduce costs, research was conducted into eliminating the grouting operation. On this project a non-grouted overlay was used to modernize an existing urban street. This research project is located in the City of Oskaloosa on 11th Avenue from South M Street to South Market Street. Construction of the project went well and the non-grouted overlay has performed very well to date.
Invocatio: Q.D.B.V.
Kokoelma koostuu noin 16 000 nimikkeestä (kevät 2009) geologian ja sen lähitieteiden (kuten geofysiikan, geokemian, mineralogian, petrologian, geologisten kongressijulkaisujen jne.) kirjoja, joita ei ole julkaistu monografiasarjoissa, eivät ole opinnäytteitä eivätkä GTK:n omia julkaisuja. Kokoelma käsittää UDK-luokat 061.3, 528, 548 – 56. Kirjojen laina-aika on 28 vrk. Kokoelma karttuu pääosin ostojen ja lahjoitusten kautta. Se on luokitettu UDK:n mukaan ja asiasanoitukseen on käytetty Geosanastoa sekä YSAa. Kopioluetteloituihin tietueisiin on jätetty niissä olevat asiasanat. Kokoelmaa on kartutettu vuodesta 1885 lähtien ja myös vanhempaa aineistoa on säilytetty systemaattisesta. Osa vanhempaa aineistoa on siirretty varastoon (reilu 800 nimikettä), josta se on lainattavissa muutamaa huonokuntoista poikkeusta lukuun ottamatta. Kokoelmaa säilytetään GTK:n Espoon, Rovaniemen ja Kuopion kirjastoissa. Kirjoista 66 % sijaitsee Espoossa, 16 % Rovaniemellä ja 18 % Kuopiossa. Suurimmat aihealueet ovat alan kokous- ja kongressijulkaisut 17,4 % (UDK 061.3), malmigeologia 16 % (UDK 553), geodynamiikka, vulkanologia ja tektoniikka 13,6 % (UDK 551) sekä yleinen ja aluegeologia 9,1 % (UDK 55(1)). Käyttäjät koostuvat pääosin GTK:n omasta henkilökunnasta, tutkijoista sekä alan opiskelijoista.
Soitinnus: lauluääni (sopraano), orkesteri.
In the whole of Europe the most important composer of concertos for two violins is indubitably Vivaldi (1678-1741), who produced almost thirty works of this type during almost the full length of his creative career. The dissertation examines this particular side of Vivaldi’s activity, starting with an examination of the concerto in Rome, Bologna, and Venice at the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The aspects investigated include the ‘conceptual’ origins of the double concerto for two violins in Vivaldi, the nature, distribution and interrelationship of their sources (particular attention being given to compositional revisions in the autograph manuscripts) and an analysis of the works themselves that takes in form, tonal structure, technical-instrumental character and performance practice. The concertos that have come down in particularly problematic non-autograph sources are discussed in detail and presented in critical editions. A reconstruction is offered of the two works (RV 520 and 526) that have survived only in incomplete form, lacking the part of the first soloist. The concertos for two violins composed in Germany by Telemann and J. S. Bach, the contemporaries of Vivaldi who paid greatest attention to the double concerto genre, are then described and analysed. The thesis ends with a complete list of modern editions of Vivaldi’s concertos for two violins and a select discography.
'Early-onset' studies have shown that symptomatic response often occurs early and that early symptomatic response is predictive for later outcome. Limiting factors of these studies include the restriction on symptomatic outcome, the inclusion of mostly moderately ill patients, and the use of various antipsychotics.
u.a.: Kriminalrat Gottlieb Wilhelm Skerle; Karl Labes; Gottlieb Wilhelm Skerle;
76 Briefe zwischen Henryk Grossmann und Max Horkheimer, 1934 - 1949; 1 Brief von F. Pollock an K. H. Hennings, 13.07.1967; 2 Briefe zwischen Max Horkheimer und George Rainer, September 1950; 1 Brief von M. Kisling an Henryk Grossmann, 13.01.1950; 4 Briefe von Friedrich Pollock an Frederick Wild 1948 - 1949; 1 Brief von Henryk Grossmann an die Social Studies Association (New York), 05.05.1946; 1 Brief von Friedrich Pollock an die Social Studies Association (New York), 18.01.1949; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an den American Consul General (Habana), 26.04.1938; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an die New York Section of the National Council of Jewish Women (New York), 18.04.1938;