963 resultados para U-addition RNA editing


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We have studied the mechanism of accurate in vitro RNA editing of Trypanosoma brucei ATPase 6 mRNA, using four mRNA-guide RNA (gRNA) pairs that specify deletion of 2, 3, or 4 U residues at editing site 1 and mitochondrial extract. This extract not only catalyzes deletion of the specified number of U residues but also exhibits a novel endonuclease activity that cleaves the input pre-mRNA in a gRNA-directed manner, precisely at the phosphodiester bond predicted in a simple enzymatic model of RNA editing. This cleavage site is inconsistent with a chimera-based editing mechanism. The U residues to be deleted, present at the 3' end of the upstream cleavage product, are then removed evidently by a 3' U-specific exonuclease and not by a reverse reaction of terminal U transferase. RNA ligase can then join the mRNA halves through their newly formed 5' P and 3' OH termini, generating mRNA faithfully edited at the first editing site. This resultant, partially edited mRNA can then undergo accurate, gRNA-directed cleavage at editing site 2, again precisely as predicted by the enzymatic editing model. All of these enzymatic activities cofractionate with the U-deletion activity and may reside in a single complex. The data imply that each round of editing is a four-step process, involving (i) gRNA-directed cleavage of the pre-mRNA at the bond immediately 5' of the region base paired to the gRNA, (ii) U deletion from or U addition to the 3' OH of the upstream mRNA half, (iii) ligation of the mRNA halves, and (iv) formation of additional base pairing between the correctly edited site and the gRNA that directs subsequent nuclease cleavage at the next editing site.


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Notre laboratoire a récemment découvert un mode d’expression des gènes mitochondriaux inédit chez le protozoaire biflagellé Diplonema papillatum. Outre son ADNmt formé de centaines de chromosomes circulaires, ses gènes sont fragmentés. Le gène cox1 qui code pour la sous unité I de la cytochrome oxydase est formé de neuf modules portés par autant de chromosomes. L’ARNm de cox1 est obtenu par épissage en trans et il est également édité par insertion de six uridines entre deux modules. Notre projet de recherche a porté sur une étude globale des processus post-transcriptionnels du génome mitochondrial de diplonémides. Nous avons caractérisé la fragmentation de cox1 chez trois autres espèces appartenant aux deux genres du groupe de diplonémides à savoir : Diplonema ambulator, Diplonema sp. 2 et Rhynchopus euleeides. Le gène cox1 est fragmenté en neuf modules chez tous ces diplonémides mais les modules sont portés par des chromosomes de taille et de séquences différentes d’une espèce à l’autre. L’étude des différentes espèces a aussi montrée que l’édition par insertion de six uridines entre deux modules de l’ARNm de cox1 est commune aux diplonémides. Ainsi, la fragmentation des gènes et l’édition des ARN sont des caractères communs aux diplonémides. Une analyse des transcrits mitochondriaux de D. papillatum a permis de découvrir quatre autres gènes mitochondriaux édités, dont un code pour un ARN ribosomique. Donc, l'édition ne se limite pas aux ARNm. De plus, nous avons montré qu’il n’y a pas de motifs d’introns de groupe I, de groupe II, de type ARNt ou d’introns impliqués dans le splicéosome et pouvant être à l’origine de l’épissage des modules de cox1. Aucune complémentarité significative de séquence n’existe entre les régions flanquantes de deux modules voisins, ni de résidus conservés au sein d’une espèce ou à travers les espèces. Nous avons donc conclu que l’épissage en trans de cox1 chez les diplonémides fait intervenir un nouveau mécanisme impliquant des facteurs trans plutôt que cis. L’épissage et l’édition de cox1 sont dirigés probablement par des ARN guides, mais il est également possible que les facteurs trans soient des molécules protéiques ou d’ADN. Nous avons élucidé les processus de maturation des transcrits mitochondriaux de D. papillatum. Tous les transcrits subissent trois étapes coordonnées et précises, notamment la maturation des deux extrémités, l’épissage, la polyadénylation du module 3’ et dans certains cas l’édition. La maturation des extrémités 5’ et 3’ se fait parallèlement à l’épissage et donne lieu à trois types d’intermédiaires. Ainsi, un transcrit primaire avec une extrémité libre peut se lier à son voisin. Cet épissage se fait apparemment sans prioriser un certain ordre temporel alors que dans le cas des transcrits édités, l’édition précède l`épissage. Ces études donnant une vue globale de la maturation des transcrits mitochondriaux ouvrent la voie à des analyses fonctionnelles sur l’épissage et l’édition chez D. papillatum. Elles sont le fondement pour finalement élucider les mécanismes moléculaires de ces deux processus post-transcriptionnels de régulation dans ce système intriguant.


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On the basis of the sequence of the mitochondrial genome in the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana, RNA editing events were systematically investigated in the respective RNA population. A total of 456 C to U, but no U to C, conversions were identified exclusively in mRNAs, 441 in ORFs, 8 in introns, and 7 in leader and trailer sequences. No RNA editing was seen in any of the rRNAs or in several tRNAs investigated for potential mismatch corrections. RNA editing affects individual coding regions with frequencies varying between 0 and 18.9% of the codons. The predominance of RNA editing events in the first two codon positions is not related to translational decoding, because it is not correlated with codon usage. As a general effect, RNA editing increases the hydrophobicity of the coded mitochondrial proteins. Concerning the selection of RNA editing sites, little significant nucleotide preference is observed in their vicinity in comparison to unedited C residues. This sequence bias is, per se, not sufficient to specify individual C nucleotides in the total RNA population in Arabidopsis mitochondria.


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Guide RNAs (gRNAs), key components of the RNA editing reaction in Trypanosoma brucei, direct the insertion and deletion of uridylate (U) residues. Analyses of gRNAs reveal three functional elements. The 5′-end of the gRNA contains the anchor, which is responsible for selection and binding to the pre-edited mRNA. The second element (the guiding region) provides the information required for editing. At the 3′-end of the gRNA is a non-encoded U-tail, whose function remains unclear. However, the cleavage–ligation model for editing proposes that the U-tail binds to purine-rich regions upstream of editing sites, thereby strengthening the interaction and holding onto the 5′ cleavage product. Our previous studies demonstrated that the U-tail interacts with upstream sequences and may play roles in both stabilization and tethering. These studies also indicated that the U-tail interactions involved mRNA regions that were to be subsequently edited. This raised the question of what happens to the mRNA–U-tail interaction as editing proceeds in the 3′→5′ direction. We examined gCYb-558 and its U-tail interaction with 5′CYbUT and two partially edited 5′CYb substrates. Our results indicate that the 3′-end of the U-tail interacts with the same sequence in all three mRNAs. Predicted secondary structures using crosslinking data suggest that a similar structure is maintained as editing proceeds. These results indicate that the role of the U-tail may also involve maintenance of important secondary structure motifs.


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A protein complex involved in apolipoprotein B (apoB) RNA editing, referred to as AUX240 (auxiliary factor containing p240), has been identified through the production of monoclonal antibodies against in vitro assembled 27S editosomes. The 240-kDa protein antigen of AUX240 colocalized with editosome complexes on immunoblots of native gels. Immunoadsorbed extracts were impaired in their ability to assemble editosomes beyond early intermediates and in their ability to edit apoB RNA efficiently. Supplementation of adsorbed extract with AUX240 restored both editosome assembly and editing activities. Several proteins, in addition to p240, ranging in molecular mass from 150 to 45 kDa coimmunopurify as AUX240 under stringent wash conditions. The activity of the catalytic subunit of the editosome APOBEC-1 and mooring sequence RNA binding proteins of 66 and 44 kDa could not be demonstrated in AUX240. The data suggest that p240 and associated proteins constitute an auxiliary factor required for efficient apoB RNA editing. We propose that the role of AUX240 may be regulatory and involve mediation or stabilization of interactions between APOBEC-1 subunits and editing site recognition proteins leading the assembly of the rat liver C/U editosome.


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Transcripts of typical dicot plant plastid genes undergo C→U RNA editing at approximately 30 locations, but there is no consensus sequence surrounding the C targets of editing. The cis-acting elements required for editing of the C located at tobacco rpoB editing site II were investigated by introducing translatable chimeric minigenes containing sequence –20 to +6 surrounding the C target of editing. When the –20 to +6 sequence specified by the homologous region present in the black pine chloroplast genome was incorporated, virtually no editing of the transcripts occurred in transgenic tobacco plastids. Nucleotides that differ between the black pine and tobacco sequence were tested for their role in C→U editing by designing chimeric genes containing one or more of these divergent nucleotides. Surprisingly, the divergent nucleotide that had the strongest negative effect on editing of the minigene transcript was located –20 nt 5′ to the C target of editing. Expression of transgene transcripts carrying the 27 nt sequence did not affect the editing extent of the endogenous rpoB transcripts, even though the chimeric transcripts were much more abundant than those of the endogenous gene. In plants carrying a 93 nt rpoB editing site sequence, transgene transcripts accumulated to a level three times greater than transgene transcripts in the plants carrying the 27 nt rpoB editing sites and resulted in editing of the endogenous transcripts from 100 to 50%. Both a lower affinity of the 27 nt site for a trans-acting factor and lower abundance of the transcript could explain why expression of minigene transcripts containing the 27 nt sequence did not affect endogenous editing.


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Two different RNA editing systems have been described in the kinetoplast-mitochondrion of trypanosomatid protists. The first involves the precise insertion and deletion of U residues mostly within the coding regions of maxicircle-encoded mRNAs to produce open reading frames. This editing is mediated by short overlapping complementary guide RNAs encoded in both the maxicircle and the minicircle molecules and involves a series of enzymatic cleavage-ligation steps. The second editing system is a C34 to U34 modification in the anticodon of the imported tRNATrp, thereby permitting the decoding of the UGA stop codon as tryptophan. U-insertion editing probably originated in an ancestor of the kinetoplastid lineage and appears to have evolved in some cases by the replacement of the original pan-edited cryptogene with a partially edited cDNA. The driving force for the evolutionary fixation of these retroposition events was postulated to be the stochastic loss of entire minicircle sequence classes and their encoded guide RNAs upon segregation of the single kinetoplast DNA network into daughter cells at cell division. A large plasticity in the relative abundance of minicircle sequence classes has been observed during cell culture in the laboratory. Computer simulations provide theoretical evidence for this plasticity if a random distribution and segregation model of minicircles is assumed. The possible evolutionary relationship of the C to U and U-insertion editing systems is discussed.


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The phenomenon of RNA editing has been found to occur in chloroplasts of several angiosperm plants. Comparative analysis of the entire nucleotide sequence of a gymnosperm [Pinus thunbergii (black pine)] chloroplast genome allowed us to predict several potential editing sites in its transcripts. Forty-nine such sites from 14 genes/ORFs were analyzed by sequencing both cDNAs from the transcripts and the corresponding chloroplast DNA regions, and 26 RNA editing sites were identified in the transcripts from 12 genes/ORFs, indicating that chloroplast RNA editing is not restricted to angiosperms but occurs in the gymnosperm, too. All the RNA editing events are C-to-U conversions; however, many new codon substitutions and creation of stop codons that have not so far been reported in angiosperm chloroplasts were observed. The most striking is that two editing events result in the creation of an initiation and a stop codon within a single transcript, leading to the formation of a new reading frame of 33 codons. The predicted product is highly homologous to that deduced from the ycf7 gene (ORF31), which is conserved in the chloroplast genomes of many other plant species.


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RNA editing is a biological phenomena that alters nascent RNA transcripts by insertion, deletion and/or substitution of one or a few nucleotides. It is ubiquitous in all kingdoms of life and in viruses. The predominant editing event in organisms with a developed central nervous system is Adenosine to Inosine deamination. Inosine is recognized as Guanosine by the translational machinery and reverse-transcriptase. In primates, RNA editing occurs frequently in transcripts from repetitive regions of the genome. In humans, more than 500,000 editing instances have been identified, by applying computational pipelines on available ESTs and high-throughput sequencing data, and by using chemical methods. However, the functions of only a small number of cases have been studied thoroughly. RNA editing instances have been found to have roles in peptide variants synthesis by non-synonymous codon substitutions, transcript variants by alterations in splicing sites and gene silencing by miRNAs sequence modifications. We established the Database of RNA EDiting (DARNED) to accommo-date the reference genomic coordinates of substitution editing in human, mouse and fly transcripts from published literatures, with additional information on edited genomic coordinates collected from various databases e.g. UCSC, NCBI. DARNED contains mostly Adenosine to Inosine editing and allows searches based on genomic region, gene ID, and user provided sequence. The Database is accessible at http://darned.ucc.ie RNA editing instances in coding region are likely to result in recoding in protein synthesis. This encouraged me to focus my research on the occurrences of RNA editing specific CDS and non-Alu exonic regions. By applying various filters on discrepancies between available ESTs and their corresponding reference genomic sequences, putative RNA editing candidates were identified. High-throughput sequencing was used to validate these candidates. All predicted coordinates appeared to be either SNPs or unedited.


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The Ph chromosome is the most frequent cytogenetic aberration associated with adult ALL and it represents the single most significant adverse prognostic marker. Despite imatinib has led to significant improvements in the treatment of patients with Ph+ ALL, in the majority of cases resistance developed quickly and disease progressed. Some mechanisms of resistance have been widely described but the full knowledge of contributing factors, driving both the disease and resistance, remains to be defined. The observation of rapid development of lymphoblastic leukemia in mice expressing altered Ikaros (Ik) isoforms represented the background of this study. Ikaros is a zinc finger transcription factor required for normal hemopoietic differentiation and proliferation, particularly in the lymphoid lineages. By means of alternative splicing, Ikaros encodes several proteins that differ in their abilities to bind to a consensus DNA-binding site. Shorter, DNA nonbinding isoforms exert a dominant negative effect, inhibiting the ability of longer heterodimer partners to bind DNA. The differential expression pattern of Ik isoforms in Ph+ ALL patients was analyzed in order to determine if molecular abnormalities involving the Ik gene could associate with resistance to imatinib and dasatinib. Bone marrow and peripheral blood samples from 46 adult patients (median age 55 yrs, 18-76) with Ph+ ALL at diagnosis and during treatment with imatinib (16 pts) or dasatinib (30 pts) were collected. We set up a fast, high-throughput method based on capillary electrophoresis technology to detect and quantify splice variants. 41% Ph+ ALL patients expressed high levels of the non DNA-binding dominant negative Ik6 isoform lacking critical N-terminal zinc-fingers which display abnormal subcellular compartmentalization pattern. Nuclear extracts from patients expressed Ik6 failed to bind DNA in mobility shift assay using a DNA probe containing an Ikaros-specific DNA binding sequence. In 59% Ph+ ALL patients there was the coexistence in the same PCR sample and at the same time of many splice variants corresponded to Ik1, Ik2, Ik4, Ik4A, Ik5A, Ik6, Ik6 and Ik8 isoforms. In these patients aberrant full-length Ikaros isoforms in Ph+ ALL characterized by a 60-bp insertion immediately downstream of exon 3 and a recurring 30-bp in-frame deletion at the end of exon 7 involving most frequently the Ik2, Ik4 isoforms were also identified. Both the insertion and deletion were due to the selection of alternative splice donor and acceptor sites. The molecular monitoring of minimal residual disease showed for the first time in vivo that the Ik6 expression strongly correlated with the BCR-ABL transcript levels suggesting that this alteration could depend on the Bcr-Abl activity. Patient-derived leukaemia cells expressed dominant-negative Ik6 at diagnosis and at the time of relapse, but never during remission. In order to mechanistically demonstrated whether in vitro the overexpression of Ik6 impairs the response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) and contributes to resistance, an imatinib-sensitive Ik6-negative Ph+ ALL cell line (SUP-B15) was transfected with the complete Ik6 DNA coding sequence. The expression of Ik6 strongly increased proliferation and inhibited apoptosis in TKI sensitive cells establishing a previously unknown link between specific molecular defects that involve the Ikaros gene and the resistance to TKIs in Ph+ ALL patients. Amplification and genomic sequence analysis of the exon splice junction regions showed the presence of 2 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): rs10251980 [A/G] in the exon2/3 splice junction and of rs10262731 [A/G] in the exon 7/8 splice junction in 50% and 36% of patients, respectively. A variant of the rs11329346 [-/C], in 16% of patients was also found. Other two different single nucleotide substitutions not recognized as SNP were observed. Some mutations were predicted by computational analyses (RESCUE approach) to alter cis-splicing elements. In conclusion, these findings demonstrated that the post-transcriptional regulation of alternative splicing of Ikaros gene is defective in the majority of Ph+ ALL patients treated with TKIs. The overexpression of Ik6 blocking B-cell differentiation could contribute to resistance opening a time frame, during which leukaemia cells acquire secondary transforming events that confer definitive resistance to imatinib and dasatinib.


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RNA editing in kinetoplastid protozoa is a post-transcriptional process of uridine insertion or deletion in mitochondrial mRNAs. The process involves two RNA species, the pre-edited mRNA and in most cases a trans-acting guide RNA (gRNA). Sequences within gRNAs define the position and extend of mRNA editing. Both mRNAs and gRNAs are encoded by mitochondrial genes in the kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), which consists of thousands of small circular DNA molecules, called minicircles, encoding thousands of gRNAs, catenated together and with a few mRNA encoding larger circles, the maxicircles, to form a huge DNA network. Editing has been shown to result in translatable mRNAs of bona fide mitochondrial genes as well as novel alternatively edited transcripts that are involved in the maintenance of the kDNA itself. RNA editing occurs within large protein-RNA complexes, editosomes, containing gRNA, preedited and partially edited mRNAs and also structural and catalytically active proteins. Editosomes are diverse in both RNA and protein composition and undergoe structural remodeling during the maturation. The compositional and structural diversity of editosomes further underscores the complexity of the RNA editing process.


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To investigate whether alterations in RNA editing (an enzymatic base-specific change to the RNA sequence during primary transcript formation from DNA) of neurotransmitter receptor genes and of transmembrane ion channel genes play a role in human temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), this exploratory study analyzed 14 known cerebral editing sites in RNA extracted from the brain tissue of 41 patients who underwent surgery for mesial TLE, 23 with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE+HS). Because intraoperatively sampled RNA cannot be obtained from healthy controls and the best feasible control is identically sampled RNA from patients with a clinically shorter history of epilepsy, the primary aim of the study was to assess the correlation between epilepsy duration and RNA editing in the homogenous group of MTLE+HS. At the functionally relevant I/V site of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.1, an inverse correlation of RNA editing was found with epilepsy duration (r=-0.52, p=0.01) but not with patient age at surgery, suggesting a specific association with either the epileptic process itself or its antiepileptic medication history. No significant correlations were found between RNA editing and clinical parameters at other sites within glutamate receptor or serotonin 2C receptor gene transcripts. An "all-or-none" (≥95% or ≤5%) editing pattern at most or all sites was discovered in 2 patients. As a secondary part of the study, RNA editing was also analyzed as in the previous literature where up to now, few single editing sites were compared with differently obtained RNA from inhomogenous patient groups and autopsies, and by measuring editing changes in our mouse model. The present screening study is first to identify an editing site correlating with a clinical parameter, and to also provide an estimate of the possible effect size at other sites, which is a prerequisite for power analysis needed in planning future studies.


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Double-stranded RNA deaminase I (ADAR1) contains the Z-DNA binding domain Zα. Here we report the solution structure of free Zα and map the interaction surface with Z-DNA, confirming roles previously assigned to residues by mutagenesis. Comparison with the crystal structure of the (Zα)2/Z-DNA complex shows that most Z-DNA contacting residues in free Zα are prepositioned to bind Z-DNA, thus minimizing the entropic cost of binding. Comparison with homologous (α+β)helix–turn–helix/B-DNA complexes suggests that binding of Zα to B-DNA is disfavored by steric hindrance, but does not eliminate the possibility that related domains may bind to both B- and Z-DNA.


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A lactonohydrolase from Fusarium oxysporum AKU 3702 is an enzyme catalyzing the hydrolysis of aldonate lactones to the corresponding aldonic acids. The amino acid sequences of the NH2 terminus and internal peptide fragments of the enzyme were determined to prepare synthetic oligonucleotides as primers for the PCR. An approximate 1,000-base genomic DNA fragment thus amplified was used as the probe to clone both genomic DNA and cDNA for the enzyme. The lactonohydrolase genomic gene consists of six exons separated by five short introns. A novel type of RNA editing, in which lactonohydrolase mRNA included the insertion of guanosine and cytidine residues, was observed. The predicted amino acid sequence of the cloned lactonohydrolase cDNA showed significant similarity to those of the gluconolactonase from Zymomonas mobilis, and paraoxonases from human and rabbit, forming a unique superfamily consisting of C-O cleaving enzymes and P-O cleaving enzymes. Lactonohydrolase was expressed under the control of the lac promoter in Escherichia coli.