959 resultados para Type of connection to the local grid


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O aumento da população Mundial, particularmente em Países emergentes como é o caso da China e da Índia, tem-se relevado um problema adicional no que confere às dificuldades associadas ao consumo mundial de energia, pois esta situação limita inequivocamente o acesso destes milhões de pessoas à energia eléctrica para os bens básicos de sobrevivência. Uma das muitas formas de se extinguir esta necessidade, começa a ser desenvolvida recorrendo ao uso de recursos renováveis como fontes de energia. Independentemente do local do mundo onde nos encontremos, essas fontes de energia são abundantes, inesgotáveis e gratuitas. O problema reside na forma como esses recursos renováveis são geridos em função das solicitações de carga que as instalações necessitam. Sistemas híbridos podem ser usados para produzir energia em qualquer parte do mundo. Historicamente este tipo de sistemas eram aplicados em locais isolados, mas nos dias que correm podem ser usados directamente conectados à rede, permitindo que se realize a venda de energia. Foi neste contexto que esta tese foi desenvolvida, com o objectivo de disponibilizar uma ferramenta informática capaz de calcular a rentabilidade de um sistema híbrido ligado à rede ou isolado. Contudo, a complexidade deste problema é muito elevada, pois existe uma extensa panóplia de características e distintos equipamentos que se pode adoptar. Assim, a aplicação informática desenvolvida teve de ser limitada e restringida aos dados disponíveis de forma a poder tornar-se genérica, mas ao mesmo tempo permitir ter uma aplicabilidade prática. O objectivo da ferramenta informática desenvolvida é apresentar de forma imediata os custos da implementação que um sistema híbrido pode acarretar, dependendo apenas de três variáveis distintas. A primeira variável terá de ter em consideração o local de instalação do sistema. Em segundo lugar é o tipo de ligação (isolado ou ligado à rede) e, por fim, o custo dos equipamentos (eólico, solar e restantes componentes) que serão introduzidos. Após a inserção destes dados a aplicação informática apresenta valores estimados de Payback e VAL.


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Land use change with accompanying major modifications to the vegetation cover is widespread in the tropics, due to increasing demands for agricultural land, and may have significant impacts on the climate. This study investigates (1) the influence of vegetation on the local climate in the tropics; (2) how that influence varies from region to region; and (3) how the sensitivity of the local climate to vegetation, and hence land use change, depends on the hydraulic characteristics of the soil. A series of idealised experiments with the Hadley Centre atmospheric model, HadAM3, are described in which the influence of vegetation in the tropics is assessed by comparing the results of integrations with and without tropical vegetation. The sensitivity of the results to the soil characteristics is then explored by repeating the experiments with a differing, but equally valid, description of soil hydraulic parameters. The results have shown that vegetation has a significant moderating effect on the climate throughout the tropics by cooling the surface through enhanced latent heat fluxes. The influence of vegetation is, however, seasonally dependent, with much greater impacts during the dry season when the availability of surface moisture is limited. Furthermore, there are significant regional variations both in terms of the magnitude of the cooling and in the response of the precipitation. Not all regions show a feedback of vegetation on the local precipitation; this result has been related both to vegetation type and to the prevailing meteorological conditions. An important finding has been the sensitivity of the results to the specification of the soil hydraulic parameters. The introduction of more freely draining soils has changed the soil-moisture contents of the control, vegetated system and has reduced, significantly, the climate sensitivity to vegetation and by implication, land use change. Changes to the soil parameters have also had an impact on the soil hydrology and its interaction with vegetation, by altering the partitioning between fast and slow runoff processes. These results raise important questions about the representation of highly heterogeneous soil characteristics in climate models, as well as the potential influence of land use change on the soil characteristics themselves.


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Maintenance by the kidney of stable plasma K(+) values is crucial, as plasma K(+) controls muscle and nerve activity. Since renal K(+) excretion is regulated by the circadian clock, we aimed to identify the ion transporters involved in this process. In control mice, the renal mRNA expression of H,K-ATPase type 2 (HKA2) is 25% higher during rest compared to the activity period. Conversely, under dietary K(+) restriction, HKA2 expression is ∼40% higher during the activity period. This reversal suggests that HKA2 contributes to the circadian regulation of K(+) homeostasis. Compared to their wild-type (WT) littermates, HKA2-null mice fed a normal diet have 2-fold higher K(+) renal excretion during rest. Under K(+) restriction, their urinary K(+) loss is 40% higher during the activity period. This inability to excrete K(+) "on time" is reflected in plasma K(+) values, which vary by 12% between activity and rest periods in HKA2-null mice but remain stable in WT mice. Analysis of the circadian expression of HKA2 regulators suggests that Nrf2, but not progesterone, contributes to its rhythmicity. Therefore, HKA2 acts to maintain the circadian rhythm of urinary K(+) excretion and preserve stable plasma K(+) values throughout the day.


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The Thr(118)Met substitution in the peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22) gene has been detected in a number of families with demyelinating Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT1) neuropathy or with the hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy, but in none of them has it consistently segregated with the peripheral neuropathy. We describe here a CMT1 family (a 63-year-old man, his brother and his niece) in which two mutations on different chromosomes were found in the PMP22 gene, the 17p duplication, detected by fluorescent semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of microsatellite markers localized within the duplicated region on chromosome 17p11.2-p12, and the Thr(118)Met substitution, detected by direct sequencing the four coding exons of the PMP22 gene. A genotype/phenotype correlation study showed that the neuropathy segregates with the duplication and that the amino acid substitution does not seem to modify the clinical characteristics or the severity of the peripheral neuropathy. We did not find any evidence to characterize this substitution as a polymorphism in the population studied and we propose that the high frequency reported for this point mutation in the literature suggests that the Thr(118)Met substitution may be a hotspot for mutations in the PMP22 gene.


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Three bruchid pest species, Callosobruchus maculatus, Callosobruchus chinensis and Callosobruchus rhodesianus, were studied for their response to insecticide toxicity taking into account the separate and interactive effects of temperature and pre-adult food. The food types used were cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and mungbean (Vigna radiata). Callosobruchus maculatus was the most tolerant to malathion and the least affected by temperature change while C. rhodesianus was the least tolerant. Over a 4 C range (23, 25, 27 C), there was generally a significant impact of temperature on the tolerance of the three species to the insecticide. The food type on which the insects developed influenced considerably the degree of insecticide tolerance. Callosobruchus maculatus and C. chinensis populations reared onmungbean had higher tolerance to malathion than their counterparts reared on cowpea, but the opposite was observed in C. rhodesianus populations. The food influence in this study suggested an ancestral cause or fitness cost depending on the species. The interaction of food-by-temperature had no significant effect on malathion toxicity to this genus. Correlation analysis showed C. chinensis to be relatively less sensitive to insecticide concentration over the range studied compared with the other two species.


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In terms of stability around the primary, it is widely known that the semimajor axis of the retrograde satellites is much larger than the corresponding semimajor axis of the prograde satellites. Usually this conclusion is obtained numerically, since precise analytical derivation is far from being easy, especially, in the case of two or more disturbers. Following the seminal idea that what is unstable in the restricted three-body problem is also unstable in the general N-body problem, we present a simplified model which allows us to derive interesting resonant configurations. These configurations are responsible for cumulative perturbations which can give birth to strong instability that may cause the ejection of the satellite. Then we obtain, analytically, approximate bounds of the stability of prograde and retrograde satellites. Although we recover quite well previous results of other authors, we comment very briefly some weakness of these bounds. Copyright (c) 2008 Tadashi Yokoyama et al.


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With today's prevalence of Internet-connected systems storing sensitive data and the omnipresent threat of technically skilled malicious users, computer security remains a critically important field. Because of today's multitude of vulnerable systems and security threats, it is vital that computer science students be taught techniques for programming secure systems, especially since many of them will work on systems with sensitive data after graduation. Teaching computer science students proper design, implementation, and maintenance of secure systems is a challenging task that calls for the use of novel pedagogical tools. This report describes the implementation of a compiler that converts mandatory access control specification Domain-Type Enforcement Language to the Java Security Manager, primarily for pedagogical purposes. The implementation of the Java Security Manager was explored in depth, and various techniques to work around its inherent limitations were explored and partially implemented, although some of these workarounds do not appear in the current version of the compiler because they would have compromised cross-platform compatibility. The current version of the compiler and implementation details of the Java Security Manager are discussed in depth.


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Changes in Greenland accumulation and the stability in the relationship between accumulation variability and large-scale circulation are assessed by performing time-slice simulations for the present day, the preindustrial era, the early Holocene, and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) with a comprehensive climate model. The stability issue is an important prerequisite for reconstructions of Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation variability based on accumulation or precipitation proxy records from Greenland ice cores. The analysis reveals that the relationship between accumulation variability and large-scale circulation undergoes a significant seasonal cycle. As the contributions of the individual seasons to the annual signal change, annual mean accumulation variability is not necessarily related to the same atmospheric circulation patterns during the different climate states. Interestingly, within a season, local Greenland accumulation variability is indeed linked to a consistent circulation pattern, which is observed for all studied climate periods, even for the LGM. Hence, it would be possible to deduce a reliable reconstruction of seasonal atmospheric variability (e.g., for North Atlantic winters) if an accumulation or precipitation proxy were available that resolves single seasons. We further show that the simulated impacts of orbital forcing and changes in the ice sheet topography on Greenland accumulation exhibit strong spatial differences, emphasizing that accumulation records from different ice core sites regarding both interannual and long-term (centennial to millennial) variability cannot be expected to look alike since they include a distinct local signature. The only uniform signal to external forcing is the strong decrease in Greenland accumulation during glacial (LGM) conditions and an increase associated with the recent rise in greenhouse gas concentrations.


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The voltage-gated sodium channel is the site of action of more than six classes of neurotoxins and drugs that alter its function by interaction with distinct, allosterically coupled receptor sites. Batrachotoxin (BTX) is a steroidal alkaloid that binds to neurotoxin receptor site 2 and causes persistent activation. BTX binding is inhibited allosterically by local anesthetics. We have investigated the interaction of BTX with amino acid residues I1760, F1764, and Y1771, which form part of local anesthetic receptor site in transmembrane segment IVS6 of type IIA sodium channels. Alanine substitution for F1764 (mutant F1764A) reduces tritiated BTX-A-20-α-benzoate binding affinity, causing a 60-fold increase in Kd. Alanine substitution for I1760, which is adjacent to F1764 in the predicted IVS6 transmembrane alpha helix, causes only a 4-fold increase in Kd. In contrast, mutant Y1771A shows no change in BTX binding affinity. For wild-type and mutant Y1771A, BTX shifted the voltage for half-maximal activation ≈40 mV in the hyperpolarizing direction and increased the percentage of noninactivating sodium current to ≈60%. In contrast, these BTX effects were eliminated completely for the F1764A mutant and were reduced substantially for mutant I1760A. Our data suggest that the BTX receptor site shares overlapping but nonidentical molecular determinants with the local anesthetic receptor site in transmembrane segment IVS6 as well as having unique molecular determinants in transmembrane segment IS6, as demonstrated in previous work. Evidently, BTX conforms to a domain–interface allosteric model of ligand binding and action, as previously proposed for calcium agonist and antagonist drugs acting on l-type calcium channels.