945 resultados para Two-dimensional critical phenomena
Adsorption of ethylene and ethane on graphitized thermal carbon black and in slit pores whose walls are composed of graphene layers is studied in detail to investigate the packing efficiency, the two-dimensional critical temperature, and the variation of the isosteric heat of adsorption with loading and temperature. Here we used a Monte Carlo simulation method with a grand canonical Monte Carlo ensemble. A number of two-center Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential models are investigated to study the impact of the choice of potential models in the description of adsorption behavior. We chose two 2C-LJ potential models in our investigation of the (i) UA-TraPPE-LJ model of Martin and Siepmann (J. Phys. Chem. B 1998,102, 25692577) for ethane and Wick et al. (J. Phys. Chem. B 2000,104, 8008-8016) for ethylene and (ii) AUA4-LJ model of Ungerer et al. (J. Chem. Phys. 2000,112, 5499-5510) for ethane and Bourasseau et al. (J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 118, 3020-3034) for ethylene. These models are used to study the adsorption of ethane and ethylene on graphitized thermal carbon black. It is found that the solid-fluid binary interaction parameter is a function of adsorbate and temperature, and the adsorption isotherms and heat of adsorption are well described by both the UA-TraPPE and AUA models, although the UA-TraPPE model performs slightly better. However, the local distributions predicted by these two models are slightly different. These two models are used to explore the two-dimensional condensation for the graphitized thermal carbon black, and these values are 110 K for ethylene and 120 K for ethane.
Cette thèse porte sur les phénomènes critiques survenant dans les modèles bidimensionnels sur réseau. Les résultats sont l'objet de deux articles : le premier porte sur la mesure d'exposants critiques décrivant des objets géométriques du réseau et, le second, sur la construction d'idempotents projetant sur des modules indécomposables de l'algèbre de Temperley-Lieb pour la chaîne de spins XXZ. Le premier article présente des expériences numériques Monte Carlo effectuées pour une famille de modèles de boucles en phase diluée. Baptisés "dilute loop models (DLM)", ceux-ci sont inspirés du modèle O(n) introduit par Nienhuis (1990). La famille est étiquetée par les entiers relativement premiers p et p' ainsi que par un paramètre d'anisotropie. Dans la limite thermodynamique, il est pressenti que le modèle DLM(p,p') soit décrit par une théorie logarithmique des champs conformes de charge centrale c(\kappa)=13-6(\kappa+1/\kappa), où \kappa=p/p' est lié à la fugacité du gaz de boucles \beta=-2\cos\pi/\kappa, pour toute valeur du paramètre d'anisotropie. Les mesures portent sur les exposants critiques représentant la loi d'échelle des objets géométriques suivants : l'interface, le périmètre externe et les liens rouges. L'algorithme Metropolis-Hastings employé, pour lequel nous avons introduit de nombreuses améliorations spécifiques aux modèles dilués, est détaillé. Un traitement statistique rigoureux des données permet des extrapolations coïncidant avec les prédictions théoriques à trois ou quatre chiffres significatifs, malgré des courbes d'extrapolation aux pentes abruptes. Le deuxième article porte sur la décomposition de l'espace de Hilbert \otimes^nC^2 sur lequel la chaîne XXZ de n spins 1/2 agit. La version étudiée ici (Pasquier et Saleur (1990)) est décrite par un hamiltonien H_{XXZ}(q) dépendant d'un paramètre q\in C^\times et s'exprimant comme une somme d'éléments de l'algèbre de Temperley-Lieb TL_n(q). Comme pour les modèles dilués, le spectre de la limite continue de H_{XXZ}(q) semble relié aux théories des champs conformes, le paramètre q déterminant la charge centrale. Les idempotents primitifs de End_{TL_n}\otimes^nC^2 sont obtenus, pour tout q, en termes d'éléments de l'algèbre quantique U_qsl_2 (ou d'une extension) par la dualité de Schur-Weyl quantique. Ces idempotents permettent de construire explicitement les TL_n-modules indécomposables de \otimes^nC^2. Ceux-ci sont tous irréductibles, sauf si q est une racine de l'unité. Cette exception est traitée séparément du cas où q est générique. Les problèmes résolus par ces articles nécessitent une grande variété de résultats et d'outils. Pour cette raison, la thèse comporte plusieurs chapitres préparatoires. Sa structure est la suivante. Le premier chapitre introduit certains concepts communs aux deux articles, notamment une description des phénomènes critiques et de la théorie des champs conformes. Le deuxième chapitre aborde brièvement la question des champs logarithmiques, l'évolution de Schramm-Loewner ainsi que l'algorithme de Metropolis-Hastings. Ces sujets sont nécessaires à la lecture de l'article "Geometric Exponents of Dilute Loop Models" au chapitre 3. Le quatrième chapitre présente les outils algébriques utilisés dans le deuxième article, "The idempotents of the TL_n-module \otimes^nC^2 in terms of elements of U_qsl_2", constituant le chapitre 5. La thèse conclut par un résumé des résultats importants et la proposition d'avenues de recherche qui en découlent.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The critical current and melting temperature of a vortex system are analyzed. Calculations are made for a two-dimensional film at finite temperature with two kinds of periodic pinning: hexagonal and Kagomé. A transport current parallel and perpendicular to the main axis of the pinning arrays is applied and molecular dynamics simulations are used to calculate the vortex velocities to obtain the critical currents. The structure factor and displacements of vortices at zero transport current are used to obtain the melting temperature for both pinning arrays. The critical currents are higher for the hexagonal pinning lattice and anisotropic for both pinning arrays. This anisotropy is stronger with temperature for the hexagonal array. For the Kagomé pinning lattice, our analysis shows a multi stage phase melting; that is, as we increase the temperature, each different dynamic phase melts before reaching the melting temperature. Both the melting temperature and critical currents are larger for the hexagonal lattice, indicating the role for the interstitial vortices in decreasing the pinning strength. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
We experimentally demonstrate a sigmoidal variation of the composition profile across semiconductor heterointerfaces. The wide range of material systems (III-arsenides, III-antimonides, III-V quaternary compounds, III-nitrides) exhibiting such a profile suggests a universal behavior. We show that sigmoidal profiles emerge from a simple model of cooperative growth mediated by twodimensional island formation, wherein cooperative effects are described by a specific functional dependence of the sticking coefficient on the surface coverage. Experimental results confirm that, except in the very early stages, island growth prevails over nucleation as the mechanism governing the interface development and ultimately determines the sigmoidal shape of the chemical profile in these two-dimensional grown layers. In agreement with our experimental findings, the model also predicts a minimum value of the interfacial width, with the minimum attainable value depending on the chemical identity of the species.
We present results of application of the density functional theory (DFT) to adsorption and desorption in finite and infinite cylindrical pores accounting for the density distribution in radial and axial directions. Capillary condensation via formation of bridges is considered using canonical and grand canonical versions of the 2D DFT. The potential barrier of nucleation is determined as a function of the bulk pressure and the pore diameter. In the framework of the conventional assumptions on intermolecular interactions both 1D and 2D DFT versions lead to the same results and confirm the classical scenario of condensation and evaporation: the condensation occurs at the vapor-like spinodal point, and the evaporation corresponds to the equilibrium transition pressure. The analysis of experimental data on argon and nitrogen adsorption on MCM-41 samples seems to not completely corroborate this scenario, with adsorption branch being better described by the equilibrium pressure - diameter dependence. This points to the necessity of the further development of basic representations on the hysteresis phenomena.
Potential applications of high-damping and high-stiffness composites have motivated extensive research on the effects of negative-stiffness inclusions on the overall properties of composites. Recent theoretical advances have been based on the Hashin-Shtrikman composite models, one-dimensional discrete viscoelastic systems and a two-dimensional nested triangular viscoelastic network. In this paper, we further analyze the two-dimensional triangular structure containing pre-selected negative-stiffness components to study its underlying deformation mechanisms and stability. Major new findings are structure-deformation evolution with respect to the magnitude of negative stiffness under shear loading and the phenomena related to dissipation-induced destabilization and inertia-induced stabilization, according to Lyapunov stability analysis. The evolution shows strong correlations between stiffness anomalies and deformation modes. Our stability results reveal that stable damping peaks, i.e. stably extreme effective damping properties, are achievable under hydrostatic loading when the inertia is greater than a critical value. Moreover, destabilization induced by elemental damping is observed with the critical inertia. Regardless of elemental damping, when the inertia is less than the critical value, a weaker system instability is identified.
We use finite size scaling to study Ising spin glasses in two spatial dimensions. The issue of universality is addressed by comparing discrete and continuous probability distributions for the quenched random couplings. The sophisticated temperature dependency of the scaling fields is identified as the major obstacle that has impeded a complete analysis. Once temperature is relinquished in favor of the correlation length as the basic variable, we obtain a reliable estimation of the anomalous dimension and of the thermal critical exponent. Universality among binary and Gaussian couplings is confirmed to a high numerical accuracy.
Understanding and measuring the interaction of light with sub-wavelength structures and atomically thin materials is of critical importance for the development of next generation photonic devices. One approach to achieve the desired optical properties in a material is to manipulate its mesoscopic structure or its composition in order to affect the properties of the light-matter interaction. There has been tremendous recent interest in so called two-dimensional materials, consisting of only a single to a few layers of atoms arranged in a planar sheet. These materials have demonstrated great promise as a platform for studying unique phenomena arising from the low-dimensionality of the material and for developing new types of devices based on these effects. A thorough investigation of the optical and electronic properties of these new materials is essential to realizing their potential. In this work we present studies that explore the nonlinear optical properties and carrier dynamics in nanoporous silicon waveguides, two-dimensional graphite (graphene), and atomically thin black phosphorus. We first present an investigation of the nonlinear response of nanoporous silicon optical waveguides using a novel pump-probe method. A two-frequency heterodyne technique is developed in order to measure the pump-induced transient change in phase and intensity in a single measurement. The experimental data reveal a characteristic material response time and temporally resolved intensity and phase behavior matching a physical model dominated by free-carrier effects that are significantly stronger and faster than those observed in traditional silicon-based waveguides. These results shed light on the large optical nonlinearity observed in nanoporous silicon and demonstrate a new measurement technique for heterodyne pump-probe spectroscopy. Next we explore the optical properties of low-doped graphene in the terahertz spectral regime, where both intraband and interband effects play a significant role. Probing the graphene at intermediate photon energies enables the investigation of the nonlinear optical properties in the graphene as its electron system is heated by the intense pump pulse. By simultaneously measuring the reflected and transmitted terahertz light, a precise determination of the pump-induced change in absorption can be made. We observe that as the intensity of the terahertz radiation is increased, the optical properties of the graphene change from interband, semiconductor-like absorption, to a more metallic behavior with increased intraband processes. This transition reveals itself in our measurements as an increase in the terahertz transmission through the graphene at low fluence, followed by a decrease in transmission and the onset of a large, photo-induced reflection as fluence is increased. A hybrid optical-thermodynamic model successfully describes our observations and predicts this transition will persist across mid- and far-infrared frequencies. This study further demonstrates the important role that reflection plays since the absorption saturation intensity (an important figure of merit for graphene-based saturable absorbers) can be underestimated if only the transmitted light is considered. These findings are expected to contribute to the development of new optoelectronic devices designed to operate in the mid- and far-infrared frequency range. Lastly we discuss recent work with black phosphorus, a two-dimensional material that has recently attracted interest due to its high mobility and direct, configurable band gap (300 meV to 2eV), depending on the number of atomic layers comprising the sample. In this work we examine the pump-induced change in optical transmission of mechanically exfoliated black phosphorus flakes using a two-color optical pump-probe measurement. The time-resolved data reveal a fast pump-induced transparency accompanied by a slower absorption that we attribute to Pauli blocking and free-carrier absorption, respectively. Polarization studies show that these effects are also highly anisotropic - underscoring the importance of crystal orientation in the design of optical devices based on this material. We conclude our discussion of black phosphorus with a study that employs this material as the active element in a photoconductive detector capable of gigahertz class detection at room temperature for mid-infrared frequencies.
Using Monte Carlo simulations we investigate some new aspects of the phase diagram and the behavior of the diffusion coefficient in an associating lattice gas (ALG) model on different regions of the phase diagram. The ALG model combines a two dimensional lattice gas where particles interact through a soft core potential and orientational degrees of freedom. The competition between soft core potential and directional attractive forces results in a high density liquid phase, a low density liquid phase, and a gas phase. Besides anomalies in the behavior of the density with the temperature at constant pressure and of the diffusion coefficient with density at constant temperature are also found. The two liquid phases are separated by a coexistence line that ends in a bicritical point. The low density liquid phase is separated from the gas phase by a coexistence line that ends in tricritical point. The bicritical and tricritical points are linked by a critical lambda-line. The high density liquid phase and the fluid phases are separated by a second critical tau-line. We then investigate how the diffusion coefficient behaves on different regions of the chemical potential-temperature phase diagram. We find that diffusivity undergoes two types of dynamic transitions: a fragile-to-strong transition when the critical lambda-line is crossed by decreasing the temperature at a constant chemical potential; and a strong-to-strong transition when the critical tau-line is crossed by decreasing the temperature at a constant chemical potential.
Introduction. Two-dimensional (2-D) echocardiography is an excellent alternative method to perform endomyocardial biopsies (EB) in special situations, mainly when the patient is in a critical state and cannot go to the catheterization laboratory or when there are contraindications to the use of fluoroscopy as in the pregnancy. Objective. This single-center experience analyzed the last 25 years use of an EB technique guided by echocardiography realized at the bedside on critical patients. Methods. From 1985 to 2010, we performed 76 EB guided by 2-D echocardiography on 59 patients, among whom 38 (64.4%) were critically ill with examinations at the bedside; among 10 (16.9%) subjects, the procedure was carried out simultaneously with fluoroscopy for safety`s sake during the learning period. In addition, 8 (13.6%) were unavailable for fluoroscopy, and 3 (5.1%) required a hybrid method due to an intracardiac tumor. Results. The main adverse effects included local pain (n = 4, 5.6%); difficult out successful puncture due to previous biopsies (n = 4, 5.6%); local hematoma without major consequences (n = 3, 4.2%); failed but ultimately successful puncture on the first try due to previous biopsies or (n = 3, 4.2%); obesity and immediate postoperative period with impossibility to pass the bioptome into the right ventricle; however 2 days later the procedure was repeated successfully by echocardiography (n = 1, 1.4%). All myocardial specimens displayed suitable size. There were no undesirable extraction effects on the tricuspid valve tissue. In this series, there was no case of death, hemopericardium, or other major complication as a direct consequence of the biopsy. Conclusion. 2-D echocardiography is a special feature to guide EB is mainly in critically ill patients because it can be performed at the bedside without additional risk or disadvantages of fluoroscopy. The hybrid method associating 2-D echocardiography and fluoroscopy allows the procedure in different situations such as intracardiac tumor cases.
The choice of sample preparation protocol is a critical influential factor for isoelectric focusing which in turn affects the two-dimensional gel result in terms of quality and protein species distribution. The optimal protocol varies depending on the nature of the sample for analysis and the properties of the constituent protein species (hydrophobicity, tendency to form aggregates, copy number) intended for resolution. This review explains the standard sample buffer constituents and illustrates a series of protocols for processing diverse samples for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, including hydrophobic membrane proteins. Current methods for concentrating lower abundance proteins, by removal of high abundance proteins, are also outlined. Finally, since protein staining is becoming increasingly incorporated into the sample preparation procedure, we describe the principles and applications of current (and future) pre-electrophoretic labelling methods.
In this paper, we study dynamical aspects of the two-dimensional (2D) gonihedric spin model using both numerical and analytical methods. This spin model has vanishing microscopic surface tension and it actually describes an ensemble of loops living on a 2D surface. The self-avoidance of loops is parametrized by a parameter ¿. The ¿=0 model can be mapped to one of the six-vertex models discussed by Baxter, and it does not have critical behavior. We have found that allowing for ¿¿0 does not lead to critical behavior either. Finite-size effects are rather severe, and in order to understand these effects, a finite-volume calculation for non-self-avoiding loops is presented. This model, like his 3D counterpart, exhibits very slow dynamics, but a careful analysis of dynamical observables reveals nonglassy evolution (unlike its 3D counterpart). We find, also in this ¿=0 case, the law that governs the long-time, low-temperature evolution of the system, through a dual description in terms of defects. A power, rather than logarithmic, law for the approach to equilibrium has been found.
Both atom localization and Raman cooling, considered in the thesis, reflect recent progress in the area of all-optical methods. We focus on twodimensional (2D) case, using a four-level tripod-type atomic scheme for atom localization within the optical half-wavelength as well as for efficient subrecoil Raman cooling. In the first part, we discuss the principles of 1D atom localization, accompanying by an example of the measurement of a spontaneously-emitted photon. Modifying this example, one archives sub-wavelength localization of a three-level -type atom, measuring the population in its upper state. We go further and obtain 2D sub-wavelength localization for a four-level tripod-type atom. The upper-state population is classified according to the spatial distribution, which in turn forms such structures as spikes, craters and waves. The second part of the thesis is devoted to Raman cooling. The cooling process is controlled by a sequence of velocity-selective transfers from one to another ground state. So far, 1D deep subrecoil cooling has been carried out with the sequence of square or Blackman pulses, applied to -type atoms. In turn, we discuss the transfer of atoms by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP), which provides robustness against the pulse duration if the cooling time is not in any critical role. A tripod-type atomic scheme is used for the purpose of 2D Raman cooling, allowing one to increase the efficiency and simplify the realization of the cooling.