16 resultados para Tutorship


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Le vieillissement de la population est un phénomène démographique auquel est confronté le Québec. Dans ce contexte, la protection des personnes inaptes et vulnérables, prendra de plus en plus d'importance au cours des prochaines années. Ces personnes doivent bénéficier d'une protection adéquate lors de l'ouverture d'un régime de protection à leur égard. Considérant que l'ouverture d'un régime de protection au majeur inapte est toujours le résultat d'une décision judiciaire, le greffier de la Cour supérieure du Québec a un rôle fondamental à jouer à l'occasion dans le processus judiciaire. À titre d'officier de justice, il a compétence pour prononcer le jugement d'ouverture du régime de protection. Par conséquent, le présent mémoire consiste à vérifier si les majeurs inaptes sont bien protégés par le rôle et les pouvoirs de l'officier de justice. Pour ce faire, le sujet à l'étude a fait l'objet d'une double approche. Dans un premier temps, le cadre juridique à l'intérieur duquel le greffier doit exécuter ses fonctions sera étudié. Dans un deuxième temps, les résultats et l'analyse d'une enquête empirique auprès des greffiers de la Cour supérieure du Québec seront exposés. Cette démarche permet une approche comparative entre la théorie et la pratique en la matière et permet de constater qu'il peut y avoir un écart entre les deux.


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Se trata de una investigación que se realizó en la Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica "Antonio José de Sucre" (UNEXPO), Vicerrectorado Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, referida al estudio e intervención educativa en el programa de preparadurías (mecanismo de asesoramiento académico entre estudiantes de ingeniería), en el ámbito de matemática I (asignatura crítica), que desarrolló procesos participativos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en aula fundamentados en una metodología colaborativa, de cara a la promoción de un cambio educativo. La investigación tiene como propósito promover la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje que se desarrollan en este programa, facilitando la participación de los preparadores en un proceso de intervención. Las acciones que orientaron la intervención en el aula, se fundamentan en una concepción constructivista y sociocultural de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que otorgan un papel preponderante a la actividad del alumno mediada por factores de su contexto educativo. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, estamos frente a un tipo de investigación interpretativa, sustentada operacionalmente por la metodología cualitativa. Para llevarla a cabo, se definieron tres fases interconectadas en el proceso investigativo: descriptiva, de intervención y valoración; destacando que la fase intervención en el aula, se inspiró en la investigación-acción, como mecanismo indagatorio y propulsor de la transformación en la práctica. En estas fases, fue predominante la identificación de informantes clave de acuerdo a momentos y ámbitos de actuación y combinaciones que relacionaban técnicas narrativas como los grupos de discusión, entrevistas cualitativas y la observación, entre otras. Los resultados más resaltantes, tienden a realizar una caracterización exhaustiva de las preparadurías, describir de forma pormenorizada la experiencia vivida con los preparadores, la cual trata de aportar una estrategia pedagógica en matemática I, traducida en el aprovechamiento de las relaciones simétricas entre alumnos en ambientes colaborativos. La investigación permite a la UNEXPO, otras universidades y a la comunidad educativa, evaluar la posibilidades que ofrece una propuesta innovadora de enseñanza-aprendizaje en matemática I, que puede orientar las acciones pedagógicas en una de las asignaturas con más bajo porcentaje de promoción; combinando la colaboración, participación; explorando y aprovechando las relaciones entre iguales en ambientes alternativos de aprendizaje como las preparadurías.


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La investigación se propuso identificar las posibilidades que ofrece el marco universitario actual para la práctica de la orientación y la tutoría en Cuba y asesorar el diseño e implementación de un programa de orientación a ser aplicado en el Centro Universitario de Sancti Spíritus. El abordaje de la problemática desde una perspectiva interpretativa, con un marco metodológico cualitativo, basado en la investigación - acción como estrategia de intervención y el asesoramiento colaborativo como modelo de interrelación de las partes implicadas, nos posibilitó conocer que las modificaciones en las concepciones y políticas educativas cubanas están creando un espacio en el que la tutoría se convierte en un instrumento capaz de facilitar el autoaprendizaje desarrollador, la cual desarrollada sobre la base de un asesoramiento psicopedagógico colaborativo propicia un alto grado de participación e implicación de los profesores en sus decisiones y les concede un importante nivel de autonomía en sus prácticas.


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RESUMO: O combate ao insucesso e ao desajustamento de uma grande parte de alunos à realidade escolar fazem parte dos maiores desafios que a escola enfrenta nos dias de hoje. Assim sendo, a escola actual, que se deseja para todos, tem de estar receptiva à implementação de modalidades de apoio diversificadas, de modo a responder à crescente heterogeneidade cultural, social e ética dos seus alunos. O presente trabalho estuda a forma como dois agrupamentos de escolas dão corpo à legislação que regulamenta a figura do tutor nas escolas. A investigação utiliza como instrumentos de recolha de dados a análise documental e a entrevista semi-estruturada a tutores. Na análise documental, procedeu-se à identificação das referências e dos objectivos concebidos para esta forma de apoio, nos respectivos projectos educativos e regulamentos internos. Nas entrevistas aos tutores, abordam-se as percepções dos professores tutores e dos coordenadores dos projectos dos dois agrupamentos sobre a prática da tutoria, as suas vantagens, dificuldades e formas de implementação nas escolas. Partindo destes dados, deseja-se dar a conhecer a forma como duas escolas, tendo por base os normativos legais, desenvolvem projectos de tutorias, como resposta às necessidades crescentes de acompanhamento dos alunos.ABSTRACT: Fighting failure and non- adaptation to school of a large number of students can be considered the main challenge schools have to face today. Therefore, today’s school which is intended to be inclusive must be prepared to implement a diversity of support measures in order to meet the increasing cultural, social and ethical differences of students. The present study analyses the way how two different schools interpret and implement the legislation that regulates the role of a school tutor. As data survey tools the research uses documental analysis and semi-structured interview to school tutors. In the documental analysis the references and the objectives drawn by the two schools to implement tutoring were identified in the school projects and School Rules of Procedures. In the interviews we aimed to identify the tutors and Project Coordinators’ perception about their tutorship practices, advantages, problems and ways of implementation at school. From the obtained data we aim to report the way how the two schools, based upon legal procedures develop tutoring projects as a solution to the increasing needs of students guidance.


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O estudo dos diversos modelos pedagógicos dos cursos a distância utilizados nas principais Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras pode estimular a análise dos profissionais envolvidos com a Educação a Distância (EAD) e, que estejam enfrentado um processo de escolha de uma metodologia para melhor servir aos estudantes que não podem ou optam por não vir para o campus da IES. Um dos principais desafios para as universidades que estão se lançando na EAD é buscar uma linguagem pedagógica apropriada à aprendizagem mediada pelas diversas mídias disponíveis. A ação da tutoria é um elemento essencial, sendo uma das determinantes do sucesso do curso. Neste novo modelo de educação os tutores desempenham mais o papel de facilitadores do que de especialistas, pois os cursos são menos estruturados e mais personalizados, cabendo aos próprios alunos cuidar de sua instrução. O controle sobre o andamento do curso, assim como o acompanhamento permanente do trabalho de professores, dos tutores, dos estagiários de atendimento e da secretaria, são igualmente cruciais, pois a interação com o aluno pode se dar de inúmeras formas e todas elas são essenciais ao sucesso da aprendizagem. A estruturação de uma equipe especializada, composta de pessoas que entendam de tecnologia e de pedagogia e, que trabalhem de forma coesa, podem garantir uma melhor performance da aprendizagem do aluno. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é, num primeiro momento, fazer o levantamento das diversas metodologias e técnicas adotadas nos cursos a distância oferecidos por instituições de ensino superior (IES) no Brasil para, com base nos dados da pesquisa, efetuar uma análise comparativa a fim de identificar formas de interação e suporte aos alunos semelhantes entre as universidades, ou seja, grupos que possuam características similares tanto relacionados aos projetos pedagógicos de seus cursos, quanto aos materiais utilizados, a estruturação dos cursos, formas de interação aluno/professor, suporte ao aluno, público alvo, tecnologias utilizadas e sistemas de avaliação adotados.


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The present thesis evaluated the contributions and limitations of the tutorship program introduced in EMATER-RN, as a tactic of organizational socialization for civil servants in probationary stage. Tutorship was understood as an intensive and continuous relational process, in which a more experienced person in the organization the tutor offers psychosocial support, stimulates the development of the professional career and enables to the newcomer the tutee learning on job performance. The organizational socialization was considered in the perspective of the symbolic interactionism. The study was characterized as a program evaluation and as an action research. The practical interventions for the program implementation were conducted and, at the same time, the evaluations of process, results and reaction to the program were applied. Among the major contributions of the action research, it stood out: the diagnosis of reasons for the formation of the pair and of expectations of tutors and tutees, the improvement of the tutorship registration tools, the ascertainment of the success of the program in the socialization of the new civil servants, the confirmation of the importance of the compatibility among them and of the adequate performance of tutorship functions for achieving its benefits. Based in constraints of the program, one may quote as essential recommendations: the formation of a technical team supporting the program, the clear establishment of deadlines for each procedure and the reinforcement to its compliance, the investigation of the functions performed by the tutor, the sensitization of the managers to the resolution of problems that affect the program, the voluntary participation of the tutor and the continuous meetings of tutors and tutees. One settles for the relevance of the program and in favor of its continuation, provided that its improvement and systematic management are conducted.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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During my PhD,I have been develop an innovative technique to reproduce in vitro the 3D thymic microenvironment, to be used for growth and differentiation of thymocytes, and possible transplantation replacement in conditions of depressed thymic immune regulation. The work has been developed in the laboratory of Tissue Engineering at the University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland, under the tutorship of Prof.Ivan Martin. Since a number of studies have suggested that the 3D structure of the thymic microenvironment might play a key role in regulating the survival and functional competence of thymocytes, I’ve focused my effort on the isolation and purification of the extracellular matrix of the mouse thymus. Specifically, based on the assumption that TEC can favour the differentiation of pre-T lymphocytes, I’ve developed a specific decellularization protocol to obtain the intact, DNA-free extracellular matrix of the adult mouse thymus. Two different protocols satisfied the main characteristics of a decellularized matrix, according to qualitative and quantitative assays. In particular, the quantity of DNA was less than 10% in absolute value, no positive staining for cells was found and the 3D structure and composition of the ECM were maintained. In addition, I was able to prove that the decellularized matrixes were not cytotoxic for the cells themselves, and were able to increase expression of MHC II antigens compared to control cells grown in standard conditions. I was able to prove that TECs grow and proliferate up to ten days on top the decellularized matrix. After a complete characterization of the culture system, these innovative natural scaffolds could be used to improve the standard culture conditions of TEC, to study in vitro the action of different factors on their differentiation genes, and to test the ability of TECs to induce in vitro maturation of seeded T lymphocytes.


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In the present paper I intend to put forward some inquiries regarding the socio-labor guidance and transition of the young people in the co-ordinates of contemporary society. The outstanding paradox in which some young people are immersed when trying to get a first, second, third employment is also analyzed: "The job of looking for a job". This is a common experience shared by many young people when they try to find a place in the complex labor panorama. Looking for a job is a recurrent situation in contemporary society, given the high dose of precarious employment in which the productive world moves. Life-long jobs belong to the past and what is normal is that people strive to enter the competitive labor market repeatedly. Moreover, the paper offers the partial results of a larger research project that approaches tutorship, decision taking and expectations before the academic-labor future of the studentship in the last years of secondary school. Finally, I suggest some insights in the line that it is not longer feasible to work with old-fashioned guidance, trying to channel people's vocation and offering them information so that they get a job that provides them with the happiness of "doing what you like". Behind these ideas lay the normal biographies, the predictable itineraries. Labor market complexity makes the transition to working life very difficult. Once immersed in it, biographies and labor itineraries are constructed and reconstructed at the rhythm of the changing fortunes of times.


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In the present paper I intend to put forward some inquiries regarding the socio-labor guidance and transition of the young people in the co-ordinates of contemporary society. The outstanding paradox in which some young people are immersed when trying to get a first, second, third employment is also analyzed: "The job of looking for a job". This is a common experience shared by many young people when they try to find a place in the complex labor panorama. Looking for a job is a recurrent situation in contemporary society, given the high dose of precarious employment in which the productive world moves. Life-long jobs belong to the past and what is normal is that people strive to enter the competitive labor market repeatedly. Moreover, the paper offers the partial results of a larger research project that approaches tutorship, decision taking and expectations before the academic-labor future of the studentship in the last years of secondary school. Finally, I suggest some insights in the line that it is not longer feasible to work with old-fashioned guidance, trying to channel people's vocation and offering them information so that they get a job that provides them with the happiness of "doing what you like". Behind these ideas lay the normal biographies, the predictable itineraries. Labor market complexity makes the transition to working life very difficult. Once immersed in it, biographies and labor itineraries are constructed and reconstructed at the rhythm of the changing fortunes of times.


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In the present paper I intend to put forward some inquiries regarding the socio-labor guidance and transition of the young people in the co-ordinates of contemporary society. The outstanding paradox in which some young people are immersed when trying to get a first, second, third employment is also analyzed: "The job of looking for a job". This is a common experience shared by many young people when they try to find a place in the complex labor panorama. Looking for a job is a recurrent situation in contemporary society, given the high dose of precarious employment in which the productive world moves. Life-long jobs belong to the past and what is normal is that people strive to enter the competitive labor market repeatedly. Moreover, the paper offers the partial results of a larger research project that approaches tutorship, decision taking and expectations before the academic-labor future of the studentship in the last years of secondary school. Finally, I suggest some insights in the line that it is not longer feasible to work with old-fashioned guidance, trying to channel people's vocation and offering them information so that they get a job that provides them with the happiness of "doing what you like". Behind these ideas lay the normal biographies, the predictable itineraries. Labor market complexity makes the transition to working life very difficult. Once immersed in it, biographies and labor itineraries are constructed and reconstructed at the rhythm of the changing fortunes of times.


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Training and assessment paradigms for laparoscopic surgical skills are evolving from traditional mentor–trainee tutorship towards structured, more objective and safer programs. Accreditation of surgeons requires reaching a consensus on metrics and tasks used to assess surgeons’ psychomotor skills. Ongoing development of tracking systems and software solutions has allowed for the expansion of novel training and assessment means in laparoscopy. The current challenge is to adapt and include these systems within training programs, and to exploit their possibilities for evaluation purposes. This paper describes the state of the art in research on measuring and assessing psychomotor laparoscopic skills. It gives an overview on tracking systems as well as on metrics and advanced statistical and machine learning techniques employed for evaluation purposes. The later ones have a potential to be used as an aid in deciding on the surgical competence level, which is an important aspect when accreditation of the surgeons in particular, and patient safety in general, are considered. The prospective of these methods and tools make them complementary means for surgical assessment of motor skills, especially in the early stages of training. Successful examples such as the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery should help drive a paradigm change to structured curricula based on objective parameters. These may improve the accreditation of new surgeons, as well as optimize their already overloaded training schedules.


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RESUMEN Con la irrupción y el auge de las tecnologías móviles en estos últimos años, se ha hecho patente que los procesos de gestión tienden a ser controlados a través de estas tecnologías, permitiendo al usuario centralizar todos los servicios que le sea posible en un dispositivo de uso tan común como el teléfono móvil, así como acceder a ellos de forma rápida y cómoda. El sistema de tutorías de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid no es la excepción. Desde su creación, el Grupo de Innovación Educativa Tutorial Action (GIETA) [1] ha trabajado en la modernización del proceso de gestión que conlleva el sistema de tutorías, buscando las deficiencias del sistema tradicional que pudiesen resolverse utilizando la tecnología. Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) ha tenido como objetivo apoyar la labor iniciada por el GIETA, desarrollando un sistema de gestión de tutorías mediante una aplicación móvil. Para lograr este objetivo, inicialmente se realizó un proceso de reflexión sobre, entre otras cuestiones, la razón de ser de la aplicación a desarrollar, las ventajas que aportaría al usuario final, aquellos riesgos que podían amenazar al proyecto, etc. Este proceso se englobó dentro de la herramienta Agile Inception Deck. Tras este proceso de reflexión, se estructuró el proyecto en fases o sprints de desarrollo, en las que se llevó a cabo la implementación del resultado final de este TFG, una aplicación móvil para el sistema operativo Android, que aporta funcionalidad que resuelve todos los requisitos asociados a las distintas historias de usuario definidas para el proyecto. ABSTRACT With the rise of mobile technologies in recent years, it has become clear that management processes tend to be controlled through these technologies, allowing users to centralize all services as possible, using a device as common as the mobile phone, and access them quickly and easily. The tutorial system at the Technical University of Madrid is not an exception. Since it’s creation, the Group of Educational Innovation Tutorial Action has worked on the modernization of the management process that involves the tutorial system, looking for weaknesses of the traditional system that could be solved using technology. This TFG has aimed to support the work initiated by the GIETA, developing a tutorship management system through a mobile application. To achieve this goal, initially a process of reflection was held about, inter alia, the rationale for the application to be developed, the advantages it would bring to the final user, the risks that could threaten the project, etc. This process is encompassed within the Agile Inception Deck tool. After this process of reflection, the project was divided into phases or sprints, in which took place the implementation of the outcome of the TFG, a mobile application for the Android operating system, which provides functionality that meets all the requirements associated with the different user stories defined for the project.


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In a letter to Wigglesworth, acting president of Harvard and Hollis Professor of Divinity, Stearns resigns his tutorship and writes that he will return an unnamed silver tankard and various books to the College. The folder also includes as a receipt for those objects upon their return, signed by Harvard Professor Stephen Sewall.