341 resultados para Tunisia


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The work examines the change involving the Church in Tunisia from the period of the Protectorate to the present through the fundamental moments of independence (1956) and the signing of the ‘Modus vivendi’ (1964). In the first structure of the “modern” Church, a fundamental role was played by the complex figure of the French Cardinal Charles-Allemand Lavigerie who, while giving strong impulse to setting up disinterested charitable social initiatives by the congregations (Pères Blancs, Soeurs Blanches and others), also represented the ideal of the ‘evangelizing’ (as well as colonial) Church which, despite its declared will to avoid proselytism, almost inevitably tended to slip into it. During the French Protectorate (1881-1956) the ecclesiastic institution concentrated strongly on itself, with little heed for the sensitivity of its host population, and developed its activities as if it were in a European country. From the social standpoint, the Church was mostly involved in teaching, which followed the French model, and health facilities. In the Church only the Pères Blancs missionaries were sincerely committed to promoting awareness of the local context and dialogue with the Muslims. The Catholic clergy in the country linked its religious activity close to the policy of the Protectorate, in the hope of succeeding in returning to the ancient “greatness of the African Church”, as the Eucharistic Congress in Carthage in 1930 made quite clear. The Congress itself planted the first seed in the twentyfive- year struggle that led the Tunisian population to independence in 1956 and the founding of the Republic in 1957. The conquest of independence and the ‘Modus vivendi’ marked a profound change in the situation and led to an inversion of roles: the Catholic community was given the right to exist only on the condition that it should not interfere in Tunisian society. The political project of Bourguiba, who led the Republic from 1957 to 1987, aimed to create a strongly egalitarian society, with a separation between political and religious powers. In particular, in referring to the Church, he appeared as a secularist with no hostility towards the Catholics who were, however, considered as “cooperators”, welcome so long as they were willing to place their skills at the service of the construction of the state. So, in the catholic Community was a tension between the will of being on the side of the country and that of conserving a certain distance from it and not being an integral part of it. In this process of reflection, the role of the Second Vatican Council was fundamental: it spread the idea of a Church open to the world and the other religions, in particular to Islam: the teaching of the Council led the congregations present in the country to accept the new condition. This new Church that emerged from the Council saw some important events in the process of “living together”, of “cultural mixing” and the search for a common ground between different realities. The almost contemporary arrival of Arab bishops raised awareness among the Tunisians of the existence of Christian Arabs and, at the same time, the Catholic community began considering their faith in a different way. In the last twenty years the situation has continued to change. Side by side with the priests present for decades or even those born there, some new congregations have begun to operate, albeit in small numbers: they have certainly revitalized the community of the faithful, but they sometimes appear more devoted to service “within” the Church, than to services for the population, and are thus characterized by exterior manifestations of their religion. This sort of presence has made it possible for Bourguiba's successor, Ben Ali (president from 1987 to 2011), to practice forms of tolerance even more clearly, but always limited to formal relations; the Tunisians are still far from having a real understanding of the Catholic reality, with certain exceptions connected to relations on a personal and not structured plane, as was the case in the previous period. The arrival of a good number of young people from sub-Saharan Africa, most of all students, belonging to the JCAT, and personnel of the BAD has “Africanized” the Church in Tunisia and has brought about an increase in Christians' exterior manifestations; but this is a visibility that is not blatant but discreet, with the implicit risk of the Church continuing to be perceived as a sort of exterior body, alien to the country; nor can we say, lacking proper documentation, how it will be possible to build a bridge between different cultures through the “accompaniment” of Christian wives of Tunisians. Today, the Church is living in a country that has less and less need of it; its presence, in the schools and in health facilities, is extremely reduced. And also in other sectors of social commitment, such as care for the disabled, the number of clergymen involved is quite small. The ‘revolution’ in 2011 and the later developments up to the present have brought about another socio-political change, characterized by a climate of greater freedom, but with as yet undefinable contours. This change in the political climate will inevitable have consequences in Tunisia’s approach to religious and cultural minorities, but it is far too soon to discuss this on the historical and scientific planes.


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Natural, dissolved 238U-series radionuclides (U, 226Ra, 222Rn) and activity ratios (A.R.s: 234U/238U; 228Ra/226Ra) in Continental Intercalaire (CI) groundwaters and limited samples from the overlying Complexe Terminal (CT) aquifers of Algeria and Tunisia are discussed alongside core measurements for U/Th (and K) in the contexts of radiological water quality, geochemical controls in the aquifer, and water residence times. A redox barrier is characterised downgradient in the Algerian CI for which a trend of increasing 234U/238U A.R.s with decreasing U-contents due to recoil-dominated 234U solution under reducing conditions allows residence time modelling ∼500 ka for the highest enhanced A.R. = 3.17. Geochemical modelling therefore identifies waters towards the centre of the Grand Erg Oriental basin as palaeowaters in line with reported 14C and 36Cl ages. A similar 234U/238U trend is evidenced in a few of the Tunisian CI waters. The paleoage status of these waters is affirmed by both noble gas recharge temperatures and simple modelling of dissolved, radiogenic 4He-contents both for sampled Algerian and Tunisian CI and CT waters. For the regions studied these waters therefore should be regarded as “fossil” waters and treated effectively as a non-renewable resource.


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In the presence of moral hazard, received agency theory predicts the Marshallian inefficiency of agricultural tenancy contracts, meaning that inputs per hectare on sharecropped land will differ from that on owned land. in this paper, we test for the presence of Marshallian inefficiency using a unique data set collected in the Tunisian village of El Oulja in 1993.


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Southern Tunisia contains one of the most extensive gypsum accumulations in Africa comprising Triassic, Cretaceous, Eocene and Mio-Pliocene marine evaporites, spring deposits, playa sediments, aeolian sands and gypsum crusts. Sulphur isotope analysis (delta(34)S) of bedrock samples, groundwater, playa brines, playa sediments, and gypsiferous crusts provides insight into the sources of gypsum in the region and sheds light on the processes that lead to gypsum crust formation. Results Suggest that recycling of marine gypsum is the most likely source of the sulphate in the groundwater, playa sediments and crusts. The low PS values found in Eocene and Mio-Pliocene samples suggest that this recycling has been going on for millions of years. Though bedrock appears to be the ultimate source of the gypsum in the crusts, transport of this sulphate to playas, concentration therein, and subsequent dispersal across the landscape by aeolian processes provides the most likely pathway for surticial gypsum crust formation. Comparison of these results with those from Australia, Chile and Namibia suggests that, although the source of the sulphur varies from region to region, the processes of surficial crust formation appear to be similar. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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This paper focuses on successful reform strategies invoked in parts of the Muslim world to address issues of gender inequality in the context of Islamic personal law. It traces the development of personal status laws in Tunisia and Morocco, exploring the models they offer in initiating equality-enhancing reforms in Bangladesh, where a secular and equality-based reform approach conflicts with Islamic-based conservatism. Recent landmark family law reforms in Morocco show the possibility of achieving ‘women-friendly’ reforms within an Islamic legal framework. Moreover, the Tunisian Personal Status Code, with its successive reforms, shows that a gender equality-based model of personal law can be successfully integrated into the Muslim way of life. This study examines the response of Muslim societies to equality-based reforms and differences in approach in initiating them. The paper maps these sometimes competing approaches, locating them within contemporary feminist debates related to gender equality in the East and West.


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After centuries of neglect that has almost led to its loss, the Berber language in Tunisia is revived through this long-awaited linguistic description. This book outlines some of the linguistic features of Berber with a particular emphasis on the Berber variety spoken in Douiret (southern Tunisia). It sheds some light on some linguistic intricacies of this lesser-known Berber variety and establishes a solid foundation on which future research will be established.


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In this article, I examine the situation of Tunisian Berber from a linguistic and sociolinguistic perspective. The prolonged institutional marginalization of this language, the lack to date of a comprehensive documentation, and the passive attitude of the speakers themselves are contributing factors to its current decline. Present predictions as to its immediate extinction are alarming. However, conclusions drawn in other studies are not adequately supported and evidence from data recently collected in southern Tunisia partially refutes the claim that the decline of Tunisian Berber is irreversible. Even though attrition is evident in borrowing en masse from Arabic, grammatical evidence shows little structural change. After many years of neglect, efforts to document fully the remaining vernaculars are a positive step towards the revival of this variety of Berber. In this article I have three goals. First, to give an assessment of the problems and the challenges facing Tunisian Berber. Second, to describe the extent of attrition of this language based on field-collected data and, third, to suggest some directions for future studies of Tunisian Berber and strategies to stimulate its revival. Complete oral narratives, the first to be published, will be appended to the text in order to allow the linguistic community access to materials in its language.


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Natural, dissolved U-238-series radionuclides (U, Ra-226, Rn-222) and activity ratios (A.R.s: U-234/U-238; Ra-228/Ra-226) in Continental Intercalaire (Cl) groundwaters and limited samples from the overlying Complexe Terminal (CT) aquifers of Algeria and Tunisia are discussed alongside core measurements for U/Th (and K) in the contexts of radiological water quality, geochemical controls in the aquifer, and water residence times. A redox barrier is characterised downgradient in the Algerian Cl for which a trend of increasing U-234/U-238 A.R.s with decreasing U-contents due to recoil-dominated U-234 solution under reducing conditions allows residence time modelling similar to 500 ka for the highest enhanced A.R. = 3.17. Geochemical modelling therefore identifies waters towards the centre of the Grand Erg Oriental basin as palaeowaters in line with reported C-14 and Cl-36 ages. A similar U-234/U-238 trend is evidenced in a few of the Tunisian CI waters. The paleoage status of these waters is affirmed by both noble gas recharge temperatures and simple modelling of dissolved, radiogenic He-4-contents both for sampled Algerian and Tunisian CI and CT waters. For the regions studied these waters therefore should be regarded as "fossil" waters and treated effectively as a non-renewable resource. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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La risorsa acqua in zone semi-aride è sottoposta a un'estrema variabilità climatica nello spazio e nel tempo. La gestione della risorsa acqua è quindi soggetta a un insieme di sfide quando i vincoli naturali vengono uniti agli effetti indotti da attività umana come per esempio l'aumento dello sfruttamento dell'acqua di sottosuolo, cambiamento dell'uso del suolo e presenza di infrastruttura mista. Si spera che il cambiamento climatico e l'attività risultanti dallo sviluppo economico, a corto termine aumentino la pressione su un sistema ormai sensibile. Se pianificato e gestito correttamente, lo stoccaggio dell'acqua, nelle sue varie forme, funge come un meccanismo di controllo della variabilità climatica e può potenziare la capacità adattiva. Lo uadi Merguellil è un corso d'acqua a carattere non perenne al centro della Tunisia, più specificamente a est della città di Kairouan. Il Merguellil drena la pioggia sulla dorsale Tunisina insieme al uadi Zeroud e Nebhana, ed è tra i principali fiumi che scorre sulla piana di Kairouan. Lo stoccaggio dell'acqua nel bacino assume diverse forme come i laghi collinari, i terrazzi, acqua di sottosuolo e una diga. Alcune delle opzioni per lo stoccaggio dell'acqua sono state costruite per preservare la risorsa acqua, mantenere la popolazione rurale e mantenere l'equità tra le zone a monte ed a valle ma solitamente non è mai stata fatta un'analisi comprensiva dei "trade-offs" coinvolti in tali sviluppi. Anche se la ricerca è sviluppata in questa zona, finora nessuna analisi ha cercato di combinare le dinamiche del sistema idrologico con scenari gestionali. L'analisi di scenari gestionali consente ai decisori di valutare delle alternative di pianificazione e può incrementare positivamente la loro abilità di creare delle politiche che si basino sulle necessità fisiche ma anche sociali di un particolare sistema. Questo lavoro è un primo passo verso un Sistema di Gestione Integrata della Risorsa Idrica (inglese: IWMR) capace di mettere in prospettiva strategie future su diverse scale. L'uso di uno strumento metodologico illustra le sfide associate nell'affrontare questo compito. In questo caso, un modello WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning System) è stato sviluppato in collaborazione con partners Tunisini in modo da integrare le conoscenze su processi fisici e valutare diverse tendenze come l'aumento dell'irrigazione o il cambio di alcuni aspetti climatici. Lo strumento ora è disponibile ai ricercatori locali dove potrà essere sviluppato ulteriormente a fine di indirizzare domande più specifiche. Questo lavoro focalizza lo stoccaggio dell'acqua per poter evidenziare le interazioni dinamiche tra le diverse opzioni di stoccaggio nella zona di studio e valutare i "trade-offs" tra di esse. I risultati iniziali dimostrati in questo lavoro sono: - Se lo sfruttamento degli acquiferi fosse ristretto ai livelli delle loro ricarica, la domanda d'acqua dei diversi utilizzatori non sarebbe soddisfatta al 25% dei livelli di consumo attuale. - La tendenza di incremento dell'agricoltura di irrigazione crea un impatto più accentuato nelle risorse di sottosuolo di quello creato da un'ipotetica riduzione della piovosità all'85% - L'aumento del numero di laghi collinari riduce la quantità d'acqua che arriva a valle, allo stesso tempo aumenta la quantità d'acqua "persa" per evaporazione.