992 resultados para Tumor Immunity
Résumé Le but final de ce projet est d'utiliser des cellules T ou des cellules souches mésenchymateuses modifiées génétiquement afin de surexprimer localement les deux chémokines CXCL13 et CCL2 ensemble ou chacune séparément à l'intérieur d'une tumeur solide. CXCL13 est supposé induire des structures lymphoïdes ectopiques. Un niveau élevé de CCL2 est présumé initier une inflammation aiguë. La combinaison des deux effets amène à un nouveau modèle d'étude des mécanismes régulateur de la tolérance périphérique et de l'immunité tumorale. Les connaissances acquises grâce à ce modèle pourraient permettre le développement ou l'amélioration des thérapies immunes du cancer. Le but premier de ce travail a été l'établissement d'un modèle génétique de la souris permettant d'exprimer spécifiquement dans la tumeur les deux chémokines d'intérêt à des niveaux élevés. Pour accomplir cette tâche, qui est en fait une thérapie génétique de tumeurs solides, deux types de cellules porteuses potentielles ont été évaluées. Des cellules CD8+ T et des cellules mésenchymateuses de la moelle osseuse transférées dans des receveurs portant une tumeur. Si on pouvait répondre aux besoins de la thérapie génétique, indépendamment de la thérapie immune envisagée, on posséderait là un outil précieux pour bien d'autres approches thérapeutiques. Plusieurs lignées de souris transgéniques ont été générées comme source de cellules CD8+ T modifiées afin d'exprimer les chémokines d'intérêt. Dans une approche doublement transgénique les propriétés de deux promoteurs spécifiques de cellules T ont été combinées en utilisant la technologie Cre-loxP. Le promoteur de granzyme B confère une dépendance d'activation et le promoteur distal de lck assure une forte expression constitutive dès que les cellules CD8+ T ont été activées. Les transgènes construits ont montré une bonne performance in vivo et des souris qui expriment CCL2 dans des cellules CD8+ T activées ont été obtenues. Ces cellules peuvent maintenant être utilisées avec différents protocoles pour transférer des cellules T cytotoxiques (CTL) dans des receveurs porteur d'une tumeur, permettant ainsi d'évaluer leur capacité en tant que porteuse de chémokine d'infiltrer la tumeur. L'établissement de souris transgéniques, qui expriment pareillement CXCL13 est prévu dans un avenir proche. L'évaluation de cellules mésenchymateuses de la moelle osseuse a démontré que ces cellules se greffent efficacement dans le stroma tumoral suite à la co-injection avec des cellules tumorales. Cela représente un outil précieux pour la recherche, vu qu'il permet d'introduire des cellules manipulées dans un modèle tumoral. Les résultats confirment partiellement d'autres résultats rapportés dans un modèle amélioré. Cependant, l'efficacité et la spécificité suggérées de la migration systémique de cellules mésenchymateuses de la moelle osseuse dans une tumeur n'ont pas été observées dans notre modèle, ce qui indique, que ces cellules ne se prêtent pas à une utilisation thérapeutique. Un autre résultat majeur de ce travail est l'établissement de cultures de cellules mésenchymateuses de la moelle osseuse in vitro conditionnées par des tumeurs, ce qui a permis à ces cellules de s'étendre plus rapidement en gardant leur capacité de migration et de greffe. Cela offre un autre outil précieux, vu que la culture in vitro est un pas nécessaire pour une manipulation thérapeutique. Abstract The ultimate aim of the presented project is to use genetically modified T cells or mesenchymal stem cells to locally overexpress the two chemokines CXCL13 and CCL2 together or each one alone inside a solid tumor. CXCL13 is supposed to induce ectopic lymphoid structures and a high level of CCL2 is intended to trigger acute inflamation. The combination of these two effects represents a new model for studying mechanisms that regulate peripheral tolerance and tumor immunity. Gained insights may help developing or improving immunotherapy of cancer. The primary goal of the executed work was the establishment of a genetic mouse model that allows tumor-specific expression of high levels of the two chemokines of interest. For accomplishing this task, which represents gene therapy of solid tumors, two types of potentially useful carrier cells were evaluated. CD8+ T cells and mesenchymal bone marrow cells to be used in adoptive cell transfers into tumor-bearing mice. Irrespectively of the envisaged immunotherapy, satisfaction of so far unmet needs of gene therapy would be a highly valuable tool that may be employed by many other therapeutic approaches, too. Several transgenic mouse lines were generated as a source of CD8+ T cells modified to express the chemokines of interest. In a double transgenic approach the properties of two T cell-specific promoters were combined using Cre-loxP technology. The granzyme B promoter confers activation-dependency and the lck distal promoter assures strong constitutive expression once the CD8+ T cell has been activated. The constructed transgenes showed a good performance in vivo and mice expressing CCL2 in activated CD8+ T cells were obtained. These cells can now be used with different protocols for adoptively transferring cytotoxic T cells (CTL) into tumor-bearing recipients, thus allowing to study their capacity as tumor-infiltrating chemokine carrier. The establishment of transgenic mice likewisely expressing CXCL13 is expected in the near future. In addition, T cells from generated single transgenic mice that have high expression of an EGFP reporter in both CD4+ and CD8+ cells can be easily traced in vivo when setting up adoptive transfer conditions. The evaluation of mesenchymal bone marrow cells demonstrated that these cells can efficiently engraft into tumor stroma upon local coinjection with tumor cells. This represents a valuable tool for research purposes as it allows to introduce manipulated stromal cells into a tumor model. Therefore, the established engraftment model is suited for studying the envisaged immunotherapy. These results confirm to some extend previously reported results in an improved model, however, the suggested systemic tumor homing efficiency and specificity of mesenchymal bone marrow cells was not observed in our model indicating that these cells may not be suited for therapeutic use. Another major result of the presented work is the establishment oftumor-conditioned in vitro culture of mesenchymal bone marrow cells, which allowed to more rapidly expand these cells while maintaining their tumor homing and engrafting capacities. This offers another valuable tool as in vitro culture is a necessary step for therapeutic manipulations.
Antitumor immunity is strongly influenced by the balance of tumor antigen-specific effector and regulatory T cells. However, the impact that vaccine adjuvants have in regulating the balance of antigen-specific T cell populations is not well understood. We found that antigen-specific T regulatory cells (Treg) were induced following subcutaneous vaccination with either OVA or melanoma-derived peptides, with a restricted expansion of effector T cells. Addition of the adjuvants CpG-ODN or Poly(I:C) preferentially amplified effector T cells over Tregs, dramatically increasing the antigen-specific T effector:Treg ratios and inducing polyfunctional effector cells. In contrast, two other adjuvants, imiquimod and Quil A saponin, favored an expansion of antigen-specific Tregs and failed to increase effector T cell:Treg ratios. Following therapeutic vaccination of tumor-bearing mice, high ratios of tumor-specific effector T cells:Tregs in draining lymph nodes were associated with enhanced CD8+ T cell infiltration at the tumor site and a durable rejection of tumors. Vaccine formulations of peptide+CpG-ODN or Poly(I:C) induced selective production of pro-inflammatory Type I cytokines early after vaccination. This environment promoted CD8+ and CD4+ effector T cell expansion over that of antigen-specific Tregs, tipping the effector T cell to Treg balance to favor effector cells. Our findings advance understanding of the influence of different adjuvants on T cell populations, facilitating the rational design of more effective cancer vaccines.
Natural killer (NK) cells have originally been identified based on their capacity to kill transformed cells in a seemingly non-specific fashion. Over the last 15 years, knowledge on receptor ligand systems used by NK cells to specifically detect transformed cells has been accumulating rapidly. One of these receptor ligand systems, the NKG2D pathway, has received particular attention, and now serves as a paradigm for how the immune system is able to gather information about the health status of autologous host cells. In addition to its significance on NK cells, NKG2D, as well as other NK cell receptors, play significant roles on T cells. This review aims at summarizing recent insights into the regulation of NKG2D function, the control over NKG2D ligand expression and the role of NKG2D in tumor immunity. Finally, we will discuss first attempts to exploit NKG2D function to improve immunity to tumors.
In the last two decades, anti-cancer vaccines have yielded disappointing clinical results despite the fact that high numbers of self/tumor-specific T cells can be elicited in immunized patients. Understanding the reasons behind this lack of efficacy is critical in order to design better treatment regimes. Recombinant lentivectors (rLVs) have been successfully used to induce antigen-specific T cells to foreign or mutated tumor antigens. Here, we show that rLV expressing a murine nonmutated self/tumor antigen efficiently primes large numbers of self/tumor-specific CD8(+) T cells. In spite of the large number of tumor-specific T cells, however, no anti-tumor activity could be measured in a therapeutic setting, in mice vaccinated with rLV. Accumulating evidence shows that, in the presence of malignancies, inhibition of T-cell activity may predominate overstimulation. Analysis of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes revealed that specific anti-tumor CD8(+) T cells fail to produce cytokines and express high levels of inhibitory receptors such as programmed death (PD)-1. Association of active immunization with chemotherapy or antibodies that block inhibitory pathways often leads to better anti-tumor effects. We show here that combining rLV vaccination with either cyclophosphamide or PD-1 and PD-L1 blocking antibodies enhances rLV vaccination efficacy and improves anti-tumor immunity.
Vaccines harboring genes that encode functional oncoproteins are intrinsically hazardous, as their application may lead to introduction of these genes into normal cells and thereby to tumorigenesis. On the other hand, oncoproteins are especially attractive targets for immunotherapy of cancer, as their expression is generally required for tumor growth, making the arisal of tumor variants lacking these antigens unlikely. Using murine tumor models, we investigated the efficacy of polyepitope recombinant adenovirus (rAd) vaccines, which encode only the immunogenic T cell epitopes derived from several oncogenes, for the induction of protective anti-tumor immunity. We chose to employ rAd, as these are safe vectors that do not induce the side effects associated with, for example, vaccinia virus vaccines. A single polyepitope rAd was shown to give rise to presentation of both H-2 and human leukocyte antigen-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes. Moreover, vaccination with a rAd encoding H-2-restricted CTL epitopes, derived from human adenovirus type 5 early region 1 and human papilloma virus type 16-induced tumors, elicited strong tumor-reactive CTL and protected the vaccinated animals against an otherwise lethal challenge with either of these tumors. The protection induced was superior compared with that obtained by vaccination with irradiated tumor cells. Thus, vaccination with polyepitope rAd is a powerful approach for the induction of protective anti-tumor immunity that allows simultaneous immunization against multiple tumor-associated T cell epitopes, restricted by various major histocompatibility complex haplotypes.
Until now, it has been unclear whether murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV)-encoded protein m144 directly regulates natural killer (NK) cell effector function and whether the effects of m144 are only strictly evident in the context of MCMV infection. We have generated clones of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP)-2-deficient RMA-S T lymphoma cell line and its parent cell line, RMA, that stably express significant and equivalent levels of m144. In vivo NK cell-mediated rejection of RMA-S-m144 lymphomas was reduced compared with rejection of parental or mock-transfected RMA-S clones, indicating the ability of m144 to regulate NK cell-mediated responses in vivo. Significantly, the accumulation of NK cells in the peritoneum was reduced in mice challenged with RMA-S-m144, as was the lytic activity of NK cells recovered from the peritoneum. Expression of m144 on RMA-S cells also conferred resistance to cytotoxicity mediated in vitro by interleukin 2-activated adherent spleen NK cells. In summary, the data demonstrate that m144 confers some protection from NK cell effector function mediated in the absence of target cell class I expression, but that in vivo the major effect of m144 is to regulate NK cell accumulation and activation at the site of immune challenge.
Natural tumor surveillance capabilities of the host were investigated in six different mouse tumor models where endogenous interleukin (IL)-12. does or does not dictate the efficiency of the innate immune response. Gene-targeted and lymphocyte subset-depleted mice were used to establish the relative importance of natural killer (NK) and NK1.1(+) T (NKT) cells in protection from tumor initiation and metastasis. In the models examined, CD3(-) NK cells were responsible for tumor rejection and protection from metastasis in models where control of major histocompatibility complex class I-deficient tumors was independent of IL-12, A protective role for NKT cells was only observed when tumor rejection required endogenous IL-12 activity. In particular, T cell receptor J alpha 281 gene-targeted mice confirmed a critical function for NKT cells in protection from spontaneous tumors initiated by the chemical carcinogen, methylcholanthrene. This is the first description of an antitumor function for NKT cells in the absence of exogenously administered potent stimulators such as IL-12 or alpha-galactosylceramide.
Generating an anti-tumor immune response is a multi-step process that is executed by effector T cells that can recognize and kill tumor targets. However, tumors employ multiple strategies to attenuate the effectiveness of T-cell-mediated attack. They achieve this by interfering with nearly every step required for effective immunity, from deregulation of antigen-presenting cells to establishment of a physical barrier at the vasculature that prevents homing of effector tumor-rejecting cells and the suppression of effector lymphocytes through the recruitment and activation of immunosuppressive cells such as myeloid-derived suppressor cells, tolerogenic monocytes, and T regulatory cells. Here, we review the ways in which tumors exert immune suppression and highlight the new therapies that seek to reverse this phenomenon and promote anti-tumor immunity. Understanding anti-tumor immunity, and how it becomes disabled by tumors, will ultimately lead to improved immune therapies and prolonged survival of patients.
Résumé Des tentatives pour développer des traitements anti-cancéreux basés sur l'utilisation d'antigènes tumoraux ont commencé il y a plus de 10 ans. Depuis quelques années, un certain intérêt s'est portée sur une sous-population particulière des cellules du système immunitaire, les lymphocytes T CD4. Ces cellules jouent un rôle central dans les réponses immunitaires tant contre les virus que contre les cellules tumorales. Comme d'autres lymphocytes T, ces cellules sont activées de manière spécifique en reconnaissant un morceau d'antigène, appelé peptide. Ces peptides proviennent soit de protéines des cellules de l'hôte, soit des protéines étrangères (virus ou bactéries) soit de cellules transformées (cellules tumorales) et sont présentés aux lymphocytes T par des molécules du soi appelées CMH (complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité). Dans le cas des lymphocytes T CD4, ces molécules sont plus précisément des molécules du CMH de classe II (CMH II). Mis à part l'intérêt porté aux réponses médiées par les lymphocytes T cytotoxiques, un intérêt croissant pour les lymphocytes T CD4 s'est développé à cause de la place centrale qu'occupent ces cellules dans les réponses immunitaires. L'identification d'épitopes présentés par des molécules du CMH de classe II dérivés d'un grand nombre d'antigènes tumoraux, ainsi que le développement de techniques permettant de suivre les réponses immunitaires, offre des opportunités pour étudier de manière quantitative et qualitative les lymphocytes T CD4 spécifiques pour un antigène particulier chez des patients cancéreux. De plus, ces épitopes permettent d'induire des réponses médiées par les lymphocytes T CD4 et CD8 chez ces mêmes patients. Dans ce travail, notre premier but était de valider l'utilisation de multimères formés par des complexes peptide:molécules de CMH de class II (pCMH II) pour quantifier la réponse des cellules T CD4 dirigée contre l'épitope HA307-319 dérivé de la protéine hémaglutinine du virus de la grippe et présenté par HLA-DRB1*0401. En analysant des échantillons provenant de volontaires sains ayant reçus un vaccin contre la grippe, nous avons pu démontrer une expansion et une activation transitoires des lymphocytes T CD4 spécifiques pour le peptide HA307-319 après vaccination. De plus, les multimères pCMH II nous ont permis d'analyser plus en détails hétérogénéité des cellules T CD4 spécifiques pour le peptide HA307-319 présents dans le sang périphérique d'individus sains. Par la suite, notre but a été d'analyser les réponses des lymphocytes T CD4 spécifiques pour l'antigène Melan-A chez des patients atteints de mélanome métastatique. Nous avons tout d'abord démontré la présence de cellules T CD4 spécifiques pour l'épitope Melan-A51-73, présenté par HLA-DRBl*0401, qui avait déjà été préalablement décrit. Ensuite, nous avons décrit et caractérisé 2 nouveaux peptides issus de Melan-A qui sont présentés aux cellules T CD4 par différentes molécules du CMH de clans II. Des cellules spécifiques pour ces deux épitopes ont été trouvées chez 9/ 16 patients analysés. De plus, des multimères pCMH II chargés avec un des épitopes nous ont permis de détecter ex vivo des lymphocytes T CD4 spécifiques pour Melan-A dans le sang périphérique d'un patient atteint de mélanome. Mis ensemble, tous ces résultats suggèrent une potentielle utilisation des multimères pCMH II pour analyser en détail les lymphocytes T CD4 spécifiques d'antigènes définis. Cependant, le suivi ex vivo de telles cellules ne semble être possible que dans des cas bien particuliers. Néanmoins, les nouveaux épitopes issus de Melan-A et présentés par des molécules du CMH de classe II que nous avons décrits dans cette étude aideront à étudier plus en détails les lymphocytes T CD4 spécifiques pour Melan-A chez des patients atteints de mélanome, un sujet d'étude sur lequel peu de résultats sont à ce jour disponibles. Summary Attempts to develop cancer vaccines based on molecularly defined tumorassociated antigens were initiated more than 10 years ago. Apart from CTLmediated anti-tumor immunity, interests are. now focused on CD4 T cells that are central players of immune responses. The identification of MHC class-II-restricted epitopes from numerous tumor antigens together with the development of monitoring tools offers the opportunity to quantitatively and qualitatively study antigen-specific CD4 T lymphocytes in cancer patients and to induce both CTL and T helper responses in cancer patients. In this work, we first aimed at validating the use of peptide:MHC class II complex (pMHC II) multimers to quantitate the CD4 T cell response against the hemagglutinin-derived epitope HAso~-si9 from influenza virus presented by HLA-DRBl*0401. By analysing samples from healthy volunteers vaccinated with ananti-influenza vaccine, we could demonstrate a transient expansion and activation of HA-specific CD4 T cells after treatment. Moreover, pMHC II multimers helped us to study the heterogeneity of HAspecific CD4 T cells found in peripheral blood of healthy individuals. Then, we aimed to analyse Melan-A-specific CD4 T cell responses in metastatic melanoma patients. We first demonstrated the presence of CD4 T cells specific for the previously described Melan-A51_73 epitope presented by HLA-DRB 1 *0401 in peripheral blood of those patients. Second, we described and characterised 2 new Melan-A-derived peptides that are presented by different MHC II molecules to CD4 T cells. Specific cells for these epitopes were found in 9/ 16 rnelánoma patients analysed. In addition, pMHC II multimers loaded with one of the two epitopes allowed us to detect ex vivo Melan-A-specific CD4 T cells in peripheral blood of a melanoma patient. Together, these results suggest a potential use of pMHC II multimers in analysing in detail antigen-specific CD4 T cells. However, ex vivo monitoring of such cells will be possible only in particular conditions. Nevertheless, the new Melan-A-derived MHC II-restricted epitopes described here will help to study in more detail Melan-A-specific CD4 T cells in melanoma patients, a field where only scarce data are available.
Alteration of the surface glycosylation pattern on malignant cells potentially affects tumor immunity by directly influencing interactions with glycan-binding proteins (lectins) on the surface of immunomodulatory cells. The sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectins Siglec-7 and -9 are MHC class I-independent inhibitory receptors on human NK cells that recognize sialic acid-containing carbohydrates. Here, we found that the presence of Siglec-9 defined a subset of cytotoxic NK cells with a mature phenotype and enhanced chemotactic potential. Interestingly, this Siglec-9+ NK cell population was reduced in the peripheral blood of cancer patients. Broad analysis of primary tumor samples revealed that ligands of Siglec-7 and -9 were expressed on human cancer cells of different histological types. Expression of Siglec-7 and -9 ligands was associated with susceptibility of NK cell-sensitive tumor cells and, unexpectedly, of presumably NK cell-resistant tumor cells to NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Together, these observations have direct implications for NK cell-based therapies and highlight the requirement to consider both MHC class I haplotype and tumor-specific glycosylation.
Tumor antigen-specific CD4(+) T cells generally orchestrate and regulate immune cells to provide immune surveillance against malignancy. However, activation of antigen-specific CD4(+) T cells is restricted at local tumor sites where antigen-presenting cells (APCs) are frequently dysfunctional, which can cause rapid exhaustion of anti-tumor immune responses. Herein, we characterize anti-tumor effects of a unique human CD4(+) helper T-cell subset that directly recognizes the cytoplasmic tumor antigen, NY-ESO-1, presented by MHC class II on cancer cells. Upon direct recognition of cancer cells, tumor-recognizing CD4(+) T cells (TR-CD4) potently induced IFN-γ-dependent growth arrest in cancer cells. In addition, direct recognition of cancer cells triggers TR-CD4 to provide help to NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells by enhancing cytotoxic activity, and improving viability and proliferation in the absence of APCs. Notably, the TR-CD4 either alone or in collaboration with CD8(+) T cells significantly inhibited tumor growth in vivo in a xenograft model. Finally, retroviral gene-engineering with T cell receptor (TCR) derived from TR-CD4 produced large numbers of functional TR-CD4. These observations provide mechanistic insights into the role of TR-CD4 in tumor immunity, and suggest that approaches to utilize TR-CD4 will augment anti-tumor immune responses for durable therapeutic efficacy in cancer patients.
Abstract Alteration of the surface glycosylation pattern on malignant cells potentially affects tumor immunity by directly influencing interactions with glycan-binding proteins (lectins) on the surface of immunomodulatory cells. The sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectins Siglec-7 and -9 are MHC class I-independent inhibitory receptors on human NK cells that recognize sialic acid-containing carbohydrates. Here, we found that the presence of Siglec-9 defined a subset of cytotoxic NK cells with a mature phenotype and enhanced chemotactic potential. Interestingly, this Siglec-9+ NK cell population was reduced in the peripheral blood of cancer patients. Broad analysis of primary tumor samples revealed that ligands of Siglec-7 and -9 were expressed on human cancer cells of different histological types. Expression of Siglec-7 and -9 ligands was associated with susceptibility of NK cell-sensitive tumor cells and, unexpectedly, of presumably NK cell-resistant tumor cells to NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Together, these observations have direct implications for NK cell-based therapies and highlight the requirement to consider both MHC class I haplotype and tumor-specific glycosylation.
Regulatory T cells expressing the fork-head box transcription factor 3 (Foxp3) play a central role in the dominant control of immunological tolerance. Compelling evidence obtained from both animal and clinical studies have now linked the expansion and accumulation of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells associated with tumor lesions to the failure of immune-mediated tumor rejection. However, further progress of the field is hampered by the gap of knowledge regarding their phenotypic, functional, and the developmental origins in which these tumor-associated Foxp3+ regulatory T cells are derived. Here, we have characterized the general properties of tumor-associated Foxp3+ regulatory T cells and addressed the issue of tumor microenvironment mediated de-novo induction by utilizing a well known murine tumor model MCA-205 in combination with our BAC Foxp3-GFP reporter mice and OT-II TCR transgenic mice on the RAG deficient background (RAG OT-II). De-novo induction defines a distinct mechanism of converting non-regulatory precursor cells to Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in the periphery as opposed to the expansion of pre-existing regulatory T cells formed naturally during thymic T cell development. This mechanism is of particularly importance to how tumors induce tumor-antigen-specific suppressor cells to subvert anti-tumor immune responses. Our study has found that tumor-associated Foxp3+ regulatory T cells are highly activated, undergo vigorous proliferation, are more potent by in-vitro suppression assays, and express higher levels of membrane-bound TGF-β1 than non-tumor regulatory T cells. With Foxp3-GFP reporter mice or RAG OT-II TCR transgenic mice, we show that tumor tissue can induce detectable de-novo generation of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells of both polyclonal or antigen specific naïve T cells. This process was not only limited for subcutaneous tumors but for lung tumors as well. Furthermore, this process required the inducing antigen to be co-localized within the tumor tissue. Examination of tumor tissue revealed an abundance of myeloid CD11b+ antigen-presenting cells that were capable of inducing Foxp3+ regulatory T cells. Taken together, these findings elucidate the general attributes and origins of tumor-associated Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in the tumor microenvironment and in their role in the negative regulation of tumor immunity.^
H-2Kb-restricted tumor epitope peptides, including tyrosinase-related protein 2 residues 181–188 (TRP-2) and connexin 37 residues 52–59 (MUT1), were applied to permeability barrier-disrupted C57BL/6 (B6) mouse skin from which the stratum corneum of the epidermis had been removed by tape-stripping. This procedure primed tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in the lymph nodes and spleen, protected mice against subsequent challenge with corresponding tumor cells, and suppressed the growth of established tumors. Preventive and therapeutic effectiveness was correlated with the frequency of tumor-specific CTL precursors. MHC class II Iab+ cells separated from tape-stripped skin, compared with those from intact skin, exhibited a strong antigen-presenting capacity for CTL, suggesting that CTL expansion after peptide application is primarily mediated by epidermal Langerhans cells. Thus, percutaneous peptide immunization via barrier-disrupted skin provides a simple and noninvasive means of inducing potent anti-tumor immunity which may be exploited for cancer immunotherapy.