67 resultados para Trypanosome lewisi


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We characterized four Brazilian trypanosomes isolated from domestic rats and three from captive nonhuman primates that were morphologically similar to T. lewisi, a considered non-pathogenic species restricted to rodents and transmitted by fleas, despite its potential pathogenicity for infants. These isolates were identified as T. lewisi by barcoding using V7V8 SSU rDNA sequences. In inferred phylogenetic trees, all isolates clustered tightly with reference T. lewisi and T. lewisi-like trypanosomes from Europe, Asia and Africa and despite their high sequence conservation formed a homogeneous clade separate from other species of the subgenus T. (Herpetosoma). With the aim of clearly resolving the relationships between the Brazilian isolates from domestic rats and primates, we compared sequences from more polymorphic ITS rDNA. Results corroborated that isolates from Brazilian rats and monkeys were indeed of the same species and quite close to T. lewisi isolates of humans and rats from different geographical regions. Morphology of the monkey isolates and their behaviour in culture and in experimentally infected rats were also compatible with T. lewisi. However, infection with T. lewisi is rare among monkeys. We have examined more than 200 free-ranging and 160 captive monkeys and found only three infected individuals among the monkeys held in captivity. The findings of this work suggest that proximity of monkeys and infected rats and their exposure to infected fleas may be responsible for the host switching of T. Iewisi from their natural rodent species to primates. This and previous studies reporting T. lewisi in humans suggest that this trypanosome can cause sporadic and opportunistic fleaborne infection in primates. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ultrastructure of the bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma pseudobagri from its natural host, yellow catfish (Pseudobagrus fulvidraco), a freshwater fish, is described in the present work. The pellicle, consisting of a unit membrane with a superimposed surface coat, the structure and attachment of the flagellum and the subpellicular microtubules show the usual structural and organizational features. Cell organelles and cytoplasmic inclusions such as kinetoplast, mitochondria, nucleus and vacuoles, which occur in trypanosomidae, are observed and described in detail. The ultrastructure of T. pseudobagri has been compared with that of bloodstream forms of other species and culture forms of fish trypanosomes, and similarities and divergences are discussed. The Golgi-complex and endoplasmic reticulum could not be observed and need further investigation.


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Individual eukaryotic microbes, such as the kinetoplastid parasite Trypanosoma brucei, have a defined size, shape, and form yet transition through life cycle stages, each having a distinct morphology. In questioning the structural processes involved in these transitions, we have identified a large calpain-like protein that contains numerous GM6 repeats (ClpGM6) involved in determining T. brucei cell shape, size, and form. ClpGM6 is a cytoskeletal protein located within the flagellum along the flagellar attachment zone (FAZ). Depletion of ClpGM6 in trypomastigote forms produces cells with long free flagella and a shorter FAZ, accompanied by repositioning of the basal body, the kinetoplast, Golgi, and flagellar pocket, reflecting an epimastigote-like morphology. Hence, major changes in microbial cell form can be achieved by simple modulation of one or a few proteins via coordinated association and positioning of membrane and cytoskeletal components.


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Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma rangeli are human-infective blood parasites, largely restricted to Central and South America. They also infect a wide range of wild and domestic mammals and are transmitted by a numerous species of triatomine bugs. There are significant overlaps in the host and geographical ranges of both species. The two species consist of a number of distinct phylogenetic lineages. A range of PCR-based techniques have been developed to differentiate between these species and to assign their isolates into lineages. However, the existence of at least six and five lineages within T. cruzi and T. rangeli, respectively, makes identification of the full range of isolates difficult and time consuming. Here we have applied fluorescent fragment length barcoding (FFLB) to the problem of identifying and genotyping T. cruzi, T. rangeli and other South American trypanosomes. This technique discriminates species on the basis of length polymorphism of regions of the rDNA locus. FFLB was able to differentiate many trypanosome species known from South American mammals: T. cruzi cruzi. T. cruzi marinkellei, T. dionisii-like, T. evansi, T. lewisi, T. rangeli, T. theileri and T. vivax. Furthermore, all five T. rangeli lineages and many T. cruzi lineages could be identified, except the hybrid lineages TcV and TcVI that could not be distinguished from lineages III and II respectively. This method also allowed identification of mixed infections of T. cruzi and T. rangeli lineages in naturally infected triatomine bugs. The ability of FFLB to genotype multiple lineages of T. cruzi and T. rangeli together with other trypanosome species, using the same primer sets is an advantage over other currently available techniques. Overall, these results demonstrate that FFLB is a useful method for species diagnosis, genotyping and understanding the epidemiology of American trypanosomes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In unicellular eukaryotes, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and in multicellular organisms, the replication origin is recognized by the heterohexamer origin recognition complex (ORC) containing six proteins, Orc1 to Orc6, while in members of the domain Archaea, the replication origin is recognized by just one protein, Orc1/Cdc6; the sequence of Orc1/Cdc6 is highly related to those of Orc1 and Cdc6. Similar to Archaea, trypanosomatid genomes contain only one gene encoding a protein named Orc1. Since trypanosome Orc1 is also homologous to Cdc6, in this study we named the Orc1 protein from trypanosomes Orc1/Cdc6. Here we show that the recombinant Orc1/Cdc6 from Trypanosoma cruzi (TcOrc1/Cdc6) and from Trypanosoma brucei (TbOrc1/Cdc6) present ATPase activity, typical of prereplication machinery components. Also, TcOrc1/Cdc6 and TbOrc1/Cdc6 replaced yeast Cdc6 but not Orc1 in a phenotypic complementation assay. The induction of Orc1/Cdc6 silencing by RNA interference in T. brucei resulted in enucleated cells, strongly suggesting the involvement of Orc1/Cdc6 in DNA replication. Orc1/Cdc6 is expressed during the entire cell cycle in the nuclei of trypanosomes, remaining associated with chromatin in all stages of the cell cycle. These results allowed us to conclude that Orc1/Cdc6 is indeed a member of the trypanosome prereplication machinery and point out that trypanosomes carry a prereplication machinery that is less complex than other eukaryotes and closer to archaea.


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Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease, is a complex of genetically diverse isolates highly phylogenetically related to T. cruzi-like species, Trypanosoma cruzi marinkellei and Trypanosoma dionisii, all sharing morphology of blood and culture forms and development within cells. However, they differ in hosts, vectors and pathogenicity: T. cruzi is a human pathogen infective to virtually all mammals whilst the other two species are non-pathogenic and bat restricted. Previous studies suggest that variations in expression levels and genetic diversity of cruzipain, the major isoform of cathepsin L-like (CATL) enzymes of T. cruzi, correlate with levels of cellular invasion, differentiation, virulence and pathogenicity of distinct strains. In this study, we compared 80 sequences of genes encoding cruzipain from 25 T. cruzi isolates representative of all discrete typing units (DTUs TcI-TcVI) and the new genotype Tcbat and 10 sequences of homologous genes from other species. The catalytic domain repertoires diverged according to DTUs and trypanosome species. Relatively homogeneous sequences are found within and among isolates of the same DTU except TcV and TcVI, which displayed sequences unique or identical to those of TcII and TcIII, supporting their origin from the hybridization between these two DTUs. In network genealogies, sequences from T. cruzi clustered tightly together and closer to T. c. marinkellei than to T. dionisii and largely differed from homologues of T. rangeli and T. b. brucei. Here, analysis of isolates representative of the overall biological and genetic diversity of T. cruzi and closest T. cruzi-like species evidenced DTU- and species-specific polymorphisms corroborating phylogenetic relationships inferred with other genes. Comparison of both phylogenetically close and distant trypanosomes is valuable to understand host-parasite interactions, virulence and pathogenicity. Our findings corroborate cruzipain as valuable target for drugs, vaccine, diagnostic and genotyping approaches.


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The storage of translationally inactive mRNAs in cytosolic granules enables cells to react flexibly to environmental changes. In eukaryotes, Scd6 (suppressor of clathrin deficiency 6)/Rap55 (RNA-associated protein 55), a member of the LSm14 (like-Sm14) family, is an important factor in the formation and activity of P-bodies, where mRNA decay factors accumulate, in stress granules that store mRNAs under adverse conditions and in granules that store developmentally regulated mRNAs. SCD6 from Trypanosoma brucei (TbSCD6) shares the same domain architecture as orthologous proteins in other organisms and is also present in cytosolic granules (equivalent to P-bodies). We show that TbSCD6 is a general repressor of translation and that its depletion by RNAi results in a global increase in protein synthesis. With few exceptions, the steady-state levels of proteins are unchanged. TbSCD6 is not required for the formation of starvation-induced granules in trypanosomes, and unlike Scd6 from yeast, Plasmodium and all multicellular organisms analysed to date, it does not form a complex with the helicase Dhh1 (DExD/H-box helicase 1). In common with Xenopus laevis RAP55, TbSCD6 co-purifies with two arginine methyltransferases; moreover, TbSCD6 itself is methylated on three arginine residues. Finally, a detailed analysis identified roles for the Lsm and N-rich domains in both protein localization and tr


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Typical general transcription factors, such as TATA binding protein and TFII B, have not yet been identified in any member of the Trypanosomatidae family of parasitic protozoa. Interestingly, mRNA coding genes do not appear to have discrete transcriptional start sites, although in most cases they require an RNA polymerase that has the biochemical properties of eukaryotic RNA polymerase II. A discrete transcription initiation site may not be necessary for mRNA synthesis since the sequences upstream of each transcribed coding region are trimmed from the nascent transcript when a short m7G-capped RNA is added during mRNA maturation. This short 39 nt m7G-capped RNA, the spliced leader (SL) sequence, is expressed as an ∼100 nt long RNA from a set of reiterated, though independently transcribed, genes in the trypanosome genome. Punctuation of the 5′ end of mRNAs by a m7G cap-containing spliced leader is a developing theme in the lower eukaryotic world; organisms as diverse as Euglena and nematode worms, including Caenorhabditis elegans, utilize SL RNA in their mRNA maturation programs. Towards understanding the coordination of SL RNA and mRNA expression in trypanosomes, we have begun by characterizing SL RNA gene expression in the model trypanosome Leptomonas seymouri. Using a homologous in vitro transcription system, we demonstrate in this study that the SL RNA is transcribed by RNA polymerase II. During SL RNA transcription, accurate initiation is determined by an initiator element with a loose consensus of CYAC/AYR(+1). This element, as well as two additional basal promoter elements, is divergent in sequence from the basal transcription elements seen in other eukaryotic gene promoters. We show here that the in vitro transcription extract contains a binding activity that is specific for the initiator element and thus may participate in recruiting RNA polymerase II to the SL RNA gene promoter.


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Two different RNA editing systems have been described in the kinetoplast-mitochondrion of trypanosomatid protists. The first involves the precise insertion and deletion of U residues mostly within the coding regions of maxicircle-encoded mRNAs to produce open reading frames. This editing is mediated by short overlapping complementary guide RNAs encoded in both the maxicircle and the minicircle molecules and involves a series of enzymatic cleavage-ligation steps. The second editing system is a C34 to U34 modification in the anticodon of the imported tRNATrp, thereby permitting the decoding of the UGA stop codon as tryptophan. U-insertion editing probably originated in an ancestor of the kinetoplastid lineage and appears to have evolved in some cases by the replacement of the original pan-edited cryptogene with a partially edited cDNA. The driving force for the evolutionary fixation of these retroposition events was postulated to be the stochastic loss of entire minicircle sequence classes and their encoded guide RNAs upon segregation of the single kinetoplast DNA network into daughter cells at cell division. A large plasticity in the relative abundance of minicircle sequence classes has been observed during cell culture in the laboratory. Computer simulations provide theoretical evidence for this plasticity if a random distribution and segregation model of minicircles is assumed. The possible evolutionary relationship of the C to U and U-insertion editing systems is discussed.


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We have studied the mechanism of accurate in vitro RNA editing of Trypanosoma brucei ATPase 6 mRNA, using four mRNA-guide RNA (gRNA) pairs that specify deletion of 2, 3, or 4 U residues at editing site 1 and mitochondrial extract. This extract not only catalyzes deletion of the specified number of U residues but also exhibits a novel endonuclease activity that cleaves the input pre-mRNA in a gRNA-directed manner, precisely at the phosphodiester bond predicted in a simple enzymatic model of RNA editing. This cleavage site is inconsistent with a chimera-based editing mechanism. The U residues to be deleted, present at the 3' end of the upstream cleavage product, are then removed evidently by a 3' U-specific exonuclease and not by a reverse reaction of terminal U transferase. RNA ligase can then join the mRNA halves through their newly formed 5' P and 3' OH termini, generating mRNA faithfully edited at the first editing site. This resultant, partially edited mRNA can then undergo accurate, gRNA-directed cleavage at editing site 2, again precisely as predicted by the enzymatic editing model. All of these enzymatic activities cofractionate with the U-deletion activity and may reside in a single complex. The data imply that each round of editing is a four-step process, involving (i) gRNA-directed cleavage of the pre-mRNA at the bond immediately 5' of the region base paired to the gRNA, (ii) U deletion from or U addition to the 3' OH of the upstream mRNA half, (iii) ligation of the mRNA halves, and (iv) formation of additional base pairing between the correctly edited site and the gRNA that directs subsequent nuclease cleavage at the next editing site.


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Inaug.-diss.--Berne, 1908.


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This article documents the addition of 229 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Acacia auriculiformis x Acacia mangium hybrid, Alabama argillacea, Anoplopoma fimbria, Aplochiton zebra, Brevicoryne brassicae, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Bucorvus leadbeateri, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium giganteum, Echinogammarus berilloni, Epimedium sagittatum, Fraxinus excelsior, Labeo chrysophekadion, Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, Paratrechina longicornis, Phaeocystis antarctica, Pinus roxburghii and Potamilus capax. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Acacia peregrinalis, Acacia crassicarpa, Bruguiera cylindrica, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium macrocephalum, Dictyostelium discoideum, Dictyostelium purpureum, Dictyostelium mucoroides, Dictyostelium rosarium, Polysphondylium pallidum, Epimedium brevicornum, Epimedium koreanum, Epimedium pubescens, Epimedium wushanese and Fraxinus angustifolia.


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Trypanosoma evansi is the most extensively distributed trypanosome responsible for disease called surra in livestock in many countries including frequent outbreaks in India. The prevalence of this disease is most commonly reported by standard parasitological detection methods (SPDM); however, antibody ELISA is being in practice by locally produced whole cell lysate (WCL) antigens in many countries. In the present investigation, we attempted to identify and purify immuno dominant, infection specific trypanosome antigens from T. evansi proteome using experimentally infected equine serum by immuno blot. Three immuno dominant clusters of proteins i.e. 62-66 kDa, 52-55 kDa and 41-43 kDa were identified based on their consistent reactivity with donkey sequential serum experimentally infected T. evansi up to 280 days post infection (dpi). The protein cluster of 62-66 kDa was purified in bulk in native form and comparatively evaluated with whole cell lysate antigen (WCL). ELISA and immuno blot showed that polypeptide of this cluster is 100% sensitive in detection of early and chronic infection. Further, this protein cluster was also found immuno reactive against hyper immune serum raised against predominantly 66 kDa exo antigen, revealed that this is a common immunodominant moieties in proteome and secretome of T. evansi.


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