991 resultados para Trypanosoma cruzi, aislamiento
El estudio mediante zimogramas electroforticos de extractos de <i>Trypanozoma cruzi /i> aislados de humanos, animales domsticos y selvticos y de vectores procedentes de toda el rea endmica de Argentina, permiti reconocer la existencia de 12 zimodemos (z) o "cepas isoenzimticas". De los zimodemos aislados de hospederos humanos, slo dos Z1 y Z12 se encuentran con gran frecuencia y tienen amplia distribucin geogrfica. Se ha observado una correlacin significativa entre el zimodemo del parsito infectante y el cuadro clnico. El compromiso cardaco es significativamente mayor en pacientes con Z12 que en aquellos con Z1. Por esta razn, la tipificacin de la cepa infectante puede ser til con fines pronsticos. Sin embargo, la metodologa utilizada para la determinacin del zimodemo es muy laboriosa e insume mucho tiempo, lo que reduce las posibilidades de aplicacin clnica. Dada la similitud del agrupamiento obtenido por el anlisis de los zimodemos y del ADNk, los problemas de la caracterizacin isoenzimtica de aislamientos pueden ser evitados mediante estudio del ADN del parsito. (...) Objetivo general Identificacin de zimodemos de <i>Trypanosoma cruzi</i> mediante anlisis de ADN. Objetivos especficos a) Aislamientos de <i>T. cruzi</i> de pacientes chagsicos crnicos con diferentes cuadros clnicos sern caracterizados utilizando isoenzimas como marcadores genticos. b) Se establecer la relacin entre la sintomatologa observada en cada caso y el zimodemo al cual pertenecen los parsitos aislados. c) A partir del ADN aislado se proceder a: 1. Amplificacin de segmentos de ADN al azar dando lugar a fragmentos de ADN que permitan identificar los diferentes zimodemos. 2. Hibridizacin con sondas de ADN, lo que permitira identificar el zimodemo al que pertenecen los parsitos de dicho aislamiento. 3. Amplificar, mediante PCR, la regin HVRm de <i>T. cruzi</i> directamente en muestras biolgicas y proceder a su tipificacin con sondas especficas.
El descubrimiento de tcnicas ms sensibles para la deteccin del T. cruzi en el enfermo chagsico rescat el rol primordial del parsito en la patogenia y actualmente se considera a la enfermedad como el producto de la interaccin de los genomas del parsito y el humano. Sin embargo an queda por responder por qu el 30% de las personas infectadas evolucionan hacia una enfermedad cardaca y el 70% permanece asintomtico aunque con serologa persistente; as como tambin la amplia variabilidad clnica, que puede resultar desde una cardiopata sin consecuencias hasta producir muerte sbita. En este sentido, se ha descripto que la variabilidad gentica del parsito debe estar relacionada con el tropismo del mismo a los diferentes rganos del husped y, por lo tanto, con la forma clnica de la enfermedad y con las diferencias observadas luego del tratamiento especfico de la enfermedad. Es por ello que proponemos determinar la importancia que tiene la composicin gentica del aislamiento de T. cruzi que infect al husped y/o la de los clones diferentes que pueden aparecer en sangre para explicar la amplia variabilidad de sntomas y signos que manifiestan los pacientes con cardiopata chagsica crnica. Estos resultados contribuirn al entendimiento de la fisiopatogenia de la miocardiopata chagsica y sus variabilidades clnicas y facilitarn establecer el pronstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad. Pacientes que concurran al Hospital Materno Infantil de la Provincia de Crdoba, al Hospital Nacional de Clnicas y a la Clnica Sucre sern tratados de acuerdo con la declaracin de Helsinki y firmarn consentimiento informado. Se seguir la evolucin clnico-cardiolgica por radiografa, electrocardiografa y ecocardiografa. La serologa para Chagas se determinar por HAI-ELISA. Se obtendrn muestras de sangre de estos pacientes que se clasificarn con serologa positiva para Chagas sin cardiopata, con cardiopata leve y con cardiopata severa. Extraccin del ADN: las muestras de sangre perifrica de cada paciente se mezclarn con igual volumen de guanidina 6M/EDTA 0,5M. El ADN se extraer por tcnicas convencionales con fenol:cloroformo:alcohol isoamlico y luego se precipitar con etanol. Finalmente la solucin se resuspender en agua estril libre de nucleasas. Se conservar a -4 C hasta su uso para la amplificacin del contenido de ADN del parsito por la reaccin en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR). PCR: la deteccin de los parsitos en cada muestra se determinar mediante la amplificacin por PCR de un fragmento de la regin variable correspondiente al minicrculo del ADN del kinetoplasto (kADN), utilizando primers especficos para dicha regin. Anlisis de la regin variable del kADN por enzimas de restriccin: la caracterizacin de los parsitos de cada muestra se realizar adems mediante el anlisis de los fragmentos producidos luego de la digestin con enzimas de restriccin (RFLP). El amplificado producto de la PCR se utilizar para la digestin con las enzimas de restriccin y los fragmentos obtenidos sern separados por electroforesis en geles de agarosa 2% teidos con bromuro de etidio. Anlisis de los resultados: Los perfiles de bandas obtenidos luego de la digestin con las enzimas de restriccin de las muestras de sangre de los pacientes se correlacionarn con la sintomatologa clnica de cada uno de ellos para determinar si existe relacin entre la variabilidad gentica del parsito infectante y la variedad clnica presentada. Los perfiles de bandas obtenidos luego de la RFLP de las muestras de sangre se analizarn cualitativamente por observacin de los geles.
Previous results provided evidence that Cratylia mollis seed lectin (Cramoll 1,4) promotes Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes death by necrosis via a mechanism involving plasma membrane permeabilization to Ca(2+) and mitochondrial dysfunction due to matrix Ca(2+) overload. In order to investigate the mechanism of Ca(2+) -induced mitochondrial impairment, experiments were performed analyzing the effects of this lectin on T. cruzi mitochondrial fraction and in isolated rat liver mitochondria (RLM), as a control. Confocal microscopy of T. cruzi whole cell revealed that Cramoll 1,4 binding to the plasma membrane glycoconjugates is followed by its internalization and binding to the mitochondrion. Electrical membrane potential (m ) of T. cruzi mitochondrial fraction suspended in a reaction medium containing 10M Ca(2+) was significantly decreased by 50g/ml Cramoll 1,4 via a mechanism insensitive to cyclosporine A (CsA, membrane permeability transition (MPT) inhibitor), but sensitive to catalase or 125mM glucose. In RLM suspended in a medium containing 10M Ca(2+) this lectin, at 50g/ml, induced increase in the rate of hydrogen peroxide release, mitochondrial swelling, and m disruption. All these mitochondrial alterations were sensitive to CsA, catalase, and EGTA. These results indicate that Cramoll 1, 4 leads to inner mitochondrial membrane permeabilization through Ca(2+) dependent mechanisms in both mitochondria. The sensitivity to CsA in RLM characterizes this lectin as a MPT inducer and the lack of CsA effect identifies a CsA-insensitive MPT in T. cruzi mitochondria.
Collection of triatomines in domestic, peridomestic and sylvatic environments in states of Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul, Northeastern and Southern Brazil respectively, and isolation of Trypanosoma cruzi strains. First, the captured triatomines were identified using insect identification keys, then their intestinal content was examined by abdominal compression, and the samples containing trypanosomatid forms were inoculated in LIT medium and Swiss mice. Six triatomine species were collected in cities in Bahia, namely Panstrongylus geniculatus (01), Triatoma melanocephala (11), T. lenti (94), T. pseudomaculata (02), T. sherlocki (26) and T. sordida (460), and two in cities in Rio Grande do Sul, namely T. circummaculata (11) and T. rubrovaria (115). Out of the specimens examined, T. cruzi was isolated from 28 triatomine divided into four different species: T. melanocephala (one), T. lenti (one), T. rubrovaria (16) and T. sordida (10). Their index of natural infection by T. cruzi was 6.4%. The isolation of T. cruzi strains from triatomines found in domestic and peridomestic areas shows the potential risk of transmission of Chagas disease in the studied cities. The maintenance of those T. cruzi strains in laboratory is intended to promote studies that facilitate the understanding of the parasite-vector-host relationship.
Hybrid bioisoster derivatives from N-acylhydrazones and furoxan groups were designed with the objective of obtaining at least a dual mechanism of action: cruzain inhibition and nitric oxide (NO) releasing activity. Fifteen designed compounds were synthesized varying the substitution in N-acylhydrazone and in furoxan group as well. They had its anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity in amastigotes forms, NO releasing potential and inhibitory cruzain activity evaluated. The two most active compounds (6, 14) both in the parasite amastigotes and in the enzyme contain the nitro group in para position of the aromatic ring. The permeability screening in Caco-2 cell and cytotoxicity assay in human cells were performed for those most active compounds and both showed to be less cytotoxic than the reference drug, benznidazole. Compound 6 was the most promising, since besides activity it showed good permeability and selectivity index, higher than the reference drug. Thereby the compound 6 was considered as a possible candidate for additional studies.
The activity of the antineoplastic drug tamoxifen was evaluated against Trypanosoma cruzi. In vitro activity was determined against epimastigote, trypomastigote and amastigote forms of CL14, Y and Y benznidazole resistant T. cruzi strains. Regardless of the strain used, the drug was active against all life-cycle stages of the parasite with a half maximal effective concentration ranging from 0.7-17.9 M. Two experimental models of acute Chagas disease were used to evaluate the in vivo efficacy of treatment with tamoxifen. No differences in parasitemia and mortality were observed between control mock-treated and tamoxifen-treated mice.
A phytochemical investigation of the ethanolic extract of stalks of Senna martiana Benth. (Leguminoseae), native specie of northeast Brazil, resulted in the isolation and spectroscopic characterization of a new bianthrone glycoside, martianine 1 (10,10'-il-chrysophanol-10-oxi10,10'-bi-glucosyl). Its identification was established by HRMS, IR and 2D NMR experiments. The evaluation of martianine trypanocidal activity was carried out against gliceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme from Trypanosoma cruzi. Its inhibitory constant (Ki) is in the low micromolar concentration and it was determined by isothermal titration calorimetry to be 27.3 2.47 mol L-1. The non-competitive mechanism is asserted to be putative of the mode of action martianine displays against T. cruzi GAPDH. Results show that martianine has a great potential to become new lead molecule by inhibiting this key enzyme and for the development of new drugs against Chagas disease.
Screening of Trypanosoma cruzi glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme inhibitors
The inhibitory activity of crude extracts of Meliaceae and Rutaceae plants on glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) enzyme from Trypanosoma cruzi was evaluated at 100 μg/mL. Forty-six extracts were tested and fifteen of them showed significant inhibitory activity (IA % > 50). The majority of the assayed extracts of Meliaceae plants (Cedrela fissilis, Cipadessa fruticosa and Trichilia ramalhoi) showed high ability to inhibit the enzymatic activity. The fractionation of the hexane extract from branches of C. fruticosa led to the isolation of three flavonoids: flavone, 7-methoxyflavone and 3',4',5',5,7-pentamethoxyflavone. The two last compounds showed high ability to inhibit the gGAPDH activity. Therefore, the assayed Meliaceae species could be considered as a promising source of lead compounds against Chagas' disease.
Therapeutic failure of benznidazole (BZ) is widely documented in Chagas disease and has been primarily associated with variations in the drug susceptibility of Trypanosoma cruzi strains. In humans, therapeutic success has been assessed by the negativation of anti-T. cruzi antibodies, a process that may take up to 10 years. A protocol for early screening of the drug resistance of infective strains would be valuable for orienting physicians towards alternative therapies, with a combination of existing drugs or new anti-T. cruzi agents. We developed a procedure that couples the isolation of parasites by haemoculture with quantification of BZ susceptibility in the resultant epimastigote forms. BZ activity was standardized with reference strains, which showed IC50 to BZ between 7.6-32 M. The assay was then applied to isolates from seven chronic patients prior to administration of BZ therapy. The IC50 of the strains varied from 15.6 3-51.4 1 M. Comparison of BZ susceptibility of the pre-treatment isolates of patients considered cured by several criteria and of non-cured patients indicates that the assay does not predict therapeutic outcome. A two-fold increase in BZ resistance in the post-treatment isolates of two patients was verified. Based on the profile of nine microsatellite loci, sub-population selection in non-cured patients was ruled out.
In an effort to unify the nomenclature of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, an updated system was agreed upon at the Second Satellite Meeting. A consensus was reached that T. cruzi strains should be referred to by six discrete typing units (T. cruzi I-VI). The goal of a unified nomenclature is to improve communication within the scientific community involved in T. cruzi research. The justification and implications will be presented in a subsequent detailed report.
Since the discovery of Trypanosoma cruzi and the brilliant description of the then-referred to "new tripanosomiasis" by Carlos Chagas 100 years ago, a great deal of scientific effort and curiosity has been devoted to understanding how this parasite invades and colonises mammalian host cells. This is a key step in the survival of the parasite within the vertebrate host, and although much has been learned over this century, differences in strains or isolates used by different laboratories may have led to conclusions that are not as universal as originally interpreted. Molecular genotyping of the CL-Brener clone confirmed a genetic heterogeneity in the parasite that had been detected previously by other techniques, including zymodeme or schizodeme (kDNA) analysis. T. cruzi can be grouped into at least two major phylogenetic lineages: T. cruzi I, mostly associated with the sylvatic cycle and T. cruzi II, linked to human disease; however, a third lineage, T. cruziIII, has also been proposed. Hybrid isolates, such as the CL-Brener clone, which was chosen for sequencing the genome of the parasite (Elias et al. 2005, El Sayed et al. 2005a), have also been identified. The parasite must be able to invade cells in the mammalian host, and many studies have implicated the flagellated trypomastigotes as the main actor in this process. Several surface components of parasites and some of the host cell receptors with which they interact have been described. Herein, we have attempted to identify milestones in the history of understanding T. cruzi- host cell interactions. Different infective forms of T. cruzi have displayed unexpected requirements for the parasite to attach to the host cell, enter it, and translocate between the parasitophorous vacuole to its final cytoplasmic destination. It is noteworthy that some of the mechanisms originally proposed to be broad in function turned out not to be universal, and multiple interactions involving different repertoires of molecules seem to act in concert to give rise to a rather complex interplay of signalling cascades involving both parasite and cellular components.
Natural products have widespread biological activities, including inhibition of mitochondrial enzyme systems. Some of these activities, for example cytotoxicity, may be the result of alteration of cellular bioenergetics. Based on previous computer-aided drug design (CADD) studies and considering reported data on structure-activity relationships (SAR), an assumption regarding the mechanism of action of natural products against parasitic infections involves the NADH-oxidase inhibition. In this study, chemometric tools, such as: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Consensus PCA (CPCA), and partial least squares regression (PLS), were applied to a set of forty natural compounds, acting as NADH-oxidase inhibitors. The calculations were performed using the VolSurf+ program. The formalisms employed generated good exploratory and predictive results. The independent variables or descriptors having a hydrophobic profile were strongly correlated to the biological data.
Cyclic pseudo-galactooligosaccharides were synthesized by cyclooligomerisation of isomeric azido-alkyne derivatives of beta-D-galactopyranose under Cu(I)-catalysed azide-alkyne 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction conditions. The principal products isolated were cyclic dimers and trimers, with lower amounts of cyclic tetramer and pentamer also evident in some cases. Molecular mechanics calculations suggest very compact but flexible structures for the cyclic trimers, with secondary OH groups exposed outside the macrocycle and available for enzymatic glycosylation. The cyclic dimers and trimers represent a new type of acceptor substrate for Trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase, giving rise to doubly and triply sialylated glycomacrocycles, respectively.
Trypanosoma cruzi. The aim of this work was to analyze histologically and histometrically the sublingual gland of mice infected with the RAL strain of T cruzi, according to the sex. Swiss mice (Mus musculus) were inoculated with 2 x 10(4) blood trypomastigotes of the RAL strain of T cruzi. In the peak of the parasitemia (12th day) the mice were sacrificed, and the sublingual glands were fixed in ALFAC. HE-stained histological sections were evaluated histometrically. The parasitemia was higher in females. Histopatologically, acini of the infected animals were smaller, with scanty production of secretion, and smaller striated ducts. The nuclei of the demilunes were smaller and showed amastigote nests in the cytoplasm. Karyometrically, nuclei of the acini, demilunes and striated ducts were smaller in the infected mice. Stereologically, it was observed that relative volumes of acini and ducts were smaller and, inversely, relative volumen were greater for the conjunctive tissue in the infected males. The surface densities of acini and ducts were bigger and the diameter and thickness of the wall were smaller in this group. On the other hand, relative volume of acini was smaller and those of the ducts and conjunctive tissue were bigger in the infected females. The diameter and thickness of the wall of acini were smaller, and those of the striated ducts were bigger in this group. The RAL strain of T cruzi caused general atrophy in the sublingual gland, with numerous nests of parasites in the glandular parenchyma.
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) plays an important role in the life cycle of the Trypanosoma cruzi, and an immobilized enzyme reactor (IMER) has been developed for use in the on-line screening for GAPDH inhibitors. An IMER containing human GAPDH has been previously reported; however, these conditions produced a T. cruzi GAPDH-IMER with poor activity and stability. The factors affecting the stability of the human and T. cruzi GAPDHs in the immobilization process and the influence of pH and buffer type on the stability and activity of the IMERs have been investigated. The resulting T. cruzi GAPDH-IMER was coupled to an analytical octyl column, which was used to achieve chromatographic separation of NAD+ from NADH. The production of NADH stimulated by D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate was used to investigate the activity and kinetic parameters of the immobilized T. cruzi GAPDH. The Michaelis-Menten constant (K-m) values determined for D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and NAD(+) were K-m = 0.5 +/- 0.05 mM and 0.648 +/- 0.08 mM, respectively, which were consistent with the values obtained using the non-immobilized enzyme.