124 resultados para Tropes


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A study examined the politics of dis/ability and curriculum. Data were obtained from a review of the new disability studies literature, focusing on the areas of history, sociology, anthropology, and critical legal theory. The results indicate that this new literature challenges popular psychoeducational models that assume disability as an objective medical, individual, and pathological deficiency, effectively restricting the systematic study of dis/ability as relational, external, shifting, and socially constituted. The findings suggest ways in which perceptions of “school problems” have to be adjusted to understand how the constant refiguration of normativities in everyday activities creates perceptions of disability-negative ontologies, generates experiences that incite efforts to modify those perceptions in multiple ways, and produces unintended effects from well-intended approaches that in the end remain irreducible to simplistic definitions for the one “ethical” or “politically correct” strategy.


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Cuando en julio de 1936 estalló la sublevación militar en Marruecos, Menorca fue la única de las Baleares que continuó fiel a la República. Como en otros lugares, las escuelas estaban cerradas y los niños estaban de vacacions. En los días siguientes, las tropas tomaron el poder y se inició la represión de militares, religiosos y elementos de derechas. Fueron meses muy conflictivos puesto que todo el aparato estatal estaba inoperante, sin muchos de sus maestros, sin inspector, y aún así se intentó dar una sensación de normalidad. En 1937 algunos maestros participaron en un intento de conjura para sumar la isla a la causa nacional, lo cual originó una nueva ola represora. Se recopilan documentos de la época que permiten reconstruir esta época de la historia de la educación de Menorca.


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This study examines the role of one type of rhetorical figure, tropes, which are creative devices that entail the arrangement of words in paradoxical relationships. Specifically, its focus lies in investigating whether the influence simple and complex tropes have on persuasion, as reported in previous research by Toncar and Munch (2003), are generalisable beyond the sample they used. In the extant literature, it is argued that by fully understanding the effects of certain types of tropes, advertisers may better apply their persuasive messages. The study finds that, when using subjective measures as initiated by Toncar and Munch (2003), tropes have no influence on persuasion. While it is noted that further research is needed to increase the generalisability of this study, this result holds true when both simple and complex trope types are used.


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This study is a reinquiry into verbal tropes and their influence on persuasion in the advertising context. Specifically, when closely following Toncar and Munch's (2003) experimental method, it appears that tropes, be they simple or complex, do not have the significant persuasive effects that they are reported to have. The null results can be attributed to the experimental design employed, thus highlighting why the limited research in the area should be interpreted with caution.


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This article examines a conciliation narrative at King George Sound in Western Australia that originated in the early nineteenth century during an era of European exploration when explorers had fleeting meetings with the Mineng. This friendship narrative has been continually re-presented and inscribed by settlers and later by historians without its imperial power dynamic being critiqued. This essay attempts a genealogy of this friendship motif  as well as exploring the destablising of this narrative by writers and community members. This essay also suggests ways of decolonising this narrative and searches for alternative emotions from this frontier.


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George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire novels (and their television adaption, Game of Thrones) have become arguably the most well known fantasy epic of the last decade. However, the world of A Song of Ice and Fire conforms to many of the same Orientalist tropes that have dominated Western literature since the popularisation of the 'Arabian fantasy' in the 18th and 19th centuries and its subsequent perpetuation in film and television. Derivative imaginings of the real world Middle East are commonly reflected in non-Earthly fantasy worlds and Martin's work incorporates this standard vision of the Eastern Other. Owing to its popularity, the A Song of Ice and Fire series represents a significant reinforcement of Orientalist stereotypes and proves that fantasy locations have significant power to cement these ideas in the popular imagination. Moreover, the negative portyal of the East in these works supports Said's argument that the Orient is an invention of the West, and that our depiction of the Other is a means of framing our own cultural superiority.


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Abstract Background. In 2011, Alabama, neither a border state nor hold a significantly large Hispanic population, passed the most restrictive state immigration law, The Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, HB 56. This omnibus law was far-reaching in its restrictions, including, but not limited to, identification, public services, employment, housing, and law enforcement. Objectives. This research explores the dominant tropes present in the narrative surrounding the anti-immigration legislative activity in Alabama that created fertile ground for the passage of such a punitive immigration law. Methods. Newspaper articles from 2007 to 2011 in Alabama¿s Birmingham News and Press-Register, the two most circulated newspapers in the state, were attained from NewsLibrary.com, an online database of 5,311 newspapers and other news sources. Results. Seven dominant tropes were identified in the articles that pushed for anti-immigration policies. These tropes claimed (1) the US-Mexico border is not secure, (2) the federal government has failed to enact comprehensive immigration reform, (3) immigrants steal jobs, hurt the economy, and (4) burden public services, (5) immigrants are criminals and terrorists, (6) they refuse to assimilate and learn English, and (7) there has been a dramatic percent change in the Hispanic and illegal populations. These tropes cumulatively worked together to create anti-immigration sentiment that pushed for the passage of HB 56.