986 resultados para Tronchet, Fr.-Den


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Die Grundschleppnetzfischerei in der Ostsee konzentriert sich im wesentlichen auf den Fang von Dorsch- und Plattfisch. Neben der Dorschfischerei gibt es auch beim Fang von Plattfisch gebiets- und zeitweise erhebliche Beifänge an untermaßigen Fischen, die verworfen werden müssen. Für beide in Form und Verhalten sehr unterschiedlichen Fischarten können bis dato die gleichen Steerte eingesetzt werden. Um die durch diese Mix-Fischerei an der südlichen Ostseeküste gegebenen Probleme zu verdeutlichen und auf eine zukünftig differenzierte Behandlung für die technischen Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Selektivität hinzuwirken, werden seit 1998 vergleichende Untersuchungen mit Schleppnetzsteerten unterschiedlicher Konstruktion durchgeführt.


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The presentation includes investigations and results regarding Baltic flatfish selectivity with different trawl codend constructions. These investigations were carried out 1999/ 2000 on board of FRV “Clupea” and a commercial 17 m cutter. As could be shown, both an enlarged mesh size and another mesh form than rhombic can improve the selectivity of these fish. As flatfish catches with trawls mostly also cover cod, this mixed fishery at the southern Baltic coast should in future be managed by differentiated technical regulations for an improved selectivity. The results, also based on UW observations, current measurements, and wind tunnel tests with models, demonstrate some possible technical solutions.


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Während der 483. Reise von FFK “Solea“ (24.10. bis 9.11.01) wurde wie in jedem Herbst die Nachwuchssituation von Kabeljau in der Deutschen Bucht untersucht. Der dabei berechnete Index hat sich in seiner 20-jährigen Laufzeit als relativ verlässliches Maß für die Abschätzung der Stärke des jeweils jüngsten Jahrgangs erwiesen.


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Im Oktober/November des vergangenen Jahres ergab sich während der 483. Reise von FK „Solea“ ein im Vergleich zu den vier Vorjahren hoher Fangindex von 220 Kabeljau Gadus morhua je Stunde (Weber 2001). Die Fische hatten eine Länge von 15 bis18 cm und waren besonders in Küstennähe Ostfrieslands anzutreffen. Durch unsere Langzeituntersuchungen zur Ökologie der Flussseeschwalbe Sterna hirundo im Wattenmeer sind wir bereits im Juni des Jahres 2001 auf den starken Jahrgang des Kabeljaus aufmerksam geworden und können die Vermutung von Weber bestätigen, dass die Kabeljaus den Sommer über im Wattengebiet herangewachsen sind.


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The intensified trawl fishery for flounder and otherflatfishes along the German Baltic coast during summer months resulted in the problem of increased undersized bycatches and their discarding. Thereforeselectivity trials with a standard codend, a codend withenlarged meshes and a so-called multipanel codendwith partly transverse netting were investigated. Results show that improvements in selectivity are possible, and tests including UW-TV observations shouldbe continued.


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The present contribution summarizes results of fishery investigations with standard cod gillnets and gillnets with attached large meshes of 3.4 meter meshsize built from rope of 6 mm diameter. Only the relative efficiency of both nets for cod was investigated. A reduction of 70 % of catch by the attached meshes was observed.


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The new German R.V. "Walther Herwig III" joined the International North Sea Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) coordinated in the frame or ICES from February 18 to March 22 1994. A total of 354 valid half hour tows were made by seven research vessels from the different ICES members in order to determine the strength of incoming year classes of commercially most important fish species. Preliminary index figures for the stocks under observation of all participating vessels show that only the North Sea sprat stock developed a substantial year class in 1993. In addition, hydrographic data were collected during the survey. These data show the temperatures and salinities of the northern and central North Sea in most parts beneath the mean values during the period under investigation.


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FRV "Walther Herwig" participated in a survey internationally coordinated by ICES in waters west of the British Isles and the Gulf of Biscay from February 14 to March 5. Results are given especially on mackerel and horse mackerel from the Hebrides area, west of Ireland, Great and Littie Sole Bank, and Eddystone.


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From January 22 to February 12, 1993, "Walther Herwig" participated in the ICES coordinated International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS, formerly International Young Fish Survey (IYFS)) in the North Sea. In total all participating nations covered 369 fishing stations, 65 of which were investigated by "Walther Herwig". Preliminary results show that the youngest yearclasses of haddock, whiting, sprat and Norway pout are well above average whereas herring in his second year of life is only average. No signs of a recovery of the North Sea mackerel stock could be detected. The measured temperature data show a more or less mean situation during the period under review.