45 resultados para Trichosporon inkin
INTRODUÇÃO: Piedra branca é micose superficial causada por fungos do gênero Trichosporon e caracterizado por nódulos firmemente aderidos à haste do pêlo. MÉTODOS: Os autores relatam casos familiares encaminhados como pediculose. Foram utilizados cultura em ágar Mycosel® e identificação molecular. RESULTADOS: Exame micológico revelou a infecção por Trichosporon spp. A identificação molecular demonstrou se tratar do Trichosporon inkin. CONCLUSÕES: Piedra branca e infecção pelo T. inkin são raramente relatados na região sudeste do Brasil. A identificação molecular é essencial para correta determinação de espécies no gênero Trichosporon.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Piedra branca é micose superficial causada pelo gênero Trichosporon e caracterizada por nódulos aderidos à haste do pelo. Pediculose capitis é causada pelo Pediculus humanus var. capitis pertencente à subordem Anoplura. Enquanto que a pediculose é enfermidade comum, relatos clínicos de piedra branca são raros. Técnicas de biologia molecular identificaram o agente de piedra branca do presente relato como T.inkin. Os autores apresentam associação de ambas as infestações no mesmo paciente para salientar seus aspectos clínicos distintos.
Trichosporon beigelii was isolated from four and three Holstein heifers with clinical and subclinical mastitis respectively, during the extension activities of Nucleus of Mastitis Research - NUPEMAS - FMVZ - UNESP - BOTUCATU - BRAZIL. This fungus is considered extremely important because it is responsible for superficial skin infections, known as white piedra. According with literature, there is no record of isolation of this agent from mastitis in Brazil. This fact confirms the importance of microbiological studies to lead the treatment correctly to prevent the increase of bacterial resistance and secondary fungal infections that uses the inefficient antimicrobial as substratum for its development.
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia - IBILCE
The biofilms formed by opportunistic yeasts serve as a persistent reservoir of infection and impair the treatment of fungal diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate photodynamic inactivation (PDI) of biofilms formed by Candida spp. and the emerging pathogens Trichosporon mucoides and Kodamaea ohmeri by a cationic nanoemulsion of zinc 2,9,16,23-tetrakis(phenylthio)-29H,31H-phthalocyanine (ZnPc). Biofilms formed by yeasts after 48 h in the bottom of 96-well microtiter plates were treated with the photosensitizer (ZnPc) and a GaAlAs laser (26.3 J cm(-2)). The biofilm cells were scraped off the well wall, homogenized, and seeded onto Sabouraud dextrose agar plates that were then incubated at 37A degrees C for 48 h. Efficient PDI of biofilms was verified by counting colony-forming units (CFU/ml), and the data were submitted to analysis of variance and the Tukey test (p < 0.05). All biofilms studied were susceptible to PDI with statistically significant differences. The strains of Candida genus were more resistant to PDI than emerging pathogens T. mucoides and K. ohmeri. A mean reduction of 0.45 log was achieved for Candida spp. biofilms, and a reduction of 0.85 and 0.84, were achieved for biofilms formed by T. mucoides and K. ohmeri, respectively. Therefore, PDI by treatment with nanostructured formulations cationic zinc 2,9,16,23- tetrakis (phenylthio)- 29H, 31H- phthalocyanine (ZnPc) and a laser reduced the number of cells in the biofilms formed by strains of C. albicans and non-Candida albicans as well the emerging pathogens T. mucoides and K. ohmeri.
Trichosporon spp. has gained importance as the cases of immunosuppressed patients increase. The genus Trichosporon includes 6 species of clinical relevance that may cause supericial infections, such as white piedra and onychomycosis, or deep and invasive infections with high mortality rates. These microorganisms have a broad geographical distribution and some species are resistant to antifungal drugs in vitro. The present paper is a review on the virulence factors, associated infections, and in vitro susceptibility of the species with the highest incidence as pathogenic agents in humans.
Passalidae (Polyphaga, Coleoptera) is a family of beetles with approximately 960 species that are distributed worldwide. Preliminary studies that characterized ascomycete and basidiomycete yeasts in the gut of these wood-eating beetles from the USA, Guatemala, and Thailand, demonstrated associations between certain yeast taxa and passalids. We extended the study to include yeasts and beetles from tropical forests near Cairns and Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. We isolated more than 1000 yeast strains from about 150 beetles belonging to 10 species. LSU and ITS rRNA markers were used to identify a subset of 250 yeast strains, which revealed that the gut of Australian passalids contained undescribed ascomycetes in the Debaryomyces, Dipodascus, Kazachstania, Ogataea, Scheffersomyces, Sugiyamaella, Spathaspora, Torulaspora, and Zygowilliopsis clades, as well as basidiomycetes in the genera Cryptococcus and Trichosporon. A close relative of Candida subhashii (Spathaspora clade) and the xylose-fermenting yeast Scheffersomyces stipitis were the most common species isolated in Queensland. These results agree with those of previous studies that showed a common association of xylose-fermenting yeasts in the gut of lignicolous insects. Species and higher taxa of yeasts, however, vary between Queensland passalids and those previously collected in distant regions.
Phenol- and catechol-adapted sludges contained large numbers of the yeasts, Candida tropicalis and Trichosporon cutaneum. Both were able to grow on a variety of aromatic compounds and utilized phenol and catechol at a high rate. This property was inducible. The feasibility of using these yeasts for removing phenols from waste waters is suggested.
分离和筛选了5种能有效防治采后果实病害的拮抗菌。其中,季也蒙假丝酵母(Candida guiliermondii(Cast) Langeroret Guerra)从引种拮抗菌中筛选获得,枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)B-912从土壤中分离筛选获得,膜醭毕赤酵母(Pichia membranefaciens hansen)从桃果实伤口上分离获得,隐球酵母(Cryptococcus albidus (Saito) Skinner)和丝孢酵母(Trichosporon sp.)从桃果实表面分离获得。本文主要研究了这些拮抗菌对桃、油桃、苹果、梨和柑桔等我国主要水果采后病害的防治效果,并对其可能的抑菌机理进行了初步研究。结果如下: 1. Sx108 CFU/mL的C.guiliermondii和P.membranefaciens悬浮液可完全抑制病菌孢子浓度为5x104个/mL时桃和油桃果实软腐病(Rhizopus stolonifer(Ehrenb.ex Fr.) Vuill.)在25℃,15℃和3℃下的发生。lx108 CFU/mL的C.albidus和Trichosporon sp.悬浮液可完全抑制孢子浓度分别为lx105个/mL和5x104个/mL时苹果灰霉病(Botrytis cinerea)和青霉病(Penicillum expansum)在23℃-25℃和1℃下的发生。C.albidus和Trichosporon sp.对梨灰、青霉病也有一定抑制效果。B-912对柑桔果实青霉病(Penicillium italicum)、绿霉病(Penicillium digitatum)和核果类果实褐腐病(Monilinia fructicola)也有极好的抑制效果。生物防治效果与拮抗菌的浓度成正比,与病菌孢子浓度成反比。 2.拮抗酵母菌在室温和冷藏条件下都能迅速在果实伤口定殖,接种酵母菌48 h后,数量可增加20倍以上。拮抗菌和病菌孢子的接种时间与生物防治效果有关,先接种拈抗菌的抑菌效果显著地好于同时或后于病菌接种的效果。 3.温度对拮抗酵母菌的抑菌活力没有明显影响,无论是在室温还是在冷藏条件下,拮抗酵母菌都有同样的抑菌效果。但拮抗细菌B-912的抑菌效果与温度有一定关系。较高的温度有利于细菌拮抗作用的发挥。 4.拮抗菌能与常规的果实采后处理措施如钙处理、化学杀菌剂、冷藏和气调贮藏相结合。酵母菌与2% CaC12配合能明显地增强其抑菌能力;拮抗菌与低浓度的杀菌剂如扑海因混合使用,可达到高浓度杀菌剂的抑病效果;C.albidus和Trichosporon sp.对果实采后气调贮藏环境有良好的适应性,它们在气调下对采后苹果、梨的灰霉病和青霉病的抑制效果比冷藏条件下的好。 5.细菌B-912的抑菌机理与其产生抗菌素有关,B-912的滤液在in vitro上能有效地抑制病菌孢子的萌发,在invivo上也能明显地抑制果实采后病害的发生。拮抗酵母菌的抑菌机理则较复杂,但主要与病菌竞争营养有关,同时,C.guilliermondii和P.membranefaciens对软腐菌的抑制还通过产生水解酶如β-1,3一葡聚糖酶和几丁酶与病原菌直接作用,并参与诱导寄主产生抗性等
相对于酵母拮抗菌的使用来说,人们对其作用机理了解得还不是很清楚。而了解拮抗菌的抑菌机理却是增强拮抗菌的生防效果以及进行拮抗菌筛选标准的重要前提。本文主要研究了酵母拮抗菌Pichia membranefaciens、Cryptococcus albidus以及Crytococcus laurentii对水果采后软腐病、褐腐病以及青霉病的防治效果,拮抗菌与病原菌之间的相互作用,并对酵母拮抗菌与外源物质配合使用,以及通过遗传改良途径来提高酵母拮抗菌生防能力等进行了初步研究。实验结果如下: 1、酵母拮抗菌P. membranefaciens、C. albidus以及C. laurentii能在果实伤口大量繁殖。采用扫描电镜技术,观察发现在桃果实伤口处P. membranefaciens能紧密地吸附在软腐病菌Rhizopous stolonfier的菌丝体上;C. laurentii与青霉病菌Penicillium expansum在苹果果实伤口处也存在着直接的拮抗作用;但P. membranefaciens和C. albidus对P. expansum的直接作用不明显。 2、酵母拮抗菌P. membranefaciens能够有效地抑制甜樱桃果实在常温和低温贮藏条件下褐腐病的发生。在常温贮藏条件下,P. membranefaciens和褐腐病菌Monilinia fracticola 处理都能够提高果实β-1,3-葡聚糖酶、POD、以及PAL酶的活性,但在低温贮藏条件下,拮抗菌和病原菌处理对甜樱桃果实β-1,3-葡聚糖酶、POD酶活性的升高有促进作用,对PAL和PPO酶活性的诱导作用不明显。 3、梨果实采后经过水杨酸,CaCl2,UV辐射和草酸等各种激发子处理以后,再接种病原菌Alternaria alternata,可以显著降低梨果实的发病率。其中,水杨酸处理的果实发病率最低。不同的激发子均可以诱导梨果实β-1,3-葡聚糖酶、POD、PAL和PPO酶活性的升高,但对果实乙烯含量的影响不明显。 4、氨基糖甙类抗菌素G418能够抑制P. membranefaciens的生长,其最低抑制浓度为100g ml-1。将G418抗性基因Neor插入到酵母-大肠杆菌穿梭表达载体pFL61中,构建PGK启动子驱动的表达载体pFL61-neo,利用醋酸锂转化法转化P. membranefaciens。酵母转化子在非选择性培养条件下连续生长50代后,仍有67.87%的细胞保留该质粒。这表明穿梭表达载体pFL61-neo能稳定地存在于P. membranefaciens中,并且该酵母细胞能有效地识别PGK启动子和终止子指导Neor的表达。 5、酵母拮抗菌C. laurentii和Rhodotorula glutinis与2%的碳酸氢钠混合使用,对冬枣果实青霉病的防治效果明显比单独使用拮抗菌或化学物质的防病效果好。其中,107CFU ml-1的拮抗菌与238 mmol l-1的碳酸氢钠配合使用可以达到单独使用108CFU ml-1拮抗菌的防病效果。另外,钼酸铵作为一种添加剂也能提高R. glutinis对梨果实青霉病和黑霉病的防治效果,但将钼酸铵与Trichosporon sp.配合使用的防病效果不明显。碳酸氢钠和钼酸铵在果实伤口对酵母拮抗菌的生长都有一定的抑制作用。 6、酵母拮抗菌P. membranefaciens在不同碳源、氮源中生长情况表明:在几种氮源中,大豆蛋白胨、酵母提取物、牛肉浸膏对P. membranefaciens的生长有显著的促进作用,其中,大豆蛋白胨的效果最好。在检测以葡萄糖、果糖和麦芽糖作为碳源的生长实验中,发现这几种碳源都能够被拮抗菌很好的利用,其中葡萄糖的利用率最好。小球藻生长因子(CGF)能够明显地促进了P. membranefaciens的生长。但是,CGF的浓度从0.5%增加到1%并没有促进酵母菌细胞数量的增加。
In this paper, organic-inorganic hybrid material, which is composed of silica and the grafting copolymer of poly (vinyl alcohol) and 4-vinylpyridine (PVA-g-P(4-VP)), was employed to immobilize Trichosporon cutaneum strain 2.570 cells. Cells entrapped into the hybrid material were found to keep a long-term viability. The mechanism of such a long-term viability was investigated by using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Our studies revealed that arthroconidia produced in the extracellular material might play an important role in keeping the long-term viability of the immobilized microorganism. After the arthroconidia were activated, an electrochemical biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) sensor based on cell/hybrid material-modified supporting membrane was constructed for verifying the proposed mechanism.