1000 resultados para Triatoma klugi sp. n.
There are several specific complexes belonging to the genus Triatoma Laporte, 1832, which are generally associated to specific geographic areas. Recent publications have linked the oliveirai complex to ecosystems of Mato Grosso, which are also present in other Brazilian states and even in other bordering countries as eastern Paraguay. The study of the abundant material collected during the last years allowed the description of several new species of the oliveirai complex: T. jurbergi Carcavallo, Galvão & Lent, 1998; T. baratai Carcavallo & Jurberg, 2000 and T. klugi Carcavallo, Jurberg, Lent & Galvão, 2001. Another new species belonging to the same complex is described here as T. vandae sp.n. It originates from the state of Mato Grosso, and has been reared in the insectary of the Laboratório Nacional e Internacional de Referência em Taxonomia de TriatomÃneos, Departamento de Entomologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro.
Os autores descreveram as caracterÃsticas morfológicas de Triatoma klugi Carcavallo, Jurberg, Lent & Galvão, 2001 pertencente ao grupo de espécies que compõem o "complexo T. oliveirai". Até o presente tem sido difÃcil separar essas espécies com base nas caracterÃsticas ninfais, o que justifica o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Os espécimes foram coletados em frestas de rochas no morro Malavok na localidade de Linha Brasil, municÃpio de Nova Petrópolis, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O local de captura dos triatomÃneos situa-se entre 700 e 800 m de altitude (29º18'38''S, 51º04'57''W). Juntamente com T. oliveirai (Neiva, Pinto & Lent, 1939), espécie morfologicamente mais próxima, são as únicas do complexo que não foram encontradas, até o momento, no Estado do Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul e Goiás, Brasil. Em condições experimentais, já foi testada e comprovada a sua susceptibilidade à infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas, 1909) e Trypanosoma rangeli (Tejera, 1920). A análise comparativa das ornamentações do exocório dos ovos e de três estádios ninfais de T. klugi por microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou algumas particularidades morfológicas, com destaque para: a face ventral da cabeça, o sulco estridulatório e os últimos segmentos abdominais (IX, X - futura genitália e XI - tubo anal). Esses dados contribuem para a ampliação dos parâmetros diferenciais visando à diagnose de T. klugi durante o seu desenvolvimento ninfal.
Triatoma jurbergi n. sp. is described based on nine specimens of both sexes deposited in the Rodolfo Carcavallo Collection in the Oswaldo Cruz Institute Entomological Collection. The new species can be separated from the closely related Triatoma guazu Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 by several characters. The most important are longer anteocular region; thin and pointed juga; the shape of the eyes without concavity in the posterior edge; much longer second rostral segment, passing the posterior edge of eye; the absence of a ventral longitudinal depression on the abdomen; the general color redish, brown and orange and the male genitalia, mainly in the vesica lightly chitinized and smaller, the phallosome with apical projection and the pointed apex of the endosome process.
According to the descriptions of five closely related species of the genus Triatoma Laporte, 1832: T. phyllosoma (Burmeister, 1835), T. pallidipennis (Stal, 1872), T. picturata Usinger, 1939, T. longipennis Usinger, 1939 and T. mazzottii Usinger, 1941 and further published studies, these species could be included in a "specific complex" named as the species formerly described. All these species are typical from Mexico and another species was found in the same country, in the State of Puebla: Triatoma bassolsae sp. n. This species was morphologically compared with the other five of the "phyllosoma" complex, including the external male genitalia. The most important characters used to separate T. bassolsae from T. phyllosoma (which is the most similar to the other species) are the morphometric relationships on the head, with a longer anteocular region and a significant longer second rostral segment, a long and conspicuous pilosity in different areas of the body and specially on the head, and the characters of the anterolateral, lateral and discal tubercles of the pronotum, very long and sharp in the new species. The male genitalia has several differences between T. bassolsae and T. phyllosoma specially significant on the surface of the endosome process and on the branches of the phallosome support, separated at the apex in the new species. Types and paratypes are incorporated in the respective institutions in Mexico DF and Rio de Janeiro.
The life cycle of Triatoma klugi Carcavallo, Jurberg, Lent & Galvão 2001 was compared under laboratory conditions using two groups of the F1 generation obtained from field-collected bugs. Among the 100 nymphs weekly fed on mice (Group A) or chicken (Group B), 77% of Group A and 67% of Group B reached the adult stage, and the mean time from the first nymphal stage to adult was 190.08 ± 28.31 days and 221.23 ± 40.50, respectively. The average span in days for each stage per group and the number of blood meals required for each stage were also evaluated. The overall mortality rate was 23% and 33% for Groups A and B, respectively. The mean number of eggs laid per month in a three-month period was of 56.20, 51.70 and 73.20 for Group A, and 64.50, 53.50 and 38.71 for Group B. Despite the blood source, comparative analysis revealed no statistically significant differences in the life cycle of T. klugi under laboratory conditions. Infection rates over 60% were observed for both Trypanosoma cruzi strains tested. Even revealing high infection rates of the hemolymph by T. rangeli strains, T. klugi revealed no salivary gland infections and was not able to transmit the parasite.
Triatoma juazeirensis, a new triatomine species from the state of Bahia, Northeastern Brazil, is described. The new species is found among rocks in sylvatic environment and in the peridomicile. Type specimens were deposited in the Entomological Collection of Oswaldo Cruz Institute-Fiocruz, Museum of Zoology of University of São Paulo, and Florida Museum of Natural History. T. juazeirensis can be distinguished from the other members of the T. brasiliensis species complex mainly by the overall color of the pronotum, which is dark, and by the entirely dark femora.
Triatoma jatai sp. nov. is the first new species of triatomine to be described in the state of Tocantins, in the northern region of Brazil. It was caught on rock outcrops in the wild environment and, more recently, invading homes. While T. jatai sp. nov. is morphologically similar to Triatoma costalimai, it is distinguished by its general colouring, differences in the blotches on the connexivum, wing size in females and external structures of the male genitalia. The type series has been deposited in the Entomological Collection and Herman Lent Collection, Oswaldo Cruz Institute-Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Triatoma klugi is a Chagas disease vector in the Rio Grande do Sul State. Triatominae chromosomes are holocentric and sex chromosomes segregation is post-reductional. In this paper we describe the karyotype of male T. klugi and a meiotic analysis including the nucleolar behavior during spermatogenesis. Testis cells were analyzed after lacto-acetic orcein and silver nitrate staining. Two autosomes and the heterochromosomes presented nucleolar activity (Ag-NORs) during diplotene-diakinesis. The analysis of metaphase I and II revealed a karyotype with 2n = 20+XY. In metaphase I a prominent nucleolar mass was observed in the cell periphery and small silver grains were detected in metaphase II. During anaphase, the chromosomes segregated in parallel and a typical holocentric late migration behavior was observed. The restoration of the nucleolus was an important feature in this phase. During telophase nucleolar masses persisted and in early spermiogenesis the spermatids presented a small peripheral mass until elongation. The present study is a contribution to the study of chromatin behavior and nucleolar persistence in meiosis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The authors describe a new species of Triatominae (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) from the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The study was made with specimens captured in basaltic formations, at an average altitude of 750 m.o.s.l. The new species is included in the oliveirai complex together with other four species T. williami, T. matogrossensis, T. guazu and T. jurbergi). The new species was compared with the most similar one, T. oliveirai, from which the main differences are on the proportions of head, ante and postocular regions, the general color pattern and the male genitalia, specially on the median process of the pygophore, the support of phallosome, the vesica and the process of the endosome.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Evlachovaea sp was tested on nymphs of 5 Triatoma spp 5 Rhodnius spp, Panstrongylus herreri and Dipetalogaster maximus at 25°C, 75% humidity and humidity >98%. Most species showed susceptibility to fungal infection at high humidity. Mortality was reduced at 75% humidity. Fungal development was observed on 69.5% of cadavers.
Sete macacos (Cebus apella sp) foram inoculados por via subcutânea peto Trypanosoma cruzi com um número de formas tripomastigotas que variou de 25 x 103 a 5 x 1O6. Um outro primata, também da mesma espécie, foi inoculado por via palpebral com fezes de Triatoma infestans contendo formas de T. cruzi provenientes da mesma cepa "Y". A presença do T. cruzi foi assinalada na maioria dos animais, pela primeira vez, no 8º dia após a infecção. Os picos máximos da parasitemia foram observados entre o 9º e o 12º dia da infecção. O número de tripanosomas caiu acentuadamente do 19º ao 25º dia. Todos os animais infectados sobreviveram. Estudos estão sendo conduzidos com o intuito de se observar o comportamento destes animais na fase crônica da doença.
The migration of invasive vector species has contributed to the worldwide extension of infectious diseases such as dengue (Aedes aegypti) and chikungunya (Aedes albopictus). It is probably a similar behaviour for certain vectors of Chagas disease which allowed it to become a continental burden in Latin America. One of them, Triatoma rubrofasciata has also been spreading throughout the tropical and subtropical world. Here, the recent and massive peridomestic presence of T. rubrofasciata in Vietnam cities is reported, and tentatively explained, highlighting the need for improved entomological surveillance.
The reproductive capacity between Triatoma lenti and Triatoma sherlocki was observed in order to verify the fertility and viability of the offspring. Cytogenetic, morphological and morphometric approaches were used to analyze the differences that were inherited. Experimental crosses were performed in both directions. The fertility rate of the eggs in crosses involving T. sherlocki females was 65% and 90% in F1 and F2 offspring, respectively. In reciprocal crosses, it was 7% and 25% in F1 and F2 offspring, respectively. The cytogenetic analyses of the male meiotic process of the hybrids were performed using lacto-acetic orcein, C-banding and Feulgen techniques. The male F1 offspring presented normal chromosome behavior, a finding that was similar to those reported in parental species. However, cytogenetic analysis of F2 offspring showed errors in chromosome pairing. This post-zygotic isolation, which prevents hybrids in nature, may represent the collapse of the hybrid. This phenomenon is due to a genetic dysregulation that occurs in the chromosomes of F1. The results were similar in the hybrids from both crosses. Morphological features, such as color and size of connexive and the presence of red-orange rings on the femora, were similar to T. sherlocki, while wins size was similar to T. lenti in F1 offspring. The eggshells showed characteristics that were similar to species of origin, whereas the median process of the pygophore resulted in intermediate characteristics in the F1 and a segregating pattern in F2 offspring. Geometric morphometric techniques used on the wings showed that both F1 and F2 offspring were similar to T. lenti. These studies on the reproductive capacity between T. lenti and T. sherlocki confirm that both species are evolutionarily closed; hence, they are included in the brasiliensis subcomplex. The extremely reduced fertility observed in the F2 hybrids confirmed the specific status of the species that were analyzed.