189 resultados para Trialectic spatiality


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Player experience of spatiality in first-person, single-player games is informed by the maps and navigational aids provided by the game. This project uses textual analysis to examine the way these maps and navigational aids inform the experience of spatiality in Fallout 3, BioShock and BioShock 2. Spatiality is understood as trialectic, incorporating perceived, conceived and lived space, drawing on the work of Henri Lefebvre and Edward Soja. The most prominent elements of the games’ maps and navigational aids are analysed in terms of how they inform players’ experience of the games’ spaces. In particular this project examines the in-game maps these games incorporate, the waypoint navigation and fast-travel systems in Fallout 3, and the guide arrow and environmental cues in the BioShock games.


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El desarrollo local ambientalmente sostenible del territorio pondera variables económicas, sociales y ambientales, y en él es esencial la legitimidad política: necesita ser construido por consenso en un ámbito democrático. La articulación entre los actores sociales (Estado, sociedad civil y mercado) constituye una dimensión relevante para su logro. El objeto del presente artículo1 es identificar las potencialidades y restricciones de la articulación municipio organizaciones no gubernamentales para la gestión de problemáticas ambientales, teniendo en cuenta el papel que en tal relación juega la comunidad científica local. El recorte espacial válido para la investigación es el Municipio de Luján en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, que cuenta con gran cantidad y diversidad de ONG, cumple con las condiciones de escala poblacional para el desarrollo local y en el que se emplaza la sede central de la Universidad Nacional de Luján.


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El desarrollo local ambientalmente sostenible del territorio pondera variables económicas, sociales y ambientales, y en él es esencial la legitimidad política: necesita ser construido por consenso en un ámbito democrático. La articulación entre los actores sociales (Estado, sociedad civil y mercado) constituye una dimensión relevante para su logro. El objeto del presente artículo1 es identificar las potencialidades y restricciones de la articulación municipio organizaciones no gubernamentales para la gestión de problemáticas ambientales, teniendo en cuenta el papel que en tal relación juega la comunidad científica local. El recorte espacial válido para la investigación es el Municipio de Luján en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, que cuenta con gran cantidad y diversidad de ONG, cumple con las condiciones de escala poblacional para el desarrollo local y en el que se emplaza la sede central de la Universidad Nacional de Luján.


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El desarrollo local ambientalmente sostenible del territorio pondera variables económicas, sociales y ambientales, y en él es esencial la legitimidad política: necesita ser construido por consenso en un ámbito democrático. La articulación entre los actores sociales (Estado, sociedad civil y mercado) constituye una dimensión relevante para su logro. El objeto del presente artículo1 es identificar las potencialidades y restricciones de la articulación municipio organizaciones no gubernamentales para la gestión de problemáticas ambientales, teniendo en cuenta el papel que en tal relación juega la comunidad científica local. El recorte espacial válido para la investigación es el Municipio de Luján en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, que cuenta con gran cantidad y diversidad de ONG, cumple con las condiciones de escala poblacional para el desarrollo local y en el que se emplaza la sede central de la Universidad Nacional de Luján.


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Occidentalism, which treats the other as the same, can be detected in both the criminological and rural sociological treatment of violence in the sociospatial sites of rural countrysides. Criminology tends to mistakenly assume that violence in the modern world is primarily an urban phenomenon (Baldwin & Bottoms, 1976, p. 1; Braithwaite, 1989, p. 47). If violence in rural settings is encountered it tends to be treated as a smaller scale version of the urban problem, or the importation of an otherwise urban problem - as the corrupting influence of the gesellschaft within the gemeinschaft. Within much rural sociology violence is rendered invisible by the assumption that rural communities conform to the idealised conception of the typical gemeinschaft society, small-scale traditional societies based on strong cohesiveness, intimacy and organic forms of solidarity. What these bonds conceal, rather than reveal - violence within the family - remains invisible to the public gaze. The visibility of violence within Aboriginal families and communities presents a major exception to the spatially ordered social relations which render so much white family violence hidden. The need to take into account the complexity and diversity of these sociospatial relations is concretely highlighted in our research which has taken us out of the urban context and confronted us not only with the phenomenon of the violence of other rurals, but also with fundamentally competing claims on, and conceptions of, space and place in the context of a racially divided Australian interior. This article represents the second installment of conceptual reflections on this research, with the first having been published in this journal in 1998.


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This column features a conversation (via email, image sharing, and Facetime) that took place over several months between two international theorists of digital filmmaking from schools in two countries—Professors Jason Ranker (Portland State University, Oregon, United States) and Kathy Mills (Queensland University of Technology, Australia). The authors discuss emerging ways of thinking about video making, sharing tips and anecdotes from classroom experience to inspire teachers to explore with adolescents the meaning potentials of digital video creation. The authors briefly discuss their previous work in this area, and then move into a discussion of how the material spaces in which students create videos profoundly shape the films' meanings and significance. The article ends with a discussion of how students can take up creative new directions, pushing the boundaries of the potentials of classroom video making and uncovering profound uses of the medium.


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This paper will discuss the issues of spatial segregation in the divided city context,focusing on Belfast as a case study it will discuss, issues that limit the inclusivity of shared space in the city, the challenge of insular spatial patterns created by division, and the micro politics of everyday contact. It will argue the significance of creating everyday space to enable practical socio-spatial interaction between divided groups and propose that areas on community borders can be developed as active spaces accommodating services that the communities need, use, and want on an everyday basis, by doing so it offers a potential form valuable contact. It will report on an ongoing study which examines such sites located on community border and assesses their capacity to act as beneficial ‘spaces of engagement’ for communities set within divided context.


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The military offers a form of welfare-for-work but when personnel leave they lose this safety net, a loss exacerbated by the rollback neoliberalism of the contemporary welfare state. Increasingly the third sector has stepped in to address veterans’ welfare needs through operating within and across military/civilian and state/market/community spaces and cultures. In this paper we use both veterans’ and military charities’ experiences to analyse the complex politics that govern the liminal boundary zone of post-military welfare. Through exploring ‘crossing’ and ‘bridging’ we conceptualise military charities as ‘boundary subjects’, active yet dependent on the continuation of the civilian-military binary, and argue that the latter is better understood as a multidirectional, multiscalar and contextual continuum. Post-military welfare emerges as a competitive, confused and confusing assemblage that needs to be made more navigable in order to better support the ‘heroic poor’.


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Moving beyond the limitations of the ‘space-as-container’ ontology (Gotham, 2003), this paper offers Bakhtinian (dialogical) perspective on the use of cultural-semiotic spaces, in particular with regard to the production of new transcultural meanings and hybrid literacy practices as a result of interaction between differences. From this perspective cultural-semiotic space is not a neutral backdrop against which literacy practices unfold, but rather it is in the constant process of change due to the struggle between centrifugal and centripetal forces that operate on the level of spatial and textual politics – that is, between the processes of cultural and textual uniformization and local fragmentation. Given the dialogical nature of space and its relations to cultural identities of migrant and minority students and their literacy practices, the paper argues for rethinking literacy studies in multicultural conditions. This task becomes more urgent in the current educational era of standards, accountability and classroom pedagogies that are not attuned to the particularities of students’ intertextual practices and emergent transcultural places in which they live.