983 resultados para Trawls and trawling
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Each year the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources publishes a summary of the laws and regulations of commercial fishing in the state. This publication provides the license requirements, definitions, restrictions, and laws and regulations for commercial trawling.
La pesca d'arrossegament practicada al mar Mediterrani incideix sobre un rang batimètric molt ampli i afecta a nombrosos tipus de fons que presenten comunitats molt diversificades, on les espècies de peixos, crustacis, cefalòpodes, altres mol·luscs, equinoderms i d'altres macroorganismes epibentònics interaccionen entre si. D'aquí la importància de caracteritzar amb una aproximació multiespecífica els fons explotats, com la que aquí hem dut a terme, prenent en consideració no tan sols les espècies d'interès comercial sinó totes les espècies que conformen la comunitat. Els objectius concrets d'aquesta tesi estan centrats en l'estudi qualitatiu i quantitatiu dels descartaments produïts per la pesca d'arrossegament que efectua la flota espanyola en la zona del Golf de Lleó, i en aspectes relacionats a millorar la selectivitat de les xarxes emprades canviant el disseny de la malla tradicional per malla quadrada. El mostreig s'ha dut a terme a bord d'una embarcació d'arrossegament comercial, amb una freqüència setmanal, dins el període comprès entre març del 1998 i març del 2000. En total s'han analitzat 68 pesques. Totes les mostres estudiades provenen del primer vol del dia i s'han capturat a fondàries entre 50 i 500 metres. De tot el volum capturat durant l'estudi s'han identificat un total de 307 espècies pertanyent a diversos grups taxonòmics. El grup taxonòmic majoritari és el dels peixos amb 133 espècies, seguit dels crustacis, els cefalòpodes, els equinoderms i finalment el grup d'altres invertebrats. L'espècie més capturada en nombre a la pesquera del Golf de Lleó ha estat la cervellina (Leptometra phalangium) i les més capturades en biomassa han estat la sardina (Sardina pilchardus) i el lluç mediterrani (Merluccius merluccius smiridus). Pel total de la captura la fracció descartada en nombre d'individus representa el 71% mentre que la biomassa descartada és de l'ordre del 36%. La causa més important en quant a quantitat de rebuig produït és la que respon al compliment de la normativa vigent, ja sigui per les talles mínimes legals o per les captures acompanyants permeses. Els majors descartaments estacionals en termes d'abundància es donen a la primavera i l'estiu, coincidint amb l'època de reclutament de la majoria de les espècies explotades. En canvi, els descartaments estacionals en termes de biomassa són excepcionalment elevats a l'estiu i estan provocats per la captura massiva de sardina (S. pilchardus) durant aquesta època de l'any. El rebuig expressat tant en nombre com en pes disminueix en funció de l'estrat de fondària, essent la quantitat descartada major en l'estrat A (50-200 m) i menor en l'estrat C (>400 m). S'ha comprovat que el disseny de malla quadrada aplicat al cóp de les xarxes d'arrossegament fa augmentar dràsticament, tant en nombre com en pes, el percentatge d'individus escapats, disminuint a la vegada la quantitat de descartament. També s'aconsegueix un augment de la mida de primera captura (L50) de totes les espècies excepte en la bruixa de quatre taques (Lepidorhombus boscii). A més es redueix l'impacte de la pesca sobre els estocs d'individus juvenils, sobretot d'espècies que presenten una secció de cos rodona com el lluç mediterrani (M. merluccius smiridus) i el verat (Scomber scombrus), disminuint així la sobrepesca de creixement i de reclutament al mateix temps que s'assegura i es millora la venda d'exemplars de mida legal.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
Raias da espécie Narcine brasiliensis são frequentemente encontradas em regiões de substrato arenoso e lodoso localizadas entre o sudeste do Brasil e norte da Argentina, entretanto, há poucos estudos sobre seu ciclo de vida, assim como aspectos de sua distribuição e abundância. Verificar suas medidas corporais torna-se crucial para tais estudos, principalmente quando estes estão relacionados ao crescimento, maturação, comprimento máximo e estrutura populacional de elasmobrânquios. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a ocorrência, a morfometria e o crescimento relativo da espécie no litoral do estado de São Paulo. Sendo assim, foram tomadas e avaliadas 46 medidas morfométricas corporais. Para verificar se havia diferenças significativas das proporções corpóreas entre machos e fêmeas, foi aplicado o teste “t de Student” e o teste de “Wilcoxon Rank”, conforme a distribuição da normalidade dos dados. Para avaliar a relação entre os caracteres morfométricos durante o crescimento dos indivíduos, foram ajustadas regressões lineares entre o logaritmo do comprimento total e o logaritmo de cada uma das variáveis, estimando-se o coeficiente alométrico (b); sendo b=1 (isometria), b>1 (alometria positiva) e b<1 (alometria negativa). Por último, foi verificado se havia diferença significativa do coeficiente alométrico (b) entre machos e fêmeas por meio de uma análise de covariância. A amostra analisada foi composta por 72 fêmeas de 237 a 470 mm e 33 machos de 236 a 380 mm. Os indivíduos foram capturados em substrato arenoso, sendo que não estiveram presentes indivíduos neonatos provavelmente pelo local de captura e seletividade da rede. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas na comparação das proporções corpóreas de machos e fêmeas, exceto para a região do espiráculo. As regressões lineares das variáveis logaritmizadas mostraram presença de isometria em 39,5%, alometria positiva em ...
Overgedrukt uit: "Mededeelingen over visscherij."
Tese de dout., Ciências e Tecnologias das Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2003
The execution of this survey was decided upon by Swedevelop in agreement with the Sri Lanka Fisheries Corporation and was a part of the investigations and studies for a fishery project at Trincomalee which was carried out by Scandia Consult. The main purpose was to investigate the following aspects: bottom conditions, especially prawn trawling conditions; size of the potential prawn trawling catches; size and quality of the potential fish trawling catches; suitable sizes and types of boats and trawling gear; duration of trawl fishing season.
During June 1974 the California Department of Fish and Game, in cooperation with the Sea Grant program at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, conducted an exploratory fishing cruise that extended from La Jolla to Santa Cruz and included the Channel Islands, concentrating on inshore waters. The cruise was preliminary to the initiation of a major program of squid research and had six objectives: 1) To gather samples of market squid (Lo1igo opa1escens) for population, growth, aging and food chain studies. 2) To locate potential new fishing grounds. 3) To investigate methods for determining spawning intensity. 4) To gather data on oceanographic parameters of the spawning grounds. 5) To make incidental collections as requested by other investigators. 6) To familiarize Sea Grant personnel with the capabilities of the Department's largest research vessel, ALASKA, with respect to squid. Especially good weather and oceanographic conditions persisting throughout the cruise enabled us to make 66 night1ight stations, 17 midwater trawls and eight bottom trawls. Fishable concentrations of squid were discovered in the areas between Cape San Martin and Partington Point, between Pfeiffer Point and Point Sur, and in Carmel Bay, heretofore unfished. Squid spawning off Santa Cruz Island was observed utilizing an underwater observation chamber aboard the vessel. Mating and feeding behavior were observed in shipboard aquaria. PDF contains 28 pages)
Oreochromis niloticus (L.) were caught by beach seining, hook and line and trawling from Nyanza Gulf, lake Victoria (Kenya) in order to study their feeding ecology and population characteristics. Collected fish were weighed and TL measured immediately after capture. Fish were dissected and sexed. Stomach contents were removed and preserved in 4% buffered formalin for laboratory analysis. In the laboratory items were sorted into categories such as three quarters, half and quarter and awarded 20, 15 and 5 points respectively. Main food items for O. niloticus from November 1998 to March 1999 were insects, algae, fish and plant material. Increase in insects in the diet of O. niloticus might be attributed to the lake infestation by water hyacinth which harbours different species of insects
Ten growth models were fitted to age and growth data for spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in the Gulf of Alaska. Previous studies of spiny dogfish growth have all fitted the t0 formulation of the von Bertalanffy model without examination of alternative models. Among the alternatives, we present a new two-phase von Bertalanffy growth model formulation with a logistically scaled k parameter and which estimates L0. A total of 1602 dogfish were aged from opportunistic collections with longline, rod and reel, set net, and trawling gear in the eastern and central Gulf of Alaska between 2004 and 2007. Ages were estimated from the median band count of three independent readings of the second dorsal spine plus the estimated number of worn bands for worn spines. Owing to a lack of small dogfish in the samples, lengths at age of small individuals were back-calculated from a subsample of 153 dogfish with unworn spines. The von Bertalanffy, two-parameter von Bertalanffy, two-phase von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, two-parameter Gompertz, and logistic models were fitted to length-at-age data for each sex separately, both with and without back-calculated lengths at age. The two-phase von Bertalanffy growth model produced the statistically best fit for both sexes of Gulf of Alaska spiny dogfish, resulting in L∞ = 87.2 and 102.5 cm and k= 0.106 and 0.058 for males and females, respectively.
Length-weight relationships of 316 reef and lagoon fish from New Caledonia (SW Pacific Ocean) belonging to 68 families are computed. A total of 43,750 individuals was used for this purpose. Fish were sampled by different techniques such as rotenone poisoning, handline and bottom longline fishing, gill and trammel nets, and trawling in various isotopes (coral reefs, lagoon bottoms and mangroves).