996 resultados para Traveller babies health


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The birth cohort study was a one year follow-up of all Traveller babies born on the island of Ireland between 14th October 2008 and 13th October 2009. The mother had to self-identify as an Irish Traveller. The aim of study was to assess the health status of Traveller infants and their mothers, quantify health service use, conditions needing health services and to examine why Traveller infants die. Click here to download PDF 7.72MB See all reports here


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Summary of Findings (PDF 9.4mb) Alongside the executive summary above, this report is further broken into 3 technical reports and an appendix, which are available below. Because of their size, Technical Reports 2 and 3 are available in low-resolution format and are also broken into 4-part higher resolution versions. Technical Report 1 features the findings of the Census of Traveller Population and a Quantitative Study of Health Status and Health Utilisation Technical Report 1: Health Survey Findings (PDF 10mb) Technical Report 2 reports on Demography and Vital Statistics including mortality and life expectancy data, an initial report of the Birth Cohort Study and a report on Travellers in Institutions. The Birth Cohort Study was a 1 year follow-up of all Traveller babies born on the island of Ireland between 14th October 2008 and 13th October 2009, with data collection up to 13th October 2010. Part D of Technical Report 2 is the Birth Cohort Study Follow Up and was published in September 2011. Technical Report 2 – Parts A, B & C (PDF 12mb) Demography & Vital Statistics: Part A of Technical Report 2 (PDF 5.3mb) The Birth Cohort Study: Part B of Technical Report 2 (PDF 9.6mb) Travellers in Institutions: Part C of Technical Report 2 (PDF 4.3mb) Technical Report 2 Bibliography – Parts A, B & C (PDF 2.7mb) The Birth Cohort Study Follow Up: Part D of Technical Report 2 (including bibliography) (PDF 7.1mb) Technical Report 3 reports on Consultative Studies including qualitative studies based on focus groups and semi-structured interviews with Travellers and key discussants, and a survey of Health Service Providers Technical Report 3 : Full Report (PDF 11.8mb) Qualitative Studies: Part A of Technical Report 3 (PDF 4.2mb) Health Service Provider Study: Part B of Technical Report 3 (PDF 5.4mb) Discussion & Recommendations: Part C of Technical Report 3 (PDF 3.1mb) Technical Report 3 Bibliography (PDF 2.6mb) Preamble Health Service Providers Questionnaire for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (PDF 75kb) Questionnaire for the Republic of Ireland (PDF 326kb) Questionnaire for Northern Ireland (PDF 140kb)


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We study the effect of the business cycle on the health of newborn babies using 30 years of birth certificate data for Spain. Exploiting regional variation over time, we find that babies are born healthier when the local unemployment rate is high. Although fertility is lower during recessions, the effect on health is not the result of selection (healthier mothers being more likely to conceive when unemployment is high). We match multiple births to the same parents and find that the main result survives the inclusion of parents fixed-effects. We then explore a range of maternal behaviors as potential channels. Fertility-age women do not appear to engage in significantly healthier behaviors during recessions (in terms of exercise, nutrition, smoking and drinking). However, they are more likely to be out of work. Maternal employment during pregnancy is in turn negatively correlated with babies' health. We conclude that maternal employment is a plausible mediating channel.


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Este trabalho, realizado num hospital, apresenta a prática de Grupo com pais de bebês internados em Centro de Tratamento Intensivo. Tal prática visa basicamente o atendimento aos pais no sentida de lhes oferecer as condições necesárias para a manutenção e preservação do vínculo afetivo bebê-pais, e consequentemente aceitação deste bebê doente, tanto durante o período de internação como também após sua alta. Visa, portanto, revelar a importância de um suporte emocional aos pais de tais bebês, sem o que, acredita-se, dificilmente ais pais teriam condições de superar a situação de crise emocional por que passam diante ao nascimento de um filho doente ou que adoece logo ao nascer. o trabalho com os Grupos realiza-se uma vez por s~ mana. tendo a duração de 1DJla hora. A coordenação destes grupos é feita em co~terap:ta por UltlJllédico peaiatra e um psicõl~ go. Baseia-se na livre expressão dos participantes. e tanto o médico quanto o psicólogo. oferecem informações sobre o estado de saúde do bebê ao mesmo tempo em que buscam compreen -der na fala dos pais os aspectos emocionais nela subentendi -dos. .' Essencialmente, tornaram-se temas centrais deste trabalho os que dizem respeito a ligação afetiva dos pais com o bebê, aos sentimentos de culpa pela doença do mesmo e os relativos i preocupação dos pais com o desenvolvimento futuro de seu filho. Os referidos temas foram denominados com os seguintes títulos: Vínculos e Separações, Sentimentos de Culpa e O Espaço da Criança, e neles foram abordados os aspectos teóricos de cada questão, visando uma melhor compreensão das ansiedades dos pais e na esperança de fornecer suporte emocional aos mesmos, a fim de que possam melhor amparar seus filhos.


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Traveller Health A National Strategy 2002-2005 Travellers are a distinct minority group of Irish people. They differ from the general population in many respects including their life-style, their culture and their treatment by society. In the Ireland of today, the Traveller community continues to experience high levels of social exclusion and disadvantage â?" a situation which requires an urgent, planned response. Click here to download PDF 831kb


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Members of the Traveller community and their support organisations joined the Public Health Agency and the Health and Social Care Board at an event in Dungannon to mark Traveller Focus Week (5 - 11 December) by sharing the progress made, and celebrating good practice in meeting the health and wellbeing needs of Travellers.These needs were identified in the 'All Ireland Traveller Health Study' by University College Dublin in June 2010. It estimated that there are 3,905 Travellers living in 1,562 families in Northern Ireland, and the stark findings include that when compared with the life expectancy of the general population, male Travellers lose 15 years of life and females lose 11 years.The report made a number of recommendations, including:prioritising mother and children's health; enhanced preventative work for respiratory and cardiovascular disease, as well as better risk detection and management of the disease; development of primary care interventions which involve Travellers engaging with other Travellers in health improvement;engagement of men and young men in improving health and wellbeing and access to healthcare.Speaking at the event, Mary Black, Assistant Director of Public Health (Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement) PHA, said: "The Public Health Agency works in partnership to promote health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities."This event with the Travellers Health and Wellbeing Forum was an important opportunity to look at progress against agreed priorities and share good practice across Northen Ireland and the successful work of the Forum. One such example is the recruitment of Travellers into employment as health workers developed by the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and part-funded by the PHA. Other areas are also considering work placements and all of this developing practice will help inform future partnerships with employers and help break down the real prejudice that can be experienced by Travellers."We also heard about the progress Travellers have made in their own right, and their views about how the Travelling community is fully engaged and participates in the future development of the Forum and programmes that aim to improve health and wellbeing and contribute to a more equal society."Mark Donahue, Equality Officer, An Munia Tober (a Traveller support organisation), added "The event was a great success in terms of highlighting the main health issues for Travellers, which came out of the All Ireland Traveller Health Study. I was heartened to see a great turn out by the Traveller community from all over Northern Ireland and also by the interest and commitment of so many public agencies and other organisations to work together to improve Traveller health."The event, at 'Breakthru' in Dungannon, also brought together representatives from the five health and social care trusts, Cooperation and Working Together (CAWT), Housing and key voluntary sector organisations, all involved in delivering the recommendations from the 'All Ireland Traveller Health Study'.


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Health promotion seeks to integrate oral health practices to other public health, by building healthy public policy and the development of strategies directed to all people in the community. This study aimed to analyze the knowledge and actions on the infants’ oral health promotion by dentists, pediatricians and nurses. Were interviewed dentists (n=34), pediatricians (n=31) and nurses (n=26) from Basic Health Units, Family Health Units and Centers for Education and Recreation in Araraquara - SP about knowledge and actions on oral health promotion for infants, by filling out a pre-tested questionnaire. Data were analyzed by association tests. Generally, the professionals are aware of and perform actions on oral health promotion for infants. Most participants were female; mean age of 39.9 years, worked in Basic Health Units, had over 10 years of graduation, demonstrated knowledge on and considered oral health promotion in infants very important. The time since graduation and actions on oral health promotion for infants were associated (p<0.05) with issues concerning the use of dental floss. That most of the professionals who participated in this study know about, take actions on oral health promotion for infants and consider them crucial.


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Objective To determine the costs and benefits of interventions for maternal and newborn health to assess the appropriateness of current strategies and guide future plans to attain the millennium development goals. Design Cost effectiveness analysis. Setting Two regions classified by the World Health Organization according to their epidemiological grouping: Afr-E, those countries in sub-Saharan Africa with very high adult and high child mortality, and Sear-D, comprising countries in South East Asia with high adult and high child mortality. Data sources Effectiveness data from several sources, including trials, observational studies, and expert opinion. For resource inputs, quantifies came from WHO guidelines, literature, and expert opinion, and prices from the WHO choosing interventions that are cost effective database. Main outcome measures Cost per disability adjusted life year (DALY) averted in year 2000 international dollars. Results The most cost effective mix of interventions was similar in Afr-E and Sear-D. These were the community based newborn care package, followed by antenatal care (tetanus toxoid, screening for pre-eclampsia, screening and treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria and syphilis); skilled attendance at birth, offering first level maternal and neonatal care around childbirth; and emergency obstetric and neonatal care around and after birth. Screening and treatment of maternal syphilis, community based management of neonatal pneumonia, and steroids given during the antenatal period were relatively less cost effective in Sear-D. Scaling up all of the included interventions to 95% coverage would halve neonatal and maternal deaths. Conclusion Preventive interventions at the community level for newborn babies and at the primary care level for mothers and newborn babies are extremely cost effective, but the millennium development goals for maternal and child health will not be achieved without universal access to clinical services as well.


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The study aimed to identify significant antenatal risk factors for cerebral palsy (CP) among extremely preterm infants with a matched case-control design. Infants born between 1989 and 1996 at 24 to 27 weeks' gestation who survived to hospital discharge were evaluated: 30 with a proven diagnosis of CP at 2 years corrected for prematurity and 120 control children matched for gestational age without CP. Information on maternal obstetric risk factors and medication was obtained. Matched analyses were performed and odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. An antenatal diagnosis of intrauterine growth restriction was associated with an increased risk of CP (OR 6.6; 95% CI 1.8 to 25.2), while maternal administration of corticosteroids was associated with a reduced risk of CP (OR 0.4; 95% CI 0.1 to 0.98). A high rate of placental histopathology was achieved but no relation between clinical or histological chorioamnionitis or funisitis and CP was demonstrated. Maternal preeclampsia was not associated with a statistically significant reduction in the risk of CP. It is concluded that a reduced risk of CP in extremely preterm infants is associated with the antenatal use of corticosteroids.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of preterm birth among low birthweight babies in low and middle-income countries. METHODS: Major databases (PubMed, LILACS, Google Scholar) were searched for studies on the prevalence of term and preterm LBW babies with field work carried out after 1990 in low- and middle-income countries. Regression methods were used to model this proportion according to LBW prevalence levels. RESULTS: According to 47 studies from 27 low- and middle-income countries, approximately half of all LBW babies are preterm rather than one in three as assumed in studies previous to the 1990s. CONCLUSIONS: The estimate of a substantially higher number of LBW preterm babies has important policy implications in view of special health care needs of these infants. As for earlier projections, our findings are limited by the relative lack of population-based studies.


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This booklet provides the facts about the MMR vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella


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This booklet explains how the 'Breastfeeding welcome here' scheme works and includes the membership agreement for businesses to sign.