965 resultados para Traumatic spinal cord injury


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Cell transplantation is a promising experimental treatment for spinal cord injury. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of mononuclear cells from human umbilical cord blood in promoting functional recovery when transplanted after a contusion spinal cord injury. Female Wistar rats (12 weeks old) were submitted to spinal injury with a MASCIS impactor and divided into 4 groups: control, surgical control, spinal cord injury, and one cell-treated lesion group. Mononuclear cells from umbilical cord blood of human male neonates were transplanted in two experiments: a) 1 h after surgery, into the injury site at a concentration of 5 x 10(6) cells diluted in 10 µL 0.9% NaCl (N = 8-10 per group); b) into the cisterna magna, 9 days after lesion at a concentration of 5 x 10(6) cells diluted in 150 µL 0.9% NaCl (N = 12-14 per group). The transplanted animals were immunosuppressed with cyclosporin-A (10 mg/kg per day). The BBB scale was used to evaluate motor behavior and the injury site was analyzed with immunofluorescent markers to label human transplanted cells, oligodendrocytes, neurons, and astrocytes. Spinal cord injury rats had 25% loss of cord tissue and cell treatment did not affect lesion extension. Transplanted cells survived in the injured area for 6 weeks after the procedure and both transplanted groups showed better motor recovery than the untreated ones (P < 0.05). The transplantation of mononuclear cells from human umbilical cord blood promoted functional recovery with no evidence of cell differentiation.


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Scientific advances have been made to optimize the healing process in spinal cord injury. Studies have been developed to obtain effective treatments in controlling the secondary injury that occurs after spinal cord injury, which substantially changes the prognosis. Low-intensity laser therapy (LILT) has been applied in neuroscience due to its anti-inflammatory effects on biological tissue in the repairing process. Few studies have been made associating LILT to the spinal cord injury. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the LILT (GaAlAs laser-780 nm) on the locomotor functional recovery, histomorphometric, and histopathological changes of the spinal cord after moderate traumatic injury in rats (spinal cord injury at T9 and T10). Thirty-one adult Wistar rats were used, which were divided into seven groups: control without surgery (n = 3), control surgery (n = 3), laser 6 h after surgery (n = 5), laser 48 h after surgery (n = 5), medullar lesion (n = 5) without phototherapy, medullar lesion + laser 6 h after surgery (n = 5), and medullar lesion + laser 48 h after surgery (n = 5). The assessment of the motor function was performed using Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan (BBB) scale and adapted Sciatic Functional Index (aSFI). The assessment of urinary dysfunction was clinically performed. After 21 days postoperative, the animals were euthanized for histological and histomorphometric analysis of the spinal cord. The results showed faster motor evolution in rats with spinal contusion treated with LILT, maintenance of the effectiveness of the urinary system, and preservation of nerve tissue in the lesion area, with a notorious inflammation control and increased number of nerve cells and connections. In conclusion, positive effects on spinal cord recovery after moderate traumatic spinal cord injury were shown after LILT.


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Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition that affects people in the prime of their lives. A myriad of vascular events occur after SCI, each of which contributes to the evolving pathology. The primary trauma causes mechanical damage to blood vessels, resulting in hemorrhage. The blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB), a neurovascular unit that limits passage of most agents from systemic circulation to the central nervous system, breaks down, resulting in inflammation, scar formation, and other sequelae. Protracted BSCB disruption may exacerbate cellular injury and hinder neurobehavioral recovery in SCI. In these studies, angiopoietin-1 (Ang1), an agent known to reduce vascular permeability, was hypothesized to attenuate the severity of secondary injuries of SCI. Using longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies (dynamic contrast-enhanced [DCE]-MRI for quantification of BSCB permeability, highresolution anatomical MRI for calculation of lesion size, and diffusion tensor imaging for assessment of axonal integrity), the acute, subacute, and chronic effects of Ang1 administration after SCI were evaluated. Neurobehavioral assessments were also performed. These non-invasive techniques have applicability to the monitoring of therapies in patients with SCI. In the acute phase of injury, Ang1 was found to reduce BSCB permeability and improve neuromotor recovery. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI revealed a persistent compromise of the BSCB up to two months post-injury. In the subacute phase of injury, Ang1’s effect on reducing BSCB permeability was maintained and it was found to transiently reduce axonal integrity. The SCI lesion burden was assessed with an objective method that compared favorably with segmentations from human raters. In the chronic phase of injury, Ang1 resulted in maintained reduction in BSCB permeability, a decrease in lesion size, and improved axonal integrity. Finally, longitudinal correlations among data from the MRI modalities and neurobehavioral assays were evaluated. Locomotor recovery was negatively correlated with lesion size in the Ang1 cohort and positively correlated with diffusion measures in the vehicle cohort. In summary, the results demonstrate a possible role for Ang1 in mitigating the secondary pathologies of SCI during the acute and chronic phases of injury.


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The main objective of this study was to determine the external validity of a clinical prediction rule developed by the European Multicenter Study on Human Spinal Cord Injury (EM-SCI) to predict the ambulation outcomes 12 months after traumatic spinal cord injury. Data from the North American Clinical Trials Network (NACTN) data registry with approximately 500 SCI cases were used for this validity study. The predictive accuracy of the EM-SCI prognostic model was evaluated using calibration and discrimination based on 231 NACTN cases. The area under the receiver-operating-characteristics curve (ROC) curve was 0.927 (95% CI 0.894 – 0.959) for the EM-SCI model when applied to NACTN population. This is lower than the AUC of 0.956 (95% CI 0.936 – 0.976) reported for the EM-SCI population, but suggests that the EM-SCI clinical prediction rule distinguished well between those patients in the NACTN population who were able to achieve independent ambulation and those who did not achieve independent ambulation. The calibration curve suggests that higher the prediction score is, the better the probability of walking with the best prediction for AIS D patients. In conclusion, the EM-SCI clinical prediction rule was determined to be generalizable to the adult NACTN SCI population.^


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OBJECTIVE: The standard therapy for patients with high-level spinal cord injury is long-term mechanical ventilation through a tracheostomy. However, in some cases, this approach results in death or disability. The aim of this study is to highlight the anesthetics and perioperative aspects of patients undergoing insertion of a diaphragmatic pacemaker. METHODS: Five patients with quadriplegia following high cervical traumatic spinal cord injury and ventilator-dependent chronic respiratory failure were implanted with a laparoscopic diaphragmatic pacemaker after preoperative assessments of their phrenic nerve function and diaphragm contractility through transcutaneous nerve stimulation. ClinicalTrials.gov:NCT01385384. RESULTS: The diaphragmatic pacemaker placement was successful in all of the patients. Two patients presented with capnothorax during the perioperative period, which resolved without consequences. After six months, three patients achieved continuous use of the diaphragm pacing system, and one patient could be removed from mechanical ventilation for more than 4 hours per day. CONCLUSIONS: The implantation of a diaphragmatic phrenic system is a new and safe technique with potential to improve the quality of life of patients who are dependent on mechanical ventilation because of spinal cord injuries. Appropriate indication and adequate perioperative care are fundamental to achieving better results.


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There is a high incidence of infertility in males following traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). Quality of semen is frequently poor in these patients, but the pathophysiological mechanism(s) causing this are not known. Blood-testis barrier (BTB) integrity following SCI has not previously been examined. The objective of this study was to characterize the effects of spinal contusion injury on the BTB in the rat. 63 adult, male Sprague Dawley rats received SCI (n = 28), laminectomy only (n = 7) or served as uninjured, age-matched controls (n = 28). Using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI), BTB permeability to the vascular contrast agent gadopentate dimeglumine (Gd) was assessed at either 72 hours-, or 10 months post-SCI. DCE-MRI data revealed that BTB permeability to Gd was greater than controls at both 72 h and 10 mo post-SCI. Histological evaluation of testis tissue showed increased BTB permeability to immunoglobulin G at both 72 hours- and 10 months post-SCI, compared to age-matched sham-operated and uninjured controls. Tight junctional integrity within the seminiferous epithelium was assessed; at 72 hours post-SCI, decreased expression of the tight junction protein occludin was observed. Presence of inflammation in the testes was also examined. High expression of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 beta was detected in testis tissue. CD68(+) immune cell infiltrate and mast cells were also detected within the seminiferous epithelium of both acute and chronic SCI groups but not in controls. In addition, extensive germ cell apoptosis was observed at 72 h post-SCI. Based on these results, we conclude that SCI is followed by compromised BTB integrity by as early as 72 hours post-injury in rats and is accompanied by a substantial immune response within the testis. Furthermore, our results indicate that the BTB remains compromised and testis immune cell infiltration persists for months after the initial injury.


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Compromised blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB) is a factor in the outcome following traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent stimulator of angiogenesis and vascular permeability. The role of VEGF in SCI is controversial. Relatively little is known about the spatial and temporal changes in the BSCB permeability following administration of VEGF in experimental SCI. Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) studies were performed to noninvasively follow spatial and temporal changes in the BSCB permeability following acute administration of VEGF in experimental SCI over a post-injury period of 56 days. The DCE-MRI data was analyzed using a two-compartment pharmacokinetic model. Animals were assessed for open field locomotion using the Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan score. These studies demonstrate that the BSCB permeability was greater at all time points in the VEGF-treated animals compared to saline controls, most significantly in the epicenter region of injury. Although a significant temporal reduction in the BSCB permeability was observed in the VEGF-treated animals, BSCB permeability remained elevated even during the chronic phase. VEGF treatment resulted in earlier improvement in locomotor ability during the chronic phase of SCI. This study suggests a beneficial role of acutely administered VEGF in hastening neurobehavioral recovery after SCI.


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STUDY DESIGN Retrospective data analysis. OBJECTIVES To document fracture characteristics, management and related complications in individuals with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). SETTING Rehabilitation centre for SCI individuals. METHOD Patients' records were reviewed. Patients with traumatic SCI and extremity fractures that had occurred after SCI were included. Patient characteristics, fractured bone, fracture localisation, severity and management (operative/conservative), and fracture-related complications were extracted. RESULTS A total of 156 long-bone fractures in 107 SCI patients (34 women and 73 men) were identified. The majority of patients were paraplegics (77.6%) and classified as American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale A (86.0%). Only the lower extremities were affected, whereby the femur (60.9% of all fractures) was fractured more frequently than the lower leg (39.1%). A total of 70 patients (65.4%) had one fracture, whereas 37 patients (34.6%) had two or more fractures. Simple or extraarticular fractures were most common (75.0%). Overall, 130 (83.3%) fractures were managed operatively. Approximately half of the femur fractures (48.2%) were treated with locking compression plates. In the lower leg, fractures were mainly managed with external fixation (48.8%). Conservative fracture management was applied in 16.7% of the cases and consisted of braces or a well-padded soft cast. Fracture-associated complications were present in 13.5% of the cases but did not differ significantly between operative (13.1%) and conservative (15.4%) fracture management. CONCLUSION SCI was associated with simple or extraarticular fractures of the distal femur and the lower leg. Fractures were mainly managed operatively with a low complication rate.


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Over 1.2 million Americans are currently living with a traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). Despite the need for effective therapies, there are currently no proven effective treatments that can improve recovery of function in SCI patients. Many therapeutic compounds have shown promise in preclinical models of SCI, but all of these have fallen short in clinical trials. P-glycoprotein (Pgp) is an active transporter expressed on capillary endothelial cell membranes at the blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB). Pgp limits passive diffusion of blood-borne drugs into the CNS, by actively extruding drugs from the endothelial cell membrane. Pgp can become pathologically up-regulated, thus greatly impeding therapeutic drug delivery (‘multidrug resistance’). Importantly, many drugs that have been evaluated for the treatment of SCI are Pgp substrates. We hypothesized that Pgp-mediated drug resistance diminishes the delivery and efficacy of neuroprotective drugs following SCI. We observed a progressive, spatial spread of Pgp overexpression within the injured spinal cord. To assess Pgp function, we examined spinal cord uptake of systemically-delivered riluzole, a drug that is currently being evaluated in clinical trials as an SCI intervention. Blood-to-spinal cord riluzole penetration was reduced following SCI in wild-type but not Pgp-null rats, highlighting a critical role for Pgp in mediating spinal cord drug resistance after injury. Others have shown that pro-inflammatory signaling drives Pgp up-regulation in cancer and epilepsy. We have detected inflammation in both acutely- and chronically-injured spinal cord tissue. We therefore evaluated the ability of the dual COX-/5-LOX inhibitor licofelone to attenuate Pgp-mediated drug resistance following SCI. Licofelone treatment both reduced spinal cord Pgp levels and enhanced spinal cord riluzole bioavailability following SCI. Thus, we propose that licofelone may offer a new combinatorial treatment strategy to enhance spinal cord drug delivery following SCI. Additionally, we assessed the ability of licofelone, riluzole, or both to enhance recovery of locomotor function following SCI. We found that licofelone treatment conferred a significant improvement in hindlimb function that was sustained through the end of the study. In contrast, riluzole did not improve functional outcome. We therefore conclude that licofelone holds promise as a potential neuroprotective intervention for SCI.


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Objective To study increases in electromyographic (EMG) response from the right and left rectus femoris muscles of individuals with long-term cervical spinal cord injuries after EMG biofeedback treatment. Design Repeated measure trials compared EMG responses before and after biofeedback treatment in patients with spinal cord injuries. Main outcome measures The Neuroeducator was used to analyse and provide feedback of the EMG signal and to measure EMG response. Setting Department of Traumatic Orthopaedics, School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants Twenty subjects (three men and 17 women), between 21 and 49 years of age, with incomplete spinal cord injury at level C6 or higher (range C2 to C6). Of these subjects, 10 received their spinal cord injuries from motor vehicle accidents, one from a gunshot, five from diving, three from falls and one from spinal disc herniation. Results Significant differences were found in the EMG response of the right rectus femoris muscle between pre-initial (T1), post-initial (T2) and additional (T3) biofeedback treatment with the subjects in a sitting position [mean (standard deviation) T1: 26 mu V (29); T2: 67 mu V (50); T3: 77 mu V (62)]. The mean differences and 95% confidence intervals for these comparisons were as follows: T1 to T2, -40.7 (-53.1 to -29.4); T2 to T3, -9.6 (-26.1 to 2.3). Similar differences were found for the left leg in a sitting position and for both legs in the sit-to-stand condition. Conclusions The EMG responses obtained in this study showed that treatment involving EMG biofeedback significantly increased voluntary EMG responses from right and left rectus femoris muscles in individuals with spinal cord injuries. (C) 2010 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective Traumatic spinal Cord injuries are common in patients with high energy trauma and have significant morbidity and mortality rates as well as high psychological and social costs causing a major impact on public health To date the treatment of such lesions remains controversial with various studies in the literature comparing the results of non surgical treatment with immediate early or late surgical decompression The objective of the present study is to compare the results of immediate and early (within 1 hour) spinal Cord decompression Methods In the belief that the surgical treatment obtains the best result this experimental study has a case control design with histopathological and functional analysis of the results of surgical treatment of 25 Wistar mice submitted to posterior laminectomy immediately or after one hour of spinal Cord compression Results in terms of functional and neurological deficit the responses were better in the mice treated with immediate surgical decompression than in those treated one hour after the lesion (p=0 036) Conclusion The earlier the decompression of spinal Cord injuries is performed the better the end results in terms of the function and presence of neurological deficit


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Spinal cord injury (SCI) causes motor and sensory deficits that impair functional performance, and significantly impacts life expectancy and quality. Animal models provide a good opportunity to test therapeutic strategies in vivo. C57BL/6 mice were subjected to laminectomy at T9 and compression with a vascular clip (30 g force, 1 min). Two groups were analyzed: injured group (SCI, n = 33) and laminectomy only (Sham, n = 15). Locomotor behavior (Basso mouse scale-BMS and global mobility) was assessed weekly. Morphological analyses were performed by LM and EM. The Sham group did not show any morphofunctional alteration. All SCI animals showed flaccid paralysis 24 h after injury. with subsequent improvement. The BMS score of the SCI group improved until the intermediate phase (2.037 +/- 1.198): the Sham animals maintained the highest BMS score (8.981 +/- 0.056). p < 0.001 during the entire time. The locomotor speed was slower in the SCI animals (5.581 +/- 0.871) than in the Sham animals (15.80 +/- 1.166), p < 0.001. Morphological analysis of the SCI group showed, in the acute phase, edema, hemorrhage, multiple cavities, fiber degeneration, cell death and demyelination. In the chronic phase we observed glial scarring, neuron death, and remyelination of spared axons by oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells. In conclusion, we established a simple, reliable, and inexpensive clip compression model in mice, with functional and morphological reproducibility and good validity. The availability of producing reliable injuries with appropriate outcome measures represents great potential for studies involving cellular mechanisms of primary injury and repair after traumatic SCI. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.