1000 resultados para Transverse mode operation
The turn-on process of a multimode VCSEL is investigated from a statistical point of view. Special attention is paid to quantities such as time jitter and bit error rate. The single-mode performance of VCSEL¿s during current modulation is compared to that of edge-emitting lasers.
Among the alternatives to meet the increasing of world demand for energy, the use of biomass as energy source is one of the most promising as it contributes to reducing emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Gasification is a technological process of biomass energy production of a gaseous biofuel. The fuel gas has a low calorific value that can be used in Diesel engine in dual mode for power generation in isolated communities. This study aimed to evaluate the reduction in the consumption of oil Diesel an engine generator, using gas from gasification of wood. The engine generator brand used was a BRANCO, with direct injection power of 7.36 kW (10 HP) coupled to an electric generator 5.5 kW. Diesel oil mixed with intake air was injected, as the oil was injected via an injector of the engine (dual mode). The fuel gas was produced in a downdraft gasifier. The engine generator was put on load system from 0.5 kW to 3.5 kW through a set of electrical resistances. Diesel oil consumption was measured with a precision scale. It was concluded that the engine converted to dual mode when using the gas for the gasification of wood decreased Diesel consumption by up to 57%.
Passive techniques as an alternative to artificial cooling can bring important energy, environmental, financial, operational and qualitative benefits. However, regions such as the wet tropics can reach high levels of thermal stress in which passive means alone are unable to provide appropriate thermal comfort standards for some parts of the year. Despite a great accumulation of empirical information on the passive performance of houses for either free-running or conditioned modes, very little work has been done on the thermal performance of buildings that can operate with a mixed-running strategy in warm-humid climates. Buildings with such design features are able to balance the needs for comfort, privacy, and energy efficiency during different periods of the year. As free-running and conditioned modes are believed by many to be 'opposite' approaches, and have been presented as separate strategies, this paper demonstrates that not all parameters are directly opposite and a possible dual-mode integrated operation can be used for warm-humid locations for maximum comfort and minimum energy requirements. For this purpose, simulation runs using ESP-R (University of Strathclyde, ESRU, UK) were based on the climate data of Darwin (Australia) and on the ventilation styles of the house: free running and conditioned. Design features applicable to both, i.e. for a dual mode operation could be identified and the differences between conditioned and free running were demonstrated and proved not to be totally conflicting and therefore suitable for a dual mode operation. Different daily usage profiles (five use patterns were defined), and zoning of sleeping and living areas are presented. The dual mode use patterns compared to the base case house, for all the user possibilities, had improved performances of 17-52%, when compared to the free-running mode and 66-98% when compared to the conditioned mode. Simulation runs using other warm-humid climates (Miami, USA; Sao Luis, Brazil; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) were also conducted and compared to the results found for Darwin. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We have carried out a systematic analysis of the transverse dipole spin response of a large-size quantum dot within time-dependent current density functional theory. Results for magnetic fields corresponding to integer filling factors are reported, as well as a comparison with the longitudinal dipole spin response. As in the two-dimensional electron gas, the spin response at high-spin magnetization is dominated by a low-energy transverse mode.
We have carried out a systematic analysis of the transverse dipole spin response of a large-size quantum dot within time-dependent current density functional theory. Results for magnetic fields corresponding to integer filling factors are reported, as well as a comparison with the longitudinal dipole spin response. As in the two-dimensional electron gas, the spin response at high-spin magnetization is dominated by a low-energy transverse mode.
New photonic crystal fiber designs are presented and numerically investigated in order to improve the state of art of high power fiber lasers. The focus of this work is targeted on the region of 2 μm laser emission, which is of high interest due to its eye-safe nature and due to the large amount of applications permitted. Thulium doped fiber amplifiers are suitable for emitting in this region. Different fiber designs have been proposed, both flexible and rod-type, with the aim to enlarge mode area while maintaining robust single mode operation. The analysis of thermal effects, caused by the high thulium quantum defect, have been taken in consideration. Solutions to counteract issues derived by detrimental thermal effects have been implemented.
Over the last decades, anti-resonant reflecting optical waveguides (ARROW) have been used in different integrated optics applications. In this type of waveguide, light confinement is partially achieved through an anti-resonant reflection. In this work, the simulation, fabrication and characterization of ARROW waveguides using dielectric films deposited by a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technique, at low temperatures(similar to 300 degrees C), are presented. Silicon oxynitride (SiO(x)N(y)) films were used as core and second cladding layers and amorphous hydrogenated silicon carbide(a-SiC:H) films as first cladding layer. Furthermore, numerical simulations were performed using homemade routines based on two computational methods: the transfer matrix method (TMM) for the determination of the optimum thickness of the Fabry-Perot layers; and the non-uniform finite difference method (NU-FDM) for 2D design and determination of the maximum width that yields single-mode operation. The utilization of a silicon carbide anti-resonant layer resulted in low optical attenuations, which is due to the high refractive index difference between the core and this layer. Finally, for comparison purposes, optical waveguides using titanium oxide (TiO(2)) as the first ARROW layer were also fabricated and characterized.
This paper describes the environmental monitoring / regatta beacon buoy under development at the Laboratory of Autonomous Systems (LSA) of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. On the one hand, environmentalmonitoring of open water bodies in real or deferred time is essential to assess and make sensible decisions and, on the other hand, the broadcast in real time of position, water and wind related parameters allows autonomous boats to optimise their regatta performance. This proposal, rather than restraining the boats autonomy, fosters the development of intelligent behaviour by allowing the boats to focus on regatta strategy and tactics. The Nautical and Telemetric Application (NAUTA) buoy is a dual mode reconfigurable system that includes communications, control, data logging, sensing, storage and power subsystems. In environmental monitoring mode, the buoy gathers and stores data from several underwater and above water sensors and, in regatta mode, the buoy becomes an active course mark for the autonomous sailing boats in the vicinity. During a race, the buoy broadcasts its position, together with the wind and the water current local conditions, allowing autonomous boats to navigate towards and round the mark successfully. This project started with the specification of the requirements of the dual mode operation, followed by the design and building of the buoy structure. The research is currently focussed on the development of the modular, reconfigurable, open source-based control system. The NAUTA buoy is innovative, extensible and optimises the on board platform resources.
Rasvaisten jätevesien puhdistus on sitä tuottaville yrityksille kallista ja hankalaa. Nykyisten päästövaatimusten saavuttaminen on perinteisillä jätevedenkäsittelymenetelmillä vaikeaa tai lähes mahdotonta, riippuen käsiteltävän jäteveden ominaisuuksista. Rasvaisen jäteveden käsittelyssä on käytetty mm. laskeutusta, flotaatiota, hydrosykloneja, pisaroitusta, suodatusta sekä biologista käsittelyä. Lisäksi happohydrolyysiä voidaan soveltaa edellä mainittujen menetelmien esikäsittelynä. Useita näitä erotusmenetelmiä voidaan myös tehostaa kemikaalien lisäyksellä. Työn kirjallisuusosassa on käsitelty rasvaisten jätevesien ja emulsioiden kalvosuodatusta ja kalvojen käyttöä pisaroituselementtinä. Tavanomaisessa kalvosuodatuksessa tarkoituksena on erottaa kalvoa läpäisemätön rasvajae ja permeoituva vesijae toisistaan, kun taas pisaroittamisen tarkoituksena on saada dispergoituneen faasin pisarakoko kasvamaan joko kalvon pinnalla tai sen huokosissa. Pisarakoon kasvaessa emulsion stabiilisuus heikkenee ja faasit voidaan helpommin erottaa toisistaan. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tavoitteena oli tutkia kalvosuodatuksen ja erilaisten kalvojen toimivuutta esteröintilaitoksen rasvaisten jätevesien käsittelyssä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin MW- (GE Osmonics), C30F- (Nadir Filtration), Teflon Typar- (Tetratex) sekä JX-kalvoa (Osmonics Desal). Haastetta työhön syntyi tutkittujen jätevesien ominaisuuksien suuresta vaihtelusta sitä tuottavan laitoksen panostyylisestä toiminnasta johtuen. Lisäksi tutkittiin, onko syöttöliuoksen pH-säädöllä ja laskeutuksella ennen suodatusta merkittävää etua itse kalvosuodatusprosessiin. Kalvotekniikkaa voidaan tämän tutkimuksen perusteella soveltaa myös esteröintilaitoksen rasvaisten jätevesien suodatukseen, ja erityistä etua saadaan jäteveden pH-säädöllä (pH 3) ja laskeutuksella ennen varsinaista suodatusta. Tällaiseen käsittelyyn soveltuu tutkituista kalvoista parhaiten hydrofiilinen regeneroidusta selluloosasta valmistettu C30F-kalvo, jonka etuna on vähäinen foulaantuminen muihin tutkittuihin kalvoihin verrattuna.
A high-frequency cyclonverter acts as a direct ac-to-ac power converter circuit that does not require a diode bidge rectifier. Bridgeless topology makes it possible to remove forward voltage drop losses that are present in a diode bridge. In addition, the on-state losses can be reduced to 1.5 times the on-state resistance of switches in half-bridge operation of the cycloconverter. A high-frequency cycloconverter is reviewed and the charging effect of the dc-capacitors in ``back-to-back'' or synchronous mode operation operation is analyzed. In addition, a control method is introduced for regulating dc-voltage of the ac-side capacitors in synchronous operation mode. The controller regulates the dc-capacitors and prevents switches from reaching overvoltage level. This can be accomplished by variating phase-shift between the upper and the lower gate signals. By adding phase-shift between the gate signal pairs, the charge stored in the energy storage capacitors can be discharged through the resonant load and substantially, the output resonant current amplitude can be improved. The above goals are analyzed and illustrated with simulation. Theory is supported with practical measurements where the proposed control method is implemented in an FPGA device and tested with a high-frequency cycloconverter using super-junction power MOSFETs as switching devices.
The present work is mainly concentrated on setting up a NIR tunable diode laser absorption (TDLA) spectrometer for high-resolution molecular spectroscopic studies. For successfully recording the high-resolution tunable diode laser spectrum, various experimental considerations are to be taken into account like the setup should be free from mechanical vibrations, sample should be kept at a low pressure, laser should be in a single mode operation etc. The present experimental set up considers all these factors. It is to be mentioned here that the setting up of a high resolution NIR TDLA spectrometer is a novel experiment requiring much effort and patience. The analysis of near infrared (NIR) vibrational overtone spectra of some substituted benzene compounds using local mode model forms another part of the present work. An attempt is made to record the pulsed laser induced fluorescence/Raman spectra of some organic compounds. A Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is used as the excitation source. A TRIAX monochromator and CCD detector is used for the spectral recording. The observed fluorescence emission for carbon disulphide is centered at 680 nm; this is assigned as due to the n, p* transition. Aniline also shows a broad fluorescence emission centered at 725 nm, which is due to the p,p* transition. The pulsed laser Raman spectra of some organic compounds are also recorded using the same experimental setup. The calibration of the set up is done using the laser Raman spectra of carbon tetrachloride and carbon disulphide. The observed laser Raman spectra for aniline, o-chloroaniline and m-chlorotoluene show peaks characteristics of the aromatic ring in common and the characteristics peaks due to the substitutuent groups. Some new peaks corresponding to low-lying vibrations of these molecules are also assigned
This work introduced the novel conception of complex coupled hybrid VCSELs for the first time. Alternating organic and inorganic layers in the lasers provide periodic variation of refractive index and optical gain, which enable single mode operation and low threshold of the VCSELs. Model calculations revealed great reduction of the lasing threshold with factors over 30, in comparison with the existing micro-cavity lasers. Tunable green VCSEL has been also designed, implemented and analyzed taking advantage of the broad photoluminescence spectra of the organics. Free standing optical thin films without compressive stress are technologically implemented. Multiple membrane stacks with air gap in between have been fabricated for the implementation of complex coupled VCSEL structures. Complex coupled hybrid VCSEL is a very promising approach to fill the gaps in the green spectral range of the semiconductor lasers.
In this work investigation of the QDs formation and the fabrication of QD based semiconductor lasers for telecom applications are presented. InAs QDs grown on AlGaInAs lattice matched to InP substrates are used to fabricate lasers operating at 1.55 µm, which is the central wavelength for far distance data transmission. This wavelength is used due to its minimum attenuation in standard glass fibers. The incorporation of QDs in this material system is more complicated in comparison to InAs QDs in the GaAs system. Due to smaller lattice mismatch the formation of circular QDs, elongated QDs and quantum wires is possible. The influence of the different growth conditions, such as the growth temperature, beam equivalent pressure, amount of deposited material on the formation of the QDs is investigated. It was already demonstrated that the formation process of QDs can be changed by the arsenic species. The formation of more round shaped QDs was observed during the growth of QDs with As2, while for As4 dash-like QDs. In this work only As2 was used for the QD growth. Different growth parameters were investigated to optimize the optical properties, like photoluminescence linewidth, and to implement those QD ensembles into laser structures as active medium. By the implementation of those QDs into laser structures a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 30 meV was achieved. Another part of the research includes the investigation of the influence of the layer design of lasers on its lasing properties. QD lasers were demonstrated with a modal gain of more than 10 cm-1 per QD layer. Another achievement is the large signal modulation with a maximum data rate of 15 Gbit/s. The implementation of optimized QDs in the laser structure allows to increase the modal gain up to 12 cm-1 per QD layer. A reduction of the waveguide layer thickness leads to a shorter transport time of the carriers into the active region and as a result a data rate up to 22 Gbit/s was achieved, which is so far the highest digital modulation rate obtained with any 1.55 µm QD laser. The implementation of etch stop layers into the laser structure provide the possibility to fabricate feedback gratings with well defined geometries for the realization of DFB lasers. These DFB lasers were fabricated by using a combination of dry and wet etching. Single mode operation at 1.55 µm with a high side mode suppression ratio of 50 dB was achieved.