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Bacterial pathogens such as enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter spp. are associated with up to 80% of diarrheal illness to travelers from developed countries to developing countries. In order to study acute gastrointestinal diseases, researchers from developed countries such as the United States rely on transporting clinical specimens from the developing countries to laboratories in the U.S. in transport media systems. There are few commercially available transport media systems cited in the literature or designated by transport system manufacturers for the transport of enteric bacteria. Therefore a laboratory-based study was conducted to assess three commercial available transport media systems, two gel swabs and one liquid vial, to determine the most appropriate for the maintenance and recovery of common enteric bacterial pathogens. A total of 13 bacterial enteropathogens were recovered from 25°C and 4°C storage temperatures at time points up to 21 days. The results demonstrated that the gel swab and liquid vial transport systems performed similarly for all isolates at both temperatures. All three transport media systems struggled to maintain the isolates at recoverable concentrations when stored at 4°C and it is recommended that isolates be stored at 25°C in transport media systems. Lastly, swab transport systems are recommend for transport since they are small and easy to pack, resist leakage, and are less expensive than similarly performing liquid vial transport media systems.^
Three comparative assays were performed seeking to improve the sensitivity of the diagnosis of Bordetella bronchiseptica infection analyzing swine nasal swabs. An initial assay compared the recovery of B. bronchiseptica from swabs simultaneously inoculated with B. bronchiseptica and some interfering bacteria, immersed into three transport formulations (Amies with charcoal, trypticase soy broth and phosphate buffer according to Soerensen supplemented with 5% of bovine fetal serum) and submitted to different temperatures (10ºC and 27ºC) and periods of incubation (24, 72 and 120 hours). A subsequent assay compared three selective media (MacConkey agar, modified selective medium G20G and a ceftiofur medium) for their recovery capabilities from clinical specimens. One last assay compared the polymerase chain reaction to the three selective media. In the first assay, the recovery of B. bronchiseptica from transport systems was better at 27ºC and the three formulations had good performances at this temperature, but the collection of qualitative and quantitative analysis indicated the advantage of Amies medium for nasal swabs transportation. The second assay indicated that MacConkey agar and modified G20G had similar results and were superior to the ceftiofur medium. In the final assay, polymerase chain reaction presented superior capability of B. bronchiseptica detection to culture procedures.
Background: Alterations in intestinal microbiota have been correlated with a growing number of diseases. Investigating the faecal microbiota is widely used as a non-invasive and ethically simple proxy for intestinal biopsies. There is an urgent need for collection and transport media that would allow faecal sampling at distance from the processing laboratory, obviating the need for same-day DNA extraction recommended by previous studies of freezing and processing methods for stool. We compared the faecal bacterial DNA quality and apparent phylogenetic composition derived using a commercial kit for stool storage and transport (DNA Genotek OMNIgene GUT) with that of freshly extracted samples, 22 from infants and 20 from older adults. Results: Use of the storage vials increased the quality of extracted bacterial DNA by reduction of DNA shearing. When infant and elderly datasets were examined separately, no differences in microbiota composition were observed due to storage. When the two datasets were combined, there was a difference according to a Wilcoxon test in the relative proportions of Faecalibacterium, Sporobacter, Clostridium XVIII, and Clostridium XlVa after 1 week's storage compared to immediately extracted samples. After 2 weeks' storage, Bacteroides abundance was also significantly different, showing an apparent increase from week 1 to week 2. The microbiota composition of infant samples was more affected than that of elderly samples by storage, with significantly higher Spearman distances between paired freshly extracted and stored samples (p
Objective: Our goal in this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of Er:YAG laser applied after biomechanical preparation of the root canals of dog's teeth with apical periodontitis. Background Data: Various in vitro studies have reported effective bacterial reduction in infected root canals using Er:YAG laser. However, there is no in vivo research to support these results. Methods: Forty root canals of dogs' premolar teeth with pulp necrosis and chronic periapical lesions were used. An initial microbiological sample was taken, and after biomechanical preparation was carried out, a second microbiological sample was taken. The teeth were divided into two groups: Group I-biomechanical preparation was taken of root canals without Er:YAG laser application; Group II-biomechanical preparation was taken of root canals with Er:YAG laser application using 140-mj input, 63-mJ output/15 Hz. After coronal sealing, the root canals were left empty for 7 days at which time a third microbiological sample was taken. The collected material was removed from the root canal with a #40 K file and placed in transport media. It was serially diluted and seeded on culture dishes selective for anaerobes, aerobes, and total streptococci. Colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) were counted. Results: Groups I and II showed an increase of CFU/mL for all microorganisms 7 days after treatment, being statistically significant for anaerobes in Group I and for anaerobes and total streptococci in Group II. When comparing CFU/mL of Groups I and II, there was a statistically significant increase after 7 d for total streptococci in Group II. Conclusion: Er:YAG laser applied after biomechanical preparation did not reduce microorganisms in the root canal system.
A Nested-PCR (N-PCR) tem como objetivo melhorar a sensibilidade do diagnóstico direto da Pneumonia Enzoótica Suína, pois o isolamento do Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae é trabalhoso tornando-se inviável na rotina. Neste trabalho, foi realizado um projeto piloto para a otimização da técnica de N-PCR, utilizando três variáveis: tipo de amostra biológica, meio de transporte da amostra e método de extração do DNA, utilizando oito animais. Os resultados obtidos foram empregados no segundo experimento para a validação do teste utilizando 40 animais. Os resultados obtidos, pela otimização da N-PCR, neste trabalho, permite sugerir esta prova como método de diagnóstico de rotina no monitoramento das infecções por Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae em granjas de suínos.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Within the last years there has been increasing interest in direct liquid fuel cells as power sources for portable devices and, in the future, power plants for electric vehicles and other transport media as ships will join those applications. Methanol is considerably more convenient and easy to use than gaseous hydrogen and a considerable work is devoted to the development of direct methanol fuel cells. But ethanol has much lower toxicity and from an ecological viewpoint ethanol is exceptional among all other types of fuel as is the only chemical fuel in renewable supply. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of using direct alcohol fuel cells fed with alcohol mixtures. For this purpose, a comparative exergy analysis of a direct alcohol fuel cell fed with alcohol mixtures against the same fuel cell fed with single alcohols is performed. The exergetic efficiency and the exergy loss and destruction are calculated and compared in each case. When alcohol mixtures are fed to the fuel cell, the contribution of each fuel to the fuel cell performance is weighted attending to their relative proportion in the aqueous solution. The optimum alcohol composition for methanol/ethanol mixtures has been determined.
A avulsão dentária é um dos mais severos traumatismos dento-alveolares, caracterizado pela desinserção completa do dente do seu ambiente natural, o alvéolo. O prognóstico desta condição traumática depende em grande escala da atitude adoptada no momento do acidente. No entanto, quando o reposicionamento dentário imediato não é possível, factores como o tempo que o dente permaneceu no meio extra-oral e o meio de transporte utilizado influenciam consideravelmente o prognóstico da peça dentária avulsionada. A elaboração deste trabalho tem como objectivo verificar o estado actual da investigação científica relativamente aos meios de transporte de dentes avulsionados, nomeadamente, indagar sobre os potenciais meios de transporte actualmente em estudo. Foi efectuada uma pesquisa bibliográfica digital, na base de dados PUBMED, com os seguintes termos de pesquisa: “tooth avulsion”, “storage media”, “tooth reimplantation” e “delayed reimplantation” isoladamente ou em combinação. Para a selecção dos artigos foram estipulados critérios de inclusão e exclusão na pesquisa bibliográfica. Existem soluções especificamente concebidas para a conservação e preservação de células humanas, que idealmente deveriam ser sempre utilizadas como meios de transporte de dentes avulsionados, tais como: solução balanceada de Hank, Viaspan®, Eurocollins® e determinados meios de cultura. São soluções que apresentam propriedades biofísico-químicas que os levam a ser considerados meios de transporte de eleição. No entanto, a sua escassa disponibilidade no momento da avulsão desperta a necessidade pela investigação de outros meios, nomeadamente, soluções que apresentem nesse contexto maior disponibilidade. O leite, a saliva, a solução salina e o Gatorade® continuam a representar meios alternativos para o transporte de dentes avulsionados, porém, outras soluções emergentes apresentam características biológicas que as remetem para meios de transporte promissores como por exemplo: solução de propólis, o chá verde, o extracto de aloe Vera, água de côco, clara de ovo, extracto de amora, sumo de romã, salvia officinalis e Ricetral®. Evidencia-se, com este trabalho, a necessidade de estudos futuros nesta área de modo a que meios de transporte que actualmente pensa-se poderem ser extremamente efectivos na manutenção da viabilidade célular e com ampla disponibilidade, possam ser utilizados de forma segura e vantajosa para o paciente, nomeadamente, garantindo melhores prognósticos em situações de reimplantação dentária.
We use the finite element method to solve reactive mass transport problems in fluid-saturated porous media. In particular, we discuss the mathematical expression of the chemical reaction terms involved in the mass transport equations for an isothermal, non-equilibrium chemical reaction. It has turned out that the Arrhenius law in chemistry is a good mathematical expression for such non-equilibrium chemical reactions especially from the computational point of view. Using the finite element method and the Arrhenius law, we investigate the distributions of PH (i.e. the concentration of H+) and the relevant reactive species in a groundwater system. Although the main focus of this study is on the contaminant transport problems in groundwater systems, the related numerical techniques and principles are equally applicable to the orebody formation problems in the geosciences. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Numerical methods ave used to solve double diffusion driven reactive flow transport problems in deformable fluid-saturated porous media. in particular, thp temperature dependent reaction rate in the non-equilibrium chemical reactions is considered. A general numerical solution method, which is a combination of the finite difference method in FLAG and the finite element method in FIDAP, to solve the fully coupled problem involving material deformation, pore-fluid flow, heat transfer and species transport/chemical reactions in deformable fluid-saturated porous media has been developed The coupled problem is divided into two subproblems which are solved interactively until the convergence requirement is met. Owing to the approximate nature of the numerical method, if is essential to justify the numerical solutions through some kind of theoretical analysis. This has been highlighted in this paper The related numerical results, which are justified by the theoretical analysis, have demonstrated that the proposed solution method is useful for and applicable to a wide range of fully coupled problems in the field of science and engineering.
Electrokinetic transport, electrochromatography, electroosmotic flow, electrophoresis, concentration polarization, fixed beds, monoliths, dynamic NMR microscopy, quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopy, mathematical modelling, numerical analysis
Transport in small-scale biological and soft-matter systems typically occurs under confinement conditions in which particles proceed through obstacles and irregularities of the boundaries that may significantly alter their trajectories. A transport model that assimilates the confinement to the presence of entropic barriers provides an efficient approach to quantify its effect on the particle current and the diffusion coefficient. We review the main peculiarities of entropic transport and treat two cases in which confinement effects play a crucial role, with the appearance of emergent properties. The presence of entropic barriers modifies the mean first-passage time distribution and therefore plays a very important role in ion transport through micro- and nano-channels. The functionality of molecular motors, modeled as Brownian ratchets, is strongly affected when the motor proceeds in a confined medium that may constitute another source of rectification. The interplay between ratchet and entropic rectification gives rise to a wide variety of dynamical behaviors, not observed when the Brownian motor proceeds in an unbounded medium. Entropic transport offers new venues of transport control and particle manipulation and new ways to engineer more efficient devices for transport at the nanoscale.
The transport of macromolecules, such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and their accumulation in the layers of the arterial wall play a critical role in the creation and development of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease of large arteries e.g., the aorta, coronary, carotid, and other proximal arteries that involves a distinctive accumulation of LDL and other lipid-bearing materials in the arterial wall. Over time, plaque hardens and narrows the arteries. The flow of oxygen-rich blood to organs and other parts of the body is reduced. This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack, stroke, or even death. It has been proven that the accumulation of macromolecules in the arterial wall depends not only on the ease with which materials enter the wall, but also on the hindrance to the passage of materials out of the wall posed by underlying layers. Therefore, attention was drawn to the fact that the wall structure of large arteries is different than other vessels which are disease-resistant. Atherosclerosis tends to be localized in regions of curvature and branching in arteries where fluid shear stress (shear rate) and other fluid mechanical characteristics deviate from their normal spatial and temporal distribution patterns in straight vessels. On the other hand, the smooth muscle cells (SMCs) residing in the media layer of the arterial wall respond to mechanical stimuli, such as shear stress. Shear stress may affect SMC proliferation and migration from the media layer to intima. This occurs in atherosclerosis and intimal hyperplasia. The study of blood flow and other body fluids and of heat transport through the arterial wall is one of the advanced applications of porous media in recent years. The arterial wall may be modeled in both macroscopic (as a continuous porous medium) and microscopic scales (as a heterogeneous porous medium). In the present study, the governing equations of mass, heat and momentum transport have been solved for different species and interstitial fluid within the arterial wall by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Simulation models are based on the finite element (FE) and finite volume (FV) methods. The wall structure has been modeled by assuming the wall layers as porous media with different properties. In order to study the heat transport through human tissues, the simulations have been carried out for a non-homogeneous model of porous media. The tissue is composed of blood vessels, cells, and an interstitium. The interstitium consists of interstitial fluid and extracellular fibers. Numerical simulations are performed in a two-dimensional (2D) model to realize the effect of the shape and configuration of the discrete phase on the convective and conductive features of heat transfer, e.g. the interstitium of biological tissues. On the other hand, the governing equations of momentum and mass transport have been solved in the heterogeneous porous media model of the media layer, which has a major role in the transport and accumulation of solutes across the arterial wall. The transport of Adenosine 5´-triphosphate (ATP) is simulated across the media layer as a benchmark to observe how SMCs affect on the species mass transport. In addition, the transport of interstitial fluid has been simulated while the deformation of the media layer (due to high blood pressure) and its constituents such as SMCs are also involved in the model. In this context, the effect of pressure variation on shear stress is investigated over SMCs induced by the interstitial flow both in 2D and three-dimensional (3D) geometries for the media layer. The influence of hypertension (high pressure) on the transport of lowdensity lipoprotein (LDL) through deformable arterial wall layers is also studied. This is due to the pressure-driven convective flow across the arterial wall. The intima and media layers are assumed as homogeneous porous media. The results of the present study reveal that ATP concentration over the surface of SMCs and within the bulk of the media layer is significantly dependent on the distribution of cells. Moreover, the shear stress magnitude and distribution over the SMC surface are affected by transmural pressure and the deformation of the media layer of the aorta wall. This work reflects the fact that the second or even subsequent layers of SMCs may bear shear stresses of the same order of magnitude as the first layer does if cells are arranged in an arbitrary manner. This study has brought new insights into the simulation of the arterial wall, as the previous simplifications have been ignored. The configurations of SMCs used here with elliptic cross sections of SMCs closely resemble the physiological conditions of cells. Moreover, the deformation of SMCs with high transmural pressure which follows the media layer compaction has been studied for the first time. On the other hand, results demonstrate that LDL concentration through the intima and media layers changes significantly as wall layers compress with transmural pressure. It was also noticed that the fraction of leaky junctions across the endothelial cells and the area fraction of fenestral pores over the internal elastic lamina affect the LDL distribution dramatically through the thoracic aorta wall. The simulation techniques introduced in this work can also trigger new ideas for simulating porous media involved in any biomedical, biomechanical, chemical, and environmental engineering applications.
The migration of liquids in porous media, such as sand, has been commonly considered at high saturation levels with liquid pathways at pore dimensions. In this letter we reveal a low saturation regime observed in our experiments with droplets of extremely low volatility liquids deposited on sand. In this regime the liquid is mostly found within the grain surface roughness and in the capillary bridges formed at the contacts between the grains. The bridges act as variable-volume reservoirs and the flow is driven by the capillary pressure arising at the wetting front according to the roughness length scales. We propose that this migration (spreading) is the result of interplay between the bridge volume adjustment to this pressure distribution and viscous losses of a creeping flow within the roughness. The net macroscopic result is a special case of non-linear diffusion described by a superfast diffusion equation (SFDE) for saturation with distinctive mathematical character. We obtain solutions to a moving boundary problem defined by SFDE that robustly convey a time power law of spreading as seen in our experiments.