949 resultados para Transport Surveys
Steep mountain catchments typically experience large sediment pulses from hillslopes which are stored in headwater channels and remobilized by debris-flows or bedload transport. Event-based sediment budget monitoring in the active Manival debris-flow torrent in the French Alps during a two-year period gave insights into the catchment-scale sediment routing during moderate rainfall intensities which occur several times each year. The monitoring was based on intensive topographic resurveys of low- and high-order channels using different techniques (cross-section surveys with total station and high-resolution channel surveys with terrestrial and airborne laser scanning). Data on sediment output volumes from the main channel were obtained by a sediment trap. Two debris-flows were observed, as well as several bedload transport flow events. Sediment budget analysis of the two debris-flows revealed that most of the debris-flow volumes were supplied by channel scouring (more than 92%). Bedload transport during autumn contributed to the sediment recharge of high-order channels by the deposition of large gravel wedges. This process is recognized as being fundamental for debris-flow occurrence during the subsequent spring and summer. A time shift of scour-and-fill sequences was observed between low- and high-order channels, revealing the discontinuous sediment transfer in the catchment during common flow events. A conceptual model of sediment routing for different event magnitude is proposed.
Tutkimus tarkastelee Luoteis-Venäjän liikennelogistiikkaklusteria. Tarkoitus on selvittää klusterin nykyinen rakenne ja kilpailukyky sekä klusterin tarjoamat liiketoimintamahdollisuudet suomalaisille logistiikkayrityksille. Työssä käsitellään neljää perusliikennemuotoa: rautatie-, maantie-, meri- ja sisävesi-, sekä ilmaliikennettä. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty tutkimusta varten laadituista kyselyistä, haastatteluista sekä aiemmin julkaistusta materiaalista. Venäjä on suunnitellut kehittävänsä voimakkaasti liikenneinfrastruktuuria, mm. julkaisemalla protektionistisen liikennestrategiasuunnitelman. Ongelmana ovat olleet toteutukset, jotka ovat jääneet yleensä puutteellisiksi. Tällä hetkellä todellista kilpailukykyä löytyy ainoastaan rautatieliikenteestä, muut kolme liikennemuotoa omaavat potentiaalisen kilpailukyvyn. Venäjällä on mahdollisuus hyötyä laajasta pinta-alastaan Aasian ja Euroopan liikenteen yhdistäjänä. Yksi konkreettisimmista esimerkeistä on Trans Siperian rautatie, joka kaipaisi vielä lisäkehitystä. Suomi on toiminut Venäjän liikenteessä arvotavaran kauttakulkumaana, vuonna 2003 noin 30–40 % Venäjän tuonnin arvosta kulki Suomen kautta. Venäjälle tullaan tuomaan arvotavaraa vielä useita vuosia, mutta reittien osalta kilpailu on tiukentunut. Suomalaisten yritysten liiketoimintamahdollisuuksiin esitetään kaksi mallia: kauttakulkuliikenteen lisäarvologistiset (VAL) operaatiot Suomessa tai etabloituminen Venäjän logistisiin ketjuihin. Suomalaisten olisi syytä parantaa yhteistyötään yritysten ja yliopistojen ym. koulutuslaitosten välillä. Myös yhteistyökumppaneiden hakeminen esimerkiksi Ruotsista voisi tuoda merkittäviä etuja. Suomalaista osaamista voitaisiin hyödyntää parhaiten etabloitumalla Venäjän markkinoille, esimerkiksi keskittymällä Venäjän logististen ketjujen johtamiseen. Myös VAL palveluiden johtamiseen Venäjällä olisi erittäin hyvä tilaisuus, koska Venäjän oma tietotaito logistiikassa ei ole vielä kehittynyt kansainväliselle tasolle, mutta kustannustaso on alhaisempi kuin Suomessa.
Introduction : Une majorité de Canadiens adopte un mode de vie sédentaire qui est un facteur de risque important pour différents problèmes de santé. Dernièrement, des interventions en santé publique ciblent le transport actif pour augmenter la pratique d’activité physique. Objectif : L’objectif de cette étude est de quantifier la direction et la taille de l’association entre l’état de santé rapporté par des adultes montréalais et leur utilisation de la marche et du vélo utilitaires. Méthode : L’échantillon comprend 4503 résidents de l’Île de Montréal, âgés de 18 ans et plus, ayant répondu à un sondage téléphonique sur la pratique de l’activité physique et du transport actif. Des analyses de régression logistique multiples ont été appliquées pour examiner l’association entre l’état de santé auto-rapporté et la pratique du vélo (N=4386) et entre l’état de santé auto-rapporté et la pratique de la marche utilitaire (N=4350). Résultats : Les gens ayant une santé perçue comme bonne et moyenne/mauvaise ont une probabilité plus faible de pratiquer la marche utilitaire (OR = 0,740; p < 0,05 et OR = 0,552; p < 0,01) que ceux rapportant une excellente santé, alors que cette association n’est pas significative pour la pratique du vélo utilitaire dans notre étude. Conclusion : Bien que les résultats obtenus ne soient pas tous statistiquement significatifs, la probabilité d’utiliser le transport actif semble plus faible chez les adultes indiquant un moins bon état de santé par rapport aux adultes indiquant que leur état de santé est excellent.
Introduction. Les programmes de vélos en libre-service (PVLS) représentent une innovation en transport actif. À ce jour, la sensibilisation à cette innovation en tant que prérequis à l’accessibilité n’a jamais été étudiée. Objectif. Identifier les facteurs liés à l’absence de sensibilisation à l’existence du PVLS à Montréal. Méthode. 7011 Montréalais âgés de 18 ans et plus ont été interrogés au cours de 3 sondages téléphoniques sur une période couvrant deux saisons : avant la première saison (n=2000), après la première saison (n=2502) et après la deuxième saison (n=2509). Des analyses de régression logistique ont été réalisées sur 93,6 % (n=6562) de l’échantillon pour examiner l’effet du temps, de la proximité des stations de vélos et du niveau d’éducation sur l’absence de sensibilisation à l’existence du PVLS. Résultats. Nous constatons que, après la première saison d’implantation du PVLS, la probabilité d’absence de sensibilisation au PVLS est plus élevée chez les individus dont le niveau d’éducation est faible que chez ceux dont le niveau d’éducation est élevé (RC = 1,60; 95 % IC : 1,18; 2,19). Aussi, nous observons que, après la deuxième saison d’implantation, la probabilité d’absence de sensibilisation au PVLS est plus élevée chez les individus dont le niveau d’éducation est faible et qui vivent dans un voisinage pourvu d’un PVLS, que chez ceux dont le niveau d’éducation est élevé et qui vivent dans un voisinage dépourvu d’un PVLS (RC = 1,63, 95 % IC : 1,01; 2,64). Conclusion. Malgré l’accessibilité au PVLS dans un voisinage, des inégalités sociales persistent.
An efficient passenger road transport system is a boon to any city and an inefficient one its bane. Passenger bus transport operation involves various aspects like passenger convenience, profitability of operation and social, technological and environmental factors. The author’s interest in this area was aroused when he conducted a traffic survey of Trivandrum City in 1979. While some studies on the performance of the Kerala State Road Transport Corporation in specific areas like finance, inventory control etc. have already been made, no study has been made from the operational point of view. The study is also the first one of its kind in dealing with the transportation problems for a second order city like Trivandrum. The objective of this research study is to develop a scientific basis for analysing and understanding the various operational aspects of urban bus transport management like assessing travel demand, depot location, fleet allocation, vehicle scheduling, maintenance etc. The operation of public road transportation in Trivandrum City is analysed on the basis of this theoretical background. The studies made have relevance to any medium sized city in India or even abroad. If not properly managed, deterioration of any public utility system is a natural process and it adversely affects the consumers, the economy and the nation. Making any system more efficient requires careful analysis, judicious decision making and proper implementation. It is hoped that this study will throw some light into the various operational aspects of urban passenger road transport management which can be of some help to make it perform more efficiently
The measurements were obtained during two North Sea wide STAR-shaped cruises during summer 1986 and winter 1987, which were performed to investigate the circulation induced transport and biologically induced pollutant transfer within the interdisciplinary research in the project "ZISCH - Zirkulation und Schadstoffumsatz in der Nordsee / Circulation and Contaminant Fluxes in the North Sea (1984-1989)". The inventory presents parameters measured on hydrodynamics, nutrient dynamics, ecosystem dynamics and pollutant dynamics in the pelagic and benthic realm. The research program had the objective of quantifying fluxes of major budgets, especially contaminants in the North Sea. In spring 1986, following the phytoplankton spring bloom, and in late winter 1987, at minimum primary production activity, the North Sea ecosystem was investigated on a station net covering the whole North Sea. The station net was shaped like a star. Sampling started in the centre, followed by the northwest section and moving counter clockwise around the North Sea following the residual currents. By this strategy, a time series was measured in the central North Sea and more synoptic data sets were obtained in the individual sections. Generally advection processes have to be considered when comparing the data from different stations. The entire sampling period lasted for more than six weeks in each cruise. Thus, a time-lag should be considered especially when comparing the data from the eastern and the western part of the central and northern North Sea, where samples were taken at the beginning and at the end of the campaign. The ZISCH investigations represented a qualitatively and quantitatively new approach to North Sea research in several respects. (1) The first simultaneous blanket coverage of all important biological, chemical and physical parameters in the entire North Sea ecosystem; (2) the first simultaneous measurements of major contaminants (metals and organohaline compounds) in the different ecosystem compartments; (3) simultaneous determinations of atmospheric inputs of momentum, energy and matter as important ecosystem boundary conditions; (4) performance of the complex measurement program during two seasons, namely the spring plankton bloom and the subsequent winter period of minimal biological activity; and (5) support of data analysis and interpretation by oceanographic and meteorological numerical models on the same scales.
Look-up tables are collected and analysed for 12 European National Travel Surveys (NTS) in a harmonized way covering the age group 13-84 year. Travel behaviour measured as kilometres, time use and trips per traveller is compared. Trips per traveller are very similar over the countries whereas kilometres differ most, from minus 28% for Spain to plus 19% and 14% for Sweden and Finland. It is shown that two main factors for differences are GDP per capita and density in the urban areas. The latter is the main reason for the low level in Spain. Mode share is except for Spain with a very high level of walking trips rather similar with a higher level of cycling in the Netherlands, more public transport in Switzerland, and more air traffic in Sweden. Normally kilometres per respondent/inhabitant is used for national planning purpose and this is very affected by the share of mobile travellers. The immobile share is varying between 8 and 28% with 6 NTS at a 15-17% level. These differences are analysed and discussed and it is concluded that the immobile share should be a little less than 15-17% because it is assessed that some short trips might have been forgotten in these 6 countries. The share has a downward tendency with higher density. The resulting immobile share is very dependent on data collection methodology, sampling method, quality of interviewer felt-work etc. The paper shows other possibilities to improve local surveys based on comparison with other countries.
El WCTR es un congreso de reconocido prestigio internacional en el ámbito de la investigación del transporte y aunque las actas publicadas están en formato digital y sin ISSN ni ISBN, lo consideramos lo suficientemente importante como para que se considere en los indicadores. Policies trying to increase walking within urban mobility modal split usually highlight the importance of the functional patterns and the environmental quality of the urban space as major drivers of citizens modal choices. Functional characteristics would be mainly associated to an appropriate mix of land uses within neighbourhoods, whereas environmental quality would be associated to the characteristics of urban spaces. The purpose of this research is threefold: first, to identify relevant proxy indicators, which could characterize pedestrian-friendly land use mix and environmental quality. Second, to assess, for both traits, existing disparities among neighbourhoods in a major metropolitan area. And finally, to explore the association between both indicators and children mobility patterns: according to their built environment, which neighbourhoods have a greater proportion of children and, how is their mobility? Using data from the 2004 household mobility survey in the 128 neighbourhoods of the municipality of Madrid, this paper concludes that potentially favourable conditions at the neighbourhood level seem to have only a modest influence in,mobility patterns , in terms of both, selection of closer destinations and a higher share of walking within modal split. The citys policy choices, with intensive investment in road and public transport infrastructure may explain why short-distance mobility is not as important as it could have been expected in those neighbourhoods with more pedestrian-friendly conditions. The metropolitan transport system is providing mobility conditions, which make far-away destinations attractive to most citizens.
Policies trying to increase walking within urban mobility modal split usually highlight the importance of the functional patterns and the environmental quality of the urban space as major drivers of citizens modal choices. Functional characteristics would be mainly associated to an appropriate mix of land uses within neighbourhoods, whereas environmental quality would be associated to the characteristics of urban spaces. The purpose of this research is threefold: first, to identify relevant proxy indicators, which could characterize pedestrian-friendly land use mix and environmental quality. Second, to assess, for both traits, existing disparities among neighbourhoods in a major metropolitan area. And finally, to explore the association between both indicators and children mobility patterns: according to their built environment, which neighbourhoods have a greater proportion of children and, how is their mobility? Using data from the 2004 household mobility survey in the 128 neighbourhoods of the municipality of Madrid, this paper concludes that potentially favourable conditions at the neighbourhood level seem to have only a modest influence in,mobility patterns , in terms of both, selection of closer destinations and a higher share of walking within modal split. The city s policy choices, with intensive investment in road and public transport infrastructure may explain why short-distance mobility is not as important as it could have been expected in those neighbourhoods with more pedestrian-friendly conditions. The metropolitan transport system is providing mobility conditions, which make far-away destinations attractive to most citizens.
Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSS) have become an important tool for public transport planners, as improvements in the perceived quality of service lead to greater use of public transport and lower traffic pollution. Until now, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) enhancements in public transport have traditionally included fleet management systems based on Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) technologies, which can be used to optimize routing and scheduling, and to feed real-time information into passenger information channels. However, surveys of public transport users could also benefit from the new information technologies. As most customers carry their smartphones when traveling, Quick Response (QR) codes open up the possibility of conducting these surveys at a lower cost.This paper contributes to the limited existing literature by developing the analysis of QR codes applied to CSS in public transport and highlighting their importance in reducing the cost of data collection and processing. The added value of this research is that it provides the first assessment of a real case study in Madrid (Spain) using QR codes for this purpose. This pilot experience was part of a research project analyzing bus service quality in the same case study, so the QR code survey (155 valid questionnaires) was validated using a conventional face-to-face survey (520 valid questionnaires). The results show clearly that, after overcoming a few teething troubles, this QR code application will ultimately provide transport management with a useful tool to reduce survey costs
A comprehensive engineering analysis of the coastal sediment transport processes along a 42-kilometer segment of the North Carolina shoreline from Wrightsville Beach to Fort Fisher is presented. Included in the analysis is an interpretation of the littoral processes, longshore transport, and the behavior and success of beach nourishment projects at Wrightsville Beach and Carolina Beach, North Carolina. The historical position of the MLW, MSL, and MHW contours, relative to a fixed base line, is plotted for the period between 1964 and 1975. An equivalent volumetric erosion or accretion between successive surveys is determined by multiplying the average excursion distance of the contours by a constant of proportionality. The plots of excursion distance versus time for the MLW, MSL, and MHW contours also show the time response of the beach fills. This response is described by a mathematical function. The alongshore components of wave-induced energy flux are also determined within the study area through wave refraction analysis. This information, together with the information on volumetric change, is used in a sediment budget analysis to determine the coefficient of alongshore sediment transport and the inlet trapping characteristics. (Author).
Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Stian Bradford, Chris Gabrielli, and Julie Timms for practical and logistical assistance. The provision of transport by Iain Malcolm and Ross Glover of Marine Scotland Science was greatly appreciated. We also thank the European Research Council ERC (project GA 335910 VEWA) for funding through the VeWa project and the Leverhulme Trust for funding through PLATO (RPG-2014-016).
To examine the influence of l-arginine supplementation in combination with physical training on mitochondrial biomarkers from gastrocnemius muscle and its relationship with physical performance. Male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control sedentary (SD), sedentary supplemented with l-arginine (SDLA), trained (TR) and trained supplemented with l-arginine (TRLA). Supplementation of l-arginine was administered by gavage (62.5mg/ml/day/rat). Physical training consisted of 60min/day, 5days/week, 0% grade, speed of 1.2km/h. The study lasted 8weeks. Skeletal muscle mitochondrial enriched fraction as well as cytoplasmic fractions were obtained for Western blotting and biochemical analyses. Protein expressions of transcriptor coactivator (PGC-1α), transcriptor factors (mtTFA), ATP synthase subunit c, cytochrome oxidase (COXIV), constitutive nitric oxide synthases (eNOS and nNOS), Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) and manganese-SOD (Mn-SOD) were evaluated. We also assessed in plasma: lipid profile, glycemia and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. The nitrite/nitrate (NOx(-)) levels were measured in both plasma and cytosol fraction of the gastrocnemius muscle. 8-week l-arginine supplementation associated with physical training was effective in promoting greater tolerance to exercise that was accompanied by up-regulation of the protein expressions of mtTFA, PGC-1α, ATP synthase subunit c, COXIV, Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD. The upstream pathway was associated with improvement of NO bioavailability, but not in NO production since no changes in nNOS or eNOS protein expressions were observed. This combination would be an alternative approach for preventing cardiometabolic diseases given that in overt diseases a profound impairment in the physical performance of the patients is observed.
Pilocarpine is an alkaloid obtained from the leaves of Pilocarpus genus, with important pharmaceutical applications. Previous reports have investigated the production of pilocarpine by Pilocarpus microphyllus cell cultures and tried to establish the alkaloid biosynthetic route. However, the site of pilocarpine accumulation inside of the cell and its exchange to the medium culture is still unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the intracellular accumulation of pilocarpine and characterise its transport across membranes in cell suspension cultures of P. microphyllus. Histochemical analysis and toxicity assays indicated that pilocarpine is most likely stored in the vacuoles probably to avoid cell toxicity. Assays with exogenous pilocarpine supplementation to the culture medium showed that the alkaloid is promptly uptaken but it is rapidly metabolised. Treatment with specific ABC protein transporter inhibitors and substances that disturb the activity of secondary active transporters suppressed pilocarpine uptake and release suggesting that both proteins may participate in the traffic of pilocarpine to inside and outside of the cells. As bafilomicin A1, a specific V-type ATPase inhibitor, had little effect and NH4Cl (induces membrane proton gradient dissipation) had moderate effect, while cyclosporin A and nifedipine (ABC proteins inhibitors) strongly inhibited the transport of pilocarpine, it is believed that ABC proteins play a major role in the alkaloid transport across membranes but it is not the exclusive one. Kinetic studies supported these results.