994 resultados para Transmembrane transport


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Le motif imidazole, un hétérocycle à 5 atomes contenant 2 atomes d’azote et trois atomes de carbone, présente des propriétés physico-chimiques intéressantes qui en font un composé de choix pour plusieurs applications. Parmi ces propriétés, la fonctionnalisation simple des deux atomes d’azote pour former un sel d’imidazolium est très intéressante. Ces sels sont d’excellents précurseurs de carbènes N-hétérocycliques (NHC) et sont couramment utilisés pour synthétiser des ligands en vue d’une utilisation en catalyse organométallique. D’autre part, cette famille de composés possède des propriétés anionophores permettant une utilisation en transport anionique. Le présent travail contient les résultats de travaux concernant ces deux domaines, soit la catalyse et le transport anionique. Dans un premier temps, les propriétés de dérivés de l’imidazole sont exploitées pour former un catalyseur de type palladium-NHC qui est utilisé pour catalyser la réaction de Suzuki-Miyaura en milieu aqueux. L’efficacité de ce catalyseur a été démontrée en utilisant aussi peu que 0,001 mol% pour un rendement quantitatif. Il s’agit de la première occurrence d’un processus hétérogène et recyclable dans l’eau, utilisant un catalyseur de type Pd-NHC et qui ne nécessite aucun additif ou co-solvant. Le recyclage a été prouvé jusqu’à 10 cycles sans diminution apparente de l’activité du catalyseur. Dans un second temps, plusieurs sels d’imidazolium ont été testés en tant que transporteurs transmembranaires d’anions chlorures. Les propriétés intrinsèques des sels utilisés qui en font des transporteurs efficaces ont été élucidées. Ainsi, les paramètres qui semblent affecter le plus le transport anionique sont le changement du contre-anion du sel d’imidazolium de même que la propension de ce dernier à s’auto-assembler via une succession d’empilements-π. De plus, les propriétés du transport ont été élucidées, montrant la formation de canaux transmembranaires qui permettent non-seulement la diffusion d’ions Cl-, mais aussi le transport de protons et d’ions Ca2+. L’intérêt de cette recherche repose d’abord dans le traitement de diverses pathologies voyant leur origine dans le dysfonctionnement du transport anionique. Cependant, les propriétés bactéricides des sels d’imidazolium utilisés ont été identifiées lors des dernières expériences.


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This thesis focuses on the design and characterization of a novel, artificial minimal model membrane system with chosen physical parameters to mimic a nanoparticle uptake process driven exclusively by adhesion and softness of the bilayer. The realization is based on polymersomes composed of poly(dimethylsiloxane)-b-poly(2-methyloxazoline) (PMDS-b-PMOXA) and nanoscopic colloidal particles (polystyrene, silica), and the utilization of powerful characterization techniques. rnPDMS-b-PMOXA polymersomes with a radius, Rh ~100 nm, a size polydispersity, PD = 1.1 and a membrane thickness, h = 16 nm, were prepared using the film rehydratation method. Due to the suitable mechanical properties (Young’s modulus of ~17 MPa and a bending modulus of ~7⋅10-8 J) along with the long-term stability and the modifiability, these kind of polymersomes can be used as model membranes to study physical and physicochemical aspects of transmembrane transport of nanoparticles. A combination of photon (PCS) and fluorescence (FCS) correlation spectroscopies optimizes species selectivity, necessary for a unique internalization study encompassing two main efforts. rnFor the proof of concepts, the first effort focused on the interaction of nanoparticles (Rh NP SiO2 = 14 nm, Rh NP PS = 16 nm; cNP = 0.1 gL-1) and polymersomes (Rh P = 112 nm; cP = 0.045 gL-1) with fixed size and concentration. Identification of a modified form factor of the polymersome entities, selectively seen in the PCS experiment, enabled a precise monitor and quantitative description of the incorporation process. Combining PCS and FCS led to the estimation of the incorporated particles per polymersome (about 8 in the examined system) and the development of an appropriate methodology for the kinetics and dynamics of the internalization process. rnThe second effort aimed at the establishment of the necessary phenomenology to facilitate comparison with theories. The size and concentration of the nanoparticles were chosen as the most important system variables (Rh NP = 14 - 57 nm; cNP = 0.05 - 0.2 gL-1). It was revealed that the incorporation process could be controlled to a significant extent by changing the nanoparticles size and concentration. Average number of 7 up to 11 NPs with Rh NP = 14 nm and 3 up to 6 NPs with Rh NP = 25 nm can be internalized into the present polymersomes by changing initial nanoparticles concentration in the range 0.1- 0.2 gL-1. Rapid internalization of the particles by polymersomes is observed only above a critical threshold particles concentration, dependent on the nanoparticle size. rnWith regard possible pathways for the particle uptake, cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) has revealed two different incorporation mechanisms depending on the size of the involved nanoparticles: cooperative incorporation of nanoparticles groups or single nanoparticles incorporation. Conditions for nanoparticle uptake and controlled filling of polymersomes were presented. rnIn the framework of this thesis, the experimental observation of transmembrane transport of spherical PS and SiO2 NPs into polymersomes via an internalization process was reported and examined quantitatively for the first time. rnIn a summary the work performed in frames of this thesis might have significant impact on cell model systems’ development and thus improved understanding of transmembrane transport processes. The present experimental findings help create the missing phenomenology necessary for a detailed understanding of a phenomenon with great relevance in transmembrane transport. The fact that transmembrane transport of nanoparticles can be performed by artificial model system without any additional stimuli has a fundamental impact on the understanding, not only of the nanoparticle invagination process but also of the interaction of nanoparticles with biological as well as polymeric membranes. rn


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Nesta tese, realizada no âmbito do Programa Doutoral em Química da Universidade de Aveiro, foram desenvolvidas duas famílias de receptores sintéticos: macrocíclicos baseados na plataforma tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina; e acíclicos construídos a partir de diaminas simples. A plataforma macrocíclica foi decorada nos átomos de azoto em ponte com unidades de reconhecimento molecular contendo fragmentos com grupos amida para o reconhecimento de aniões ou com grupos ácidos carboxílicos para a coordenação de metais de transição. Os receptores acíclicos foram obtidos por acoplamento de diaminas (etilenodiamina, orto-fenilenodiamina ou 2-aminobenzilamina) com uma unidade lipofílica incorporando um anel heterocíclico (derivados de oxadiazole ou furano) e com um derivado isocianato. Estas moléculas assimétricas com um grupo amida e um grupo ureia como unidades de reconhecimento molecular foram avaliadas como receptores e transportadores transmembranares de aniões biologicamente relevantes (Cl- e HCO3-). Os resultados experimentais obtidos serão descritos ao longo de três capítulos, após um primeiro capítulo bibliográfico. No Capítulo 1 começa-se por fazer uma revisão bibliográfica sucinta sobre o desenvolvimento recente de receptores funcionais baseados em azacalixarenos bem como das suas aplicações, designadamente no reconhecimento molecular. Numa segunda parte apresenta-se uma revisão sucinta de receptores derivados de (tio)ureias, relacionados com os receptores sintetizados no âmbito desta tese e com propriedades de reconhecimento e transporte transmembranar de aniões. No Capítulo 2 reporta-se uma série de macrociclos novos com os átomos de azoto em ponte de tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina funcionalizados com bromoacetato de metilo. Foram preparados três novos macrociclos com quatro grupos éster, como braços pendentes, a partir de percursores tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina com os anéis de triazina substituídos com cloro, metilamina ou hexilamina. Os grupos acetato foram hidrolisados em condições básicas, tendo cada um dos derivados dialquilamina originado um composto com quatro grupo carboxílicos, enquanto o análogo diclorado originou uma mistura de compostos com dois grupos carboxílico e com os átomos de cloro substituídos por grupos hidroxilo. Subsequentemente, as propriedades de coordenação dos derivados alquilamina para cobre(II) foram avaliadas por espectroscopia de UV-Vis, tendo-se obtido constantes de estabilidades semelhantes (logk ≈ 6,7). No Capítulo 3 descrevem-se três macrociclos obtidos através da funcionalização dos átomos de azoto em ponte de tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina com grupos amida derivados de N-Boc-etilenodiamina, benzilamina e (S)-metilbenzilamina. A afinidade destes receptores para a série de aniões carboxilato (oxalato, malonato, succinato, glutarato, diglicolato, pimelato, suberato, fumarato, maleato, ftalato e isoftalato) e inorgânicos (Cl-, H2PO4- e SO42-) por titulação de RMN de 1H, foi avaliada. Estes macrociclos conjuntamente com os descritos no Capítulo 2 são os primeiros exemplos reportados na literatura de receptores sintéticos baseados na plataforma de tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina com grupos funcionais nos azotos em ponte. O receptor derivado de N-Boc-etilenodiamina, com oito grupos N-H, entre os três receptores, é o que apresenta maior afinidade para os aniões estudados. No Capítulo 4 é descrita a síntese 59 compostos acíclicos (vide supra) obtidos em três passos de síntese com bons rendimentos. No design desta biblioteca de moléculas a afinidade para aniões dos grupos ureia foi modelada pela inserção de diferentes substituintes arilo ou alquilo, com propriedades electrónicas distintas. A introdução destes grupos em conjugação com um anel de oxadiazole ou furano permitiu também modelar a lipofília destes compostos. A afinidade destes receptores para aniões cloreto e bicarbonato, e em alguns casos para fumarato e maleato, foi investigada por titulação de RMN de 1H. Estes compostos apresentaram constantes de associações compatíveis com o transporte transmembranar de cloreto. Por outro lado estes receptores apresentaram afinidades elevadas para fumarato e maleato, com seletividade para este último. São também discutidos os resultados dos ensaios de transporte de cloreto por estes receptores através de vesículas de em POPC. No Capítulo 5 encontram-se as conclusões gerais desta tese de Doutoramento. No Capitulo 6 encontram-se os dados espectroscópicos e os restantes detalhes experimentais para todos os compostos sintetizados.


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La membrane cellulaire est principalement une bicouche phospholipidique constituant une barrière qui régule les échanges entre la cellule et son environnement. Son intérieur hydrophobe empêche le passage d’espèces hydrophiles, chargées, de grande masse moléculaire et polaires, qui sont généralement transportées par des protéines à travers la bicouche. Dans certains cas de systèmes défectueux (e.g. les canalopathies), l’équilibre des concentrations en ions à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des cellules est perturbé et les cellules sont compromises. C’est pourquoi le développement de transporteurs transmembranaires synthétiques est nécessaire. De nombreux travaux ont été faits dans le développement de transporteurs synthétiques d’anions (particulièrement du chlorure). Dans cette thèse, nous présentons nos travaux sur un nouveau transporteur d’anion appelé axe parapluie, capable de changer de conformation dépendamment de la polarité de son environnement. Dans un premier temps, nous avons conçu le design, puis synthétisé ces axes parapluie qui montrent une importante activité en tant que transporteur de chlorures. Ces composés réunissent deux concepts : - Le parapluie, constitué d’acides biliaires amphiphiles (une face hydrophile, une face hydrophobe). La flexibilité des articulations combinée à la grande surface des acides choliques permettent d’empêcher les interactions défavorables entre les parties hydrophiles et hydrophobes, ce qui facilite l’insertion dans la bicouche. - Un site ammonium secondaire en tant que site de reconnaissance, capable de former des ponts hydrogène avec des ions chlorure. De plus, l’axe peut complexer une roue de type éther couronne pour former un pseudo-rotaxane ou rotaxane parapluie ce qui résulte en l’inhibition partielle de leurs propriétés de transport. Ceci nous mène au second objectif de cette thèse, le développement d’un nouveau moyen de transport pour les médicaments cycliques. Certains macrocycles polaires et biologiquement actifs tels que les nactines ont besoin d’atteindre leur objectif à l’intérieur de la cellule pour jouer leur rôle. La membrane cellulaire est alors un obstacle. Nous avons imaginé tirer profit de notre axe parapluie pour transporter un médicament cyclique (en tant que roue d’un rotaxane parapluie). Les assemblages des rotaxanes parapluie furent accomplis par la méthode de clipage. Le comportement de l’axe et du rotaxane parapluie fut étudié par RMN et fluorimétrie. Le mouvement du parapluie passant d’une conformation fermée à exposée dépendamment du milieu fut observé pour le rotaxane parapluie. Il en fut de même pour les interactions entre le rotaxane parapluie et des vésicules constituées de phospholipides. Finalement, la capacité du rotaxane parapluie à franchir la bicouche lipidique pour transporter la roue à l’intérieur de la vésicule fut démontrée à l’aide de liposomes contenant de la α-chymotrypsine. Cette dernière pu cliver certains liens amide de l’axe parapluie afin de relarguer la roue.


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Le 1,1'-bi-2-naphtol ou Binol, présentant une chiralité axiale, est un ligand très utilisé en catalyse asymétrique. Au cours des vingt dernières années, le Binol a servi de synthon à l’élaboration de très nombreux ligands permettant la catalyse asymétrique de tous types de réactions, allant de l’hydrogénation, à l’alkylation, en passant par diverses réactions péricycliques. Le grand intérêt pour ce ligand vient de sa versatilité et des nombreuses possibilités de fonctionnalisation qu’il offre, permettant d’altérer ses propriétés catalytiques à volonté, aussi bien en modifiant son caractère électronique, qu’en introduisant des facteurs stériques autour du site catalytique. Parallèlement aux développements de la catalyse par des dérivés de Binol, le domaine des liquides ioniques a connu un intérêt croissant ces dernières années. Les liquides ioniques, sels dont le point de fusion est inférieur à 100°C, cumulent de nombreuses qualités convoitées : faible pression de vapeur, stabilité thermique et chimique et fort pouvoir de solvatation. Dû à ces propriétés, les liquides ioniques ont principalement été étudiés dans l’optique de développer une gamme de solvants recyclables. Alors que les propriétés des liquides ioniques sont facilement modulables en fonction de l’anion et du cation choisi, le concept de liquide ionique à tâche spécifique va plus loin et propose d’introduire directement, sur le cation ou l’anion, un groupement conférant une propriété particulière. En suivant cette approche, plusieurs ligands ioniques ont été rapportés, par simple couplage d’un cation organique à un ligand déjà connu. Étonnamment, le Binol a fait l’objet de très peu de travaux pour l’élaboration de ligands ioniques. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons l’étude d’une famille de composés de type Binol-imidazolium dont les unités Binol et imidazolium sont séparées par un espaceur méthylène. Différents homologues ont été synthétisés en variant le nombre d’unités imidazolium et leur position sur le noyau Binol, la longueur de la chaîne alkyle portée par les unités imidazolium et la nature du contre-anion. Après une étude des propriétés thermiques de ces composés, l’utilisation des Binol-imidazoliums en tant que ligands dans une réaction asymétrique d’éthylation d’aldéhydes aromatique a été étudiée en milieu liquide ionique. La réaction a été conduite en solvant liquide ionique dans le but de recycler aussi bien le ligand Binol-imidazolium que le solvant, en fin de réaction. Cette étude nous a permis de démontrer que la sélectivité de ces ligands ioniques dépend grandement de leur structure. En effet, seuls les Binols fonctionnalisés en positions 6 et 6’ permettent une sélectivité de la réaction d’éthylation. Alors que les dérivés de Binol fonctionnalisés en positions 3 et 3’ ne permettent pas une catalyse énantiosélective, il a déjà été rapporté que ces composés avaient la capacité de complexer des anions. D’autre part, il a déjà été rapporté par notre groupe, que les composés comportant des unités imidazolium pouvaient permettre le transport d’anions à travers des bicouches lipidiques en fonction de leur amphiphilie. Ceci nous a amenés à la deuxième partie de cette thèse qui porte sur les propriétés ionophores des Binols fonctionnalisés en positions 3 et 3’ par des unités imidazoliums. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’étude de la relation structure-activité et au mécanisme de transport de ces composés. Le transport d’anions étant un processus clé dans la biologie cellulaire, l’activité biologique des composés présentant une activité ionophore dans des systèmes modèles (liposomes) a été étudiée par la suite. L’activité antibactérienne des nos composés a été testée sur quatre souches de bactéries. Il s’est avéré que les composés Binol-imidazolium sont actifs uniquement sur les bactéries Gram positives. Finalement, la cytotoxicité des composés présentant une activité antibactérienne a été étudiée sur des cellules humaines.


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During the growth of Kluyveromyces marxianus var. marxianus ATCC 10022 on lactose, peaks of glucose, but not β-galactosidase activity, were detected in culture medium. Harvested and washed whole cells produced glucose and galactose from lactose, or ortho-nitro-phenol from the chromogenic substrate ortho-nitro-phenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG), indicating that β-galactosidase is physically associated with cells. ONPG hydrolysis by whole cells presented a monophasic kinetics (Km 36.6 mM) in lactose exponential growth phase cells, but a biphasic kinetics (Km 0.2 and 36.6 mM) in stationary growth phase cells. Permeabilization with digitonin or disruption of cells from both growth phases led to monosite ONPG hydrolysis (Km 2.2 to 2.5 mM), indicating that β-galactosidase is not located in the periplasm. In addition, the energy inhibitors fluoride or arsenate, as well as the uncouplercarbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) prevented ONPG hydrolysis by whole cells. These findings indicate that energy coupled transmembrane transport is the rate-limiting step for intracellular ONPG cleavage. The taxonomic and physiologic implications of the exclusive intracellular location of β-galactosidase of K. marxianus var. marxianus ATCC 10022 are discussed. © 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Abstract Background Propolis is a natural product of plant resins collected by honeybees (Apis mellifera) from various plant sources. Our previous studies indicated that propolis sensitivity is dependent on the mitochondrial function and that vacuolar acidification and autophagy are important for yeast cell death caused by propolis. Here, we extended our understanding of propolis-mediated cell death in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by applying systems biology tools to analyze the transcriptional profiling of cells exposed to propolis. Methods We have used transcriptional profiling of S. cerevisiae exposed to propolis. We validated our findings by using real-time PCR of selected genes. Systems biology tools (physical protein-protein interaction [PPPI] network) were applied to analyse the propolis-induced transcriptional bevavior, aiming to identify which pathways are modulated by propolis in S. cerevisiae and potentially influencing cell death. Results We were able to observe 1,339 genes modulated in at least one time point when compared to the reference time (propolis untreated samples) (t-test, p-value 0.01). Enrichment analysis performed by Gene Ontology (GO) Term finder tool showed enrichment for several biological categories among the genes up-regulated in the microarray hybridization such as transport and transmembrane transport and response to stress. Real-time RT-PCR analysis of selected genes showed by our microarray hybridization approach was capable of providing information about S. cerevisiae gene expression modulation with a considerably high level of confidence. Finally, a physical protein-protein (PPPI) network design and global topological analysis stressed the importance of these pathways in response of S. cerevisiae to propolis and were correlated with the transcriptional data obtained thorough the microarray analysis. Conclusions In summary, our data indicate that propolis is largely affecting several pathways in the eukaryotic cell. However, the most prominent pathways are related to oxidative stress, mitochondrial electron transport chain, vacuolar acidification, regulation of macroautophagy associated with protein target to vacuole, cellular response to starvation, and negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter. Our work emphasizes again the importance of S. cerevisiae as a model system to understand at molecular level the mechanism whereby propolis causes cell death in this organism at the concentration herein tested. Our study is the first one that investigates systematically by using functional genomics how propolis influences and modulates the mRNA abundance of an organism and may stimulate further work on the propolis-mediated cell death mechanisms in fungi.


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Multidrug resistance protein 4 (MRP4) is a transmembrane transport protein found in many cell types and is involved in substrate-specific transport of endogenous and exogenous substrates. Recently, it has shown to be expressed in prostate cancer cell lines and to be among the most commonly upregulated transcripts in prostate cancer, although a comprehensive expression analysis is lacking so far. We aimed to investigate its expression by immunohistochemistry in a larger cohort of neoplastic and nonneoplastic prostate tissues (n = 441) and to correlate its expression with clinicopathological parameters including PSA-free survival times and molecular correlates of androgen signaling (androgen receptor (AR), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and forkhead box A (FoxA)). MRP4 is widely expressed in benign and neoplastic prostate epithelia, but its expression gradually decreases during tumor progression towards castrate-resistant disease. Concordantly, it correlated with conventional prognosticators of disease progression and-within the group of androgen-dependent tumors-with AR and FoxA expression. Moreover, lower levels of MRP4 expression were associated with shorter PSA relapse-free survival times in the androgen-dependent group. In benign tissues, we found zone-dependent differences of MRP4 expression, with the highest levels in the peripheral and central zones. Although MRP4 is known to be regulated in prostate cancer, this study is the first to demonstrate a gradual downregulation of MRP4 protein during malignant tumor progression and a prognostic value of this loss of expression.


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Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain. Its rapid clearance after the release into the synaptic cleft is vital in order to avoid toxic effects and is ensured by several transmembrane transport proteins, so-called excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs). Impairment of glutamate removal has been linked to several neurodegenerative diseases and EAATs have therefore received increased attention as therapeutic targets. O-benzylated L-threo-β-hydroxyaspartate derivatives have been developed previously as highly potent inhibitors of EAATs with TFB-TBOA ((2S,3S)-2-amino-3-((3-(4-(trifluoromethyl)benzamido)benzyl)oxy)succinic acid) standing out as low-nanomolar inhibitor. We report the stereoselective synthesis of all four stereoisomers of TFB-TBOA in less than a fifth of synthetic steps than the published route. For the first time, the inhibitory activity and isoform selectivity of these TFB-TBOA enantio- and diastereomers were assessed on human glutamate transporters EAAT1-3. Furthermore, we synthesized potent photoaffinity probes based on TFB-TBOA using our novel synthetic strategy.


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We analysed Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Ca isotope ratios of benthonic foraminifers from sediment core tops retrieved during several research cruises in the Atlantic Ocean, in order to improve the understanding of isotope fractionation and element partitioning resulting from biomineralisation processes and changes in ambient conditions. Species include foraminifers secreting tests composed of hyaline low magnesium calcite, porcelaneous high magnesium calcite as well as aragonite. Our results demonstrate systematic isotope fractionation and element partitioning patterns specific for these foraminiferal groups. Calcium isotope fractionation is similar in porcelaneous and hyaline calcite tests and both groups demonstrate the previously described anomaly with enrichment of heavy isotopes around 3 - 4 °C (Gussone and Filipsson, 2010). Calcium isotope ratios of the aragonitic species Hoeglundina elegans, on the other hand, are about 0.4 per mil lighter compared to the calcitic species, which is in general agreement with stronger fractionation in inorganic aragonite compared to calcite. However, the low and strongly variable Sr content suggests additional processes during test formation, and we propose that transmembrane ion transport or a precursor phase to aragonite may be involved. Porcelaneous tests, composed of high Mg calcite, incorporate higher amounts of Sr compared to hyaline low Mg calcite, in agreement with inorganic calcite systematics, but also porcelaneous tests with reduced Mg/Ca show high Sr/Ca. While calcium isotopes, Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca in benthonic foraminifers primarily appear to fractionate and partition with a dominant inorganic control, d44/40Ca temperature and growth rate dependencies of benthonic foraminifer tests favour a dominant contribution of light Ca by transmembrane transport relative to unfractionated seawater Ca to the calcifying fluid, thus controlling the formation of foraminiferal d44/40Ca and Sr/Ca proxy signals.


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Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE) is a cytotoxin which, after endocytosis, is delivered to the cytosol where it inactivates protein synthesis. Using diaminobenzidine cytochemistry, we found over 94% of internalized PE in transferrin (Tf) -positive endosomes of lymphocytes. When PE translocation was examined in a cell-free assay using purified endocytic vesicles, more than 40% of endosomal 125I-labeled PE was transported after 2 h at 37°C, whereas a toxin inactivated by point mutation in its translocation domain was not translocated. Sorting of endosomes did not allow cell-free PE translocation, whereas active PE transmembrane transport was observed after > 10 min of endocytosis when PE and fluorescent-Tf were localized by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy within a rab5-positive and rab4- and rab7-negative recycling compartment in the pericentriolar region of the cell. Accordingly, when PE delivery to this structure was inhibited using a 20°C endocytosis temperature, subsequent translocation from purified endosomes was impaired. Translocation was also inhibited when endosomes were obtained from cells labeled with PE in the presence of brefeldin A, which caused fusion of translocation-competent recycling endosomes with translocation-incompetent sorting elements. No PE processing was observed in lymphocyte endosomes, the full-sized toxin was translocated and recovered in an enzymatically active form. ATP hydrolysis was found to directly provide the energy required for PE translocation. Inhibitors of endosome acidification (weak bases, protonophores, or bafilomycin A1) when added to the assay did not significantly affect 125I-labeled PE translocation, demonstrating that this transport is independent of the endosome-cytosol pH gradient. Nevertheless, when 125I-labeled PE endocytosis was performed in the presence of one of these molecules, translocation from endosomes was strongly inhibited, indicating that exposure to acidic pH is a prerequisite for PE membrane traversal. When applied during endocytosis, treatments that protect cells against PE intoxication (low temperatures, inhibitors of endosome acidification, and brefeldin A) impaired 125I-labeled PE translocation from purified endosomes. We conclude that PE translocation from a late receptor recycling compartment is implicated in the lymphocyte intoxication procedure.


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Aluminium (Al) is known to be neurotoxic and has been associated with the aetiology of Alzheimer's Disease. To date, only desferrioxamine (DFO), a trihydroxamic acid siderophore has been used in the clinical environment for the removal of Al from the body. However, this drug is expensive, orally inactive and is associated with many side effects. These studies employed a theoretical approach, with the use of quantum mechanics (QM) via semi-empirical molecular orbital (MO) calculations, and a practical approach using U87-MG glioblastoma cells as a model for evaluating the influence of potential chelators on the passage of aluminium into cells. Preliminary studies involving the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) identified that Al prefers binding to bidentate ligands in a 3:1 manner, whereby oxygen was the exclusive donating atom. Statistically significant differences in M-O bond lengths when compared to other trivalent metal ions such as Fe3+ were established and used as an acceptance criterion for subsequent MO calculations. Of the semi-empirical methods parameterised for Al, the PM3 Hamiltonian was found to give the most reliable final optimised geometries of simple 3:1 Al complexes. Consequently the PM3 Hamiltonian was used for evaluating the Hf of 3:1 complexes with more complicated ligands. No correlation exists between published stability constants and individual parameters calculated via PM3 optimisations, although investigation of the dicarboxylates reveals a correlation of 0.961 showing promise for affinity prediction of closely related ligands. A simple and inexpensive morin spectrofluorescence assay has been developed and optimised producing results comparable to atomic absorption spectroscopy methods for the quantitative analysis of Al. This assay was used in subsequent in vitro models, initially on E. coli, which indicated that Al inhibits the antimicrobial action of ciprofloxacin, a potent quinolone antibiotic. Ensuing studies using the second model, U87-MG cells, investigated the influence of chelators on the transmembrane transport of Al, identifying 1,2-diethylhydroxypyridin-4-one as a ligand showing greatest potential for chelating Al in the clinical situation. In conclusion, these studies have explored semi-empirical MO Hamiltonians and an in-vitro U87-MG cell line, both as possible methods for predicting effective chelators of Al.


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The intestinal tract of schistosomes opens at the mouth and leads into the foregut or oesophageal region that is lined with syncytium continuous with the apical cytoplasm of the tegument. The oesophagus is surrounded by a specialised gland, the oesophageal gland. This gland releases materials into the lumen of the oesophagus and the region is thought to initiate the lysis of erythrocytes and neutralisation of immune effectors of the host. The oesophageal region is present in the early invasive schistosomulum, a stage potentially targetable by anti-schistosome vaccines. We used a 44k oligonucleotide microarray to identify highly up-regulated genes in microdissected frozen sections of the oesophageal gland of male worms of S. mansoni. We show that 122 genes were up-regulated 2-fold or higher in the oesophageal gland compared with a whole male worm tissue control. The enriched genes included several associated with lipid metabolism and transmembrane transport as well as some micro-exon genes. Since the oesophageal gland is important in the initiation of digestion and the fact that it develops early after invasion of the mammalian host, further study of selected highly up-regulated functionally important genes in this tissue may reveal new anti-schistosome intervention targets for schistosomiasis control.


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Alachlor has been a commonly applied herbicide and is a substance of ecotoxicological concern. The present study aims to identify molecular biomarkers in the eukaryotic model Saccharomyces cerevisiae that can be used to predict potential cytotoxic effects of alachlor, while providing new mechanistic clues with possible relevance for experimentally less accessible eukaryotes. It focuses on genome-wide expression profiling in a yeast population in response to two exposure scenarios exerting effects from slight to moderate magnitude at phenotypic level. In particular, 100 and 264 genes, respectively, were found as differentially expressed on a 2-h exposure of yeast cells to the lowest observed effect concentration (110 mg/L) and the 20% inhibitory concentration (200 mg/L) of alachlor, in comparison with cells not exposed to the herbicide. The datasets of alachlor-responsive genes showed functional enrichment in diverse metabolic, transmembrane transport, cell defense, and detoxification categories. In general, the modifications in transcript levels of selected candidate biomarkers, assessed by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, confirmed the microarray data and varied consistently with the growth inhibitory effects of alachlor. Approximately 16% of the proteins encoded by alachlor-differentially expressed genes were found to share significant homology with proteins from ecologically relevant eukaryotic species. The biological relevance of these results is discussed in relation to new insights into the potential adverse effects of alachlor in health of organisms from ecosystems, particularly in worst-case situations such as accidental spills or careless storage, usage, and disposal.


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Several molecules like ionophores, vitamins, ion-binding cyclic peptides, acidic phospholipids, surfactants are known to expose the inner side of vesicles, to the externally added cations. Whereas ionophores and certain other systems bring about these changes by a selective transport (influx) of the cation by specialized mechanisms known as the carrier and channel mechanism, other systems cause lysis and vesicle fusion. These systems have been successfully studied using1H,31 P and13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy after the demonstration, fifteen years ago, of the ability of paramagnetic lanthanide ions to distinguish the inside of the vesicle from the outside. The results of these ’nuclear magnetic resonance kinetics’ experiments are reviewed.