943 resultados para Translated Brazilian literature


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Information has increasingly become a crucial resource for organizations that want to remain competitive in the market. For this reason, analysis and a correct understanding of informational types that are present in these environments become relevant to achieving the highest levels of performance. The aim of this paper is to review the literature of the concepts of organic and archival information within the organizational context/business environments. This is still an emerging theoretical field and therefore is conducive to intense discussions. We point out elements that help to characterize and distinguish these two types of information.


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"Selective critical bibliography": p. 293-297.


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This paper uses 1992:1-2004:2 quarterly data and two di§erent methods (approximation under lognormality and calibration) to evaluate the existence of an equity-premium puzzle in Brazil. In contrast with some previous works in the Brazilian literature, I conclude that the model used by Mehra and Prescott (1985), either with additive or recursive preferences, is not able to satisfactorily rationalize the equity premium observed in the Brazilian data. The second contribution of the paper is calling the attention to the fact that the utility function may not exist if the data (as it is the case with Brazilian time series) implies the existence of states in which high negative rates of consumption growth are attained with relatively high probability.


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This work identifies and analyzes literature about knowledge organization (KO), expressed in scientific journals communication of information science (IS). It performs an exploratory study on the Base de Dados Referencial de Artigos de Periodicos em Ciência da Informacio (BRAPCI, Reference Database of Journal Articles on Information Science) between the years 2000 and 2010. The descriptors relating to "knowledge organization" are used in order to recover and analyze the corresponding articles and to identify descriptors and concepts which integrate the semantic universe related to KO. Through the analysis of content, based on metrical studies, this article gathers and interprets data relating to documents and authors. Through this, it demonstrates the development of this field and its research fronts according to the observed characteristics, as well as noting the transformation indicative in the production of knowledge. The work describes the influences of the Spanish researchers on Brazilian literature in the fields of knowledge and information organization. As a result, it presents the most cited and productive authors, the theoretical currents which support them, and the most significant relationships of the Spanish-Brazilian authors network. Based on the constant key-words analysis in the cited articles, the co-existence of the French conception current and the incipient Spanish influence in Brazil is observed. Through this, it contributes to the comprehension of the thematic range relating to KO, stimulating both criticism and self-criticism, debate and knowledge creation, based on studies that have been developed and institutionalized in academic contexts in Spain and Brazil.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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This paper aims at observing the particular case of an author’s and self-translator’s style concerning normalisation features present in the self-translation. Our study has its theoretical starting point based on Baker’s proposal (1993, 1995, 1996, 2000) and Scott’s investigation in order to carry out an analysis of the use of linguistic choices involving evidence of normalization. The results point out that, while participating as a self-translator, Ubaldo Ribeiro reveals individual, distinctive and preferred stylistic options which present less lexical variation; in contrast, in the situation of participating as an author, Ubaldo Ribeiro shows stylistic choices of higher lexical diversity. Observed normalisation features reveal conscious or subconscious use of fluency strategies, making the target text easier to read. Due to his renowned sound command of the target language, the results may also suggest the challenges during the translated text re-creation process faced as a self-translator could have been greater than the challenges during the previous original text creation process faced as an author


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This paper presents some results of a study on culturally marked terms in a corpus composed by the Brazilian novel Relato de um certo oriente (1989), by Milton Hatoum, and its translation into English The tree of the seventh heaven, by Ellen Watson. For the analysis of culturally marked terms, we followed the interdisciplinary approach proposed by Camargo (2005, 2007) involving corpus-based translation studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000), and the investigations of cultural domains (NIDA, 1945; AUBERT, 1981, 2006). The methodology adopted in the present research required the software WordSmith Tools (SCOTT, 2007), which provides the necessary resources for the collection of data in a corpus of translated texts. The software tool called WordList was used for the selection of the most frequent words in the texts and also for the identification of the culturally marked terms. For the analysis of the culturally marked terms in both texts we used the software tool Concord. The results revealed that most of the culturally marked terms are inserted in the ecological domain, and the other terms are distributed in the domains of material, social and ideological culture, which reflects the theme of the book.


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This paper aims at observing a particular case of an author’s and self-translator’s style in the pair of works Viva o Povo Brasileiro and An Invincible Memory. Our investigation has its theoretical starting point based on Corpus-Based Translation Studies (Baker, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000; Camargo, 2005, 2007), and works on cultural domains (Nida, 1945; Aubert, 1981, 2006). The results showed that great part of cultural marks may be classified as the material, social, and ideological cultural domains, which reflects the context of the source text. It was also possible to observe that normalization features tends to reveal conscious or unconscious use of fluency strategies by the self-translator, making the translated text easier to read.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo da crônica, gênero utilizado por Olavo Bilac poeta das estrelas e cronista da cidade para divulgar o modelo republicano de ordem e progresso. No presente estudo encontra-se também a análise de algumas crônicas bilaquianas especialmente as do período das reformas do governo Pereira Passos cujo tema central é o progresso urbano, incluindo as noções de civilidade, higienização e sanitarismo. Esse pensamento correspondia ao movimento de urbanização pelo qual a cidade do Rio de Janeiro passava de modo a transformar-se em uma verdadeira cidade-capital e vitrine do Brasil moderno


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A partir da leitura do livro Mínimos, Múltiplos e Comuns de João Gilberto Noll, este trabalho busca empreender um estudo sobre as relações entre a escrita do artista e tempo na figura dos instantes ficcionais, observando a questão do microrrelato e da exigência fragmentária (cf.P. Lacoue-Labarthe e Jean-Luc Nancy), na perspectiva do inacabado/unidade, o que projeta uma hipótese de conjunto constelar para a escrita de João Gilberto Noll. Inicialmente realiza-se uma reflexão de alguns temas importantes na fortuna crítica sobre o escritor, com a intenção de saber como estes reverberam na sua escrita para, em seguida, tratar do fragmento e suas perspectivas estéticas de inacabamento e de totalidade, com relação ao tempo e como dessas questões surge a metáfora crítica do instante ficcional. As leituras críticas usadas como operadores nortearam-se a partir das noções de fragmento (romântico), e de Acontecimento, relacionadas ao par conceitual Cronos/Aiôn deleuziano