998 resultados para Transition intensities


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We report rigorous calculations of rovibrational energies and dipole transition intensities for three molecules using a new version of the code MULTIMODE. The key features of this code which permit, for the first time, such calculations for moderately sized but otherwise general polyatomic molecules are briefly described. Calculations for the triatomic molecule BF(2) are done to validate the code. New calculations for H(2)CO and H(2)CS are reported; these make use of semiempirical potentials but ab initio dipole moment surfaces. The new dipole surface for H(2)CO is a full-dimensional fit to the dipole moment obtained with the coupled-cluster with single and double excitations and a perturbative treatment of triple excitations method with the augmented correlation consistent triple zeta basis set. Detailed comparisons are made with experimental results from a fit to relative data for H(2)CS and absolute intensities from the HITRAN database for H(2)CO.


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This work describes two similar methods for calculating gamma transition intensities from multidetector coincidence measurements. In the first one, applicable to experiments where the angular correlation function is explicitly fitted, the normalization parameter from this fit is used to determine the gamma transition intensities. In the second, that can be used both in angular correlation or DCO measurements, the spectra obtained for all the detector pairs are summed up, in order to get the best detection statistics possible, and the analysis of the resulting bidimensional spectrum is used to calculate the transition intensities; in this method, the summation of data corresponding to different angles minimizes the influence of the angular correlation coefficient. Both methods are then tested in the calculation of intensities for well-known transitions from a (152)Eu standard source, as well as in the calculation of intensities obtained in beta-decay experiments with (193)Os and (155)Sm sources, yielding excellent results in all these cases. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Mössbauer technique has been used to study the nuclear hyperfine interactions and lifetimes in W182 (2+ state) and W183 (3/2- and 5/2- states) with the following results: g(5/2-)/g(2+) = 1.40 ± 0.04; g(3/2- = -0.07 ± 0.07; Q(5/2-)/Q(2+) = 0.94 ± 0.04; T1/2(3/2-) = 0.184 ± 0.005 nsec; T1/2(5/2-) >̰ 0.7 nsec. These quantities are discussed in terms of a rotation-particle interaction in W183 due to Coriolis coupling. From the measured quantities and additional information on γ-ray transition intensities magnetic single-particle matrix elements are derived. It is inferred from these that the two effective g-factors, resulting from the Nilsson-model calculation of the single-particle matrix elements for the spin operators ŝz and ŝ+, are not equal, consistent with a proposal of Bochnacki and Ogaza.

The internal magnetic fields at the tungsten nucleus were determined for substitutional solid solutions of tungsten in iron, cobalt, and nickel. With g(2+) = 0.24 the results are: |Heff(W-Fe)| = 715 ± 10 kG; |Heff(W-Co)| = 360 ± 10 kG; |Heff(W-Ni)| = 90 ± 25 kG. The electric field gradients at the tungsten nucleus were determined for WS2 and WO3. With Q(2+) = -1.81b the results are: for WS2, eq = -(1.86 ± 0.05) 1018 V/cm2; for WO3, eq = (1.54 ± 0.04) 1018 V/cm2 and ƞ = 0.63 ± 0.02.

The 5/2- state of Pt195 has also been studied with the Mössbauer technique, and the g-factor of this state has been determined to be -0.41 ± 0.03. The following magnetic fields at the Pt nucleus were found: in an Fe lattice, 1.19 ± 0.04 MG; in a Co lattice, 0.86 ± 0.03 MG; and in a Ni lattice, 0.36 ± 0.04 MG. Isomeric shifts have been detected in a number of compounds and alloys and have been interpreted to imply that the mean square radius of the Pt195 nucleus in the first-excited state is smaller than in the ground state.


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We have studied the Wannier-Stark effect in GaAs/GaAlAs short-period superlattices under applied electric field perpendicular to the layers by room- and low-temperature photocurrent measurements. The changes in the transition intensities with biasing are well fitted to a theoretical calculation based on the finite Kronig-Penney model on which the potential of an applied electric field is superposed. With increasing electric field, the 0h peak grows to a maximum while the -1h and +1h peaks monotonousely decrease. By a comparison of the spectra measured at different temperatures, the two peaks in the room temperature photocurrent spectra at relatively low electric field (1.0 X 10(4) V/cm) are identified to be caused by the Wannier localization effect instead of saddle-point excitons.


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Augerelectron emission from foil-excited Ne-ions (6 to 10 MeV beam energy) has been measured. The beam-foil time-of-flight technique has been applied to study electronic transitions of metastable states (delayed spectra) and to determine their lifetimes. To achieve a line identification for the complex structure observed in the prompt spectrum, the spectrum is separated into its isoelectronic parts by an Augerelectron-ion coincidence correlating the emitted electrons and the emitting projectiles of well defined final charge states q_f. Well resolved spectra were obtained and the lines could be identified using intermediate coupling Dirac-Fock multiconfiguration calculations. From the total KLL-Augerelectron transition probabilities observed in the electronion coincidence experiment for Ne (10 MeV) the amount of projectiles with one K-hole just behind a C-target can be estimated. For foil-excited Ne-projectiles in contrast to single collision results the comparison of transition intensities for individual lines with calculated transition probabilities yields a statistical population of Li- and Be-like configurations.


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Er3+ -containing gallium-lanthanum oxysulfide glasses have been prepared from Ga2O3 and La2S3 in a sulfur/argon reactive atmosphere. The samples have been characterized by absorption and emission spectroscopy and IR emission kinetics. Er3+ electronic transition intensities have been analyzed in the light of the Judd-Ofelt formalism, and quantum efficiencies evaluated for the Er3+ emission at 1.5 and 2.7 mum. The results so obtained suggest that these glasses display favorable properties concerning IR optical applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Eu3+ -doped titania-silica planar waveguides were prepared from tetraethylorthotitanate (TEOT) and modified silane 3-amino-propyltriethoxysilane (APTS). Films were deposited on borosilicate glass substrates by a dip-coating technique. The refractive index, the thickness and the total attenuation coefficient of the waveguides were measured at 632.8 and 1550 nm by prism coupling technique. Starting from pure titania films, the addition of modified silane leads to a decrease in the refractive index and an increase in thickness. Squared electric field simulation has shown that the light confinement in the waveguide increases with the silane content of the so]. Emission spectra present a broad emission band due to the modified silane and EU emission transitions arising mainly from the D-5(0) level to the F-7(J) (J = 0-4) manifolds. The dependence of transition intensities and excited state lifetimes on the initial composition and also on the heat treatment performed was interpreted in terms of structural changes occurring during the preparation process. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Eu3+ fluorescence spectroscopy was used as a probe to study the changes in local arrangements of tin oxyhydroxide precipitate → sol → gel → glass conversion. Electronic transition intensities and 5D0 excited state lifetime variations were followed during the entire process. Adsorption of Eu3+ ions on the colloid and changes of chemical interactions occurring in each step are described. © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.


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The theory on the intensities of 4f-4f transitions introduced by B.R. Judd and G.S. Ofelt in 1962 has become a center piece in rare-earth optical spectroscopy over the past five decades. Many fundamental studies have since explored the physical origins of the Judd–Ofelt theory and have proposed numerous extensions to the original model. A great number of studies have applied the Judd–Ofelt theory to a wide range of rare-earth doped materials, many of them with important applications in solid-state lasers, optical amplifiers, phosphors for displays and solid state lighting, upconversion and quantum-cutting materials, and fluorescent markers. This paper takes the view of the experimentalist who is interested in appreciating the basic concepts, implications, assumptions, and limitations of the Judd–Ofelt theory in order to properly apply it to practical problems. We first present the formalism for calculating the wavefunctions of 4f electronic states in a concise form and then show their application to the calculation and fitting of 4f-4f transition intensities. The potential, limitations and pitfalls of the theory are discussed, and a detailed case study of LaCl3:Er3+ is presented.


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Context: Mg VIII emission lines are observed in a range of astronomical objects such as the Sun, other cool stars and in the coronal line region of Seyfert galaxies. Under coronal conditions Mg VIII emits strongly in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray spectral regions which makes it an ideal ion for plasma diagnostics.

Aims. Two theoretical atomic models, consisting of 125 fine structure levels, are developed for the Mg VIII ion. The 125 levels arise from the 2s(2)2p, 2s(2)p2, 2p(3), 2s(2)3s, 2s(2)3p, 2s(2)3d, 2s2p3s, 2s2p3p, 2s2p3d, 2p(2)3s, 2p(2)3p and 2p(2)3d configurations. Electron impact excitation collision strengths and radiative transition probabilities are calculated for both Mg VIII models, compared with existing data, and the best model selected to generate a set of theoretical emission line intensities. The EUV lines, covering 312-790 angstrom, are compared with existing solar spectra (SERTS-89 and SUMER), while the soft X-ray transitions (69-97 angstrom) are examined for potential density diagnostic line ratios and also compared with the limited available solar and stellar observational data.

Methods. The R-matrix codes Breit-Pauli RMATRXI and RMATRXII are utilised, along with the PSTGF code, to calculate the collision strengths for two Mg VIII models. Collision strengths are averaged over a Maxwellian distribution to produce the corresponding effective collision strengths for use in astrophysical applications. Transition probabilities are also calculated using the CIV3 atomic structure code. The best data are then incorporated into the modelling code CLOUDY and line intensities generated for a range of electron temperatures and densities appropriate to solar and stellar coronal plasmas.

Results. The present effective collision strengths are compared with two previous calculations. Good levels of agreement are found with the most recent, but there are large differences with the other for forbidden transitions. The resulting line intensities compare favourably with the observed values from the SERTS-89 and SUMER spectra. Theoretical soft X-ray emission lines are presented and several density diagnostic line ratios examined, which are in reasonable agreement with the limited observational data available.


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The thermal decomposition and dehydroxylation process of coal-bearing strata kaolinite–potassium acetate intercalation complex (CSKK) has been studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR), thermal analysis, mass spectrometric analysis and infrared emission spectroscopy. The XRD results showed that the potassium acetate (KAc) have been successfully intercalated into coal-bearing strata kaolinite with an obvious basal distance increase of the first basal peak, and the positive correlation was found between the concentration of intercalation regent KAc and the degree of intercalation. As the temperature of the system is raised, the formation of KHCO3, KCO3 and KAlSiO4, which is derived from the thermal decomposition or phase transition of CSKK, is observed in sequence. The IR results showed that new bands appeared, the position and intensities shift can also be found when the concentration of intercalation agent is raised. The thermal analysis and mass spectrometric analysis results revealed that CSKK is stable below 300 °C, and the thermal decomposition products (H2O and CO2) were further proved by the mass spectrometric analysis. A comparison of thermal analysis results of original coal-bearing strata kaolinite and its intercalation complex gives new discovery that not only a new mass loss peak is observed at 285 °C, but also the temperature of dehydroxylation and dehydration of coal bearing strata kaolinite is decreased about 100 °C. This is explained on the basis of the interlayer space of the kaolinite increased obviously after being intercalated by KAc, which led to the interlayer hydrogen bonds weakened, enables the dehydroxylation from kaolinite surface more easily. Furthermore, the possible structural model for CSKK has been proposed, with further analysis required in order to prove the most possible structures.


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An attempt has been made at synthesis and in resolving some of the uncertainties related to the assignments of charge-transfer satellites in the X-ray photoelectron spectra of transition-metal and rare-earth compounds. New satellites are reported in the ligand core-hole spectra as well as in the metal core-level spectra of oxides of second- and third-row transition metals including rare earths. Satellites in the ligand levels and the metal levels tend to be mutually exclusive, a behaviour that can be understood on the basis of metal-ligand overlap. Systematics in the intensities and energy separations of satellites in the first-row transition-metal compounds have been examined in order to gain an insight into the nature of these satellites. A simple model involving the sudden approximation has been employed to explain the observed systematics in intensities of satellites appearing next to metal and ligand core levels on the basis of metal-ligand overlap.


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Intra-atomic Auger transitions involving metal energy levels are found to be useful in studying the surface oxidation state as well as the oxidation of metals. Transition Metal oxides also exhibit interatomic Auger transitions, the intensities of which depend on the occupation of the metal d level. The probability of the interatomic transition is therefore highest in oxides where the metal has the d' configuration. The competition between intra-atomic and interatomic Auger transitions in oxides will be discussed as also the use of the interatomic transitions in the study of metal oxidation.


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Adsorption of CO has been investigated on the surfaces of polycrystalline transition metals as well as alloys by employing electron energy loss spectroscopy (eels) and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (ups). CO adsorbs on polycrystalline transition metal surfaces with a multiplicity of sites, each being associated with a characteristic CO stretching frequency; the relative intensities vary with temperature as well as coverage. Whilst at low temperatures (80- 120 K), low coordination sites are stabilized, the higher coordination sites are stabilized at higher temperatures (270-300 K). Adsorption on surfaces of polycrystalline alloys gives characteristic stretching frequencies due to the constituent metal sites. Alloying, however, causes a shift in the stretching frequencies, indicating the effect of the band structure on the nature of adsorption. The up spectra provide confirmatory evidence for the existence of separate metal sites in the alloys as well as for the high-temperature and low-temperature phases of adsorbed CO.


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Time-dependent wavepacket propagation techniques have been used to calculate the absorption spectrum and the resonance Raman excitation profiles of the n-pi* transition in azobenzene. A comparison of both the calculated absorption spectrum and excitation profiles with experiment has been made. From an analysis of the data, it is concluded that the Raman intensities are mainly due to resonance from the n-pi* transition and not from the pre-resonance of the pi-pi* transition, as reported earlier. We find that the isomerization pathway is through the inversion mechanism rather than by rotation. This is the first direct spectroscopic evidence for the isomerization pathway in trans-azobenzene.