15 resultados para Transillumination


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Airway access is needed for a number of experimental animal models, and the majority of animal research is based on mouse models. Anatomical conditions in mice are small, and the narrow glottic opening allows intubation only with a subtle technique. We therefore developed a microscopic endotracheal intubation method with a wire guide technique in mice anaesthetized with halothane in oxygen. The mouse is hung perpendicularly with its incisors on a thread fixed on a vertical plate. The tongue is placed with a pair of forceps between the left hand's thumb and forefinger and slightly pulled, while the neck and thorax are positioned using the third and fourth fingers. By doing so, the neck can be slightly stretched, which allows optimal visualization of the larynx and the vocal cords. To ensure a safe intubation, a fine wire guide is placed under vision between the vocal cords and advanced about 5 mm into the trachea. An intravenous 22G x 1 in. plastic or Teflon catheter is guided over this wire. In a series of 41 mice, between 21 and 38 g, the success rate for the first intubation attempt was >95%. Certainty of the judgement procedure was 100% and success rate was higher using the described method when compared with a transillumination method in a further series. The technique is safe, less invasive than tracheostomy and suitable for controlled ventilation and pulmonary substance application.


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Purpose: The aim of the present study was to develop and test new digital imaging equipment and methods for diagnosis and follow-up of ocular diseases. Methods: The whole material comprised 398 subjects (469 examined eyes), including 241 patients with melanocytic choroidal tumours, 56 patients with melanocytic iris tumours, 42 patients with diabetes, a 52-year old patient with chronic phase of VKH disease, a 30-year old patient with an old blunt eye injury, and 57 normal healthy subjects. Digital 50° (Topcon TRC 50 IA) and 45° (Canon CR6-45NM) fundus cameras, a new handheld digital colour videocamera for eye examinations (MediTell), a new subtraction method using the Topcon Image Net Program (Topcon corporation, Tokyo, Japan), a new method for digital IRT imaging of the iris we developed, and Zeiss photoslitlamp with a digital camera body were used for digital imaging. Results: Digital 50° red-free imaging had a sensitivity of 97.7% and two-field 45° and 50° colour imaging a sensitivity of 88.9-94%. The specificity of the digital 45°-50° imaging modalities was 98.9-100% versus the reference standard and ungradeable images that were 1.2-1.6%. By using the handheld digital colour video camera only, the optic disc and central fundus located inside 20° from the fovea could be recorded with a sensitivity of 6.9% for detection of at least mild NPDR when compared with the reference standard. Comparative use of digital colour, red-free, and red light imaging showed 85.7% sensitivity, 99% specificity, and 98.2 % exact agreement versus the reference standard in differentiation of small choroidal melanoma from pseudomelanoma. The new subtraction method showed growth in four of 94 melanocytic tumours (4.3%) during a mean ±SD follow-up of 23 ± 11 months. The new digital IRT imaging of the iris showed the sphincter muscle and radial contraction folds of Schwalbe in the pupillary zone and radial structural folds of Schwalbe and circular contraction furrows in the ciliary zone of the iris. The 52-year-old patient with a chronic phase of VKH disease showed extensive atrophy and occasional pigment clumps in the iris stroma, detachment of the ciliary body with severe ocular hypotony, and shallow retinal detachment of the posterior pole in both eyes. Infrared transillumination imaging and fluorescein angiographic findings of the iris showed that IR translucence (p=0.53), complete masking of fluorescence (p=0.69), presence of disorganized vessels (p=0.32), and fluorescein leakage (p=1.0) at the site of the lesion did not differentiate an iris nevus from a melanoma. Conclusions: Digital 50° red-free and two-field 50° or 45° colour imaging were suitable for DR screening, whereas the handheld digital video camera did not fulfill the needs of DR screening. Comparative use of digital colour, red-free and red light imaging was a suitable method in the differentiation of small choroidal melanoma from different pseudomelanomas. The subtraction method may reveal early growth of the melanocytic choroidal tumours. Digital IRT imaging may be used to study changes of the stroma and posterior surface of the iris in various diseases of the uvea. It contributed to the revealment of iris atrophy and serous detachment of the ciliary body with ocular hypotony together with the shallow retinal detachment of the posterior pole as new findings of the chronic phase of VKH disease. Infrared translucence and angiographic findings are useful in differential diagnosis of melanocytic iris tumours, but they cannot be used to determine if the lesion is benign or malignant.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar in vivo a detecção de cárie através do exame visual ICDAS, transiluminação por fibra ótica combinado ao ICDAS e exame radiográfico. Um total de 2.279 superfícies proximais e cicatrículas e fissuras em incisivos superiores, pré-molares e molares permanentes e 272 superfícies em molares decíduos em72 escolares (8 a 18 anos) foram avaliadas por um examinador treinado. Os sete escores para detecção de cárie primária do sistema visual ICDAS foram aplicados. Dois equipamentos de transiluminação por fibra ótica foram avaliados: FOTI Schott (SCH), com ponta de fibra ótica com 0,5mm de diâmetro, e FOTI Microlux (MIC), com diâmetro da ponta 3 mm. Durante o exame combinado FOTI/ICDAS, a fibra ótica era utilizada tanto para iluminar quanto para transiluminar a superfície sob avaliação. O exame radiográfico (RX) consistiu de radiografias interproximais posteriores e periapicais anteriores. Os exames foram realizados em consultório odontológico após escovação supervisionada. No primeiro dia de exame, o exame visual utilizando o ICDAS era realizado e em seguida, o exame combinado ao MIC ou SCH. Logo após era realizado o exame radiográfico. Após uma semana, novamente o ICDAS era realizado, e em seguida o exame combinado com o equipamento de FOTI não utilizado na semana anterior. Os exames foram repetidos em 10 pacientes após intervalo mínimo de uma semana para avaliação da reprodutibilidade intra-examinador, a qual apresentou valores de 0,95 (ICDAS), 0,94 (MIC), 0,95 (SCH) e 0,99 (RX) pelo kappa ponderado. Em cicatrículas e fissuras de permanentes, o RX julgou que um número maior de superfícies apresentava lesão em dentina (53) do que os outros métodos (34 a 36); porém não detectou nenhuma lesão em esmalte, as quais foram identificadas pelo ICDAS (94), SCH (107) e MIC (91). Em proximais permanentes, a transiluminação por fibra ótica identificou maior número de proximais como lesão em esmalte - 150 (SCH) e 139 (MIC) - do que o exame visual (106), enquanto o RX identificou somente 43. Em oclusais de decíduos, os quatro métodos julgaram um número aproximadamente similar de superfícies sem lesão (52 a 59) ou com lesão em dentina (21 a 26), assim como para lesões proximais em dentina (31 a 36). Entretanto um número reduzido de lesões proximais decíduas em esmalte foi julgado pelo exame radiográfico (3) em comparação com os outros métodos (15 a 16). Em decíduos, o ICDAS e o FOTI combinado ao exame visual julgaram maior número de lesões proximais em esmalte que o exame radiográfico, sendo que número similar de lesões em dentina foram classificadas pelos quatro métodos em oclusais e proximais de molares decíduos. Em cicatrículas e fissuras de permanentes, tanto o exame visual ICDAS quanto sua combinação aos dois equipamentos de transiluminação apresentaram maior similaridade de superfícies julgadas como lesão em esmalte ou como lesão em dentina, enquanto o exame radiográfico classificou mais superfícies como lesão em dentina e nenhuma como lesão em esmalte. A adição da transiluminação por fibra ótica ao exame visual aumentou em um terço a detecção das lesões cariosas proximais julgadas em dentina pelo ICDAS isoladamente e aproximadamente quadruplicou o número daquelas assim classificadas pela avaliação radiográfica em permanentes.


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Purpose: The authors present the unique clinical features of cavitary uveal melanoma. Design: Retrospective chart review. Participants: Eight patients with cavitary uveal melanoma. Main Outcome Measures: The clinical, ultrasonographic, and histopathologic features of eight patients with cavitary melanoma of the ciliary body were studied. Results: In all eyes there was a brown ciliary body mass that blocked transmission of light on trans-scleral transillumination. Ocular ultrasonography revealed a large, single hollow cavity (unilocular 'pseudocyst') in five cases and multiple hollow cavities (multilocular 'pseudocyst') in three cases. The cavity occupied a mean of 55% of the entire mass thickness (range, 31%-79%). In five cases, a basal uveal mass was noted on ultrasonography. Four patients underwent tumor resection; one had enucleation, and three had 1251 radioactive plaque treatment. In the five cases confirmed histopathologically, the cavitation was empty, contained erythrocytes, serous fluid, and/or pigment-laden macrophages. In no case was the cavity lined by necrotic tumor, endothelial cells, or epithelial cells. Conclusion: Ciliary body melanoma can develop an intralesional cavity resembling an intraocular cyst. The presence of a solid mass at the base and a thick wall surrounding the cavity can assist in the differentiation of cavitary melanoma from benign cyst.


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Dental caries persists to be the most predominant oral disease in spite of remarkable progress made during the past half- century to reduce its prevalence. Early diagnosis of carious lesions is an important factor in the prevention and management of dental caries. Conventional procedures for caries detection involve visual-tactile and radiographic examination, which is considered as “gold standard”. These techniques are subjective and are unable to detect the lesions until they are well advanced and involve about one-third of the thickness of enamel. Therefore, all these factors necessitate the need for the development of new techniques for early diagnosis of carious lesions. Researchers have been trying to develop various instruments based on optical spectroscopic techniques for detection of dental caries during the last two decades. These optical spectroscopic techniques facilitate noninvasive and real-time tissue characterization with reduced radiation exposure to patient, thereby improving the management of dental caries. Nonetheless, a costeffective optical system with adequate sensitivity and specificity for clinical use is still not realized and development of such a system is a challenging task.Two key techniques based on the optical properties of dental hard tissues are discussed in this current thesis, namely laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and diffuse reflectance (DR) spectroscopy for detection of tooth caries and demineralization. The work described in this thesis is mainly of applied nature, focusing on the analysis of data from in vitro tooth samples and extending these results to diagnose dental caries in a clinical environment. The work mainly aims to improve and contribute to the contemporary research on fluorescence and diffuse reflectance for discriminating different stages of carious lesions. Towards this, a portable and compact laser-induced fluorescence and reflectance spectroscopic system (LIFRS) was developed for point monitoring of fluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectra from tooth samples. The LIFRS system uses either a 337 nm nitrogen laser or a 404 nm diode laser for the excitation of tooth autofluorescence and a white light source (tungsten halogen lamp) for measuring diffuse reflectance.Extensive in vitro studies were carried out on extracted tooth samples to test the applicability of LIFRS system for detecting dental caries, before being tested in a clinical environment. Both LIF and DR studies were performed for diagnosis of dental caries, but special emphasis was given for early detection and also to discriminate between different stages of carious lesions. Further the potential of LIFRS system in detecting demineralization and remineralization were also assessed.In the clinical trial on 105 patients, fluorescence reference standard (FRS) criteria was developed based on LIF spectral ratios (F500/F635 and F500/F680) to discriminate different stages of caries and for early detection of dental caries. The FRS ratio scatter plots developed showed better sensitivity and specificity as compared to clinical and radiographic examination, and the results were validated with the blindtests. Moreover, the LIF spectra were analyzed by curve-fitting using Gaussian spectral functions and the derived curve-fitted parameters such as peak position, Gaussian curve area, amplitude and width were found to be useful for distinguishing different stages of caries. In DR studies, a novel method was established based on DR ratios (R500/R700, R600/R700 and R650/R700) to detect dental caries with improved accuracy. Further the diagnostic accuracy of LIFRS system was evaluated in terms of sensitivity, specificity and area under the ROC curve. On the basis of these results, the LIFRS system was found useful as a valuable adjunct to the clinicians for detecting carious lesions.


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Bradykinin-potentiating peptides (BPPs) or proline-rich oligopeptides (PROs) isolated from the venom glands of Bothrops jararaca (Bj) were the first natural inhibitors of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) described. Bj-PRO-5a (< EKWAP), a member of this structurally related peptide family, was essential for the development of captopril, the first site-directed ACE inhibitor used for the treatment of human hypertension. Nowadays, more Bj-PROs have been identified with higher ACE inhibition potency compared to Bj-PRO-5a. However, despite its modest inhibitory effect of ACE inhibition, Bj-PRO-5a reveals strong bradykinin-potentiating activity, suggesting the participation of other mechanisms for this peptide. In the present study, we have shown that Bj-PRO-5a induced nitric oxide (NO) production depended on muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1 subtype (mAchR-M1) and bradykinin B(2) receptor activation, as measured by a chemiluminescence assay using a NO analyzer. Intravital microscopy based on transillumination of mice cremaster muscle also showed that both bradykinin B(2) receptor and mAchR-M1 contributed to the vasodilatation induced by Bj-PRO-5a. Moreover, Bj-PRO-5a-mediated vasodilatation was completely blocked in the presence of a NO synthase inhibitor. The importance of this work lies in the definition of novel targets for Bj-PRO-5a in addition to ACE, the structural model for captopril development. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We report the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to detect and quantify demineralization process induced by S. mutans biofilm in third molars human teeth. Artificial lesions were induced by a S. mutans microbiological culture and the samples (N = 50) were divided into groups according to the demineralization time: 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11days. The OCT system was implemented using a light source delivering an average power of 96 mu W in the sample arm, and spectral characteristics allowing 23 mu m of axial resolution. The images were produced with lateral scans step of 10 pan and analyzed individually. As a result of the evaluation of theses images, lesion depth was calculated as function of demineralization time. The depth of the lesion in the root dentine increased from 70 pm to 230,urn (corrected by the enamel refraction index, 1.62 @ 856 nm), depending of exposure time. The lesion depth in root dentine was correlated to demineralization time, showing that it follows a geometrical progression like a bacteria growth law. [GRAPHICS] Progression of lesion depth in root dentine as function of exposure time, showing that it follows a geometrical progression like a bacteria growth law(C) 2009 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The anatomical characteristics of the South American opossum diaphragm were described. Five male and seven female adult opossums, weighing between 700 and 1110 g, were used. Animals were killed by ether inhalation saturation. The abdominal and thoracic walls were dissected and opened, the viscerae were removed and the diaphragm anatomy was described and photographed in situ . After diaphragm removal, some dimensional data were taken and tabled. Primary branches of the phrenic nerves were dissected under a surgical microscope. The secondary branches were studied and described by transillumination after clarification in acetic acid. The opossum diaphragm is domed and has a mean area of 54.33 +/- 3.8 cm(2) . Well-identified costal, sternal and lumbar parts form the peripheral muscular region. The central tendinous region presents with a V-like form. Three folioles comprise the phrenic centre and present different dimensions. The caudal vena cava passes through its foramen between the ventral and right dorsal folioles. Both right and left phrenic nerves present one ventral branch and one dorsolateral trunk in 50.0% and 66.67% of the cases, respectively.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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Lesion detection aids ideally aim at increasing the sensitivity of visual caries detection without trading off too much in terms of specificity. The use of a dental probe (explorer), bitewing radiography and fibre-optic transillumination (FOTI) have long been recommended for this purpose. Today, probing of suspected lesions in the sense of checking the 'stickiness' is regarded as obsolete, since it achieves no gain of sensitivity and might cause irreversible tooth damage. Bitewing radiography helps to detect lesions that are otherwise hidden from visual examination, and it should therefore be applied to a new patient. The diagnostic performance of radiography at approximal and occlusal sites is different, as this relates to the 3-dimensional anatomy of the tooth at these sites. However, treatment decisions have to take more into account than just lesion extension. Bitewing radiography provides additional information for the decision-making process that mainly relies on the visual and clinical findings. FOTI is a quick and inexpensive method which can enhance visual examination of all tooth surfaces. Both radiography and FOTI can improve the sensitivity of caries detection, but require sufficient training and experience to interpret information correctly. Radiography also carries the burden of the risks and legislation associated with using ionizing radiation in a health setting and should be repeated at intervals guided by the individual patient's caries risk. Lesion detection aids can assist in the longitudinal monitoring of the behaviour of initial lesions.


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We describe a compact lightweight impulse radar for radio-echo sounding of subsurface structures designed specifically for glaciological applications. The radar operates at frequencies between 10 and 75 MHz. Its main advantages are that it has a high signal-to-noise ratio and a corresponding wide dynamic range of 132 dB due mainly to its ability to perform real-time stacking (up to 4096 traces) as well as to the high transmitted power (peak voltage 2800 V). The maximum recording time window, 40 ?s at 100 MHz sampling frequency, results in possible radar returns from as deep as 3300 m. It is a versatile radar, suitable for different geophysical measurements (common-offset profiling, common midpoint, transillumination, etc.) and for different profiling set-ups, such as a snowmobile and sledge convoy or carried in a backpack and operated by a single person. Its low power consumption (6.6 W for the transmitter and 7.5 W for the receiver) allows the system to operate under battery power for mayor que7 hours with a total weight of menor que9 kg for all equipment, antennas and batteries.


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Purpose: Albinism is a rare genetic disorder of melanin production, which can affect only eyes or simultaneously eyes and skin/hair, resulting respectively in ocular (OA) or oculocutaneous albinism (OCA). Through of a case report of a child with OCA we pretend review ophthalmological manifestations of albinism. Case Report: A girl of West African descent was referenced to our appointment for ophthalmological evaluation of oculocutaneous albinism. Visual acuity was 20/310 OD e 20/630 OS by teller cards. In biomicroscopy, iris hypopigmentation and transillumination was visible, allowing to see spiral vessels and other iris details. Fundoscopy showed a denser and complex choroidal circulation due to lack of pigment in retinal pigment epithelium. Foveal hypoplasia was assumed because foveal pit is not apparent and vessels become less respectful of normal arcade and transverse the macula. Results: Melanin plays an important role in the development of the optic system and it’s absence leads to diverse ocular manifestations, such as: iris hypopigmentation and transillumination , reducted pigmentation of retinal pigment epithelium cells, photoreceptor rod cell deficits, foveal hypoplasia, optic nerve hypoplasia and misrouting of optic nerve at the chiasm, with temporal retina fibers inappropriately routed contralaterally instead of ipsilaterally. Photophobia, nystagmus, reduced visual acuity, color impairment and strabismus are other manifestations usually seen in albinism. Conclusion: Ophthalmologists must be familiar with the specific visual manifestations and needs of these patients. It is essential to correct refractive error to optimize visual acuity. Patients should also be advised to wear tinted glasses and sunblock. In more severely affected children they may benefit of low vision consultation and specialized low vision aids like telescopes.