912 resultados para Transfection transitoire


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Actuellement le polyéthylènimine (PEI) est lâagent de transfection transitoire le plus utilisé par lâindustrie pharmaceutique pour la production de protéines recombinantes à grande échelle par les cellules de mammifères. Il permet la condensation de lâADN plasmidique (ADNp) en formant spontanément des nanoparticules positives appelées polyplexes, lui procurant la possibilité de sâattacher sur la membrane cellulaire afin dâêtre internalisé, ainsi quâune protection face aux nucléases intracellulaires. Cependant, alors que les polyplexes sâattachent sur la quasi-totalité des cellules seulement 5 à 10 % de lâADNp internalisé atteint leur noyau, ce qui indique que la majorité des polyplexes ne participent pas à lâexpression du transgène. Ceci contraste avec lâefficacité des vecteurs viraux où une seule particule virale par cellule peut être suffisante. Les virus ont évolués afin dâexploiter les voies dâinternalisation et de routage cellulaire pour exprimer efficacement leur matériel génétique. Nous avons donc supposé que lâexploitation des voies dâinternalisation et de routage cellulaire dâun récepteur pourrait, de façon similaire à plusieurs virus, permettre dâoptimiser le processus de transfection en réduisant les quantités dâADNp et dâagent de transfection nécessaires. Une alternative au PEI pour transfecter les cellules de mammifèreest lâutilisation de protéines possédant un domaine de liaison à lâADNp. Toutefois, leur utilisation reste marginale à cause de la grande quantité requise pour atteindre lâexpression du transgène. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé le système E/Kcoil afin de cibler un récepteur membranaire dans le but de délivrer lâADNp dans des cellules de mammifères. Le Ecoil et le Kcoil sont des heptapeptides répétés qui peuvent interagir ensemble avec une grande affinité et spécificité afin de former des structures coiled-coil. Nous avons fusionné le Ecoil avec des protéines capables dâinteragir avec lâADNp et le Kcoil avec un récepteur membranaire que nous avons surexprimé dans les cellules HEK293 de manière stable. Nous avons découvert que la réduction de la sulfatation de la surface cellulaire permettait lâattachement ciblé sur les cellules par lâintermédiaire du système E/Kcoil. Nous démontrons dans cette étude comment utiliser le système E/Kcoil et une protéine interagissant avec lâADNp pour délivrer un transgène de manière ciblée. Cette nouvelle méthode de transfection permet de réduire les quantités de protéines nécessaires pour lâexpression du transgène.


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The ability to activate pro-matrix metalloproteinase (pro-MMP)-2 via membrane type-MMP is a hallmark of human breast cancer cell lines that show increased invasiveness, suggesting that MMP-2 contributes to human breast cancer progression. To investigate this, we have stably transfected pro-MMP-2 into the human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231, which lacks MMP-2 expression but does express its cell surface activator, membrane type 1-MMP. Multiple clones were derived and shown to produce pro-MMP-2 and to activate it in response to concanavalin A. In vitro analysis showed that the pro-MMP-2-transfected clones exhibited an increased invasive potential in Boyden chamber and Matrigel outgrowth assays, compared with the parental cells or those transfected with vector only. When inoculated into the mammary fat pad of nude mice, each of the MMP-2-tranfected clones grew faster than each of the vector controls tested. After intracardiac inoculation into nude mice, pro-MMP-2-transfected clones showed a significant increase in the incidence of metastasis to brain, liver, bone, and kidney compared with the vector control clones but not lung. Increased tumor burden was seen in the primary site and in lung metastases, and a trend toward increased burden was seen in bone, however, no change was seen in brain, liver, or kidney. This data supports a role for MMP-2 in breast cancer progression, both in the growth of primary tumors and in their spread to distant organs. MMP-2 may be a useful target for breast cancer therapy when refinement of MMP inhibitors provides for MMP-specific agents.


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We have investigated the role of bone sialoprotein (BSP), a secreted glycoprotein normally found in bone, in breast cancer progression. To explore functions for BSP in human breast cancer invasion and metastasis, the full-length BSP cDNA was transfected into the MDA-MB-231-BAG human breast cancer cell line under the control of the CMV promoter. Clones expressing BSP and vector control clones were isolated. BSP producing clones showed increased monolayer wound healing, a faster rate of stellate outgrowth in Matrigel and increased rate of invasion into a collagen matrix when compared to control clones. Clones were also examined in models of breast cancer growth and metastasis in vivo. BSP transfected clones showed an increased rate of primary tumor growth following mammary fat pad injection of nude mice. BSP transfected clones and vector control clones metastasized to soft organs and bone at a similar rate after intra-cardiac injection as determined by real-time PCR and X-ray analysis. Although these organs were targets for both BSP transfected and non-transfected cells, the size of the metastatic lesion was shown to be significantly larger for BSP expressing clones. This was determined by real-time PCR analysis for soft organs and by X-ray analysis of bone lesions. For bone this was confirmed by intra-tibial injections of cells in nude mice. We conclude that BSP acts to drive primary and secondary tumor growth of breast cancers in vivo.


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Uniform DNA distribution in tumors is a prerequisite step for high transfection efficiency in solid tumors. To improve the transfection efficiency of electrically assisted gene delivery to solid tumors in vivo, we explored how tumor histological properties affected transfection efficiency. In four different tumor types (B16F1, EAT, SA-1 and LPB), proteoglycan and collagen content was morphometrically analyzed, and cell size and cell density were determined in paraffin-embedded tumor sections under a transmission microscope. To demonstrate the influence of the histological properties of solid tumors on electrically assisted gene delivery, the correlation between histological properties and transfection efficiency with regard to the time interval between DNA injection and electroporation was determined. Our data demonstrate that soft tumors with larger spherical cells, low proteoglycan and collagen content, and low cell density are more effectively transfected (B16F1 and EAT) than rigid tumors with high proteoglycan and collagen content, small spindle-shaped cells and high cell density (LPB and SA-1). Furthermore, an optimal time interval for increased transfection exists only in soft tumors, this being in the range of 5-15 min. Therefore, knowledge about the histology of tumors is important in planning electrogene therapy with respect to the time interval between DNA injection and electroporation.


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Arrest of proliferation is one of the prerequisites for differentiation of cytotrophoblasts into syncytiotrophoblasts, and thus during differentiation telomerase activity, as well as human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) expression, is down-regulated. Considering this, it is of interest to investigate whether syncytium formation can be delayed by prolonging the expression of telomerase in cytotrophoblasts. BeWo cells were transfected with pLPC-hTERT retroviral vector and the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis for hTERT mRNA concentrations in the transfected cells revealed a several-fold increase in hTERT mRNA compared with the cells transfected with empty vector, and this confirmed that the transfection was successful. An increase in the proliferation, as assessed by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation assay, as well as an increase in mRNA and protein concentration of various cyclins and proliferating cell nuclear antigen, was noticed. The effect of hTERT transfection was also assessed after the addition of forskolin to induce differentiation and it was observed that cellâcell fusion was delayed and differentiation did not occur in hTERT-transfected cells. However, the effects seen were only transient as stable transfection was not possible and the cells were undergoing apoptosis after 72 h, which suggested that apart from hTERT other factors might be important for immortalization of BeWo cells.


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Testing for mutagenicity and carcinogenicity has become an integral part of the toxicological evaluation of drugs and chemicals. Standard carcinogenicity tests in vivo require both large numbers of animals and prolonged experiments. To circumvent these problems, several rapid tests have been developed for preliminary screening of mutagens and carcinogens in vitro. Ames and his associates, the first to develop a mutation test, used mutant strains of Salmonella typhimurium [1]. Mutation tests with Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Neurospora crassa and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and DNA-repair tests with E. coli and B. subtilis, have been developed. Cytogenetic assays, in vivo as well as in vitro, in both plant and animal systems, are also used to detect potential mutagens and carcinogens. Transfection is inhibited by base mutation, cleavage of DNA, loss of cohesive ends, interaction with histones, spermidine, nalidixic acid, etc. [3]. The efficiency of transfection is affected by temperature, DNA structure and the condition of the competence of the recipient cells [3]. Transfection assays with phages MS: RNA and ~i, x 174-DNA have been reported [15]. A fast and easy transfection assay using colitis bacteriophage DNA is reported in this communication.


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Six novel gemini cationic lipids based on aromatic backbone, bearing n-C14H29 or n-C16H33 hydrocarbon chains, differing in the length of oxyethylene type spacers âˆCH2-(CH2-O-CH2)m-CH2∠between each ammonium headgroups have been synthesized, where m varies from 1 to 3. Each of these lipids formed stable suspensions in aqueous media. Cationic liposomes were prepared from each of these lipids individually and as mixtures of each cationic lipid and DOPE. These were used as nonviral gene delivery agents. Transfection studies showed that among lipids bearing n-C14H29 chains, the transfection efficacies decreased with the increase in the length of the spacer, whereas in case of lipids bearing n-C16H33 chains, the transfection efficacies increased with the increase in the length of the spacer. Lipid bearing n-C16H33 hydrocarbon chains with a [âˆ(CH2-CH2-O-CH2-CH2-O-CH2-CH2-O-CH2-CH2)âˆ] spacer was found to be a potent gene transfer agent and its transfection was highly serum compatible even in the presence of 50% serum conditions.


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We have synthesized five new cholesterol based gemini cationic lipids possessing hydroxyethyl (-CH2CH2OH) function on each head group, which differ in the length of the polymethylene spacer chain. These gemini lipids are important for gene delivery processes as they possess pre-optimized molecular features, e. g., cholesterol backbone, ether linkage and a variable spacer chain between both the headgroups of the gemini lipids. Cationic liposomes were prepared from each of these lipids individually and as a mixture of individual cationic gemini lipid and 1,2-dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE). Each gemini lipid based formulation induced better transfection activity than that of their monomeric counterpart. One such gemini lipid with a -(CH2)(12)-spacer, HG-12, showed dramatic increase in the mean fluorescence intensity due to the expression of green-fluorescence protein (GFP) in the presence of 10% FBS compared to the conditions where there was no serum. Other gemini lipids retained their gene transfection efficiency without any marked decrease in the presence of serum. The only exception was seen with the gemini with a -(CH2)(3)-spacer, HG-3, which on gene transfection in the presence of 10% FBS lost similar to 70% of its transfection efficiency. Overall the gemini lipid with a -(CH2)(5)-spacer, HG-5, showed the highest transfection activity at N/P (lipid/DNA) ratio of 0.5 and lipid : DOPE molar ratio of 2. Upon comparison of the relevant parameters, e. g., %-transfected cells, the amount of DNA transfected to each cell and %-cell viability all together against Lipofectamine 2000, one of the best commercial transfecting agents, the optimized lipid formulation based on DOPE/HG-5 was found to be comparable. In terms of its ability to induce gene-transfer in the presence of serum and shelf-life DOPE/HG-5 liposome was found to be superior to its commercial counterpart. Confocal imaging analysis confirmed that in the presence of 10% serum using a Lipid : DOPE of 1 : 4 and N/P charge ratio of 0.75 with 1.2 mu g DNA per well, HG-5 is better than Lipofectamine 2000.


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We present here a series of cholesterol based cationic lipid suspensions that solubilize single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) efficiently in water. Each cationic lipid formulation was characterized in terms of their energy minimized molecular structures, bilayer widths of the aggregates based on X-ray diffraction. Then these aggregates were investigated pertaining to their DNA binding and release efficiency, effect of CNT inclusion on the stability of cationic cholesterol lipid-DNA complexes, Zeta potential values and changes in the chiro-optical property of DNA, effect on Raman spectral shift and changes in morphology by SEM and AFM. Each cationic lipid formulation was optimized for the amount of SWCNT solubilized in water, lipid-DNA ratio, amount of the plasmid DNA that can be transfected and the effect on the cellular toxicity. The resulting SWCNT-lipid formulations were then used for in vitro transfection of pEGFP-C3 in A549 (human alveolar basal epithelial) cells and HeLa (human cervical cancer) cells. Advantageously, the CNT-loaded formulations confer an excellent transfection efficiency even in high percentages of blood serum and showed significantly better gene transfer efficiency compared to one of the potent, well-known commercial transfection reagent, Lipofectamine2000.


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Background: Six new cationic gemini lipids based on cholesterol possessing different positional combinations of hydroxyethyl (-CH2CH2OH) and oligo-oxyethylene -(CH2CH2O)(n)- moieties were synthesized. For comparison the corresponding monomeric lipid was also prepared. Each new cationic lipid was found to form stable, clear suspensions in aqueous media. Methodology/Principal Findings: To understand the nature of the individual lipid aggregates, we have studied the aggregation properties using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), zeta potential measurements and X-ray diffraction (XRD). We studied the lipid/DNA complex (lipoplex) formation and the release of the DNA from such lipoplexes using ethidium bromide. These gemini lipids in presence of a helper lipid, 1, 2-dioleoyl phophatidyl ethanol amine (DOPE) showed significant enhancements in the gene transfection compared to several commercially available transfection agents. Cholesterol based gemini having -CH2-CH2-OH groups at the head and one oxyethylene spacer was found to be the most effective lipid, which showed transfection activity even in presence of high serum levels (50%) greater than Effectene, one of the potent commercially available transfecting agents. Most of these geminis protected plasmid DNA remarkably against DNase I in serum, although the degree of stability was found to vary with their structural features. Conclusions/Significance: -OH groups present on the cationic headgroups in combination with oxyethylene linkers on cholesterol based geminis, gave an optimized combination of new genera of gemini lipids possessing high transfection efficiency even in presence of very high percentage of serum. This property makes them preferential transfection reagents for possible in vivo studies.


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The alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 integrins, transmembrane glycoprotein receptors, are over-expressed in numerous tumors and in endothelial cells that constitute tumor blood vessels. As this protein selectively binds to the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence containing peptides, it is an attractive way to target tumors. Herein we have developed novel formulations for integrin mediated selective gene delivery. These formulations are composed of a novel palmitoylated tetrameric RGD containing scaffold (named RAFT-RGD), cationic gemini cholesterol (GL5) and a natural helper lipid 1,2-dioleoyl-L-alpha-glycero-3-phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE). We have optimized a co-liposomal formulation to introduce the multivalent RGD-containing macromolecule in GL5: DOPE (GL5D) mixture to produce GL5D-RGD. We have unambiguously shown the selectivity of these formulations towards cancer cells that over express alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 integrins. Two reporter plasmids, pEGFP-C3 and PGL-3, were employed for the transfection experiments and it was shown that GL5D-RGD Liposomes increased exclusively the transfection in alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 overexpressing HeLa cells.


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In this report, we present cationic dimeric (gemini) lipids for significant plasmid DNA (pDNA) delivery to different cell lines without any marked toxicity in the presence of serum. Six gemini lipids based on alpha-tocopherol were synthesized, which differed in their spacer chain lengths. Each of these gemini lipids mixed with a helper lipid, 1,2-dioleoyl phosphatidyl ethanolamine (DOPE), was capable of forming stable aqueous suspensions. These co-liposomal systems were examined for their potential to transfect pEGFP-C3 plasmid DNA into nine cell lines of different origins. The transfection efficacies noticed in terms of EGFP expression levels using flow cytometry were well corroborated using independent fluorescence microscopy studies. Significant EGFP expression levels were reported using the gemini co-liposomes, which counted significantly better than one well known commercial formulation, Lipofectamine 2000 (L2 K). Transfection efficacies were also analyzed in terms of the degree of intracellular delivery of labeled plasmid DNA (pDNA) using confocal microscopy, which revealed an efficient internalization in the presence of serum. The cell viability assays performed using optimized formulations demonstrated no significant toxicity towards any of the cell lines used in the study. We also had a look at the lipoplex internalization pathway to profile the uptake characteristics. A caveolae/lipid raft route was attributed to their excellent gene transfection capabilities. The study was further advanced by using a therapeutic p53-EGFP-C3 plasmid and the apoptotic activity was observed using FACS and growth inhibition assay.


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The lack of an efficient and safe carrier is a major impediment in the field of gene therapy. Although gelatin (GT), a naturally derived polymer, is widely used in drug delivery applications, it is unable to bind DNA efficiently. In this study, a novel polycationic gene carrier was prepared by conjugation of low molecular weight polyethyleneimine (LPEI) with GT through 4-bromonaphthaleic anhydride as a coupling agent to avoid self crosslinking. Self-assembly of LPEI conjugated GT (GT-LPEI) with plasmid DNA (pDNA) yielded nanoparticles with high gene complexation ability to form similar to 250 nm cylindrical nanoparticles with a zeta potential of similar to 27 mV. GT-LPEI showed exceptionally high transfection efficiency (> 90%) in various mammalian cells including primary stem cells with minimal cytotoxicity. The transfection efficiency of GT-LPEI significantly surpassed that of many commercial reagents. The high gene transfection expression was confirmed in vivo. Thus, GT-LPEI is shown to be a promising nonviral carrier for potential use in gene therapy.