1000 resultados para Transequatorial thermosteric anomaly distribution


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In the equatorial oceans, the meridional currents are far less energetic than their zonal counterparts. The response of the Equatorial Indian Ocean to the seasonal reversals in the zonal wind field. is quite interesting and unique. A modest attempt, considering the shortcomings in the hydrographic data availability and distribution, is made to evaluate the variability in the zonal transport of mass. in_ both space and time. The peculiarities in its hydrological regime imposed upon by the seasonally varying winds is best appreciated when compared with the quasi permanent circulation characteristics of the Pacific and Atlanti'c.The major features of the tequatorial mass transport is outlined in the introductory chapter of this thesis for the Pacific and Atlantic Mass transport studies in the Indian Ocean, as can be seen from the earlier studies, gis“ the least known and understood, though could have captured the attention of both the experimentalist and the theoretician alike. owing to its complexity. Since in the Indian Ocean, the studies on the zonal mass transport are limited and are confined to the equator only, an attempt has been made to compute the mass transport extending from 5 N to 20 S.


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This thesis is an outcome of the studies, carried out by the author on the Equatorial Undercurrent and the Equatorial Jet, an interesting and unique phenomenon discovered, recently, in the Indian Ocean (wyrtxi, 1973). The main objective of the thesis is to carry out a detailed investigation of the seasonal, latitudinal and longitudinal variation of the Equatorial Undercurrent in the Indian Ocean and also the Equatorial Jet, through mapping the vertical distribution of the oceanographic properties across the equator along various longitudes for all the months of an year, between SON and SOS, utilising the oceanographic data collected during the International Indian Ocean Expedition and subsequently in the equatorial Indian Ocean. As the distribution of the hydrographic properties give only a qualitative identification of the Undercurrent, a novel technique of computing the zonal flux through bivariate distribution of salinity and thermosteric anomaly introduced by Montgomery and Stroup (1962), is adopted in order to have a quantitative variation of the Equatorial Undercurrent and the Equatorial Jet. Finally, an attempt is made to give a plausible explanation of the features observed.


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The Stack Spontaneous Potential (SSP) is a direct hydrocarbon location technology and a new hydrocarbon detection method with independent intellectual property. A subsurface hydrocarbon accumulation associated with the upward hydrocarbon micro seepage induces a relatively strong negative potential abnormal zone, of which the anomaly can be measured on the surface with specially designed instruments through careful field measuring procedures. With special software programmed according to a unique geochemical and geophysical model, the original data are analyzed, processed and interpreted on the computer, and then on a series of resulting anomaly distribution maps and/or profiles, the favorable surface locations of the hydrocarbon accumulations can be easily identified. The study of the SSP has been started since 1989, and especially from 1996 to 1997, both profile and area tests were conducted in the Daqing Oilfield. On the testing line of 15kms, there are 6 wells in total, among which some are oil-producing wells, and some are water-producing wells. The final matching ratio of the favorable oil well locations and the possible water well locations predicted by the SSP to those of known wells was up to 83 percent. In the area test, of which the acreage is 800 km2, the matching ratio compared with the existing wells was 87 percent; furthermore, regarding to wells subsequently drilled after the test, the matching ratio was 85 percent. The matching ratio in the development area is more about 10 percent than those of in exploration area. The reason is that, comparing the exploration area, the development area acreage is less and the container rocks are more simplex. In development area there is not so much interference of SSP also. Since 1997 the SSP has been tested and applied all over China to a number of hydrocarbon bearing basins and known oil fields, including the Daqing, Jiangsu, Changqing, Shengli, Nanyang, Jianghan and Zhongyuan Oilfields, only to name a few. The SSP surveys in total areas of over 10,000km2 in more than 30 regions in China so far have been completed in various exploration and development stages, the satisfactory outcomes of which have further evidenced that the dependence between the SP anomaly and abundance of hydrocarbon. Up to date, a substantial amount of successful tests and actual surveys finished in exploration and development practices have evidenced that the SSP is significantly more reliable in comparison with any other similar direct hydrocarbon indication technique generally known to the oil industry, such as the Redox. The SSP can be applied to search for almost all kinds of hydrocarbon accumulations, regardless of the type of traps, such as structural, stratigraphic, buried hill traps, and so on; however, it is interesting to be noted that the SSP seems to be particularly effective in detecting the stratigraphic oil traps according to our practices. On the other hand, there is virtually no surface geographical constrains in terms of field data acquisition, except for those water covered areas, because of the inherent characteristics of the technology itself. Furthermore, utilizing the SSP requires no special considerations to subsurface geological conditions in regard to formation resistivity, since the SSP measurements will not be influenced by either overly high or overly low resistivity of formations lying above the hydrocarbon accumulations. There are two kind of theory, of which, as we know one is called hypbyssal theory such as "Redox"[61 the other is call plutonic theory such as cracking of hydrocarbon [8][9] and natural polarization [3], to describe the mechanism of SP anomaly of oil reservoir and to indicate that the dependence between the SP abnormality and abundance of hydrocarbon has be existed theoretically/The quantitative dependence, which has not been founded due to the complicity of container rocks, be discovered during the exploration and development practices is the crux to the quantitative analysis of SP Anomaly processing. Based on the thorough study of the complex of collector rocks, every kind of thickness of collector rock can be conversed to be a standard effective thickness; the thickness is called apparent effective thickness (AET). The conversation coefficient (ai, 1=1,2,3) could be determined by the variety of every collector rock storability (CRS). The discoveration of quantitative: dependence between AET and the amplitude of SSP, in the practices of exploration and development, is a promotion for the SSP supplied in the oil exploration, and make the data analysis forward to the quantitative stage.


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Northern hemisphere snow water equivalent (SWE) distribution from remote sensing (SSM/I), the ERA40 reanalysis product and the HadCM3 general circulation model are compared. Large differences are seen in the February climatologies, particularly over Siberia. The SSM/I retrieval algorithm may be overestimating SWE in this region, while comparison with independent runoff estimates suggest that HadCM3 is underestimating SWE. Treatment of snow grain size and vegetation parameterizations are concerns with the remotely sensed data. For this reason, ERA40 is used as `truth' for the following experiments. Despite the climatology differences, HadCM3 is able to reproduce the distribution of ERA40 SWE anomalies when assimilating ERA40 anomaly fields of temperature, sea level pressure, atmospheric winds and ocean temperature and salinity. However when forecasts are released from these assimilated initial states, the SWE anomaly distribution diverges rapidly from that of ERA40. No predictability is seen from one season to another. Strong links between European SWE distribution and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) are seen, but forecasts of this index by the assimilation scheme are poor. Longer term relationships between SWE and the NAO, and SWE and the El Ni\~no-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are also investigated in a multi-century run of HadCM3. SWE is impacted by ENSO in the Himalayas and North America, while the NAO affects SWE in North America and Europe. While significant connections with the NAO index were only present in DJF (and to an extent SON), the link between ENSO and February SWE distribution was seen to exist from the previous JJA ENSO index onwards. This represents a long lead time for SWE prediction for hydrological applications such as flood and wildfire forecasting. Further work is required to develop reliable large scale observation-based SWE datasets with which to test these model-derived connections.


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Pedestrians movements have a major impact on the dynamics of cities and provide valuable guidance to city planners. In this paper we model the normal behaviours of pedestrian flows and detect anomalous events from pedestrian counting data of the City of Melbourne. Since the data spans an extended period, and pedestrian activities can change intermittently (e.g., activities in winter vs. summer), we applied an Ensemble Switching Model, which is a dynamic anomaly detection technique that can accommodate systems that switch between different states. The results are compared with those produced by a static clustering model (Hy-CARCE) and also cross-validated with known events. We found that the results from the Ensemble Switching Model are valid and more accurate than HyCARCE.


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Recent computer simulations on zeolites Y and A have found that the diffusion coefficient and the rate of intercage diffusion exhibit, apart from a linear dependence on the reciprocal of the square of the sorbate diameter, an anomalous peak as sorbate diameter approaches the window diameter. Here we report molecular dynamics simulations of zeolite NaA incorporating framework flexibility as a function of sorbate diameter in order to verify the existence of anomalous diffusion. Results suggest persistence of anomalous diffusion or ring effect. This suggests that the anomalous behavior is a general effect characteristic of zeolites Y and A. The barrier for diffusion across the eight-ring window is seen to be negative and is found to decrease with sorbate size. The effect of sorbate on the cage motion has also been investigated. Results suggest that the window expands during intercage migration only if the sorbate size is comparable to the window diameter. Flexible cage simulations yield a higher value for the diffusion coefficient and also the rate of intercage diffusion. This increase has been shown to be due to an increase in the intercage diffusions via the centralized diffusion mode rather than the surface-mediated mode. It is shown that this increase arises from an increase in the single particle density distribution in the region near the cage center.


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This paper describes a methodology for detecting anomalies from sequentially observed and potentially noisy data. The proposed approach consists of two main elements: 1) filtering, or assigning a belief or likelihood to each successive measurement based upon our ability to predict it from previous noisy observations and 2) hedging, or flagging potential anomalies by comparing the current belief against a time-varying and data-adaptive threshold. The threshold is adjusted based on the available feedback from an end user. Our algorithms, which combine universal prediction with recent work on online convex programming, do not require computing posterior distributions given all current observations and involve simple primal-dual parameter updates. At the heart of the proposed approach lie exponential-family models which can be used in a wide variety of contexts and applications, and which yield methods that achieve sublinear per-round regret against both static and slowly varying product distributions with marginals drawn from the same exponential family. Moreover, the regret against static distributions coincides with the minimax value of the corresponding online strongly convex game. We also prove bounds on the number of mistakes made during the hedging step relative to the best offline choice of the threshold with access to all estimated beliefs and feedback signals. We validate the theory on synthetic data drawn from a time-varying distribution over binary vectors of high dimensionality, as well as on the Enron email dataset. © 1963-2012 IEEE.


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The crescent shaped Mascarene Plateau (southwestern Indian Ocean), some 2200 km in length, forms a partial barrier to the (predominantly westward) flow of the South Equatorial Current. Shallow areas of the Mascarene Plateau effectively form a large shelf sea without an associated coastline. Zooplankton sampling transects were made across the plateau and also the basin to the west, to investigate the role the partial interruption of flow has on zooplankton biomass and community structure over the region. Biomass data from Optical Plankton Counter (OPC) analysis, and variability in community structure from taxonomic analysis, appear to indicate that the obstruction by the plateau causes upwelling, nutrient enrichment and enhanced chlorophyll and secondary production levels downstream. The Mascarene Basin is clearly distinguishable from the ridge itself, and from the waters to the south and north, both in terms of size-distributed zooplankton biomass and community structure. Satellite remote sensing data, particularly remotely-sensed ocean colour imagery and the sea surface height anomaly (SSHA), indicate support for this hypothesis. A correlation was found between OPC biovolume and SSHA and sea surface temperature (SST), which may indicate the physical processes driving mesozooplankton variability in this area. Biomass values away from the influence of the ridge averaged 24 mg m-3, but downstream if the ridge biomass averaged 263 mg m-3. Copepods comprised 60% of the mean total organisms. Calanoid copepods varied considerably between regions, being lowest away from the influence of the plateau, where higher numbers of the cyclopoid copepods Oithona spp., Corycaeus spp. and Oncaea spp., and the harpacticoid Microsetella spp. were found.


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Satellite-based remote sensing of active fires is the only practical way to consistently and continuously monitor diurnal fluctuations in biomass burning from regional, to continental, to global scales. Failure to understand, quantify, and communicate the performance of an active fire detection algorithm, however, can lead to improper interpretations of the spatiotemporal distribution of biomass burning, and flawed estimates of fuel consumption and trace gas and aerosol emissions. This work evaluates the performance of the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) Fire Thermal Anomaly (FTA) detection algorithm using seven months of active fire pixels detected by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) across the Central African Republic (CAR). Results indicate that the omission rate of the SEVIRI FTA detection algorithm relative to MODIS varies spatially across the CAR, ranging from 25% in the south to 74% in the east. In the absence of confounding artifacts such as sunglint, uncertainties in the background thermal characterization, and cloud cover, the regional variation in SEVIRI's omission rate can be attributed to a coupling between SEVIRI's low spatial resolution detection bias (i.e., the inability to detect fires below a certain size and intensity) and a strong geographic gradient in active fire characteristics across the CAR. SEVIRI's commission rate relative to MODIS increases from 9% when evaluated near MODIS nadir to 53% near the MODIS scene edges, indicating that SEVIRI errors of commission at the MODIS scene edges may not be false alarms but rather true fires that MODIS failed to detect as a result of larger pixel sizes at extreme MODIS scan angles. Results from this work are expected to facilitate (i) future improvements to the SEVIRI FTA detection algorithm; (ii) the assimilation of the SEVIRI and MODIS active fire products; and (iii) the potential inclusion of SEVIRI into a network of geostationary sensors designed to achieve global diurnal active fire monitoring.


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Understanding links between the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and snow would be useful for seasonal forecasting, but also for understanding natural variability and interpreting climate change predictions. Here, a 545-year run of the general circulation model HadCM3, with prescribed external forcings and fixed greenhouse gas concentrations, is used to explore the impact of ENSO on snow water equivalent (SWE) anomalies. In North America, positive ENSO events reduce the mean SWE and skew the distribution towards lower values, and vice versa during negative ENSO events. This is associated with a dipole SWE anomaly structure, with anomalies of opposite sign centered in western Canada and the central United States. In Eurasia, warm episodes lead to a more positively skewed distribution and the mean SWE is raised. Again, the opposite effect is seen during cold episodes. In Eurasia the largest anomalies are concentrated in the Himalayas. These correlations with February SWE distribution are seen to exist from the previous June-July-August (JJA) ENSO index onwards, and are weakly detected in 50-year subsections of the control run, but only a shifted North American response can be detected in the anaylsis of 40 years of ERA40 reanalysis data. The ENSO signal in SWE from the long run could still contribute to regional predictions although it would be a weak indicator only


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The solar events that occurred at the end of October 2003 gave rise to very strong geomagnetic disturbances that peaked twice with Dst values reaching -345 nT around 0000 UT on 30 October and -400 nT around 2300 UT, on the same day. Disturbances in several ionospheric parameters were observed over Brazil. This work will focus on the ionospheric response to the initial westward prompt penetration electric field and on the strong intensification of the equatorial ionization anomaly that occurred because of the electric field polarity reversal that followed in the early morning hours of 29 October. The F layer peak height over the equator first decreased under the strong prompt penetration westward electric field, which was followed by significant height increase under eastward electric field. We have used Sheffield University Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model (SUPIM) with an intensified westward disturbed electric field in the presunrise hours, presumably due to prompt penetration from the magnetosphere, in order to study the effect of such a field in the ionosphere. The simulation results showed that prompt penetration of magnetospheric electric fields of westward polarity to the nightside equatorial region seems to be the most probable cause of the initial F layer height decreases. The intensification of the equatorial ionization anomaly and the unusual enhancement on F layer peak density, which was not modeled by the SUPIM, are explained as caused by the strong eastward electric field that followed the initial phase in combination with a highly variable disturbed meridional/transequatorial wind system as inferred from the F2 layer peak height variations. The highly dynamic wind pattern, with a short-term response (2-4 hours), is compatible with the predictions of some previous theoretical model calculations reported in the literature.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We discuss the differential cross sections for electroweak gauge-boson and Higgs production at small and very small transverse momentum q_T. Large logarithms are resummed using soft-collinear effective theory. The collinear anomaly generates a non-perturbative scale q^∗, which protects the processes from receiving large long-distance hadronic contributions. A numerical comparison of our predictions with data on the transverse-momentum distribution in Z-boson production at the Tevatron and LHC is given.