1000 resultados para Trans-directing ability


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Le développement ainsi que l’amélioration des différentes techniques de purification sont des défis importants pour la chimie d’aujourd’hui. Certaines des méthodes actuelles, tel que le greffage d’un réactif sur un support solide permettant d’accéder à un produit pur par simple filtration du milieu, comportent toutefois certains inconvénients. En effet, les propriétés de solubilité de ces polymères rendent la mise en œuvre des réactions plus difficiles. C’est dans ce contexte que le groupe du Pr. Charette a rapporté l’utilisation de réactifs liés à un sel de tétraarylphosphonium (TAP). Ces sels peuvent être solubilisés dans un solvant tel que le dichlorométhane et aisément retirés du milieu réactionnel par précipitation à l’aide d’éther diéthylique (Chapitre 1). L’un des objectifs de cette thèse a donc été lié à la découverte de deux méthodes complémentaires qui, jusqu’à présent, sont considérées comme des méthodes de choix pour la synthèse des sels de TAP fonctionnalisés (Chapitre 2). L’une d’entre elles est utilisée par Soluphase inc., une entreprise qui commercialise ces sels de TAP. L’efficacité des sels en tant que support dans la synthèse de petites molécules a été démontrée lors de la synthèse d’un produit naturel, la (–)-coniine (Chapitre 3). L’isolement des intermédiaires synthétiques instables par simple précipitation à l’aide d’un support de TAP a permis de rendre cette synthèse plus efficace que celle déjà connue. Dans le deuxième volet de cette thèse, plusieurs problèmes reliés à la synthèse de dérivés cyclopropaniques 1,1-disubstitués ont été étudiés. Ces derniers font partie intégrale de plusieurs produits naturels et de médicaments. Cependant, leur formation par une réaction de cyclopropanation d’alcènes utilisant des réactifs diazoïques possédant deux groupements de type accepteur n’est pas tâche facile (Chapitre 4). En effet, cette réaction souffre d’un faible contrôle diastéréosélectif. Par le fait même, très peu de méthodologies de synthèse ont rapporté l’utilisation de ce type de réactifs diazoïques dans des réactions de cyclopropanation stéréosélectives. L’étude du mécanisme de la réaction de cyclopropanation catalysée au Rh(II) a proposé des indices favorisant un modèle ayant des précédents dans la littérature (Chapitre 5). Ces études nous ont mené à la découverte de la «capacité trans-directrice» du groupement amide lors des réactions de cyclopropanation d’oléfines. Nous avons donc utilisé cette propriété afin de résoudre plusieurs problèmes rencontrés dans la littérature. Nous avons montré qu’elle permet l’accès à des dérivés cyclopropaniques possédant deux groupements carboxyliques géminaux avec des sélectivités élevées (Chapitre 6). Ces produits étaient accessibles que par des séquences synthétiques nécessitant plusieurs étapes. De plus, nous avons démontrés que ces nouveaux dérivés cyclopropaniques sont des outils synthétiques fort utiles dans la synthèse de produits naturels d’intérêt biologique. Cette formidable «capacité trans-directrice» du groupement amide nous a permi de résoudre le problème de la synthèse asymétrique de dérivés carboxyliques α-cyano cyclopropaniques (Chapitre 7). De plus, ce projet nous a menées à la découverte de l’effet de divers additif achiraux permettant d’augmenter la sélectivité dans certaines réactions. Cette réaction possède une vaste étendue et l’utilité de ces nouveaux dérivés cyclopropaniques a été démontrée par plusieurs transformations de groupements fonctionnels.


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Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) is a positive stranded RNA virus belonging to the genus Sobemovirus. Construction of an infectious clone is an essential step for deciphering the virus gene functions in vivo. Using Agrobacterium based transient expression system we show that SeMV icDNA is infectious on Sesbania grandiflora and Cyamopsis tetragonoloba plants. The efficiency of icDNA infection was found to be significantly high on Cyamopsis plants when compared to that on Sesbania grandiflora. The coat protein could be detected within 6 days post infiltration in the infiltrated leaves. Different species of viral RNA (double stranded and single stranded genomic and subgenomic RNA) could be detected upon northern analysis, suggesting that complete replication had taken place. Based on the analysis of the sequences at the genomic termini of progeny RNA from SeMV icDNA infiltrated leaves and those of its 3' and 5' terminal deletion mutants, we propose a possible mechanism for 3' and 5' end repair in vivo. Mutation of the cleavage sites in the polyproteins encoded by ORF 2 resulted in complete loss of infection by the icDNA, suggesting the importance of correct polyprotein processing at all the four cleavage sites for viral replication. Complementation analysis suggested that ORF 2 gene products can act in trans. However, the trans acting ability of ORF 2 gene products was abolished upon deletion of the N-terminal hydrophobic domain of polyprotein 2a and 2ab, suggesting that these products necessarily function at the replication site, where they are anchored to membranes.


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Les cellules myéloïdes incluant les monocytes, les macrophages et les cellules dendritiques (DCs, dendritic cells) contribuent à la pathogénèse de l’infection à VIH-1 en participant à la dissémination du virus, mais également en représentant des réservoirs viraux potentiels. Leurs fonctions sont exploitées par le VIH-1 afin d’assurer sa propagation à travers l’organisme. Notamment, une infection à VIH-1 est associée à une altération de la présentation antigénique et la perte de lymphocytes T CD4+ spécifiques à des antigènes. L’autophagie est un processus catabolique universel impliqué dans la régulation de la présentation antigénique subséquente à la neutralisation/destruction du pathogène. Des études récentes suggèrent que le VIH-1 altère le mécanisme d’autophagie afin d’assurer sa survie. Le premier volet de ce projet de maîtrise a visé la caractérisation des effets du VIH-1 sur l’autophagie dans les DCs dérivées de monocytes circulants (MDDC, monocyte-derived dendritic cells) et l’identification des stratégies thérapeutiques pour contrecarrer ces effets. Les objectifs spécifiques ont été de : (i) caractériser l’expression de marqueurs de maturation sur des MDDC exposées au VIH-1 in vitro, (ii) quantifier l’expression des protéines liées à la régulation positive (i.e., ATG5, LC3, p62) et négative (i.e., mTOR) de l’autophagie dans les MDDC exposées au VIH, (iii) déterminer le rôle de l’autophagie dans la trans infection du VIH-1 aux lymphocytes T CD4+ et (iv) explorer l’impact de l’autophagie sur la présentation antigénique par les MDDC infectées à VIH-1 in vitro. Nos résultats démontrent qu’une exposition des MDDC au VIH-1 in vitro altère dramatiquement leur maturation et leur habileté à induire la prolifération des cellules T autologues en réponse à Staphylococcus aureus et Cytomegalovirus (CMV) mais pas la réponse induite par Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB). Nous démontrons que l’exposition des MDDC au VIH s’associe à une augmentation de l’expression de la protéine mTOR totale et de sa forme phosphorylée (phospho-mTOR) et de la protéine p62. Le traitement des MDDC à la rapamycine diminue l’expression de mTOR et réduit la capacité de trans infection du VIH-1 par les MDDC, sans toutefois restaurer leur potentiel immunogène. En effet, nous observons que la rapamycine réduit l’expression de CD83 par les MDDC et augmente l’expression de CCR7, indiquant ainsi que l’effet immunosuppresseur documenté de la rapamycine est associé à une défaillance de maturation des MDDC. Le second volet de ce projet de recherche s’est intéressé à la contribution des cellules myéloïdes à la persistance virale chez les sujets infectés par le VIH-1 sous thérapie antirétrovirale. Les objectifs spécifiques ont été : (i) d’évaluer la présence de différentes formes d’ADN viral dans les monocytes circulants de patients infectés par le VIH-1 et (ii) de mesurer l’intégration et la réplication virale dans des macrophages dérivés de monocytes (MDM) de patients infectés sous ART. Nos résultats indiquent que les monocytes portent des formes précoces de transcription virale inverse (ADN du VIH RU5) et que, malgré une charge virale plasmatique indétectable sous ART, les MDM supportent la réplication virale. Ces données très préliminaires apportent des évidences en faveur de la contribution des cellules myéloïdes à la persistance virale sous ART et représentent une ouverture pour un projet de recherche plus complexe dans le futur. En somme, nos résultats démontrent que le VIH-1 altère le potentiel immunogène des MDDC et que la rapamycine peut être employée pour limiter la trans infection des lymphocytes T CD4+ par les MDDC. Néanmoins, l’incapacité de la rapamycine à rétablir le potentiel immunogène des MDDC incite à identifier de nouvelles stratégies manipulant l’autophagie pour une restauration optimale de la compétence immunitaire chez les sujets infectés à VIH-1. Les cellules myéloïdes jouent un rôle primordial dans la dissémination et la persistance virale et doivent donc être ciblées par les stratégies actuelles d’éradication des réservoirs du VIH sous ART.


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In theatrical vernacular, the term ‘splitting centre’ refers to two performers staged at an equal distance from a centre point and sharing the focus of the audience. This term encapsulates the notion that two people (or, in the case of trans-media dance, two or more performance entities) are dividing the attention of the audience, operating as equal collaborators in a performance context. The augmentation of live performance with 3D projected scenography and mobile devices offers a starting point for discussions on the potential for dramaturgy, choreographic process, and changing expectations for audience behaviour in the theatre. In 2014, Deakin Motion.Lab premiered The Crack Up, a trans-media dance work that incorporated live performance, 3D digital scenography, and The Crack Up App, an app for mobile devices that audience members were invited to interact with during the performance. This investigation into the potential of trans-media dance performance, (defined here as a live performance in which both the digital and biological elements are choreographed as artistic equals within the theatrical context) with the addition of a mobile device raises questions about how the makers of trans-media dance might direct the attention of their audiences when the work is performed simultaneously across multiple platforms.


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There has been much controversy over the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – a plurilateral trade agreement involving a dozen nations from throughout the Pacific Rim – and its impact upon the environment, biodiversity, and climate change. The secretive treaty negotiations involve Australia and New Zealand; countries from South East Asia such as Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Japan; the South American nations of Peru and Chile; and the members of the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Canada, Mexico and the United States. There was an agreement reached between the parties in October 2015. The participants asserted: ‘We expect this historic agreement to promote economic growth, support higher-paying jobs; enhance innovation, productivity and competitiveness; raise living standards; reduce poverty in our countries; and to promote transparency, good governance, and strong labor and environmental protections.’ The final texts of the agreement were published in November 2015. There has been discussion as to whether other countries – such as Indonesia, the Philippines, and South Korea – will join the deal. There has been much debate about the impact of this proposed treaty upon intellectual property, the environment, biodiversity and climate change. There have been similar concerns about the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – a proposed trade agreement between the United States and the European Union. In 2011, the United States Trade Representative developed a Green Paper on trade, conservation, and the environment in the context of the TPP. In its rhetoric, the United States Trade Representative has maintained that it has been pushing for strong, enforceable environmental standards in the TPP. In a key statement in 2014, the United States Trade Representative Mike Froman insisted: ‘The United States’ position on the environment in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations is this: environmental stewardship is a core American value, and we will insist on a robust, fully enforceable environment chapter in the TPP or we will not come to agreement.’ The United States Trade Representative maintained: ‘Our proposals in the TPP are centered around the enforcement of environmental laws, including those implementing multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) in TPP partner countries, and also around trailblazing, first-ever conservation proposals that will raise standards across the region’. Moreover, the United States Trade Representative asserted: ‘Furthermore, our proposals would enhance international cooperation and create new opportunities for public participation in environmental governance and enforcement.’ The United States Trade Representative has provided this public outline of the Environment Chapter of the TPP: A meaningful outcome on environment will ensure that the agreement appropriately addresses important trade and environment challenges and enhances the mutual supportiveness of trade and environment. The Trans-Pacific Partnership countries share the view that the environment text should include effective provisions on trade-related issues that would help to reinforce environmental protection and are discussing an effective institutional arrangement to oversee implementation and a specific cooperation framework for addressing capacity building needs. They also are discussing proposals on new issues, such as marine fisheries and other conservation issues, biodiversity, invasive alien species, climate change, and environmental goods and services. Mark Linscott, an assistant Trade Representative testified: ‘An environment chapter in the TPP should strengthen country commitments to enforce their environmental laws and regulations, including in areas related to ocean and fisheries governance, through the effective enforcement obligation subject to dispute settlement.’ Inside US Trade has commented: ‘While not initially expected to be among the most difficult areas, the environment chapter has emerged as a formidable challenge, partly due to disagreement over the United States proposal to make environmental obligations binding under the TPP dispute settlement mechanism’. Joshua Meltzer from the Brookings Institute contended that the trade agreement could be a boon for the protection of the environment in the Pacific Rim: Whether it is depleting fisheries, declining biodiversity or reduced space in the atmosphere for Greenhouse Gas emissions, the underlying issue is resource scarcity. And in a world where an additional 3 billion people are expected to enter the middle class over the next 15 years, countries need to find new and creative ways to cooperate in order to satisfy the legitimate needs of their population for growth and opportunity while using resources in a manner that is sustainable for current and future generations. The TPP parties already represent a diverse range of developed and developing countries. Should the TPP become a free trade agreement of the Asia-Pacific region, it will include the main developed and developing countries and will be a strong basis for building a global consensus on these trade and environmental issues. The TPP has been promoted by its proponents as a boon to the environment. The United States Trade Representative has maintained that the TPP will protect the environment: ‘The United States’ position on the environment in the TPP negotiations is this: environmental stewardship is a core American value, and we will insist on a robust, fully enforceable environment chapter in the TPP or we will not come to agreement.’ The United States Trade Representative discussed ‘Trade for a Greener World’ on World Environment Day. Andrew Robb, at the time the Australian Trade and Investment Minister, vowed that the TPP will contain safeguards for the protection of the environment. In November 2015, after the release of the TPP text, Rohan Patel, the Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, sought to defend the environmental credentials of the TPP. He contended that the deal had been supported by the Nature Conservancy, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative, the World Wildlife Fund, and World Animal Protection. The United States Congress, though, has been conflicted by the United States Trade Representative’s arguments about the TPP and the environment. In 2012, members of the United States Congress - including Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), Olympia Snowe (R-ME), and John Kerry (D-MA) – wrote a letter, arguing that the trade agreement needs to provide strong protection for the environment: ‘We believe that a '21st century agreement' must have an environment chapter that guarantees ongoing sustainable trade and creates jobs, and this is what American businesses and consumers want and expect also.’ The group stressed that ‘A binding and enforceable TPP environment chapter that stands up for American interests is critical to our support of the TPP’. The Congressional leaders maintained: ‘We believe the 2007 bipartisan congressional consensus on environmental provisions included in recent trade agreements should serve as the framework for the environment chapter of the TPP.’ In 2013, senior members of the Democratic leadership expressed their opposition to granting President Barack Obama a fast-track authority in respect of the TPP House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said: ‘No on fast-track – Camp-Baucus – out of the question.’ Senator Majority leader Harry Reid commented: ‘I’m against Fast-Track: Everyone would be well-advised to push this right now.’ Senator Elizabeth Warren has been particularly critical of the process and the substance of the negotiations in the TPP: From what I hear, Wall Street, pharmaceuticals, telecom, big polluters and outsourcers are all salivating at the chance to rig the deal in the upcoming trade talks. So the question is, Why are the trade talks secret? You’ll love this answer. Boy, the things you learn on Capitol Hill. I actually have had supporters of the deal say to me ‘They have to be secret, because if the American people knew what was actually in them, they would be opposed. Think about that. Real people, people whose jobs are at stake, small-business owners who don’t want to compete with overseas companies that dump their waste in rivers and hire workers for a dollar a day—those people, people without an army of lobbyists—they would be opposed. I believe if people across this country would be opposed to a particular trade agreement, then maybe that trade agreement should not happen. The Finance Committee in the United States Congress deliberated over the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations in 2014. The new chair Ron Wyden has argued that there needs to be greater transparency in trade. Nonetheless, he has mooted the possibility of a ‘smart-track’ to reconcile the competing demands of the Obama Administration, and United States Congress. Wyden insisted: ‘The new breed of trade challenges spawned over the last generation must be addressed in imaginative new policies and locked into enforceable, ambitious, job-generating trade agreements.’ He emphasized that such agreements ‘must reflect the need for a free and open Internet, strong labor rights and environmental protections.’ Elder Democrat Sander Levin warned that the TPP failed to provide proper protection for the environment: The TPP parties are considering a different structure to protect the environment than the one adopted in the May 10 Agreement, which directly incorporated seven multilateral environmental agreements into the text of past trade agreements. While the form is less important than the substance, the TPP must provide an overall level of environmental protection that upholds and builds upon the May 10 standard, including fully enforceable obligations. But many of our trading partners are actively seeking to weaken the text to the point of falling short of that standard, including on key issues like conservation. Nonetheless, 2015, President Barack Obama was able to secure the overall support of the United States Congress for his ‘fast-track’ authority. This was made possible by the Republicans and dissident Democrats. Notably, Oregon Senator Ron Wyden switched sides, and was transformed from a critic of the TPP to an apologist for the TPP. For their part, green political parties and civil society organisations have been concerned about the secretive nature of the negotiations; and the substantive implications of the treaty for the environment. Environmental groups and climate advocates have been sceptical of the environmental claims made by the White House for the TPP. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand, the Australian Greens and the Green Party of Canada have released a joint declaration on the TPP observing: ‘More than just another trade agreement, the TPP provisions could hinder access to safe, affordable medicines, weaken local content rules for media, stifle high-tech innovation, and even restrict the ability of future governments to legislate for the good of public health and the environment’. In the United States, civil society groups such as the Sierra Club, Public Citizen, WWF, the Friends of the Earth, the Rainforest Action Network and 350.org have raised concerns about the TPP and the environment. Allison Chin, President of the Sierra Club, complained about the lack of transparency, due process, and public participation in the TPP talks: ‘This is a stealth affront to the principles of our democracy.’ Maude Barlow’s The Council of Canadians has also been concerned about the TPP and environmental justice. New Zealand Sustainability Council executive director Simon Terry said the agreement showed ‘minimal real gains for nature’. A number of organisations have joined a grand coalition of civil society organisations, which are opposed to the grant of a fast-track. On the 15th January 2013, WikiLeaks released the draft Environment Chapter of the TPP - along with a report by the Chairs of the Environmental Working Group. Julian Assange, WikiLeaks' publisher, stated: ‘Today's WikiLeaks release shows that the public sweetener in the TPP is just media sugar water.’ He observed: ‘The fabled TPP environmental chapter turns out to be a toothless public relations exercise with no enforcement mechanism.’ This article provides a critical examination of the draft Environment Chapter of the TPP. The overall argument of the article is that the Environment Chapter of the TPP is an exercise in greenwashing – it is a public relations exercise by the United States Trade Representative, rather than a substantive regime for the protection of the environment in the Pacific Rim. Greenwashing has long been a problem in commerce, in which companies making misleading and deceptive claims about the environment. In his 2012 book, Greenwash: Big Brands and Carbon Scams, Guy Pearse considers the rise of green marketing and greenwashing. Government greenwashing is also a significant issue. In his book Storms of My Grandchildren, the climate scientist James Hansen raises his concerns about government greenwashing. Such a problem is apparent with the TPP – in which there was a gap between the assertions of the United States Government, and the reality of the agreement. This article contends that the TPP fails to meet the expectations created by President Barack Obama, the White House, and the United States Trade Representative about the environmental value of the agreement. First, this piece considers the relationship of the TPP to multilateral environmental treaties. Second, it explores whether the provisions in respect of the environment are enforceable. Third, this article examines the treatment of trade and biodiversity in the TPP. Fourth, this study considers the question of marine capture fisheries. Fifth, there is an evaluation of the cursory text in the TPP on conservation. Sixth, the article considers trade in environmental services under the TPP. Seventh, this article highlights the tensions between the TPP and substantive international climate action. It is submitted that the TPP undermines effective and meaningful government action and regulation in respect of climate change. The conclusion also highlights that a number of other chapters of the TPP will impact upon the protection of the environment – including the Investment Chapter, the Intellectual Property Chapter, the Technical Barriers to Trade Chapter, and the text on public procurement.


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Background: Hsp90 from Giardia lamblia is expressed by splicing of two independently transcribed RNA molecules, coded by genes named HspN and HspC located 777 kb apart. The reasons underlying such unique trans-splicing based generation of GlHsp90 remain unclear. Principle Finding: In this study using mass-spectrometry we identify the sequence of the unique, junctional peptide contributed by the 5' UTR of HspC ORF. This peptide is critical for the catalytic function of Hsp90 as it harbours an essential ``Arg'' in its sequence. We also show that full length GlHsp90 possesses all the functional hall marks of a canonical Hsp90 including its ability to bind and hydrolyze ATP. Using qRT-PCR as well as western blotting approach we find the reconstructed Hsp90 to be induced in response to heat shock. On the contrary we find GlHsp90 to be down regulated during transition from proliferative trophozoites to environmentally resistant cysts. This down regulation of GlHsp90 appears to be mechanistically linked to the encystation process as we find pharmacological inhibition of GlHsp90 function to specifically induce encystation. Significance: Our results implicate the trans-spliced GlHsp90 from Giardia lamblia to regulate an essential stage transition in the life cycle of this important human parasite.


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Evidence from in vivo and in vitro studies suggests that the consumption of pro- and prebiotics may inhibit colon carcinogenesis; however, the mechanisms involved have, thus far, proved elusive. There are some indications from animal studies that the effects are being exerted during the promotion stage of carcinogenesis. One feature of the promotion stage of colorectal cancer is the disruption of tight junctions, leading to a loss of integrity across the intestinal barrier. We have used the Caco-2 human adenocarcinoma cell line as a model for the intestinal epithelia. Trans-epithelial electrical resistance measurements indicate Caco-2 monolayer integrity, and we recorded changes to this integrity following exposure to the fermentation products of selected probiotics and prebiotics, in the form of nondigestible oligosaccharides (NDOs). Our results indicate that NDOs themselves exert varying, but generally minor, effects upon the strength of the tight junctions, whereas the fermentation products of probiotics and NDOs tend to raise tight junction integrity above that of the controls. This effect was bacterial species and oligosaccharide specific. Bifidobacterium Bb 12 was particularly effective, as were the fermentation products of Raftiline and Raftilose. We further investigated the ability of Raftilose fermentations to protect against the negative effects of deoxycholic acid (DCA) upon tight junction integrity. We found protection to be species dependent and dependent upon the presence of the fermentation products in the media at the same time as or after exposure to the DCA. Results suggest that the Raftilose fermentation products may prevent disruption of the intestinal epithelial barrier function during damage by tumor promoters.


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Abstract BACKGROUND Tannins can bind to and precipitate protein by forming insoluble complexes resistant to fermentation and with a positive effect on protein utilisation by ruminants. Three protein types, Rubisco, rapeseed protein and bovine serum albumin (a single high-molecular weight protein), were used to test the effects of increasing concentrations of structurally different condensed tannins on protein solubility/precipitation. RESULTS Protein type (PT) influenced solubility after addition of condensed tannins (P < 0.001) in the order: Rubisco < rapeseed < BSA (P < 0.05). The type of condensed tannin (CT) affected protein solubility (P = 0.001) with a CT × PT interaction (P = 0.001). Mean degree of polymerisation, proportions of cis- versus trans-flavanol subunits or prodelphinidins versus procyanidins among CTs could not explain precipitation capacities. Increasing tannin concentration decreased protein solubility (P < 0.001) with a PT × CT concentration interaction. The proportion of low-molecular weight rapeseed proteins remaining in solution increased with CT concentration but not with Rubisco. CONCLUSIONS Results of this study suggest that PT and CT type are both of importance for protein precipitation but that the CT structures investigated did not allow identification of parameters that contribute most to precipitation. It is possible that the three-dimensional structures of tannins and proteins may be more important factors in tannin–protein interactions. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry


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Assessing the ways in which rural agrarian areas provide Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) is proving difficult to achieve. This research has developed an innovative methodological approach named as Multi Scale Indicator Framework (MSIF) for capturing the CES embedded into the rural agrarian areas. This framework reconciles a literature review with a trans-disciplinary participatory workshop. Both of these sources reveal that societal preferences diverge upon judgemental criteria which in turn relate to different visual concepts that can be drawn from analysing attributes, elements, features and characteristics of rural areas. We contend that it is now possible to list a group of possible multi scale indicators for stewardship, diversity and aesthetics. These results might also be of use for improving any existing European indicators frameworks by also including CES. This research carries major implications for policy at different levels of governance, as it makes possible to target and monitor policy instruments to the physical rural settings so that cultural dimensions are adequately considered. There is still work to be developed on regional specific values and thresholds for each criteria and its indicator set. In practical terms, by developing the conceptual design within a common framework as described in this paper, a considerable step forward towards the inclusion of the cultural dimension in European wide assessments can be made.


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The effect of varying the position of the azobenzene group within two comparable photoresponsive amphiphiles on their capability to form lyotropic liquid crystals (LLCs) was investigated in detail in this study. Two photoresponsive amphiphiles having comparable structures were designed and synthesized consisting of hydrophilic oligooxyethylene units, a hydrophobic alkyl chain and a light-sensitive azobenzene moiety. When the azobenzene group was located in the middle of the hydrophobic alkyl chain, multiple LLC phases were observed at various water contents in the azo-surfactant–water binary system. In contrast, when the azobenzene group was directly attached to the hydrophilic domain, the azo-surfactant–water binary system exhibited only lamellar phases. The temperature dependence of these self-organised nanostructures was also investigated by the combination of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and rheology. Under alternating UV and visible light irradiation, reversible trans–cis photoisomerization of the azobenzene group occurred efficiently in dilute solution for both azo-surfactants. However, only photoisomerization of the surfactant possessing the azobenzene group localized in the middle of the alkyl chain induced significant changes in the self-assembled structure and its bulk properties. This study demonstrates that self-assembly and photoresponsive behaviour of photosensitive amphiphiles is extremely sensitive to the position of the photoactive moiety within the surfactant molecular architecture.


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The antiulcerogenic activity of trans-dehydrocrotonin (DHC), a nor-clerodane diterpene isolated from Croton cajucara Benth. ( Euphorbiaceae), and its subacute ( 35 days) toxicity were studied in mice and rats, respectively. For the antiulcerogenic tests, models of gastric ulcers induced in mice by ethanol/HCl or stress were used. In both models, an oral dose of DHC ( 100 mg/kg) significantly reduced (P< 0.01) the formation of gastric lesions. DHC was also tested for its ability to scavenge free radicals, but no such action was observed in rat liver mitochondria. To assess the subacute toxicity, rats were treated orally with DHC (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) for 5 weeks. A significant increase in liver weight was observed in male and female rats at highest doses, whereas a significant reduction in plasma alkaline phosphatase and cholesterol levels and an increase in gamma glutamyl transpeptidase were observed only at the highest dose ( 100 mg/kg) in female rats. DHC caused histopathological alterations in the liver that included a turbid tumefaction, microvacuolar degeneration and nuclear alterations. Despite the beneficial antiulcerogenic activity of DHC, our results suggest that the long-term use of this compound may induce liver damage.


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The nor-clerodane diterpene trans-crotonin isolated from the bark of Croton cajucara BENTH. was investigated for its ability to prevent the formation of gastric-mucosa ulceration in different experimental models in mice. The results obtained from crotonin were compared with those obtained with another diterpene, DHC (trans-dehydrocrotonin) in the same models. When previously administered (p.o.) at the dose of 100 mg/kg, crotonin, as well as DHC, significantly reduced (p<0.05) gastric injury induced by stress (72, 67%), indomethacin/bethanechol (78, 29%) and pylorus ligature (35, 30%). In the HCl/ethanol-induced gastric ulcer model, at oral doses of 100 and 250 mg/kg, crotonin significantly prevented (p<0.05) the formation of gastric lesions by 51 and 56%, respectively, when compared to the control group. Gastric injury was also of significantly less magnitude in the DHC treatment group (p<0.05). In the pylorus-ligature model, crotonin (p.o.), like cimetidine, increased the volume of gastric juice when compared to the control group (p<0.05). No significant modifications where found in gastric parameters such as pH or total acid content after oral crotonin treatment. However, systemic alterations were observed when crotonin (100 mg/kg) was previously administered intraduodenally to mice. We observed significant changes (p<0.001) in gastric-juice parameters such as an increase in volume and a decrease in gastric acidity. Those pre-treated with crotonin as well as with DHC did not increase free mucus production (p>0.05). The results suggest that crotonin presents a significant anti-ulcer effect when assessed in these ulcer-induced models. As with DHC, the antiulcerogenic effects of crotonin are probably related to anti-secretory or/and gastroprotective properties of this substance. In light of results obtained with DHC and natural trans-crotonin in the present study, we concluded that the A-ring of both diterpenes is not directly involved in the antiulcerogenic activity.


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Over the past several decades, it has become apparent that anthropogenic activities have resulted in the large-scale enhancement of the levels of many trace gases throughout the troposphere. More recently, attention has been given to the transport pathway taken by these emissions as they are dispersed throughout the atmosphere. The transport pathway determines the physical characteristics of emissions plumes and therefore plays an important role in the chemical transformations that can occur downwind of source regions. For example, the production of ozone (O3) is strongly dependent upon the transport its precursors undergo. O3 can initially be formed within air masses while still over polluted source regions. These polluted air masses can experience continued O3 production or O3 destruction downwind, depending on the air mass's chemical and transport characteristics. At present, however, there are a number of uncertainties in the relationships between transport and O3 production in the North Atlantic lower free troposphere. The first phase of the study presented here used measurements made at the Pico Mountain observatory and model simulations to determine transport pathways for US emissions to the observatory. The Pico Mountain observatory was established in the summer of 2001 in order to address the need to understand the relationships between transport and O3 production. Measurements from the observatory were analyzed in conjunction with model simulations from the Lagrangian particle dispersion model (LPDM), FLEX-PART, in order to determine the transport pathway for events observed at the Pico Mountain observatory during July 2003. A total of 16 events were observed, 4 of which were analyzed in detail. The transport time for these 16 events varied from 4.5 to 7 days, while the transport altitudes over the ocean ranged from 2-8 km, but were typically less than 3 km. In three of the case studies, eastward advection and transport in a weak warm conveyor belt (WCB) airflow was responsible for the export of North American emissions into the FT, while transport in the FT was governed by easterly winds driven by the Azores/Bermuda High (ABH) and transient northerly lows. In the fourth case study, North American emissions were lofted to 6-8 km in a WCB before being entrained in the same cyclone's dry airstream and transported down to the observatory. The results of this study show that the lower marine FT may provide an important transport environment where O3 production may continue, in contrast to transport in the marine boundary layer, where O3 destruction is believed to dominate. The second phase of the study presented here focused on improving the analysis methods that are available with LPDMs. While LPDMs are popular and useful for the analysis of atmospheric trace gas measurements, identifying the transport pathway of emissions from their source to a receptor (the Pico Mountain observatory in our case) using the standard gridded model output, particularly during complex meteorological scenarios can be difficult can be difficult or impossible. The transport study in phase 1 was limited to only 1 month out of more than 3 years of available data and included only 4 case studies out of the 16 events specifically due to this confounding factor. The second phase of this study addressed this difficulty by presenting a method to clearly and easily identify the pathway taken by only those emissions that arrive at a receptor at a particular time, by combining the standard gridded output from forward (i.e., concentrations) and backward (i.e., residence time) LPDM simulations, greatly simplifying similar analyses. The ability of the method to successfully determine the source-to-receptor pathway, restoring this Lagrangian information that is lost when the data are gridded, is proven by comparing the pathway determined from this method with the particle trajectories from both the forward and backward models. A sample analysis is also presented, demonstrating that this method is more accurate and easier to use than existing methods using standard LPDM products. Finally, we discuss potential future work that would be possible by combining the backward LPDM simulation with gridded data from other sources (e.g., chemical transport models) to obtain a Lagrangian sampling of the air that will eventually arrive at a receptor.


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Regulation of cytoplasmic deadenylation, the first step in mRNA turnover, has direct impact on the fate of gene expression. AU-rich elements (AREs) found in the 3′ untranslated regions of many labile mRNAs are the most common RNA-destabilizing elements known in mammalian cells. Based on their sequence features and functional properties, AREs can be divided into three classes. Class I or class III ARE directs synchronous deadenylation, whereas class II ARE directs asynchronous deadenylation with the formation of poly(A)-intermediates. Through systematic mutagenesis study, we found that a cluster of five or six copies of AUUUA motifs forming various degrees of reiteration is the key feature dictating the choice between asynchronous versus synchronous deadenylation. A 20–30 nt AU-rich sequence immediately 5 ′ to this cluster of AUUUA motifs can greatly enhance its destabilizing ability and is an integral part of the AREs. These two features are the defining characteristics of class II AREs. ^ To better understand the decay mechanism of AREs, current methods have several limitations. Taking the advantage of tetracycline-regulated promoter, we developed a new transcriptional pulse strategy, Tet-system. By controlling the time and the amount of Tet addition, a pulse of RNA could be generated. Using this new system, we showed that AREs function in both growth- and density-arrested cells. The new strategy offers for the first time an opportunity to investigate control of mRNA deadenylation and decay kinetics in mammalian cells that exhibit physiologically relevant conditions. ^ As a member of heterogeneous nuclear RNA-binding protein, hnRNP D 0/AUF1 displays specific affinities for ARE sequences in vitro . But its in vivo function in ARE-mediated mRNA decay is unclear. AUF1/hnRNP D0 is composed of at least four isoforms derived by alternative RNA splicing. Each isoform exhibits different affinity for ARE sequence in vitro. Here, we examined in vivo effect of AUF1s/hnRNP D0s on degradation of ARE-containing mRNA. Our results showed that all four isoforms exhibit various RNA stabilizing effects in NIH3T3 cells, which are positively correlated with their binding affinities for ARE sequences. Further experiments indicated that AUF1/hnRNP D0 has a general role in modulating the stability of cytoplasmic mRNAs in mammalian cells. ^


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The chromophore of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) (i.e., 4-hydroxycinnamic acid) has been replaced by an analogue with a triple bond, rather than a double bond (by using 4-hydroxyphenylpropiolic acid in the reconstitution, yielding hybrid I) and by a “locked” chromophore (through reconstitution with 7-hydroxycoumarin-3-carboxylic acid, in which a covalent bridge is present across the vinyl bond, resulting in hybrid II). These hybrids absorb maximally at 464 and 443 nm, respectively, which indicates that in both hybrids the deprotonated chromophore does fit into the chromophore-binding pocket. Because the triple bond cannot undergo cis/trans (or E/Z) photoisomerization and because of the presence of the lock across the vinyl double bond in hybrid II, it was predicted that these two hybrids would not be able to photocycle. Surprisingly, both are able. We have demonstrated this ability by making use of transient absorption, low-temperature absorption, and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Both hybrids, upon photoexcitation, display authentic photocycle signals in terms of a red-shifted intermediate; hybrid I, in addition, goes through a blue-shifted-like intermediate state, with very slow kinetics. We interpret these results as further evidence that rotation of the carbonyl group of the thioester-linked chromophore of PYP, proposed in a previous FTIR study and visualized in recent time-resolved x-ray diffraction experiments, is of critical importance for photoactivation of PYP.