992 resultados para Trait activation theory
Comprendre ce qui amène un leader à émettre des comportements de leadership transformationnel fascine les chercheurs et praticiens depuis plusieurs années (Bommer, Rubin, & Baldwin, 2004; Bono & Judge, 2004; Shamir & Howell, 1999 ; Stogdill, 1948; Yukl, 1999). Or, jusqu’à présent, ces facteurs sont encore bien peu étudiés et compris comparativement aux conséquences de ce style de leadership. Dans cette lignée, la présente thèse répond à différents enjeux soulevés par les auteurs à ce sujet (Dinh & Lord, 2012; Zaccaro, 2007) en cherchant à préciser le rôle joué par différents antécédents individuels et contextuels du leadership transformationnel. Cet objectif sera poursuivi par l’adoption d’une perspective interactionniste qui intègre des antécédents de personnalité et de contexte ainsi par l’évaluation de la personnalité à l’aide d’une modélisation de la personnalité orientée vers le critère à prédire (variable composite). La présente thèse est composée de trois articles poursuivant les objectifs suivant : 1) Effectuer une synthèse de la littérature empirique portant sur les antécédents individuels et contextuels du leadership transformationnel; 2) Vérifier les liens empiriques entre la personnalité mesurée à l’aide de variables composites, plus précisément le modèle des Great Eight de Bartram (2005), et le leadership transformationnel; 3) Tester empiriquement l’effet d’interaction entre les variables de personnalité et les variables contextuelles pour prédire le leadership transformationnel. Le premier article vise d’abord à circonscrire et organiser les connaissances empiriques actuelles provenant d’une quarantaine d’articles concernant les antécédents du leadership transformationnel. L’article s’organise en trois thèmes principaux : les antécédents individuels de personnalité, les antécédents contextuels et l’étude des interactions entre le volet individuel et contextuel. Plusieurs constats et pistes de recherches sont discutés et mettent la table pour les deux articles subséquents. Ainsi, le second article s’intéresse au potentiel explicatif d’un modèle de personnalité orienté vers le critère pour prédire le leadership. Plus spécifiquement, le modèle des Great Eight proposé par Bartram (2005) est mis en relation avec les comportements de leadership transformationnel et de récompense contingente. Les résultats, obtenus auprès de 113 gestionnaires et de leurs 799 subordonnés, donnent peu d’appui à la valeur ajoutée du modèle utilisé, mais indiquent que certaines tendances de personnalité sont associées au leadership. Des analyses supplémentaires permettent de nuancer la compréhension des effets observés dans la documentation scientifique et offrent quelques pistes de groupements de traits pouvant prédire les différents comportements de leadership. Le troisième article s’inspire de la théorie de l’activation des traits (Tett & Burnett, 2003) pour vérifier l’effet combiné de la personnalité du gestionnaire et du contexte dans lequel il évolue en vue de prédire le leadership transformationnel. Les résultats (ngestionnaires = 89; nsubordonnés = 643) n’offrent qu’un appui modéré au rationnel sous-jacent du modèle de l’activation des traits. Toutefois, il en ressort que l’aspect relationnel du gestionnaire (opérationnalisé par le composite de personnalité « soutien et coopération ») est associé à l’émergence du leadership transformationnel uniquement lorsque les facteurs contextuels (considération organisationnelle, latitude décisionnelle) sont perçus positivement par le gestionnaire. L’étude permet donc d’éclaircir une part de la variabilité observée dans les études antérieures concernant la tendance relationnelle du gestionnaire, en soulignant sa sensibilité à des facteurs contextuels positifs.
Comprendre ce qui amène un leader à émettre des comportements de leadership transformationnel fascine les chercheurs et praticiens depuis plusieurs années (Bommer, Rubin, & Baldwin, 2004; Bono & Judge, 2004; Shamir & Howell, 1999 ; Stogdill, 1948; Yukl, 1999). Or, jusqu’à présent, ces facteurs sont encore bien peu étudiés et compris comparativement aux conséquences de ce style de leadership. Dans cette lignée, la présente thèse répond à différents enjeux soulevés par les auteurs à ce sujet (Dinh & Lord, 2012; Zaccaro, 2007) en cherchant à préciser le rôle joué par différents antécédents individuels et contextuels du leadership transformationnel. Cet objectif sera poursuivi par l’adoption d’une perspective interactionniste qui intègre des antécédents de personnalité et de contexte ainsi par l’évaluation de la personnalité à l’aide d’une modélisation de la personnalité orientée vers le critère à prédire (variable composite). La présente thèse est composée de trois articles poursuivant les objectifs suivant : 1) Effectuer une synthèse de la littérature empirique portant sur les antécédents individuels et contextuels du leadership transformationnel; 2) Vérifier les liens empiriques entre la personnalité mesurée à l’aide de variables composites, plus précisément le modèle des Great Eight de Bartram (2005), et le leadership transformationnel; 3) Tester empiriquement l’effet d’interaction entre les variables de personnalité et les variables contextuelles pour prédire le leadership transformationnel. Le premier article vise d’abord à circonscrire et organiser les connaissances empiriques actuelles provenant d’une quarantaine d’articles concernant les antécédents du leadership transformationnel. L’article s’organise en trois thèmes principaux : les antécédents individuels de personnalité, les antécédents contextuels et l’étude des interactions entre le volet individuel et contextuel. Plusieurs constats et pistes de recherches sont discutés et mettent la table pour les deux articles subséquents. Ainsi, le second article s’intéresse au potentiel explicatif d’un modèle de personnalité orienté vers le critère pour prédire le leadership. Plus spécifiquement, le modèle des Great Eight proposé par Bartram (2005) est mis en relation avec les comportements de leadership transformationnel et de récompense contingente. Les résultats, obtenus auprès de 113 gestionnaires et de leurs 799 subordonnés, donnent peu d’appui à la valeur ajoutée du modèle utilisé, mais indiquent que certaines tendances de personnalité sont associées au leadership. Des analyses supplémentaires permettent de nuancer la compréhension des effets observés dans la documentation scientifique et offrent quelques pistes de groupements de traits pouvant prédire les différents comportements de leadership. Le troisième article s’inspire de la théorie de l’activation des traits (Tett & Burnett, 2003) pour vérifier l’effet combiné de la personnalité du gestionnaire et du contexte dans lequel il évolue en vue de prédire le leadership transformationnel. Les résultats (ngestionnaires = 89; nsubordonnés = 643) n’offrent qu’un appui modéré au rationnel sous-jacent du modèle de l’activation des traits. Toutefois, il en ressort que l’aspect relationnel du gestionnaire (opérationnalisé par le composite de personnalité « soutien et coopération ») est associé à l’émergence du leadership transformationnel uniquement lorsque les facteurs contextuels (considération organisationnelle, latitude décisionnelle) sont perçus positivement par le gestionnaire. L’étude permet donc d’éclaircir une part de la variabilité observée dans les études antérieures concernant la tendance relationnelle du gestionnaire, en soulignant sa sensibilité à des facteurs contextuels positifs.
Os dois tipos de stress fisiológico e psicológico constituem, a meu ver, um único fenômeno, embora, do ponto de vista didático, faça-se necessária esta divisão. Neste estudo ambos os tipos foram abordados teoricamente, mas o mesmo se propõe a analisar a influência dos fatores de personalidade - extroversão, introversão e dogmatismo- na vulnerabilidade ao stress. Os determinantes cognitivos foram considerados como mediadores desta relação. O instrumental utilizado para a verificação empírica foi composto dos seguintes testes: 16 PF de Cattell e Eber, Fator P de Toulouse-Pieron, Escala de Dogmatismo de Rokeach e o Sorting-Test, adaptado para esse estudo. Esses instrumentos foram utilizados para testar as hipóteses; o introvertido e o não-dogmático, tanto na condição isolada quanto em combinação, apresentam vulnerabilidade ao stress maior do que o extrovertido e o dogmático nas mesmas condições. A análise da regressão múltipla demonstrou que nenhuma diferença quanto à vulnerabilidade ao stress foi observada em relação aos tipos extrovertido, introvertido, dogmátlco e não-dogmático, quer isoladamente, quer nas combinações extrovertido-dogmático e introvertido-não-dogmático. É provável que algumas circunstâncias possam explicar esse fenômeno. Em primeiro lugar é possível que a vulnerabilidade ao stress esteja mais relacionada com traço de personalidade do que com tipo. Em segundo lugar, pode ser que o instrumento utilizado para medir extroversão-introversão não forneça uma medida válida: uma vez que o conceito se baseia nas primeiras formulações da teoria da ativação. Poderíamos, ainda, acrescentar uma outra relação na influência dos fatores de personalidade na vulnerabilidade ao stress . Esta relação pode ser estudada sob os dois aspectos do stress: a especificidade e a não-especificidade. Assim sendo, poder-se-ia conjecturar que tanto os fatores de personalidade quanto os determinantes cognitivos estariam mais relacionados com a especificidade do que com a não-especificidade. Esta última estaria mais vinculada aos aspectos fisiológicos. Esta última proposição poderia servir de um esquema para uma diferente análise teórica e empírica da influência dos fatores de personalidade na vulnerabilidade ao stress, enfatizando mais a especificidade do que a não-especificidade.
This thesis analyses the impact of workplace stressors and mood on innovation activities. Based on three competitive frameworks offered by cognitive spreading activation theory, mood repair perspective, and mood-as-information theory, different sets of predictions are developed. These hypotheses are tested in a field study involving 41 R&D teams and 123 individual R&D workers, and in an experimental study involving 54 teams of students. Results of the field study suggest that stressors and mood interact to predict innovation activities in such a way that with increasing stressors a high positive ( or negative) mood is more detrimental to innovation activities than a low positive (or negative) mood, lending support to the mood repair perspective. These effects are found for both individuals and teams. In the experimental study this effect is replicated and potential boundary conditions and mediators are tested. In addition, this thesis includes the development of an instrument to assess creativity and implementation activities within the realm of task-related innovative performance.
The alternative classification system for personality disorders in DSM-5 features a hierarchical model of maladaptive personality traits. This trait model comprises five broad trait domains and 25 specific trait facets that can be reliably assessed using the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5). Although there is a steadily growing literature on the validity of the PID-5, issues of temporal stability and situational influences on test scores are currently unexplored. We addressed these issues using a sample of 611 research participants who completed the PID-5 three times, with time intervals of two months. Latent state-trait (LST) analyses for each of the 25 PID-5 trait facets showed that, on average, 79.5% of the variance was due to stable traits (i.e., consistency), and 7.7% of the variance was due to situational factors (i.e., occasion specificity). Our findings suggest that the PID-5 trait facets predominantly capture individual differences that are stable across time.
The 'BIS/BAS scales' (Carver & White, 1994) is the most widely cited inventory for assessing Gray's (1982,1991) Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST) of personality. A peculiarity of this instrument is its three-factor representation of Gray's Behavioural Activation System (BAS), which mediates reactions to reward. While the BAS was initially proposed as the causal basis of Impulsivity, recent arguments suggest that Impulsivity is related to but distinct from reward-reactivity. In this paper, two studies examined Carver and White's BAS scales in terms of factor structure, and convergent/divergent validity when predicting proxies of Impulsivity and reward-reactivity. Confirmatory Factor Analysis revealed structural distinctions between the three BAS scales, and multivariate regression suggested that two of the scales (Drive and Reward-Responsiveness) reflect key concepts of the BAS, while the third (Fun-Seeking) has a broader focus, being equally related to reward-reactivity and Impulsivity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this article, we review recent modifications to Jeffrey Gray's (1973, 1991) reinforcement sensitivity theory (RST), and attempt to draw implications for psychometric measurement of personality traits. First, we consider Gray and McNaughton's (2000) functional revisions to the biobehavioral systems of RST Second, we evaluate recent clarifications relating to interdependent effects that these systems may have on behavior, in addition to or in place of separable effects (e.g., Corr 2001; Pickering, 1997). Finally, we consider ambiguities regarding the exact trait dimension to which Gray's It reward system corresponds. From this review, we suggest that future work is needed to distinguish psychometric measures of (a) fear from anxiety and (b) reward-reactivity-from trait impulsivity. We also suggest, on the basis of interdependent system views of RST and associated exploration using formal models, that traits that are based upon RST are likely to have substantial intercorrelations. Finally, we advise that more substantive work is required to define relevant constructs and behaviors in RST before we can be confident in our psychometric measures of them.
In this thesis work we develop a new generative model of social networks belonging to the family of Time Varying Networks. The importance of correctly modelling the mechanisms shaping the growth of a network and the dynamics of the edges activation and inactivation are of central importance in network science. Indeed, by means of generative models that mimic the real-world dynamics of contacts in social networks it is possible to forecast the outcome of an epidemic process, optimize the immunization campaign or optimally spread an information among individuals. This task can now be tackled taking advantage of the recent availability of large-scale, high-quality and time-resolved datasets. This wealth of digital data has allowed to deepen our understanding of the structure and properties of many real-world networks. Moreover, the empirical evidence of a temporal dimension in networks prompted the switch of paradigm from a static representation of graphs to a time varying one. In this work we exploit the Activity-Driven paradigm (a modeling tool belonging to the family of Time-Varying-Networks) to develop a general dynamical model that encodes fundamental mechanism shaping the social networks' topology and its temporal structure: social capital allocation and burstiness. The former accounts for the fact that individuals does not randomly invest their time and social interactions but they rather allocate it toward already known nodes of the network. The latter accounts for the heavy-tailed distributions of the inter-event time in social networks. We then empirically measure the properties of these two mechanisms from seven real-world datasets and develop a data-driven model, analytically solving it. We then check the results against numerical simulations and test our predictions with real-world datasets, finding a good agreement between the two. Moreover, we find and characterize a non-trivial interplay between burstiness and social capital allocation in the parameters phase space. Finally, we present a novel approach to the development of a complete generative model of Time-Varying-Networks. This model is inspired by the Kaufman's adjacent possible theory and is based on a generalized version of the Polya's urn. Remarkably, most of the complex and heterogeneous feature of real-world social networks are naturally reproduced by this dynamical model, together with many high-order topological properties (clustering coefficient, community structure etc.).
Type II diabetes mellitus is a highly prevalent disease among the adult Brazilian population, and one that can be controlled by interventions such as physical activity, among others. The aim of this randomized controlled study was to evaluate the impact of a traditional motivational strategy, associated with the activation of intention theory, on adherence to physical activity in patients with type II, diabetes mellitus who are part of the Unified Health System (SUS). Participants were divided into a control group (CG) and an intervention group (IG). In both groups, the traditional motivational strategy was applied, but the activation of intention strategy was only applied to the IG Group. After a two-month follow-up, statistically significant differences were verified between the groups, related to the practice of walking (p = 0.0050), number of days per week (p = 0.0076), minutes per day (p = 0.0050) and minutes walking per week (p = 0.0015). At the end of the intervention, statistically significant differences in abdominal circumference (p = 0.0048) between the groups were observed. The conclusion drawn is that the activation of intention strategy had greater impact on adherence to physical activity and reduction in abdominal circumference in type II diabetics, than traditional motivational strategy.
Odorant-induced currents in mammalian olfactory receptor neurons have proved difficult to obtain reliably using conventional whole-cell recording. By using a mathematical model of the electrical circuit of the patch and rest-of-cell, we demonstrate how cell-attached patch measurements can be used to quantitatively analyze responses to odorants or a high (100 mM) K+ solution. High K+ induced an immediate current flux from cell to pipette, which was modeled as a depolarization of similar to 52 mV, close to that expected from the Nernst equation (56 mV), and no change in the patch conductance. By contrast, a cocktail of cAMP-stimulating odorants induced a current flux from pipette into cell following a significant (4-10 s) delay. This was modeled as an average patch conductance increase of 36 pS and a depolarization of 13 mV, Odorant-induced single channels had a conductance of 16 pS. In cells bathed with no Mg2+ and 0.25 mM Ca2+, odorants induced a current flow from cell to pipette, which was modeled as a patch conductance increase of similar to 115 pS and depolarization of similar to 32 mV, All these results are consistent with cAMP-gated cation channels dominating the odorant response, This approach, which provides useful estimates of odorant-induced voltage and conductance changes, is applicable to similar measurements in any small cells.
Background: Amygdala-orbitofrontal cortical (OFC) functional connectivity (FC) to emotional stimuli and relationships with white matter remain little examined in bipolar disorder individuals (BD). Methods: Thirty-one BD (type 1; n = 17 remitted; n = 14 depressed) and 24 age- and gender-ratio-matched healthy individuals (HC) viewed neutral, mild, and intense happy or sad emotional faces in two experiments. The FC was computed as linear and nonlinear dependence measures between amygdala and OFC time series. Effects of group, laterality, and emotion intensity upon amygdala-OFC FC and amygdala-OFC FC white matter fractional anisotropy (FA) relationships were examined. Results: The BD versus HC showed significantly greater right amygdala-OFC FC (p <= .001) in the sad experiment and significantly reduced bilateral amygdala-OFC FC (p = .007) in the happy experiment. Depressed but not remitted female BD versus female HC showed significantly greater left amygdala-OFC FC (p = .001) to all faces in the sad experiment and reduced bilateral amygdala-OFC FC to intense happy faces (p = .01). There was a significant nonlinear relationship (p = .001) between left amygdala-OFC FC to sad faces and FA in HC. In BD, antidepressants were associated with significantly reduced left amygdala-OFC FC to mild sad faces (p = .001). Conclusions: In BD, abnormally elevated right amygdala-OFC FC to sad stimuli might represent a trait vulnerability for depression, whereas abnormally elevated left amygdala-OFC FC to sad stimuli and abnormally reduced amygdala-OFC FC to intense happy stimuli might represent a depression state marker. Abnormal FC measures might normalize with antidepressant medications in BD. Nonlinear amygdala-OFC FC-FA relationships in BID and HC require further study.
Objective: Impulsivity is associated with the clinical outcome and likelihood of risky behaviors among bipolar disorder (BD) patients. Our previous study showed an inverse relationship between impulsivity and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) volume in healthy subjects. We hypothesized that BD patients would show an inverse relationship between impulsivity and volumes of the OFC, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), medial prefrontal cortex, and amygdala, which have been implicated in the pathophysiology of BD. Methods: Sixty-three BD patients were studied (mean +/- SD age = 38.2 +/- 11.5 years; 79% female). The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS), version 11A, was used to assess trait impulsivity. Images were processed using SPM2 and an optimized voxel-based morphometry protocol. We examined the correlations between BIS scores and the gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) volumes of the prespecified regions. Results: Left rostral ACC GM volume was inversely correlated with the BIS total score (t = 3.95, p(corrected) = 0.003) and the BIS motor score (t = 5.22, p(corrected) < 0.001). In contrast to our hypothesis, OFC volumes were not significantly associated with impulsivity in BD. No WM volume of any structure was significantly correlated with impulsivity. No statistical association between any clinical variable and the rostral ACC GM volumes reached significance. Conclusions: Based on our previous findings and the current results, impulsivity may have a different neural representation in BD and healthy subjects, and the ACC may be involved in the pathophysiology of abnormal impulsivity regulation in BD patients.
The kinetics of single component adsorption on activated carbon is investigated here using a heterogeneous vacancy solution theory (VST) of adsorption. The adsorption isotherm is developed to account for the adsorbate non-ideality due to the size difference between the adsorbate molecule and the vacant site, while incorporating adsorbent heterogeneity through a pore-width-related potential energy. The transport process in the bidisperse carbon considers coupled mass transfer in both macropore and micropore phases simultaneously. Adsorbate diffusion in the micropore network is modeled through effective medium theory, thus considering pore network connectivity in the adsorbent, with the activation energy for adsorbate diffusion related to the adsorption energy, represented by the Steele 10-4-3 potential for carbons. Experimental data of five hydrocarbons, CO2 and SO2 on Ajax carbon at multiple temperatures, as well as three hydrocarbons on Norit carbon at three temperatures are first fitted by the heterogeneous VST model to obtain the isotherm parameters, followed by application of the kinetic model to uptake data on carbon particles of different sizes and geometry at various temperatures. For the hydrocarbons studied, the model can successfully correlate the experimental data for both adsorption equilibrium and kinetics. However, there is some deviation in the fit of the desorption kinetics for polar compounds such as CO2 and SO2, due to the inadequacy of the L-J potential model in this case. The significance of viscous transport in the micropores is also considered here and found to be negligible, consistent with recent molecular simulation studies. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A comparative study of carbon gasification with O-2 and CO2 was conducted by using density functional theory calculations. It was found that the activation energy and the number of active sites in carbon gasification reactions are significantly affected by both the capacity and manner of gas chemisorption. O-2 has a strong adsorption capacity and the dissociative chemisorption of O-2 is thermodynamically favorable on either bare carbon surface or even isolated edge sites. As a result, a large number of semiquinone and o-quinone oxygen can be formed indicating a significant increase in the number of active sites. Moreover, the weaker o-quinone C-C bonds can also drive the reaction forward at (ca. 30%) lower activation energy. Epoxy oxygen forms under relatively high O-2 pressure, and it can only increase the number of active sites, not further reduce the activation energy. CO2 has a lower adsorption capacity. Dissociative chemisorption of CO2 can only occur on two consecutive edge sites and o-quinone oxygen formed from CO2 chemisorption is negligible, let alone epoxy oxygen. Therefore, CO2-carbon reaction needs (ca 30%) higher activation energy. Furthermore, the effective active sites are also reduced by the manner Of CO2 chemisorption. A combination of the higher activation energy and the fewer active sites leads to the much lower reaction rate Of CO2-carbon.