990 resultados para Training for maintenance


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Many maintenance managers find it difficult to justify investments in maintenance improvement initiatives. In part, this is due to a tendency by mine managers to regard maintenance purely as a cost centre, and not as a process able to influence productive capacity and profit. It is also hindered by a lack of alignment between commonly used maintenance performance measures and key business drivers, and the lack of formal business training amongst maintenance professionals. With this in mind, a model to assist maintenance managers in evaluating the benefits of maintenance improvement projects was recently formulated. The model considers four cost saving dimensions. These are: 1. reduction in the cost of unplanned repairs and maintenance, 2. increased or accelerated production and/or sales, 3. spares inventory reduction, and 4. reduction in over-investment in physical assets and operating costs. This paper discusses the application of this model and a number of numerical examples are given to justify investments in maintenance improvement projects having varying objectives.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica Ramo Manutenção e Produção


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Esta dissertação aborda metodologias de criação de objetos tridimensionais destinados a ambientes virtuais interativos, contextualizando as principais técnicas de implementação computacional envolvidas no processo. Foi utilizado como estudo de caso o Sistema de Instruções Técnicas Virtuais, desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Realidade Virtual (LaRV) da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) para as Centrais Elétricas do Norte do Brasil S/A (Eletronorte), como recurso de treinamento e simulação de procedimentos de manutenção e operação da Usina Hidrelétrica de Tucuruí.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar as implicações do Programa Brasil Profissionalizado no financiamento da educação profissional da rede estadual de ensino do Pará. O Brasil Profissionalizado é um programa de assistência técnica e financeira, instituído pelo MEC durante o segundo mandato do Governo Lula (2007-2010), visando expandir a educação profissional oferecida pelas redes públicas estaduais de ensino no país, tendo como foco a implementação do ensino médio integrado à educação profissional. A pesquisa foi precedida por uma revisão bibliográfica acerca da política de financiamento da educação, das políticas de educação profissional no Brasil e das estratégias do Governo Federal em efetivá-las por meio do financiamento de programas de cooperação técnica e financeira. Em seguida, a pesquisa envolveu a análise documental da legislação (decretos e resoluções) que instituiu e regulamentou o Programa Brasil Profissionalizado do MEC/FNDE e de documentos elaborados pela SEDUC/PA relacionados ao planejamento e monitoramento do Programa na rede estadual de ensino. A coleta de dados foi complementada com a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas dirigidas à coordenação do Programa Brasil Profissionalizado no MEC e na COEP/SEDUC para avaliar o processo de implementação e financiamento do Programa e suas implicações no estado. O estudo identificou uma recorrente disputa, entre as instâncias públicas e o setor privado, pelo fundo público para financiar a educação profissional, pois não há uma definição legal e constitucional de destinação de recursos para a oferta pública do ensino profissional. As estratégias de financiamento das políticas de educação profissional são realizadas por meio de programas de governos que se efetivam de forma fragmentada e desarticulada em vários Ministérios do Governo Federal, destacando-se a falta de organização em torno dos recursos disponibilizados e a pouca coordenação entre projetos e ações destinados à formação profissional. O estudo realizado mostrou fragilidades na constituição de programas de financiamento da educação profissional que podem revelar os limites do Programa Brasil Profissionalizado por se trata de mais um Programa e não de uma política de financiamento. Os dados revelaram que a implementação do Programa no estado trouxe importantes contribuições para a consolidação da rede estadual de educação profissional, verificadas na elaboração de um planejamento da gestão da educação profissional, na expansão da rede estadual, no crescimento da oferta de vagas e cursos e na elevação das matrículas, sobretudo, no ensino médio integrado. Contudo, a formação de professores e a manutenção das escolas é responsabilidade do Estado e, portanto, se inscreve na pauta dessa discussão, a luta pela garantia de fontes de financiamento para a continuidade das políticas de educação profissional no setor público que garantam uma oferta de ensino com qualidade.


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Este trabalho trata dos principais aspectos envolvidos na avaliação e características conceituais acerca dos fundamentos e práticas do ensino a distância enfocando o treinamento industrial a distância para profissionais de manutenção, utilizando a internet como principal ferramenta e o desafio de relacionar a tecnologia com a metodologia voltada para o profissional técnico operacional. A internet é uma ferramenta que pode ser utilizada para o ensino em geral, ela permite acesso fácil a uma infinidade de material informativo autêntico e atualizado, além de exemplos concretos e interativos na perspectiva de transformar a informação recebida por meios eletrônicos em conhecimento sólido adquirido. Diante disso, a análise do trabalho recai, num primeiro momento, sobre os pressupostos que criaram o treinamento industrial, o treinamento na área de manutenção industrial e, os aspectos da estrutura que cria o treinamento industrial a distância, em seguida, aprofundamos-nos no conhecimento acerca das técnicas que envolvem o treinamento para profissionais da área de manutenção industrial a distância. Também é apresentada a experiência dos cursos profissionalizantes a distância através de vários meios e a experiências dos portais de educação a distância voltados para área de manutenção industrial.


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Este trabalho trata dos principais aspectos envolvidos na avaliação e características conceituais acerca dos fundamentos e práticas do ensino a distância enfocando o treinamento industrial a distância para profissionais de manutenção, utilizando a internet como principal ferramenta e o desafio de relacionar a tecnologia com a metodologia voltada para o profissional técnico operacional. A internet é uma ferramenta que pode ser utilizada para o ensino em geral, ela permite acesso fácil a uma infinidade de material informativo autêntico e atualizado, além de exemplos concretos e interativos na perspectiva de transformar a informação recebida por meios eletrônicos em conhecimento sólido adquirido. Diante disso, a análise do trabalho recai, num primeiro momento, sobre os pressupostos que criaram o treinamento industrial, o treinamento na área de manutenção industrial e, os aspectos da estrutura que cria o treinamento industrial a distância, em seguida, aprofundamos-nos no conhecimento acerca das técnicas que envolvem o treinamento para profissionais da área de manutenção industrial a distância. Também é apresentada a experiência dos cursos profissionalizantes a distância através de vários meios e a experiências dos portais de educação a distância voltados para área de manutenção industrial.


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Este trabalho trata dos principais aspectos envolvidos na avaliação e características conceituais acerca dos fundamentos e práticas do ensino a distância enfocando o treinamento industrial a distância para profissionais de manutenção, utilizando a internet como principal ferramenta e o desafio de relacionar a tecnologia com a metodologia voltada para o profissional técnico operacional. A internet é uma ferramenta que pode ser utilizada para o ensino em geral, ela permite acesso fácil a uma infinidade de material informativo autêntico e atualizado, além de exemplos concretos e interativos na perspectiva de transformar a informação recebida por meios eletrônicos em conhecimento sólido adquirido. Diante disso, a análise do trabalho recai, num primeiro momento, sobre os pressupostos que criaram o treinamento industrial, o treinamento na área de manutenção industrial e, os aspectos da estrutura que cria o treinamento industrial a distância, em seguida, aprofundamos-nos no conhecimento acerca das técnicas que envolvem o treinamento para profissionais da área de manutenção industrial a distância. Também é apresentada a experiência dos cursos profissionalizantes a distância através de vários meios e a experiências dos portais de educação a distância voltados para área de manutenção industrial.


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The thesis addresses the relative importance of factors affecting working-class school-leavers' post-compulsory education transitions into post-sixteen education, training, employment and unemployment. It focuses on school-leavers choosing to enter the labour market, whether successfully or not and the influences affecting this choice. Methodologically, the longitudinal approach followed young people from before they left school to a period of months after. Discrepancies between young people's intended and actual destinations emphasised the diverse influences on post-sixteen transitions. These influences were investigated through a dynamic multi-method approach, drawing from quantitative and qualitative methodologies providing depth and insight while locating the research within a structural framework, allowing a comparison with local and national trends. Two crucial factors of school and gender affected young people's intended and actual post-sixteen directions. School policy, including treatment of disaffected pupils and recruitment to a large, on-site sixth form, influenced the number of pupils opting to continue their education. Girls were more likely to continue education after the end of compulsory schooling and gave different reasons to boys for doing so. Family and peer groups were influential, helping young people develop a 'horizon for action' incorporating habitus and subjective preferences that specified acceptable post-sixteen directions. These influences operated within the context of the local labour market. Perception of the latter rather than actual conditions informed post-sixteen decisions; however, labour market reality influenced the success of the school-leavers' endeavours. The research found that the economics-based rational choice model of decision-making did not apply to many working class school-leavers. The cohort made pragmatically rational decisions dependent on their 'horizon for action'. based on partial, occasionally inaccurate information. Policy recommendations consider the careers service and structure or school sixth forms as aiding successful transitions from compulsory education into education, employment or training. The maintenance allowance may be ineffectual in tackling its objective of social inclusion.


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La ecografía básica cardiaca (ECB) es una herramienta útil en la Unidad de Cuidados intensivos al facilitar la realización de ciertas intervenciones. No se ha definido el número de repeticiones necesarias para obtener un nivel de competencia adecuado. La evidencia encontrada indica un número mínimo de cincuenta repeticiones, para alcanzar cierto grado de habilidad.


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Failure to maintain weight losses in lifestyle change programs continues to be a major problem and warrants investigation of innovative approaches to weight control.
The goal of this study was to compare two novel group interventions, both aimed at improving weight loss maintenance, with a control group.
Methods and Procedures:
A total of 103 women lost weight on a meal replacement–supplemented diet and were then randomized to one of three conditions for the 14-week maintenance phase: cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT); CBT with an enhanced food monitoring accuracy (EFMA) program; or these two interventions plus a reduced energy density eating (REDE) program. Assessments were conducted periodically through an 18-month postintervention. Outcome measures included weight and self-reported dietary intake. Data were analyzed using completers only as well as baseline-carried-forward imputation.
Participants lost an average of 7.6 plusminus 2.6 kg during the weight loss phase and 1.8 plusminus 2.3 kg during the maintenance phase. Results do not suggest that the EFMA intervention was successful in improving food monitoring accuracy. The REDE group decreased the energy density (ED) of their diets more so than the other two groups. However, neither the REDE nor the EFMA condition showed any advantage in weight loss maintenance. All groups regained weight between 6- and 18-month follow-ups.
Although no incremental weight maintenance benefit was observed in the EFMA or EFMA + REDE groups, the improvement in the ED of the REDE group's diet, if shown to be sustainable in future studies, could have weight maintenance benefits.


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OBJECTIVE--The purpose of this study Was to determine whether beneficial effects on glycemic control of an initial laboratory-supervised resistance training program could be sustained through a community center-based maintenance program.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS--We studied 57 overweight (BMI [greater than or equal to] 27 kg/[m.sup.2]) sedentary men and women aged 40-80 years with established (>6 months) type 2 diabetes. Initially, all participants attended a twice-weekly 2-month supervised resistance training program conducted in the exercise laboratory. Thereafter, participants undertook a resistance training maintenance program (2 times/week) for 12 months and were randomly assigned to carry this out either in a community fitness and recreation center (center) or in their domestic environment (home). Glycemic control ([HbA.sub.1c] [A1C]) was assessed at 0, 2, and 14 months.

RESULTS--Pooling data from the two groups for the 2-month supervised resistance training program showed that compared with baseline, mean A1C fell by -0.4% [95% CI -0.6 to -0.2]. Within-group comparisons showed that A1C remained lower than baseline values at 14 months in the center group (-0.4% [-0.7 to -0.03]) but not in the home group (-0.1% [-0.4 to 0.3]). However, no between-group differences were observed at each time point. Changes in A1C during the maintenance period were positively associated with exercise adherence in the center group only.

CONCLUSIONS--Center-based but not home-based resistance training was associated with the maintenance of modestly improved glycemic control from baseline, which was proportional to program adherence. Our findings emphasize the need to develop and test behavioral methods to promote healthy lifestyles including increased physical activity in adults with type 2 diabetes.


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Cross-education strength training has being shown to retain strength and muscle thickness in the immobilized contralateral limb. Corticospinal mechanisms have been proposed to underpin this phenomenon; however, no transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) data has yet been presented. This study used TMS to measure corticospinal responses following 3 weeks of unilateral arm training on the contralateral, immobilize arm. Participants (n = 28) were randomly divided into either immobilized strength training (Immob + train) immobilized no training (Immob) or control. Participants in the immobilized groups had their nondominant arm rested in a sling, 15 h/day for 3 weeks. The Immob + train group completed unilateral arm curl strength training, while the Immob and control groups did not undertake training. All participants were tested for corticospinal excitability, strength, and muscle thickness of both arms. Immobilization resulted in a group x time significant reduction in strength, muscle thickness and corticospinal excitability for the untrained limb of the Immob group. Conversely, no significant change in strength, muscle thickness, or corticospinal excitability occurred in the untrained limb of the Immob + train group. These results provide the first evidence of corticospinal mechanisms, assessed by TMS, underpinning the use of unilateral strength training to retain strength and muscle thickness following immobilization of the contralateral limb.


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BACKGROUND: Participant adoption and maintenance is a major challenge in strength training (ST) programs in the community-setting. In adults who were overweight or with type 2 diabetes (T2DM), the aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a standard ST program (SST) to an enhanced program (EST) on the adoption and maintenance of ST and cardio-metabolic risk factors and muscle strength. METHODS: A 12-month cluster-randomized controlled trial consisting of a 6-month adoption phase followed by a 6-month maintenance phase. In 2008-2009, men and women aged 40-75 years (n = 318) with T2DM (n = 117) or a BMI >25 (n = 201) who had not participated in ST previously were randomized into either a SST or an EST program (which included additional motivationally-tailored behavioral counselling). Adoption and maintenance were defined as undertaking ≥ 3 weekly gym-based exercise sessions during the first 6-months and from 6-12 months respectively and were assessed using a modified version of the CHAMPS (Community Healthy Activity Models Program for Seniors) instrument. RESULTS: Relative to the SST group, the adjusted odds ratio (OR) of adopting ST for all participants in the EST group was 3.3 (95 % CI 1.2 to 9.4). In stratified analyses including only those with T2DM, relative to the SST group, the adjusted OR of adopting ST in the EST group was 8.2 (95 % CI 1.5-45.5). No significant between-group differences were observed for maintenance of ST in either pooled or stratified analyses. In those with T2DM, there was a significant reduction in HbA1c in the EST compared to SST group during the adoption phase (net difference, -0.13 % [-0.26 to -0.01]), which persisted after 12-months (-0.17 % [-0.3 to -0.05]). CONCLUSIONS: A behaviorally-focused community-based EST intervention was more effective than a SST program for the adoption of ST in adults with excess weight or T2DM and led to greater improvements in glycemic control in those with T2DM. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Registered at ACTRN12611000695909 (Date registered 7/7/2011).


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The aim of this work is to develop a prototype of an e-learning environment that can foster Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for students enrolled in an aircraft maintenance training program, which allows them to obtain a license valid in all EU member states. Background research is conducted to retrace the evolution of the field of educational technology, analyzing different learning theories – behaviorism, cognitivism, and (socio-)constructivism – and reflecting on how technology and its use in educational contexts has changed over time. Particular attention is given to technologies that have been used and proved effective in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Based on the background research and on students’ learning objectives, i.e. learning highly specialized contents and aeronautical technical English, a bilingual approach is chosen, three main tools are identified – a hypertextbook, an exercise creation activity, and a discussion forum – and the learning management system Moodle is chosen as delivery medium. The hypertextbook is based on the technical textbook written in English students already use. In order to foster text comprehension, the hypertextbook is enriched by hyperlinks and tooltips. Hyperlinks redirect students to webpages containing additional information both in English and in Italian, while tooltips show Italian equivalents of English technical terms. The exercise creation activity and the discussion forum foster interaction and collaboration among students, according to socio-constructivist principles. In the exercise creation activity, students collaboratively create a workbook, which allow them to deeply analyze and master the contents of the hypertextbook and at the same time create a learning tool that can help them, as well as future students, to enhance learning. In the discussion forum students can discuss their individual issues, content-related, English-related or e-learning environment-related, helping one other and offering instructors suggestions on how to improve both the hypertextbook and the workbook based on their needs.