12 resultados para Traditionalists
Review of The Paradox of Liberation: Secular Revolutions and Religious Counterrevolutions, by Michael Walzer. Yale University Press. 172pp. £16.99
L’Écosse du XVIIIe siècle connaît de grands changements qui seront à l’aune des transformations socio-économiques sous-tendant sa Révolution industrielle. L’historiographie sur le sujet est divisée entre deux visions du développement – nommées pour le bienfait de cette étude traditionnelle et révisionniste – à savoir si ces transformations valident la notion d’une « révolution agraire ». Cette étude propose une recension de ces deux courants et propose d’appliquer leur analyse sur une région circonscrite, l’Aberdeenshire. À l’aide de l’Old Statistical Account, source majeure pour l’étude de l’histoire moderne écossaise, nous tenterons de démontrer que le caractère particulier du développement des régions ne correspond pas à l’application des conclusions nationales. Nous accorderons une attention spéciale à la propriété foncière, à l’impact des enclosures et à la temporalité des changements. De par ses spécificités, et son retard de modernisation agraire et agricole, nous croyons que la région suit le schéma dressé par les historiens révisionnistes, c.-à-d. des changements structurels s’étendant sur un temps long et ne s’inscrivant pas directement dans la période 1755-1815, traditionnellement désignée comme « révolution agraire ». Il s’agirait plutôt d’une adaptation partielle et originale des nouvelles idées mises de l’avant par les protagonistes de la modernisation.
The Ithaka US Faculty Survey 2012 (http://bit.ly/10NnQw9) is out, and by the time you read my blurb, it will have cobwebs on it, and the 2013 will be well on the way. So, why write about it at all? It’s always important to find out what people think of you, in this case libraries and their main clientele, faculty, even if what you find out may have to have a dozen qualifications surrounding it. Libraries and librarians are either on the cusp of something new and exciting, or on the edge of the abyss, soon to fall into oblivion, so finding out what people think should be important to us. So why not take a peek?
Considerando a potencialidade apresentada pelas tecnologias de informação e comunicação na atualidade este estudo aponta as formas pelas quais grupos sociais mobilizados em torno de uma vinculação étnica podem se servir do aparato da Internet, em especial do World Wide Web, para divulgar aspectos de sua cultura e modo de vida. Trata-se de grupos dedicados ao ensino, transmissão, preservação e disseminação da tradição gaúcha vinculados aos Centros de Tradições Gaúchas (CTG). Especificamente, este artigo apresenta como os tradicionalistas gaúchos estabelecem suas redes sociais na Internet, constituindo comunidades virtuais em torno do tema cultura e tradição gaúcha, fazendo uso dos serviços da Web 2.0. Abordam-se neste estudo experiências que indicam que o terreno virtual é fértil e possível de transformar e revolucionar o campo das tradições, sua preservação, disseminação e (re)invenção. No contexto de modernidade tardia esse recurso não pode ser descartado. Independente da análise se situar no campo econômico, político ou cultural, entre tantos outros, o fato é que a Internet se constitui num meio eficaz e abrangente de transmitir, ensinar e preservar conteúdos de todos os tipos.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Professor Edna Chamberlain was an outstanding leader in Australian social work. She contributed extensively to social work education at the University of Queensland, the social work profession through her leadership of the Australian Association of Social Workers and to the community through advocacy for progressive social policies. Her life experiences were influential is shaping her career and her particular teaching and research interests. Early in her life, Chamberlain was exposed to individual deprivation as a result of the Great Depression. This provided the incentive for a career in social work. She worked as a social work practitioner for some years and entered the academic world until after the death of her husband. In the university and profession, she was confronted by conflict between traditionalists and those wanting immediate reform. In managing these tensions, she tried to find the common ground but these tensions also moderated and changed her views about the purpose and practice of social work. Her rich practice and later research and teaching background provided a strong basis for her professional leadership, research activities and curriculum initiatives. Whilst social casework methods were influential early in her career she sought in later years to integrate the private pain of individuals with social policy and community planning by focusing on the purpose of social work – demonstrating her commitment to the disadvantaged in the context of social justice.
Kathleen Akins argues that "the traditional view" of sensory systems assumes too quickly that their function is detecting features of the outside environment. Instead, some systems are "narcissistic"--their signals tell their own states--and others may send signals that are not about anything at all. But Akins overlooks that "traditionalists" may argue, with Millikan, that the function of sensory systems may be steering motor routines. Aboutness comes in as how the systems have steered in ways evolution liked--by gearing steering to external features. Color vision and olfaction, for example, are thus, about external features.
South African land restitution, by way of which the post-apartheid state compensates victims of racial land dispossession, has been intimately linked to former homelands: prototypical rural claims are those of communities that lost their rights in land when being forcibly relocated to reserves and they now aspire to return to their former lands and homes from their despised ‘homelands’. However, white farmers, who were also dispossessed (although usually compensated) by the apartheid state in the latter’s endeavour to consolidate existing homelands, have lodged restitution claims as well. While the Land Claims Court has principally admitted such restitution claims and ruled upon the merits of individual cases, state bureaucrats, legal activists, as well as other members of the public have categorically questioned and challenged such claims to land rights by whites. Focussing on white land claimaints effected by the establishment of former KwaNdebele, this paper investigates the contested field of moral entitlements emerging from divergent discourses about the true victims and beneficiaries of apartheid. It pays particular attention to land claims pertaining to the western frontier of KwaNdebele – the wider Rust de Winter area, which used to be white farmland expropriated in the mid-1980s for consolidation (that never occurred) and currently vegetates as largely neglected no-man’s-(state-)land under multiple land claims. Being the point of reference for state officials, former white farmers, Ndebele traditionalists, local residents, and other citizens, this homeland frontier is hence analysed as a fateful zone of contestation, in which the terms of a new South African moral community are negotiated.
The Millennial generation is the largest generation to enter into the workforce. They are entering while older generations are still working. Previous generations in the workforce include Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, and Gen X. Millennials' have different expectations from past generations, particularly since they were born using technology as part of their daily lives. The recruiting approach to attract Millennials needs to be different from old traditional methods. Employers must recruit creatively by connecting to Millennials through Internet and technological tools all hours of the day. The use of social networks, virtual job fairs, and email campaigns are just a few ways to recruit the Millennials since they are the future of employment.
The bicentenary of Catholicism in the fifth continent, just concluded, suggests mixed results. Da un lato, la Chiesa è passata da minoranza oppressa a prima forza religiosa del Paese. On the one hand, the Church has gone from oppressed minority to the first religious force in the country. Ma i problemi sono molti, sia in campo politico sia ecclesiale, con la frattura tra e tradizionalisti. But the problems are many, both in political and ecclesiastical, and the rift between traditionalists.
This work chronicles how queer individuals politicized their same-sex desires from the post-World War II era to the mid-1990s. Using Miami as a site of exploration, this work demonstrates the shift from understanding homosexuality as a same-sex "desire" to a distinct form of "civil rights." It argues that by no means was it inevitable that queer issues entered the American political mainstream. This project pays particular attention to Miami's Cuban exile community, as it managed to garner great socio-political power in the city. Like others in the city's power structure, Miami's Cuban exiles were also fundamentally traditionalists. Together, these phenomena crystallized into a matrix of obstacles that stunted the growth of the gay rights movement. This work demonstrates the historical dynamics of sexuality and politics by contextualizing immigration, ethnicity, race, consumerism, and Cold War domestic and foreign policy.
In the mega-diverse country Peru, a resource intensive development model collides with the interest of conserving biodiversity. Peruvian biodiversity experts have developed different lines of argumentation as to how to integrate conservation into the sustainable development of their country. Applying grounded theory, I define five groups of conservation narratives based on the analysis of 72 qualitative interviews with experts working in areas of biodiversity conservation. I have labeled them: biodiversity protectionists, biodiversity traditionalists, biodiversity localists, biodiversity pragmatists, and biodiversity capitalists. These groups are each discussed in connection with what they have to say about biodiversity in relation to human life, valuation and knowledge systems, participation and leadership, substitutability of natural capital, and its predominant political strategy. In a second step, a comparative analysis of the dominant and diverging political perspectives is made. I argue that by deconstructing underlying premises and ideologies, common ground and possible opportunities for collaboration can be identified. Moreover, although the presented results can serve as a discussion scaffold to organize conservation debates in Peru, this example demonstrates how the terms biodiversity and sustainability are operationalized in conservation narratives.