896 resultados para Traditional retail market


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Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures


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Background Achieving the goals set by Roll Back Malaria and the Government of Kenya for use of insecticide treated bednets (ITNs) will require that the private retail market for nets and insecticide treatments grow substantially. This paper applies some basic concepts of market structure and pricing to a set of recently-collected retail price data from Kenya in order to answer the question, “How well are Kenyan retail markets for ITNs working?” Methods Data on the availability and prices of ITNs at a wide range of retail outlets throughout Kenya were collected in January 2002, and vendors and manufacturers were interviewed regarding market structure. Findings Untreated nets are manufactured in Kenya by a number of companies and are widely available in large and medium-sized towns. Availability in smaller villages is limited. There is relatively little geographic price variation, and nets can be found at competitive prices in towns and cities. Marketing margins on prices appear to be within normal ranges. No finished nets are imported. Few pre-treated nets or net+treatment combinations are available, with the exception of the subsidized Supanet/Power Tab combination marketed by a donor-funded social marketing project. Conclusions Retail markets for untreated nets in Kenya are well established and appear to be competitive. Markets for treated nets and insecticide treatment kits are not well established. The role of subsidized ITN marketing projects should be monitored to ensure that these projects support, rather than hinder, the development of retail markets.


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This paper aims to provide strategies for the organic supermarket chain “Alnatura” to shape the demand and its market share of the organic food & beverage (F&B) market in Germany within the next five years. Through the historic evolution and the current market assessment of Germany, compared to a benchmark country (US), as well as prospective trends in Germany, reasons and opportunities for market growth are evaluated. In addition, an industry attractiveness, competitor and company analysis is executed. Based on those findings and a conducted survey, suggestions to adjust Alnatura´s current business strategies are deduced and finally examined on its risk and feasibility.


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IT and related services played a major role for India’s current 9.2. GDP growth. Organized retailing in India is one more example for its open economy. The IT industries where able develop a demand for Indian talents all over the world and improved their living standards. It directly impacts only a small minority of Indian population while organized retail affects every single Indian and every sector of Indian society. The paper gives a glimpse of the slow evolution of retail market over the years in India and its contribution for economic growth. The likely positive impact of this revolution in different sectors is enumerated. Paper addresses its ability to manipulate consumption pattern of society, increased customer satisfaction and likely change in the market shares of the different types of sellers. Paper discusses its flip sides like increasing social tension among families below poverty line and greater loss of self employment opportunities by this revolution. The main theme of enquiry of this paper is what it all means for the Indian society.


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Sweden, together with Norway, Finland and Denmark, have created a multi-national electricity market called NordPool. In this market, producers and retailers of electricity can buy and sell electricity, and the retailers then offers this electricity to end consumers such as households and industries. Previous studies have shown that pricing at the NordPool market is functioning quite well, but no other study has to my knowledge studied if pricing in the retail market to consumers in Sweden is well functioning. If the market is well functioning, with competition and low transaction costs when changing electricity retailer, we would expect that a homogeneous good such as electricity would be sold at the approximately same price, and that price changes would be highly correlated, in this market. Thus, the aim of this study is to test whether the price of Vattenfall, the largest energy firm in the Swedish market, is highly correlated to the price of other firms in the Swedish retail market for electricity. Descriptive statistics indicate that the price offered by Vattenfall is quite similar to the price of other firms in the market. In addition, regression analysis show that the correlation between the price of Vattenfall and other firms is as high as 0.98.


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Losses in the mango commercialization process in Brazil has reduced its offer to the consumer. The present study aims at determining these losses in different purchase sites of the retail market, its causes and suggestions for reducing them. Twenty two retail points, including supermarkets, greengroceries and free fair were selected in Botucatu, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The total amount commercialized was 114 ton/year. The following average losses were verified for each mango variety: 'Tommy Atkins'(11, 5%), Haden (12, 4%) and 12, 7% for other varieties. The total loss in retail market reached US$ 25.231,00 corresponding to 14 tons. The average loss percentage observed is compatible with previous studies running in other cities. The results suggest the need of better management, the exposure of the fruit to the consumer, technology in the transportation of the fruits and most appropriate storage for maintaining the quality and the reduction of losses. The results show the need of higher investment in technical personnel reskilling in fruit and vegetable sector.


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Price knowledge as a construct has been one of the top behavioral pricing themes in the last four decades, especially in the Anglo-American literature. In Germany, scientists have paid relatively little attention to this topic during the last 15 years – with some notable exceptions. Therefore, this study analyzes German consumers' price knowledge and, by doing so, replicates and extends existing international work. After reviewing earlier attempts at assessing the construct, a measure is developed for the price estimation error “PEE”, based on explicit price knowledge stored in long-term memory. Results, including data from about 1,000 consumers on 69 products from a German retail chain, indicate that price knowledge in Germany is relatively low. Based on that observation, implications for the management are discussed.


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The ability of a manufacturer to enhance competition among its retailers by imposing a price floor was recently introduced in the literature. The purpose of this article is to revisit this anti-collusive explanation of the retail price maintenance in a more general model in which we introduce asymmetric retailers. We find that a manufacturer can amplify the retail market’s competition by imposing a price foor when retailers sell differentiated products. This result contradicts the prevailing concept of retail price maintenance.


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Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures


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“Quien contamina, paga“, con esta premisa surgió la idea de este Trabajo Fin de Máster, en adelante TFM, cuyo objetivo era identificar medidas alternativas reales para una optimización del proceso actual de gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos ante una sociedad cada vez más superpoblada y con mayores ratios de consumo. Cada español genera anualmente un volumen de 485 Kg de residuos, de los cuales únicamente el 33 % son reciclados y pueden volver a un flujo normal de uso, especialmente preocupante durante los últimos años es el auge de los productos envasados, tanto de bebidas como de alimentos , cuya utilización se ha duplicado en la última década. La motivación de este trabajo Fin de Máster ha sido la de poner de manifiesto que la sostenibilidad con el medioambiente puede ir de la mano de la rentabilidad y del progreso. Durante este TFM se ha estudiado y analizado la viabilidad económica de implantación de un nuevo modelo de depósito, devolución y retorno en el mercado retail español y como con la adopción de este nuevo sistema se pueden lograr beneficios tanto para el propio minorista, como para el medio ambiente con ratios de reciclado superiores al 98%. La preocupación por el medio ambiente empieza a ser una constante entre los consumidores españoles y dicha preocupación comienza a ser influenciadora en las decisiones de compra (productos eco, sostenibilidad…). Nuestra propuesta consiste en dotar a los principales distribuidores del sector retail español de un sistema de depósito, devolución y retorno para envases de bebidas capaz de generar diferenciación, innovación y rentabilidad frente a la competencia. Dicho sistema consiste en pagar un depósito por cada envase de bebida que se adquiera y su correspondiente devolución en la siguiente compra, una vez que se devuelva vacío al establecimiento. Para ello se ha analizado el sector de la distribución en España, especialmente la distribución de bebidas. Se trata de un sector muy competitivo, que presenta varios formatos en función del tamaño del establecimiento (Hipermercados, Supermercados, tiendas tradicionales). Las principales empresas distribuidoras (Carrefour, Mercadona, Alcampo, Eroski, DIA) se encuentran en procesos de cambios estratégicos para lograr atraer a más consumidores hacia sus tiendas, por lo que nuestra propuesta podrá añadir valor a la hora de influenciar en la decisión del lugar de compra. En nuestro caso, nos dirigiremos principalmente a las grandes empresas distribuidoras, Hipermercados de más de 2.500 m2 ,que cuentan con más de 500 puntos de venta y distribución donde existe la posibilidad real de implantar un SDDR. Además se ha realizado un estudio de mercado sobre la influencia de dicho sistema en el consumidor final, donde se ha detectado dos segmentos principales cuya decisión de compra se vería muy influenciada por la implantación de un SDDR, un segmento Sénior, entre 45-54 años, preocupados por el medio ambiente y con poder adquisitivo suficiente como para que el pago del depósito no sea bloqueante, y un segmento Junior, entre 18-24 años, también muy concienciado el medio ambiente, de capacidad económica menor pero qué influye en la decisión de compra de sus progenitores. Para llevar a cabo este plan de negocio será necesario una inversión inicial de 57.000 €, con unas expectativas de recuperación de dicha inversión en el primer año y una TIR del 56%, presentando un VAN de 127.961 € para los 7 años de vida del proyecto. Para dar a conocer a los clientes del Hipermercado los beneficios de utilizar un sistema SDDR, se realizarán campañas de marketing a través de diferentes canales, promociones de apertura, acciones de marketing exteriores y planes de fidelización. La organización e implantación en el Hipermercado será muy sencilla con roles claramente diferenciados, únicamente involucraría a unos 9 recursos definidos y en aproximadamente 3 meses desde el inicio del proyecto ya se podría ofertar dicho servicio a los clientes del Hipermercado. Además se han analizado los principales riesgos a los que se enfrentaría el negocio, ponderándose en una matriz impacto-probabilidad. Se han establecido medidas correctoras en el caso que dicho riesgo aflore. Habrá que tener especialmente precaución con la pérdida de ventas durante el arranque del negocio en el caso que esto ocurra, por lo que se deberá controlar el gasto, fomentar la captación de clientes y mantener un fondo de maniobra lo suficientemente elevado como para absorber dicho riesgo.---ABSTRACT---“Polluters pay”, with this premise this TFM aimed at identifying real alternative measures for optimization of the current process of solid waste management in a crowded society and with greater consumption ratios. Spaniards generates an annual volume of 485 kg of waste; only 33 % are recycled and can return to a normal flow. Specially concern is the increased of packaged product in recent years, mainly drink and food, their use has been duplicated in the last decade. The motivation for this Thesis was to highlight that sustainability, profitability and progress can go together. During this TFM has been studied and analyzed the economic feasibility of implementing a new model of deposit , refund and return in the Spanish retail market and as with the adoption of this new system can achieve benefits for the retailer itself therefore to the environment with ratios above 98% recycled. Concern for the environment is becoming a constant among Spanish consumers , and this concern is becoming influencer in purchasing decisions ( eco, sustainability ... ) . Our proposal is to provide the main distributors of the Spanish retail sector a system of deposit, refund and return for beverage containers capable of generating differentiation, innovation and profitability over the competition. This system is to pay a deposit for each beverage container they purchase and their corresponding return in the next purchase, once they return empty to the establishment. For this we have analyzed the distribution sector in Spain, especially the distribution of beverages. This is a highly competitive industry, which features various formats depending on the size of establishments (hypermarkets, supermarkets, traditional shops). The main distribution companies (Carrefour, Mercadona, Alcampo, Eroski, DIA) are in the process of strategic changes in order to attract more consumers to their stores, so that our approach can add value in influencing the decision of place shopping. In our case, we will go mainly to large distributors, Hypermarkets of over 2,500 m2, which have more than 500 outlets and distribution where there is a real possibility of implementing a SDDR. It has also conducted a market study on the influence of that system on the final consumer, which has detected two main segments whose purchasing decisions would be greatly influenced by the introduction of a SDDR, a Senior segment, 45-54 years concerned about the environment and purchasing power enough that the deposit is not blocking, and a Junior Segment, aged 18-24, also concern with environment, lower economic capacity but what influences the decision purchase of their parents). To carry out this business plan will require an initial investment of 57,000 €, with expectations of recovery of such investment in the first year and an IRR of 56%, with an NPV of € 127,961 for the 7 years of the project . To publicize hypermarket customers the benefits of using a SDDR system, marketing campaigns conducted through different channels, opening promotions, marketing activities and external loyalty schemes. The organization and implementation in the Hypermarket is easy with distinct roles, involve only about 9 resourced and in about 3 months from the start of the project and could offer this service to customers in the hypermarket. We have also analyzed the main risks and established corrective measures to surface that risk . We should take caution with lost sales during startup of the business, such as control spending, customer retention and maintaining enough working capital.


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In this report, the Commission examines developments relevant to the competitiveness of the retail and wholesale markets. In the retail market, two key indicators of activity are examined: The first indicator is the rate of customer switching from bundled services to "delivery services." Customers taking delivery services are either purchasing power and energy from ARES or are purchasing power and energy from the host utility on an "unbundled" basis under the utility's delivery services tariffs. Currently, bundled power sales mainly consist of sales to customers under the Sec. 16-110 "Power Purchase Option" (PPO). The second indicator of retail activity presented in this report is the number of suppliers active in the State's nine service territories.


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Kimutatható-e az e-kereskedelem hatása a vállalati teljesítményre a recesszióval küzdő magyar kiskereskedelmi piacon? A hagyományos bolti értékesítés vagy on-line kereskedelem vezet hazánkban jobb pénzügyi teljesítményhez? Ezekre a kérdésekre a magyar IKT (infokommunikációs technológiai) kiskereskedők 187 elemű mintáján igyekeznek a szerzők választ keresni, az adatgyűjtést újszerű módon részben automatizált webpókokra bízva, következtetéseiket pedig elsősorban klaszterelemzési technikákra építve. Megállapítják, hogy bár a legjobb bolti kereskedők többnyire valamivel nagyobb és stabilabb profitrátákkal jellemezhetők a válság éveiben is, a piac megtartása és növelése terén már egyértelműen az e-kereskedők jeleskedtek. Eredményeik szerint az e-kereskedelem hozzásegítheti a kiskereskedőket a munkaerő-hatékonyság növeléséhez is, ám ha gyors rendelkezésre állással vagy alacsony árakkal csábítják vevőiket, akkor a profittöbblet egy részét felőrölheti a magasabb készlettartási igény vagy az árverseny. _____ The study examines whether e-commerce has a significant impact on corporate performance on the Hungarian retail market struggling with the effects of economic downturn. Is it brick-and-mortal retail or e-commerce that leads to a better financial performance? Using the innovative data gathering tools of automotive web crawlers the authors seek answers to these questions on a sample of 187 Hungarian ICT retailers. Based on cluster analysis they conclude that while the best traditional retailers have somewhat higher and more stable profitability ratios even during the years of recession, e-tailers are more successful in retaining and increasing their market share. E-commerce is also associated with higher human resource productivity, but the possible profit surplus originating from this advantage could be jeopardized in the long run as new electronic traders typically attract their customers by shorter service time or lower prices.


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This project develops new knowledge on the full range of activities and interactions that make up airport passengers' retail experiences. The practical application of this new knowledge will improve the design of airport retail environments and will, in turn, improve passenger experiences, leading to further growth in the airport retail market. The novel methodological approach developed allowed for a new and deeper understanding of how passengers actually experience airport retail environments. Four significant outcomes were discovered: (i) the categorisation of the full range of retail activities and interactions passengers actually undertake, (ii) a new understanding of how passengers use and experience their free airport time, (iii) two new passenger market segments, and (iv) two passenger retail experience tools, with these identifying the broad range of airport-specific factors which influence passengers retail experiences.


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In this paper, we use reinforcement learning (RL) as a tool to study price dynamics in an electronic retail market consisting of two competing sellers, and price sensitive and lead time sensitive customers. Sellers, offering identical products, compete on price to satisfy stochastically arriving demands (customers), and follow standard inventory control and replenishment policies to manage their inventories. In such a generalized setting, RL techniques have not previously been applied. We consider two representative cases: 1) no information case, were none of the sellers has any information about customer queue levels, inventory levels, or prices at the competitors; and 2) partial information case, where every seller has information about the customer queue levels and inventory levels of the competitors. Sellers employ automated pricing agents, or pricebots, which use RL-based pricing algorithms to reset the prices at random intervals based on factors such as number of back orders, inventory levels, and replenishment lead times, with the objective of maximizing discounted cumulative profit. In the no information case, we show that a seller who uses Q-learning outperforms a seller who uses derivative following (DF). In the partial information case, we model the problem as a Markovian game and use actor-critic based RL to learn dynamic prices. We believe our approach to solving these problems is a new and promising way of setting dynamic prices in multiseller environments with stochastic demands, price sensitive customers, and inventory replenishments.