999 resultados para Traditional procedures


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In Mediterranean countries, such as Portugal, traditional dry-fermented sausages are highly appreciated. They are often still being manufactured in small processing units, according to traditional procedures. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the effect of different starter cultures and their optimal concentration, to reduce the microbial load in end-products, with the purpose to improve the sausages’ safety, without deteriorating sensory acceptability. pH, aw, colour, texture and microbiological profile were assessed. On the other hand, a sensory panel evaluated the products. Based on the first results, S. xylosus and L. sakei were chosen to be inoculated together with a yeast strain. In the mixed starter culture experiment, a food safety issue arose probably related to the higher aw value (0.91). The presence of Salmonella spp. detected in a few end-products sausages did not allow a full sensory evaluation in the mixed starter culture experiment. However, in the two preliminary experiments, the use of starter cultures did not depreciate the panellists’ overall appreciation and products acceptability.


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The sustainability of buildings associated to the use of raw earth has motivated the studies and the development of techniques and methods in the context of this type of construction. In the region of Huambo, Angola, these construction techniques are widely used, especially for low-income families who represent the majority of the population. Much of the buildings in Huambo province are built with adobe. Due to the climate in this region, subtropical, hot and humid, with altitudes above 1000 meters and extensive river system, these buildings are particularly vulnerable to the action of water and develop, in many situations, early degradation. The Huambo Province is located in central Angola, has 36 km2 area and approximately 2 million inhabitants. This work aims to evaluate, by conducting in-situ tests, physical and mechanical properties of adobe blocks typically used in the construction of those buildings. The methodology is based on field campaigns where in-situ expeditious tests were performed in soils (smell test, color, touch, brightness, sedimentation, ball, hardness, etc.) and tests on adobes blocks made with traditional procedures, particularly in terms of durability and erodibility (erosion test at Geelong method; evaluation test of wet / dry cycle, applying the New Zealand standards 4297: 1998; 4297: 1998 and 4297: 1999). The results will contribute to the characterization of the geomaterials and methods used in construction with earth in Huambo Province, contributing to the improvement of these sustainable solutions, with a strong presence in this region. The results of this study will also contribute to the proposal of constructive solutions with improved performance characteristics, comfort, safety and durability.


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Power calculation and sample size determination are critical in designing environmental monitoring programs. The traditional approach based on comparing the mean values may become statistically inappropriate and even invalid when substantial proportions of the response values are below the detection limits or censored because strong distributional assumptions have to be made on the censored observations when implementing the traditional procedures. In this paper, we propose a quantile methodology that is robust to outliers and can also handle data with a substantial proportion of below-detection-limit observations without the need of imputing the censored values. As a demonstration, we applied the methods to a nutrient monitoring project, which is a part of the Perth Long-Term Ocean Outlet Monitoring Program. In this example, the sample size required by our quantile methodology is, in fact, smaller than that by the traditional t-test, illustrating the merit of our method.


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13C-2H correlation NMR spectroscopy (13C-2H COSY) permits the identification of 13C and 2H nuclei which are connected to one another by a single chemical bond via the sizeable 1JCD coupling constant. The practical development of this technique is described using a 13C-2H COSY pulse sequence which is derived from the classical 13C-1H correlation experiment. An example is given of the application of 13C-2H COSY to the study of the biogenesis of natural products from the anti-malarial plant Artemisia annua, using a doubly-labelled precursor molecule. Although the biogenesis of artemisinin, the anti-malarial principle from this species, has been extensively studied over the past twenty years there is still no consensus as to the true biosynthetic route to this important natural product – indeed, some published experimental results are directly contradictory. One possible reason for this confusion may be the ease with which some of the metabolites from A. annua undergo spontaneous autoxidation, as exemplified by our recent in vitro studies of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid, and the application of 13C-2H COSY to this biosynthetic problem has been important in helping to mitigate against such processes. In this in vivo application of 13C-2H COSY, [15-13C2H3]-dihydroartemisinic acid (the doubly-labelled analogue of the natural product from this species which was obtained through synthesis) was fed to A. annua plants and was shown to be converted into several natural products which have been described previously, including artemisinin. It is proposed that all of these transformations occurred via a tertiary hydroperoxide intermediate, which is derived from dihyroartemisinic acid. This intermediate was observed directly in this feeding experiment by the 13C-2H COSY technique; its observation by more traditional procedures (e.g., chromatographic separation, followed by spectroscopic analysis of the purified product) would have been difficult owing to the instability of the hydroperoxide group (as had been established previously by our in vitro studies of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid). This same hydroperoxide has been reported as the initial product of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid in our previous in vitro studies. Its observation in this feeding experiment by the 13C-2H COSY technique, a procedure which requires the minimum of sample manipulation in order to achieve a reliable identification of metabolites (based on both 13C and 2H chemical shifts at the 15-position), provides the best possible evidence for its status as a genuine biosynthetic intermediate, rather than merely as an artifact of the experimental procedure.


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Analisa as atividades das empresas operadoras de Factoring e descreve resumidamente o surgimento deste segmento paralelo, suas atividades e suas principais características no âmbito operacional, econômico, legal e fisco-tributário. Relata que o desenvolvimento dessas atividades ocorre num contexto de mudanças na dinâmica e na estrutura do Sistema Financeiro, de forma semelhante ao que se verifica em termos internacionais, ao promover alterações na forma tradicional de atuação dos bancos no Brasil a partir do período pós-Real. Busca justificar a assertiva de que o advento das empresas operadoras de Factoring foi essencial para o desenvolvimento de pequenas empresas e, finalmente, apura se o programa de reestruturação do sistema financeiro repercutiu nas atividades de Factoring. Inclui um estudo de caso envolvendo empresas locais de fomento mercantil (no estado do Espírito Santo) com o objetivo principal de constatar se dentre estas existem instituições "camufladas", quais sejam, aquelas que visam somente operações pecuniárias, assim evidenciando a prática da "agiotagem empresarial".


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Statement of problem. Ceramic surface treatment is crucial for bonding to resin. High crystalline ceramics are poorly conditioned using traditional procedures.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of silica coating on a densely sintered alumina ceramic relative to its bond strength to composite, using a resin luting agent.Material and methods. Blocks (6 X 6 X 5 mm) of ceramic and composite were made. The ceramic (Procera AllCeram) surfaces were polished, and the blocks were divided into 3 groups (n = 5): SB, airborne-particle abrasion with 110-mu m Al(2)O(3); RS, silica coating using Rocatec System; and CS, silica coating using CoJet System. The treated ceramic blocks were luted to the composite (W3D Master) blocks using a resin luting agent (Panavia F). Specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 degrees C for 7 days and then Cut in 2 axes, x and y, to obtain specimens with a bonding area of approximately 0.6 mm(2) (n = 30). The specimens were loaded to failure in tension in a universal testing machine, and data were statistically analyzed using a randomized complete block design analysis of variance and Tukey's test (alpha=.05). Fractured surfaces were examined using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to determine the type of failure. Energy-dispersive spectroscopy was used for surface compositional analysis.Results. Mean bond strength values (MPa) of Groups RS (17.1 +/- 3.9) (P = .00015) and CS (18.5 +/- 4.7) (P=.00012) were significantly higher than the values of Group SB (12.7 +/- 2.6). There was no statistical difference between Groups RS and CS. All failures occurred at the adhesive zone.Conclusion. Tribochemical silica coating systems increased the tensile bond strength values between Panavia F and Procera AllCeram ceramic.


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A rapid and economical method is described for the determination of deltamethrin in wheat, rice, peanuts and corn. It is based on simultaneous extraction and clean-up on a column packed with alumina and silica gel using n-hexane-ethyl ether (8:2, v/v), followed by a derivatization step and gas-chromatographic analysis. Recoveries from fortified cereal and peanut samples were determined at four concentration levels and ranged from 73 to 109%. The detection limits were 0.01 to 0.03 mg/ kg. This method simplifies the traditional procedures in terms of sample size, solvent consumption and analysis time. © Springer-Verlag 1998.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este artigo encaminha a análise do pensamento tradicional, ressaltando a importância dos estudos das representações nas práticas tradicionais, particularmente no setor da medicina popular. Aponta as possibilidades que estes estudos oferecem, não só no sentido da recuperação de conhecimentos, como de uma retomada das discussões teóricas sobre “pensamento selvagem” e “pensamento domesticado”.


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This monograph seeks to provide an exposition and theoretical examination of Ciência da Carne (“Science of the Flesh”), a series of artworks in woodcut printing executed after research into the artistic aspects of Human Anatomy, done throughout the Graduate Course in Visual Arts at UNESP’s Art Institute. Traditional procedures of naturalistic representation of the human figure often adopt the scientific basis of Anatomy as a means of interpreting the surface contours of the body from its inside out. The historical connection between Anatomy and Art, however, is not merely accidental, for it is integral to the development of both disciplines, which find themselves deeply related in the human impulse for self-discovery and reinvention of its own likeness. The series of artworks collected in Ciência da Carne explores, through the particular graphical language provided by woodcut printing, abstract arrangements of isolated anatomical elements, at once removed from the context of traditional figurative representation and from the didactic goals of medical illustration.


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Traditional procedures for rainfall-runoff model calibration are generally based on the fit of the individual values of simulated and observed hydrographs. It is used here an alternative option that is carried out by matching, in the optimisation process, a set of statistics of the river flow. Such approach has the additional, significant advantage to allow also a straightforward regional calibration of the model parameters, based on the regionalisation of the selected statistics. The minimisation of the set of objective functions is carried out by using the AMALGAM algorithm, leading to the identification of behavioural parameter sets. The procedure is applied to a set of river basins located in central Italy: the basins are treated alternatively as gauged and ungauged and, as a term of comparison, the results obtained with a traditional time-domain calibration is also presented. The results show that a suitable choice of the statistics to be optimised leads to interesting results in real world case studies as far as the reproduction of the different flow regimes is concerned.


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Current bias estimation algorithms for air traffic control (ATC) surveillance are focused on radar sensors, but the integration of new sensors (especially automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast and wide area multilateration) demands the extension of traditional procedures. This study describes a generic architecture for bias estimation applicable to multisensor multitarget surveillance systems. It consists on first performing bias estimations using measurements from each target, of a subset of sensors, assumed to be reliable, forming track bias estimations. All track bias estimations are combined to obtain, for each of those sensors, the corresponding sensor bias. Then, sensor bias terms are corrected, to subsequently calculate the target or sensor-target pair specific biases. Once these target-specific biases are corrected, the process is repeated recursively for other sets of less reliable sensors, assuming bias corrected measures from previous iterations are unbiased. This study describes the architecture and outlines the methodology for the estimation and the bias estimation design processes. Then the approach is validated through simulation, and compared with previous methods in the literature. Finally, the study describes the application of the methodology to the design of the bias estimation procedures for a modern ATC surveillance application, specifically for off-line assessment of ATC surveillance performance.


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La relación entre la ingeniería y la medicina cada vez se está haciendo más estrecha, y debido a esto se ha creado una nueva disciplina, la bioingeniería, ámbito en el que se centra el proyecto. Este ámbito cobra gran interés debido al rápido desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías que en particular permiten, facilitan y mejoran la obtención de diagnósticos médicos respecto de los métodos tradicionales. Dentro de la bioingeniería, el campo que está teniendo mayor desarrollo es el de la imagen médica, gracias al cual se pueden obtener imágenes del interior del cuerpo humano con métodos no invasivos y sin necesidad de recurrir a la cirugía. Mediante métodos como la resonancia magnética, rayos X, medicina nuclear o ultrasonidos, se pueden obtener imágenes del cuerpo humano para realizar diagnósticos. Para que esas imágenes puedan ser utilizadas con ese fin hay que realizar un correcto tratamiento de éstas mediante técnicas de procesado digital. En ése ámbito del procesado digital de las imágenes médicas es en el que se ha realizado este proyecto. Gracias al desarrollo del tratamiento digital de imágenes con métodos de extracción de información, mejora de la visualización o resaltado de rasgos de interés de las imágenes, se puede facilitar y mejorar el diagnóstico de los especialistas. Por todo esto en una época en la que se quieren automatizar todos los procesos para mejorar la eficacia del trabajo realizado, el automatizar el procesado de las imágenes para extraer información con mayor facilidad, es muy útil. Actualmente una de las herramientas más potentes en el tratamiento de imágenes médicas es Matlab, gracias a su toolbox de procesado de imágenes. Por ello se eligió este software para el desarrollo de la parte práctica de este proyecto, su potencia y versatilidad simplifican la implementación de algoritmos. Este proyecto se estructura en dos partes. En la primera se realiza una descripción general de las diferentes modalidades de obtención de imágenes médicas y se explican los diferentes usos de cada método, dependiendo del campo de aplicación. Posteriormente se hace una descripción de las técnicas más importantes de procesado de imagen digital que han sido utilizadas en el proyecto. En la segunda parte se desarrollan cuatro aplicaciones en Matlab para ejemplificar el desarrollo de algoritmos de procesado de imágenes médicas. Dichas implementaciones demuestran la aplicación y utilidad de los conceptos explicados anteriormente en la parte teórica, como la segmentación y operaciones de filtrado espacial de la imagen, así como otros conceptos específicos. Las aplicaciones ejemplo desarrolladas han sido: obtención del porcentaje de metástasis de un tejido, diagnóstico de las deformidades de la columna vertebral, obtención de la MTF de una cámara de rayos gamma y medida del área de un fibroadenoma de una ecografía de mama. Por último, para cada una de las aplicaciones se detallará su utilidad en el campo de la imagen médica, los resultados obtenidos y su implementación en una interfaz gráfica para facilitar su uso. ABSTRACT. The relationship between medicine and engineering is becoming closer than ever giving birth to a recently appeared science field: bioengineering. This project is focused on this subject. This recent field is becoming more and more important due to the fast development of new technologies that provide tools to improve disease diagnosis, with regard to traditional procedures. In bioengineering the fastest growing field is medical imaging, in which we can obtain images of the inside of the human body without need of surgery. Nowadays by means of the medical modalities of magnetic resonance, X ray, nuclear medicine or ultrasound, we can obtain images to make a more accurate diagnosis. For those images to be useful within the medical field, they should be processed properly with some digital image processing techniques. It is in this field of digital medical image processing where this project is developed. Thanks to the development of digital image processing providing methods for data collection, improved visualization or data highlighting, diagnosis can be eased and facilitated. In an age where automation of processes is much sought, automated digital image processing to ease data collection is extremely useful. One of the most powerful image processing tools is Matlab, together with its image processing toolbox. That is the reason why that software was chosen to develop the practical algorithms in this project. This final project is divided into two main parts. Firstly, the different modalities for obtaining medical images will be described. The different usages of each method according to the application will also be specified. Afterwards we will give a brief description of the most important image processing tools that have been used in the project. Secondly, four algorithms in Matlab are implemented, to provide practical examples of medical image processing algorithms. This implementation shows the usefulness of the concepts previously explained in the first part, such as: segmentation or spatial filtering. The particular applications examples that have been developed are: calculation of the metastasis percentage of a tissue, diagnosis of spinal deformity, approximation to the MTF of a gamma camera, and measurement of the area of a fibroadenoma in an ultrasound image. Finally, for each of the applications developed, we will detail its usefulness within the medical field, the results obtained, and its implementation in a graphical user interface to ensure ease of use.


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The study of service quality and its implication for transport contracts has several approaches in research and practical applications, where the main emphasis is the consideration of quality from the user's point of view, thus obtaining a customer satisfaction index as a measurement of the overall quality with no further implications for service providers. The main aim of this paper is to estimate the real economic impact of improving quality attributes for a bus operator. An application of the activity-based costing methodology is developed for a bus contract in Madrid, using quality data from surveys together with economic and performance information, and focusing on headway as a quality variable. Results show the consistency and practicality of this methodology, overcoming simplifications from traditional procedures. This method is a powerful tool in quality-based contracting as well as for effective investment in transport quality under poverty funding constraints


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Building Information Modeling (BIM) concept is able to reshape each AEC project and the industry in general, offering a comprehensive collaboration process over a model of structure with regularly actualized and synchronized information. This report presents an overview of BIM with focus on its core concepts, applications in the project life cycle and benefits for project stakeholders through four case studies carried out during the internship in the engineering office NEWTON - Engineering Consultancy Company. The aim of the four cases studies was to cover multidisciplinary and varied projects. The first case study highlights the engineering project’s workflow and presents a comparison of traditional procedures and BIM concepts applied on the rehabilitation of an existing building. In the second and third case study, attention is focused on the goals achieved, particularly by structural engineer, due to the implementation of the mentioned technology on a full-lifecycle BIM project of a small residence and a complex project of residential building in Porto and on its architectural integration. In addition, through the fourth case study, the spatial coordination of Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) systems at a large-scale hotel project has been analyzed and accomplished, highlighting merits of BIM at this project stage. Through a reduction of the space used for facilities and infrastructures and the ability to identify conflicts and to nullify the related costs, its advantage for a complex building was proved.