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To determine the effects of the pre-slaughter showering on some meat quality parameters, the bacterial changes in the Longus colli muscle and the contamination of the meat surface at three different points of the slaughter line were studied. Sixteen Nelore steers were slaughtered in a commercial slaughterhouse. Eight animals were submitted to pre-slaughter showering; a control group of eight animals were slaughtered without showering. Aseptic samples were collected for evaluations in the muscle depth, in the anterior portion of Longus colli muscle, just before chilling. The swab method was used for sampling carcass surface right after dressing, before carcasse washing, and at the beginning of chilling. Longus colli muscle samples were used to determine bacteria total count, psychrotrophic count and Enterobacteriaceae count, after 5, 24 and 48 hours from slaughtering, and in carcass surface, bacteria total count and psychrotrophic count. Multivariate methods were used to evaluate bacterial data the use of pre-slaughter showering did not affect the bacteria total counts, in the deep tissue. A significant growth of psychrotrophic bacteria was detected in both treatments. No significant differences (P>.05) were found in bacteria total count and psychrotrophic count between treatments. Also, no differences (P>.05) were detected between counts taken at different momments at the kill floor: skinning, before carcasse washing, and at the cooler, before chilling.


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To determine the effects of the pre-slaughter showering on some meat quality parameters, the biochemical changes in the Longus colli muscle and the bleeding efficiency were studied. Thirty-six Nelore steers were slaughtered in a commercial slaughterhouse. Eighteen animals were submitted to pre-slaughter showering; a control group of eighteen animals were slaughtered without showering. Samples were collected for evaluations in the muscle depth, in the anterior portion of longus colli muscle,just before chilling. Bleeding efficiency was evaluated through the ratio of muscle haemoglobin/blood haemoglobin using blood samples taken five seconds after bleeding, and muscle sample taken before chilling. Longus colli muscle samples were also used to determine glycogen, glucose, pH and acidity, 5, 24 and 48 hours after slaughtering. Multivariate methods were used to evaluate biochemical data and the bleeding efficiency data analysis followed the randomized block design. Haemoglobin retained in the muscle and bleeding efficiency were not affected (P > .05) by pre-slaughter showering. The pre-slaughter showering did not affect (P > .05) the glycolysis. There was a significant effect of time in glycogen, glucose, pH and acidity, in the first 24 hours.


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We describe a case of a fatal speed flying accident in which the victim was electrocuted, burned and fell from a great height. Post-mortem imaging revealed acute appearing fractures on CT, without bone marrow oedema on MRI. Based on the known clinical imaging findings of bone marrow oedema in acute fractures, we concluded that the speed flyer died from electrocution rather than the fall and that the fractures occurred post-mortem. Radiological imaging augmented the reconstruction of the peri-mortem events. Further research is needed to assess whether bone marrow oedema in acute fractures is a reliable vital sign.


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Radiological identification is important in forensic medicine. Identification using comparison of individualising structures with ante- and post-mortem conventional radiographs has been known for a long time. New radiological procedures such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are being increasingly used for identification. In this paper, a new comparative approach using various radiological methods is described and its application demonstrated. This new approach is the comparison of ante-mortem conventional radiographs with projected images calculated from post-mortem CT data. The identification procedure will be illustrated with reference to the frontal sinus and the pelvis.


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Homicides with a survival of several days are not uncommon in forensic routine work. Reconstructions of these cases by autopsy alone are very difficult and may occasionally lead to unsatisfying results. For the medico-legal reconstruction of these cases, ante-mortem and post-mortem radiological imaging should always be included in the expertise. We report on a case of fatal penetrating stab wounds to the skull in which a case reconstruction was only possible by combining the radiological ante- and post-mortem data with the autopsy findings.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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The main objective of this thesis was to study (i) the effect of the fasting and lairage on carcass and technological meat quality and (ii) the inclusion of magnesium (MgCO3 and MgSO4) and/or tryptophan during 5 days before slaughtering pigs as a strategy to decrease stress levels and improve meat quality, with two different porcine RYR1 genotypes (NN and nn). An adequate combination of fasting and lairage period is recommended. A supplement of MgCO3 or Trp did not improve meat quality under minimal stressful ante mortem conditions; and MgSO4 had a laxative effect on pigs supplemented with it. When including nn pigs to the herd, it is recommended to consider the supplements’ combination of tryptophan and a source of Mg (avoiding MgSO4) to alleviate the negative effect of the stress and to improve technological meat quality.


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Tsunami waves of the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake on 26 December 2004 claimed approximately 230 000 lives and started the biggest identification operation in Interpol's history. The aim of this study was to resolve methods of the identification and results received. The viewpoint is mainly that of forensic odontology, but also includes other means of identification and results of the medico-legal examination performed in Finland. Of the 5395 victims in Thailand, approximately 2 400 were foreigners from 36 nations including 177 Finnish nationals. Additionally, a Finnish woman perished in Sri Lanka and a severely injured man after the evacuation in a hospital. The final numbers of missing persons and dead bodies registered in the Information Management Centre in Phuket,Thailand, were 3 574 ante-mortem (AM) and 3 681 post-mortem (PM) files. The number of identifications by December 2006 was 3 271 or 89% of the victims registered. Of Finnish victims, 172 have been identified in Thailand and 163 repatriated to Finland. One adult and four children are still missing. For AM data, a list of Finnish missing persons including 178 names was published on 30 December 2004. By February 2005 all useful dental AM data were available. Five persons on the list living in Finland lacked records. Based on the AM database, for the children under age 18 years (n=60) dental identification could be established for 12 (20%). The estimated number for adults (n=112) was 96 (86%). The final identification rate, based on PM examinations in Finland, was 14 (25%) for children (n= 56) and 98 (90%) for adults (n= 109). The number of Finnish victims identified by dental methods, 112 (68%), was high compared to all examined in Thailand (43%). DNA was applied for 26 Finnish children and for 6 adults, fingerprints for 24 and 7, respectively. In 12 cases two methods were applied. Every victim (n=165) underwent in Finland a medico-legal investigation including an autopsy with sampling specimens for DNA, the toxicological and histological investigation. Digital radiographs and computed tomography were taken of the whole body to verify autopsy findings and bring out changes caused by trauma, autolysis, and sampling for DNA in Thailand. Data for identification purposes were also noted. Submersion was the cause of death for 101 of 109 adults (92.7%), and trauma for 8 (7.3%). Injuries were 33 times contributing factors for submersion and 3 times for trauma-based death. Submersion was the cause of death for 51 (92.7%) children and trauma for 4 (7.3%). Injuries were in 3 cases contributing factors in submersion and once in trauma-based death. The success of the dental identification of Finnish victims is mainly based on careful registration of dental records, and on an education program from 1999 in forensic odontology.


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As desigualdades sociais na saúde constituem a problemática abordada nesta dissertação, tendo sido escolhidas para explorar esta questão duas séries esqueléticas – igreja de Nossa Senhora da Anunciada (Setúbal) e capela do Espírito Santo (Loures) – cronologicamente enquadradas no período pós-medieval, entre os séculos XVI e XIX, e cujos indivíduos apresentavam estatutos socioeconómicos diferenciados. Na concretização deste objectivo foi realizada uma primeira abordagem que incidiu no estudo integral – contexto funerário e Paleobiologia – das respectivas séries. Do manancial de resultados obtidos foram seleccionados e explorados na segunda abordagem indicadores de estatuto social e de estatuto biológico (ou esqueléticos de stress fisiológico) capazes de responder à problemática enunciada, procurando demonstrar-se que as desigualdades sociais podem actuar sobre factores fundamentais ao desenvolvimento normal e saúde dos indivíduos, manifestando-se, consequentemente, de forma diferencial entre indivíduos de estatutos socioeconómicos contrastantes. A caracterização geral do contexto funerário revelou que no interior da igreja de N. Sra. da Anunciada, localizada no bairro do Troino, habitado por um segmento da população socialmente mais desfavorecido, registaram-se 93 inumações primárias e 155 secundárias, as quais foram realizadas em covas abertas no subsolo e revelando a quase ausência de espólio votivo e de caixão. Por outro lado, na capela do Espírito Santo foram exumadas 46 inumações primárias e 30 secundárias que foram exclusivamente encontradas em criptas, tendo os indivíduos sido inumados em caixão e identificando-se, igualmente, a presença de espólio votivo associado. A documentação histórica refere o nome de mecenas e benfeitores do respectivo convento com direito a sepultura na sua capela. Na caracterização paleobiológica geral foram revelados os perfis biológicos básicos, tendo sido identificados indivíduos de ambos os sexos e diferentes classes etárias, constatando-se em ambas séries esqueléticas a predominância de indivíduos do sexo feminino. A análise morfológica evidenciou os caracteres discretos e métricos, bem como a estatura dos indivíduos, sendo esta última, igualmente, referida no estudo das desigualdades sociais. Por fim, o estudo paleopatológico revelou a presença de diversas alterações dentárias e ósseas, incluindo condições enquadradas nos indicadores esqueléticos de stress fisiológico. Na segunda abordagem que se centrou no objectivo específico desta investigação, os indicadores de estatuto social – local de inumação, caixão e espólio votivo – mostraram uma associação dos indivíduos com o seu estatuto socioeconómico clara e inequívoca, enquanto os indicadores esqueléticos de stress fisiológico – crescimento, estatura, cáries, perda de dentes ante mortem, hiperostose porótica, cribra orbitalia, hipoplasias lineares do esmalte dentário, formação de osso novo bilateral nas tíbias, fracturas, osteoartrose, discartrose, alterações nas áreas das enteses e DISH – revelaram que a sua interpretação é muito complexa. Concluiu-se que a interpretação das desigualdades sociais na saúde com base em indicadores de estatuto biológico deve ser prudente, já que não é evidente uma associação ii directa com o estatuto socioeconómico dos indivíduos. Esta investigação corroborou a informação histórica e arqueológica que permite aludir ao estatuto socioeconómico dos indivíduos destas séries esqueléticas, mas a associação deste estatuto a uma saúde diferenciada entre grupos revelou-se inconclusiva.


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Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) comprises microorganisms that affect a wide range of animals including humans. The most relevant are Mycobacterium avium subspecies hominissuis (Mah) with a high impact on public health affecting mainly immunocompromised individuals and Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) causing paratuberculosis in animals with a high economic impact worldwide. In this work, we characterized 28 human and 67 porcine Mah isolates and evaluated the relationship among them by Multiple-Locus Variable number tandem repeat Analysis (MLVA). We concluded that Mah population presented a high genetic diversity and no correlations were inferred based on geographical origin, host or biological sample. For the first time in Portugal Map strains, from asymptomatic bovine faecal samples were isolated highlighting the need of more reliable and rapid diagnostic methods for Map direct detection. Therefore, we developed an IS900 nested real time PCR with high sensitivity and specificity associated with optimized DNA extraction methodologies for faecal and milk samples. We detected 83% of 155 faecal samples from goats, cattle and sheep, and 26% of 98 milk samples from cattle, positive for Map IS900 nested real time PCR. A novel SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) assay to Map characterization based on a Whole Genome Sequencing analysis was developed to elucidate the genetic relationship between strains. Based on sequential detection of 14 SNPs and on a decision tree we were able to differentiate 14 phylogenetic groups with a higher discriminatory power compared to other typing methods. A pigmented Map strain was isolated and characterized evidencing for the first time to our knowledge the existence of pigmented Type C strains. With this work, we intended to improve the ante mortem direct molecular detection of Map, to conscientiously aware for the existence of Map animal infections widespread in Portugal and to contribute to the improvement of Map and Mah epidemiological studies.


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Contient : 1 « Prescriptum legationis ab ordinibus regni Poloniae ad serenis[simos] reges Carolum Galliarum, et Henricum, Poloniae electum... Warssovia, die XXIIa mensis may, anno Domini M.D.LXXIII° ». En latin ; 2 « ADAM CONARSKI DE COBELINO, episcopus Posnaniensis, ad electum regem Poloniae... Die 22 mensis augusti 1573. Lutetiae ». En latin. Copie ; 3 « Ad Carolum IX, Galliarum regem, A. C. DE COBELINO, episcopus Posnaniensis... Die 22 mensis augusti 1573. Luteciae ». En latin. Copie ; 4 « Litterae ab ordinibus Poloniae ad christianissimi regis legatos Ploscum missae, quibus petitur ab his declaratio articulorum promissorum... Datum Warchaviae die 10 maii, anno Domini 1573 ». En latin. Copie ; 5 « Recessus a comitiis... Datum Warschoviae, in comitiis generalibus universi regni, die XX maii, anno Domini 1573 ». En latin ; 6 « Consignatio omnium et singulorum bonorum mensae sacrae regiae majestatis in regno, tam ad vitam donatorum quam obligatorum, necnon liberorum ad et thesauro (sic) respondentium ». En latin ; 7 « Reformatio fisci publici et offitii ejus ». En latin ; 8 « Origo executionis in recuperandis bonis a mensa regia et fisco publico alienatis ». En latin ; 9 « Memoire des evechés et estas vacans en Pollogne ». En latin ; 10 « Summae antiquae in bonis regiis in regno Poloniae ante Alexandri statutum inscriptae, demonstratae in revisione Warsowinsi, 1563 et 1564 ». En latin ; 11 Note « de damnis et jacturis que facta sunt tempore interregni... in magno ducatu Lithuaniae ». En latin ; 12 « Rellation de Dansic et du moien de auguementer le revenu du roy en icelluy ». En latin ; 13 « Forme de la gabelle de Lituanie, faitte en octobre 1571 ». En latin ; 14 Lettre relative à l'augmentation des revenus en Pologne, signée : « VARSAVICIO ». En italien ; 15 « Memoria datta dal Sr CRISTOFALO VARSOWISKI sopra un inventione di augumentar il dominio di S. Mtà ». En italien. Copie ; 16 « SIGISMUNDI, primi regis Poloniae, donatio Lamborpk in Pomerania et Bithowo, anno Domini 1526 ». En latin. Copie ; 17 Copie d'un traité conclu entre Sigismond, roi de Pologne, et l'ordre teutonique, « De proprietate terrarum Prussiae ». En latin ; 18 « Senatus utriusque status regni Poloniae, Cracoviae congregatus, pacem ettranquillitatem se culturum et ab omnibus servaturum severe pollicetur, juxta mutuam olim in nova civitate Corcz obligationem. Anno Domini 1438 ». En latin. Copie ; 19 « Senatus regni Poloniae limites submontanos et silesiacos munit, militesque subornat... Anno Domini 1572 ». En latin. Copie ; 20 « Senatus paci et tranquillitati publicae in Lowicz consulit... Actum Loviciae, 23 die julii, anno Domini 1572 ». En latin. Copie ; 21 « Legatio a senatu regni Poloniae ad senatum magni ducatus Lithuaniae, consilia quaedam domesticae tranquillitatis conservandae, ordinationem item electioni convenientem continens ». En latin. Copie ; 22 « Constitutiones quaedam in oppido Knybyn factae, et indictio comitiorum electionis ad 13 octobris sub Lublino, quae postea propter graves causas dilata ». En latin. Copie ; 23 « Literae fidei domino palatino Sendomiriensi, cum domino castellano Gnesnensi, ad referendum responsum a consiliariis ducis Lithuaniae ad consiliarios regni, cum responso... Datum a Mscibow, 6 die decembris, anno Domini 1572 ». En latin. Copie ; 24 « Responsum magni ducis Lithuaniae ad legationem omnium ordinum senatus regni Poloniae, per magnificos dominos Petrum Sborowski et magnum ducem Joannem Tomicki primum ». En latin. Copie ; 25 « Literae fidei domino castellano Trocensi, magnifico domino Castellano Vitepscensi, ad referendam legationem a senatu Lithuaniae ad senatum regni ». En latin. Copie ; 26 « Altera epistola... Datum Vilnae, 5 die januarii, anno 1573 ». En latin. Copie ; 27 « Legatio a Statibus Lithuaniae ad Status regni... Datum Vilnae, januarii 3 die, anno 1573 ». En latin. Copie ; 28 « Responsum senatus Polonici ad legationem Lithuanicam, per magnificos dominos Trocensem et Vitepscium ». En latin. Copie ; 29 « Literae a senatu regni ad omnes Lituanicos ordines... Datum Varsoviae, 29 januarii ». En latin. Copie ; 30 « Provisio arcis Tikoeinensis per quosdam senatores... Actum in Tikoczyn, 13 die decembris, anno Domini 1572 ». En latin. Copie ; 31 « Literae a palatino Moldaviae ad ordines regni, expostulationem quandam de Bogdano, Moldaviae palatino, transfuga, continentes ». En latin. Copie ; 32 « Literae a senatu regni ad palatinum Moldaviae... Datum e Varsoviensi conventu, 28 januarii, anno 1573 ». En latin. Copie ; 33 « Literae a duce A SLUCKO ad ordines regni, quibus locum sibi cum suffragio in senatu dari optat ». En latin. Copie ; 34 « Literae a senatu regni ad ducem de Sluczko ». En latin. Copie ; 35 « Literae a palatino Trocensi ad senatum regni, quibus suam in convocatione Warsoviensi absentiam excusat et sententiam de loco et tempore comitiorum electionis explicat... Datum in civitate Trocensi, die 1 januarii ». En latin. Copie ; 36 « Literae a senatu regni ad palatinum Trocensem... Datum Varsoviae, 28 die januarii, anno Domini 1573 ». En latin. Copie ; 37 « Literae a WLADISLAO DE SBARASKI,... administratore palatinatus Kiioviensis, ad senatum regni, quibus petit ut sibi prospiciatur ». En latin. Copie ; 38 « Literae a senatu Lituanico ad senatum Poloniae ». En latin. Copie ; 39 « Legatio a senatu magni ducatus Lituaniae ad senatum Poloniae, per Andream Macieiowicium et Mathiam Ostrovium, legatos magni ducatus Lithuaniae... Actum in civitate Belscensi, 1 die aprilis, anno 1572 ». En latin. Copie ; 40 « Literae ordinum regni Poloniae ad senatores magni ducatus Lithuaniae... Datum Warsoviae, 1 die aprilis, 73 anno ». En latin. Copie ; 41 « Epistola a duce DE LUCKO ad senatum regni ». En latin. Copie ; 42 « Litterae serenissimae regis Sueviae ad ordines et status regni Poloniae missae... Datum Lincopii, 1 septembris anno 1572 ». En latin. Copie ; 43 « Litterae palatini Moldaviae ad ordines regni Poloniae ». En latin. Copie ; 44 « Idem iisdem ». En latin. Copie ; 45 « Responsum ad litteras palatini Moldaviae totius senatus ». En latin. Copie ; 46 « Comitiorum decretum... Datum in conventu Varssavicio, 19 maii ». En latin. Copie ; 47 « Decretum electionis... 20 die maii. Warsoviae ». En latin. Copie ; 48 « Responsum ducis Moscovitarum ad legationem ordinum senatus regni Poloniae atque Lithuaniae, qua legatione conditiones quibus ipsum vel filium ejus eligerent in regem, optat per Michaelem Haraburdum ». En latin. Copie ; 49 « Bona alienata in magno ducatu Lithuaniae proxime ante mortem serenissimi olim regis defuncti ». En latin ; 50 « Rationes relevandi fisci publici et augendorum redituum ejus ». En latin ; 51 « Prelati, barones, primates, milites, nobilitas terrarum ac magistratus consulatus civitatum Prussie subiciunt se Kazimiro, regi Poloniae magnoque duci Lithuaniae... 1454 ». En latin. Copie ; 52 « Investitule du roy SIGISMOND AUGUSTE, donnée à Federic, duc de Prusse, le XIXe juillet 1569 ». En latin. Copie ; 53 « Pacta inter Ferdinandum, Bohemiae, et Sigismundum, Poloniae reges, et regna ipsorum, per Christophorum Schedlowieczki, Pragae confecta ad exemplum eorum quae erant inter Casimirum et Georgium reges ». En latin. Copie ; 54 « Informatio quaedam pro majestate regia ». En latin ; 55 Mémoire de JACQUES LASKOWSKI. En polonais ; 56 « Memoire du capitaneat de Crisborg en Pruse... Anno Domini 1569 ». En latin ; 57 Table de pièces relatives à l'élection du roi de Pologne ; 58 « Plena potentia ab ordinibus regni... Datum Varsoviae, die 22a mensis maye 1573 ». En latin. Copie ; 59 « Litterae ducis Prussiae ad ordines regni Poloniae... Datum Rogiomonti, 9a januarii 1573 ». En latin ; 60 Copie d'une lettre du duc D'ANJOU, roi de Pologne, au sénat polonais ; 61 Copie de la même lettre, en latin ; 62 « Ordinatio ex legibus Zupparum, anno 1568 ». En latin ; 63 « Ratio constitutionis Zupparum ad aestimationem facta ». En latin ; 64 « Relacion de las cosas de Danzigue... 1574, 10 marzo ». En espagnol


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Sixty-nine entire male pigs with different halothane genotype (homozygous halothane positive – nn-, n=36; and homozygous halothane negative – NN-, n=33) were fed with a supplementation of magnesium sulphate (Mg) and/or L-tryptophan (Trp) in the diet for 5 days before slaughter. Animals were housed individually and were submitted to stressful ante mortem conditions (mixed in the lorry according to treatments and transported 1h on rough roads). Individual feed intake was recorded during the 5-day treatment. At the abattoir, pig behaviour was assessed in the raceway to the stunning system and during the stunning period by exposure to CO2. Muscle pH, colour, water holding capacity, texture and cathepsin activities were determined to assess meat quality. The number of pigs with an individual feed intake lower than 2kg/day was significantly different among diets (P<0.05; Control: 8.7%; Mg&Trp: 43.5%; Trp: 17.4%) and they were considered to have inadequate supplement intake. During the ante mortem period, 15.2% of pigs included in the experiment died, and this percentage decreased to 8.7% in those pigs with a feed intake > 2kg/day, all of them from the stress-sensitive pigs (nn). In general, no differences were observed in the behaviour of pigs along the corridor leading to the stunning system and inside the CO2 stunning system. During the stunning procedure, Trp diet showed shorter periods of muscular excitation than control and Mg&Trp diets. The combination of a stressful ante mortem treatment and Mg&Trp supplementation led to carcasses with high incidence of severe skin lesions. Different meat quality results were found when considering all pigs or considering only those with adequate supplement intake. In this later case, Trp increased pH45 (6.15) vs Control diet (5.96) in the Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle (P<0.05) and pH at 24h (Trp: 5.59 vs C: 5.47) led to a higher incidence of dark, firm and dry (DFD) traits in SM muscle (P<0.05). Genotype affected negatively all the meat quality traits. Seventy-five percent of LT and 60.0% of the SM muscles from nn pigs were classified as pale, soft and exudative (PSE), while none of the NN pigs showed these traits (P<0.0001). No significant differences were found between genotypes on the incidence of DFD meat. Due to the negative effects observed in the Mg&Trp group in feed intake and carcass quality, the utilization of a mixture of magnesium sulphate and tryptophan is not recommended


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Sixty-one animals with different Halothane genes (homozygous halothane positive, n=34; and homozygous halothane negative, n=27) were fed with three diets (controlgroup, with no supplement; magnesium (Mg) group with 1.28g MgCO3/kg and tryptophan (Trp) group with 5g L-Trp/kg) during the last 5 days before slaughter. Animals were submitted to minimal stress ante mortem conditions. Pig behaviour was recorded at the experimental farm, raceway to the CO2 stunning system and during the stunning period. Corneal reflexes were recorded after stunning as well. There were no differences in feed intake among diets (p>0.05) during the 5 days of treatment. The halothane positive (nn) group had lower intake than the halothane negative (NN) group (p<0.01). The behaviour of the pigs in the raceway did not differ (p>0.05) among treatments or halothane genotype. A significant (p<0.001) interaction diet*halothane was found in the time to appear the first retreat attempt during the exposure to the CO2 system. In the nn group, the time of performing the first retreat attempt was later in the Mg (p<0.05) than the Control group. Moreover, in the Mg group, the nn had a later (p<0.05) first retreat attempt than the NN. Thus, Mg supplementation could have a positive effect on welfare of nn pigs. The nn had a lower proportion of animals that showed corneal reflexes after stunning than NN, indicating a higher effectiveness of the stunning method in nn pigs. Neither Mg nor Trp affected carcass quality and meat quality parameters, although significant differences were found between genotypes