940 resultados para Track Settlement
The traditional ballast track structures are still being used in high speed railways lines with success, however technical problems or performance features have led to non-ballast track solution in some cases. A considerable maintenance work is needed for ballasted tracks due to the track deterioration. Therefore it is very important to understand the mechanism of track deterioration and to predict the track settlement or track irregularity growth rate in order to reduce track maintenance costs and enable new track structures to be designed. The objective of this work is to develop the most adequate and efficient models for calculation of dynamic traffic load effects on railways track infrastructure, and then evaluate the dynamic effect on the ballast track settlement, using a ballast track settlement prediction model, which consists of the vehicle/track dynamic model previously selected and a track settlement law. The calculations are based on dynamic finite element models with direct time integration, contact between wheel and rail and interaction with railway cars. A initial irregularity profile is used in the prediction model. The track settlement law is considered to be a function of number of loading cycles and the magnitude of the loading, which represents the long-term behavior of ballast settlement. The results obtained include the track irregularity growth and the contact force in the final interaction of numerical simulation
This paper is the result of real-scale physical modeling study designed to simulate the load-deformation characteristics of railroad foundation systems that include the railroad ties, the ballast, and the sub-base layers of a railroad embankment. The study presents comparisons of the application of dynamic loads of 100kN on the rails, and the resulting deformations during a 500,000 cycle testing period for three rail support systems; wood, concrete and steel. The results show that the deformation curve has an exponential shape, with the larger portion of the deformation occurring during the first 50,000 load cycles followed by a tendency to stabilize between 100,000 to 500,000 cycles. These results indicate that the critical phase of deformations of a new railroad is within the first 50,000 cycles of loading, and after that, it slowly attenuates as it approaches a stable value. The paper also presents empirically derived formulations for the estimation of the deformations of the rail supports as a result of rail traffic.
Railroad corridors contain large number of Insulated Rail Joints (IRJs) that act as safety critical elements in the circuitries of the signaling and broken rail identification systems. IRJs are regarded as sources of excitation for the passage of loaded wheels leading to high impact forces; these forces in turn cause dips, cross levels and twists to the railroad geometry in close proximity to the sections containing the IRJs in addition to the local damages to the railhead of the IRJs. Therefore, a systematic monitoring of the IRJs in railroad is prudent to mitigate potential risk of their sudden failure (e.g., broken tie plates) under the traffic. This paper presents a simple method of periodic recording of images using time-lapse photography and total station surveying measurements to understand the ongoing deterioration of the IRJs and their surroundings. Over a 500 day period, data were collected to examine the trends in narrowing of the joint gap due to plastic deformation the railhead edges and the dips, cross levels and twists caused to the railroad geometry due to the settlement of ties (sleepers) around the IRJs. The results reflect that the average progressive settlement beneath the IRJs is larger than that under the continuously welded rail, which leads to excessive deviation of railroad profile, cross levels and twists.
Differential settlement at the bridge approach between the deck and rail track on ground is often considered as a source of challenging technical and economical problem. This caused by the sudden stiffness changes between the bridge deck and the track on ground, and changes in soil stiffness of backfill and sub-grade with soil moisture content and loading history. To minimise the negative social and economic impacts due to poor performances of railway tracks at bridge transition zones, it is important, a special attention to be given at design, construction and maintenance stages. It is critically challenging to obtain an appropriate design solution for any given site condition and most of the existing conventional design approaches are unable to address the actual on-site behaviour due to their inherent assumptions of continuity and lack of clarifying of the local effects. An evaluation of existing design techniques is considered to estimate their contributions to a potential solution for bridge transition zones. This paper analyses five different approaches: the Chinese Standard, the European Standard with three different approaches, and the Australian approach. Each design approach is used to calculate the layer thicknesses, accounting critical design features such as the train speed, the axle load, the backfill subgrade condition, and the dynamic loading response. Considering correlation between track degradation and design parameters, this paper concludes that there is still a need of an optimised design approach for bridge transition zones.
La vía tradicional sobre balasto sigue siendo una selección para las líneas de alta velocidad a pesar de los problemas técnicos y la prestación del funcionamiento. El problema de la vía sobre balasto es el proceso continuo del deterioro de éste debido a las cargas asociadas al tráfico ferroviario. En consecuencia es imprescindible un mantenimiento continuado para mantener un alineamiento adecuado de la vía. Por eso se surge la necesidad de comprender mejor el mecanismo involucrado en el deterioro de la vía y los factores claves que rigen su progresión a lo largo de ciclos de carga con el fin de reducir los costos del mantenimiento de la vía y mejorar el diseño de las nuevas vías. La presente tesis intenta por un lado desarrollar los modelos más adecuados y eficientes del vehículo y de la vía para los cálculos de los efectos dinámicos debido al tráfico de ferrocarril sobre la infraestructura de la vía sobre balasto, y por otro evaluar estos efectos dinámicos sobre el deterioro de la vía sobre balasto a largo plazo, empleando un adecuado modelo de predicción del deterioro de la misma. Se incluye en el trabajo una recopilación del estado del arte en lo referente a la dinámica de la vía, a la modelización del vehículo, de la vía y de la interacción entre ambos. También se hace un repaso al deterioro de la vía y los factores que influyen en su proceso. Para la primera línea de investigación de esta tesis, se han desarrollado los diferentes modelos del vehículo y de la vía y la modelización de la interacción entre ambos para los cálculos dinámicos en dos y tres dimensiones. En la interacción vehículo-vía, se ha empleado la formulación de contacto nodo-superficie para establecer la identificación de las superficies en contacto y el método de los multiplicadores de Lagrange para imponer las restricciones de contacto. El modelo de interacción se ha contrastado con los casos reportados en la literatura. Teniendo en cuenta el contacto no lineal entre rueda-carril y los perfiles de irregularidades distribuidas de la vía, se han evaluado y comparado los efectos dinámicos sobre el sistema vehículo-vía en la interacción de ambos, para distintas velocidades de circulación del vehículo, en los aspectos como la vibración del vehículo, fuerza de contacto, fuerza transmitida en los railpads, la vibración del carril. También se hace un estudio de la influencia de las propiedades de los componentes de la vía en la respuesta dinámica del sistema vehículo-vía. Se ha desarrollado el modelo del asiento de la vía que consiste en la implementación del modelo de acumulación de Bochum y del modelo de hipoplasticidad en la subrutina del usuario \UMAT" del programa ABAQUS. La implementación numérica ha sido comprobado al comparar los resultados de las simulaciones numéricas con los reportados en la literatura. Se ha evaluado la calidad geométrica de la vía sobre balasto de los tramos de estudio con datos reales de la auscultación proporcionados por ADIF (2012). Se ha propuesto una metodología de simulación, empleando el modelo de asiento, para reproducir el deterioro de la geometría de la vía. Se usan los perfiles de la nivelación longitudinal de la auscultación como perfiles de irregularidades iniciales de la vía en las simulaciones numéricas. También se evalúa la influencia de la velocidad de circulación sobre el deterioro de la vía. The traditional ballast track structures are still being used in high speed railways lines with success, however technical problems or performance features have led to ballast track solution in some cases. The considerable maintenance work is needed for ballasted tracks due to the track deterioration. Therefore it is very important to understand the mechanism of track deterioration and to predict the track settlement or track irregularity growth rate in order to reduce track maintenance costs and enable new track structures to be designed. This thesis attempts to develop the most adequate and efficient models for calculation of dynamic track load effects on railways track infrastructure, and to evaluate these dynamic effects on the track settlement, using a track settlement prediction model, which consists of the vehicle/track dynamic model previously selected and a track settlement law. A revision of the state of the knowledge regarding the track dynamics, the modelling of the vehicle, the track and the interaction between them is included. An overview related to the track deterioration and the factors influencing the track settlement is also done. For the first research of this thesis, the different models of vehicle, track and the modelling of the interaction between both have been developed. In the vehicle-track interaction, the node-surface contact formulation to establish the identification of the surfaces in contact and the Lagrange multipliers method to enforce contact constraint are used. The interaction model has been verified by contrast with some benchmarks reported in the literature. Considering the nonlinear contact between wheel-rail and the track irregularities, the dynamic effects on the vehicle-track system have been evaluated and compared, for different speeds of the vehicle, in aspects as vehicle vibration, contact force, force transmitted in railpads, rail vibration. A study of the influence of the properties of the track components on the the dynamic response of the vehicle-track system has been done. The track settlement model is developed that consist of the Bochum accumulation model and the hipoplasticity model in the user subroutine \UMAT" of the program ABAQUS. The numerical implementation has been verified by comparing the numerical results with those reported in the literature. The geometric quality of the ballast track has been evaluated with real data of auscultation provided by ADIF (2012). The simulation methodology has been proposed, using the settlement model for the ballast material, to reproduce the deterioration of the track geometry. The profiles of the longitudinal level of the auscultation is used as initial profiles of the track irregularities in the numerical simulation. The influence of the running speed on the track deterioration is also investigated.
Transition zones between bridge decks and rail tracks suffer early failure due to poor interaction between rail vehicles and sudden changes of stiffness. This has been an ongoing problem to rail industry and yet still no systematic studies appear to have been taken to maintain a gradually smoothening transmission of forces between the bridge and its approach. Differential settlement between the bridge deck and rail track in the transition zone is the fundamental issue, which negatively impacts the rail industry by causing passenger discomfort, early damage to infrastructure and vehicle components, speed reduction, and frequent maintenance cycles. Identification of mechanism of the track degradation and factors affecting is imperative to design any mitigation method for reducing track degradation rate at the bridge transition zone. Unfortunately this issue is still not well understood, after conducting a numbers of reviews to evaluate the key causes, and introducing a wide range of mitigation techniques. In this study, a comprehensive analysis of the available literature has been carried out to develop either a novel design framework or a mitigation technique for the bridge transition zone. This paper addresses three critical questions in relation to the track degradation at transition zone: (1) what are the causes of bridge transition track degradation?; (2) what are the available mitigation techniques in reducing the track degradation rate?; (3) what are the factors affecting on poor performance of the existing mitigation techniques?. It is found that the absence of soil-water response, dynamic loading response, and behaviour of geotechnical characteristics under long-term conditions in existing track transition design frameworks critically influence on the failures of existing mitigation techniques. This paper also evaluates some of the existing design frameworks to identify how each design framework addresses the track degradation at the bridge transition zone.
This paper analyses the static and dynamic behavior of the railroad track model in laboratory. Measurements of stresses and strains on a large-scale railroad track apparatus were studied. The model includes: compacted soil, representing the final layers of platform, ballast layer, and ties (steel, wooden, and pre-stressed concrete). The soil and soil ballast interface were instrumented with pneumatic stress gauge. Settlement measurement device were positioned at the same levels as the load cells. Loads were applied by hydraulic actuators, statically and dynamically. After the prescribed number of load cycles, in pre-determined intervals, stresses and strains were measured. Observations indicate that stress and strain distributions, transmitted by wooden or steel ties, behave similarly. A more favorable behavior was observed with pre-stressed concrete mono block ties. Non-linear response was observed after a threshold numbers of cycles were surpassed, showing that the strain modulus increases with the numbers of cycles. © 2009 IOS Press.
El gran desarrollo experimentado por la alta velocidad en los principales países de la Unión Europea, en los últimos 30 años, hace que este campo haya sido y aún sea uno de los principales referentes en lo que a investigación se refiere. Por otra parte, la aparición del concepto super − alta velocidad hace que la investigación en el campo de la ingeniería ferroviaria siga adquiriendo importancia en los principales centros de investigación de los países en los que se desea implantar este modo de transporte, o en los que habiendo sido ya implantado, se pretenda mejorar. Las premisas de eficacia, eficiencia, seguridad y confort, que este medio de transporte tiene como razón de ser pueden verse comprometidas por diversos factores. Las zonas de transición, definidas en la ingeniería ferroviaria como aquellas secciones en las que se produce un cambio en las condiciones de soporte de la vía, pueden afectar al normal comportamiento para el que fue diseñada la infraestructura, comprometiendo seriamente los estándares de eficiencia en el tiempo de viaje, confort de los pasajeros y aumentando considerablemente los costes de mantenimiento de la vía, si no se toman las medidas oportunas. En esta tesis se realiza un estudio detallado de la zonas de transición, concretamente de aquellas en las que existe una cambio en la rigidez vertical de la vía debido a la presencia de un marco hidráulico. Para realizar dicho estudio se lleva a cabo un análisis numérico de interacción entre el vehículo y la estructura, con un modelo bidimensional de elemento finitos, calibrado experimentalmente, en estado de tensión plana. En este análisis se tiene en cuenta el efecto de las irregularidades de la vía y el comportamiento mecánico de la interfaz suelo-estructura, con el objetivo de reproducir de la forma más real posible el efecto de interacción entre el vehículo, la vía y la estructura. Otros efectos como la influencia de la velocidad del tren y los asientos diferenciales, debidos a deformaciones por consolidación de los terraplenes a ambos lados el marco hidráulico, son también analizados en este trabajo. En esta tesis, los cálculos de interacción se han llevado a cabo en dos fases diferentes. En la primera, se ha considerado una interacción sencilla debida al paso de un bogie de un tren Eurostar. Los cálculos derivados de esta fase se han denominado cálculos a corto plazo. En la segunda, se ha realizado un análisis considerando múltiples pasos de bogie del tren Eurostar, conformando un análisis de degradación en el que se tiene en cuenta, en cada ciclo, la deformación de la capa de balasto. Los cálculos derivados de esta fase, son denominados en el texto como cálculos a largo plazo. Los resultados analizados muestran que la utilización de los denominados elementos de contacto es fundamental cuando se desea estudiar la influencia de asientos diferenciales, especialmente en transiciones terraplén-estructura en las que la cuña de cimentación no llega hasta la base de cimentación de la estructura. Por otra parte, tener en cuenta los asientos del terraplén, es sumamente importante, cuando se desea realizar un análisis de degradación de la vía ya que su influencia en la interacción entre el vehículo y la vía es muy elevada, especialmente para valores altos de velocidad del tren. En cuanto a la influencia de las irregularidades de la vía, en los cálculos efectuados, se revela que su importancia es muy notable, siendo su influencia muy destacada cuanto mayor sea la velocidad del tren. En este punto cabe destacar la diferencia de resultados derivada de la consideración de perfiles de irregularidades de distinta naturaleza. Los resultados provenientes de considerar perfiles artificiales son en general muy elevados, siendo estos más apropiados para realizar estudios de otra índole, como por ejemplo de seguridad al descarrilamiento. Los resultados provenientes de perfiles reales, dados por diferentes Administradores ferroviarios, presentan resultados menos elevados y más propios del problema analizar. Su influencia en la interacción dinámica entre el vehículo y la vía es muy importante, especialmente para velocidades elevadas del tren. Además el fenómeno de degradación conocido como danza de traviesas, asociado a zonas de transición, es muy susceptible a la consideración de irregularidades de la vía, tal y como se desprende de los cálculos efectuados a largo plazo. The major development experienced by high speed in the main countries of the European Union, in the last 30 years, makes railway research one of the main references in the research field. It should also be mentioned that the emergence of the concept superhigh − speed makes research in the field of Railway Engineering continues to gain importance in major research centers in the countries in which this mode of transportation is already implemented or planned to be implemented. The characteristics that this transport has as rationale such as: effectiveness, efficiency, safety and comfort, may be compromised by several factors. The transition zones are defined in railway engineering as a region in which there is an abrupt change of track stiffness. This stiffness variation can affect the normal behavior for which the infrastructure has been designed, seriously compromising efficiency standards in the travel time, passenger comfort and significantly increasing the costs of track maintenance, if appropriate measures are not taken. In this thesis a detailed study of the transition zones has been performed, particularly of those in which there is a change in vertical stiffness of the track due to the presence of a reinforced concrete culvert. To perform such a study a numerical interaction analysis between the vehicle, the track and the structure has been developed. With this purpose a two-dimensional finite element model, experimentally calibrated, in a state of plane stress, has been used. The implemented numerical models have considered the effects of track irregularities and mechanical behavior of soil-structure interface, with the objective of reproducing as accurately as possible the dynamic interaction between the vehicle the track and the structure. Other effects such as the influence of train speed and differential settlement, due to secondary consolidation of the embankments on both sides of culvert, have also been analyzed. In this work, the interaction analysis has been carried out in two different phases. In the first part a simple interaction due to the passage of a bogie of a Eurostar train has been considered. Calculations derived from this phase have been named short-term analysis. In the second part, a multi-load assessment considering an Eurostar train bogie moving along the transition zone, has been performed. The objective here is to simulate a degradation process in which vertical deformation of the ballast layer was considered. Calculations derived from this phase have been named long-term analysis. The analyzed results show that the use of so-called contact elements is essential when one wants to analyze the influence of differential settlements, especially in embankment-structure transitions in which the wedge-shaped backfill does not reach the foundation base of the structure. Moreover, considering embankment settlement is extremely important when it is desired to perform an analysis of track degradation. In these cases the influence on the interaction behaviour between the vehicle and the track is very high, especially for higher values of speed train. Regarding the influence of the track irregularities, this study has proven that the track’s dynamic response is heavily influenced by the irregularity profile and that this influence is more important for higher train velocities. It should also be noted that the difference in results derived from consideration of irregularities profiles of different nature. The results coming from artificial profiles are generally very high, these might be more appropriate in order to study other effects, such as derailment safety. Results from real profiles, given by the monitoring works of different rail Managers, are softer and they fit better to the context of this thesis. The influence of irregularity profiles on the dynamic interaction between the train and the track is very important, especially for high-speeds of the train. Furthermore, the degradation phenomenon known as hanging sleepers, associated with transition zones, is very susceptible to the consideration of track irregularities, as it can be concluded from the long-term analysis.