13 resultados para Tracheid
Leaf and wood plasticity are key elements in the survival of widely distributed plant species. Little is known, however, about variation in stomatal distribution in the leaf epidermis and its correlation with the dimensions of conducting cells in wood. This study aimed at testing the hypothesis that Podocarpus lambertii, a conifer tree, possesses a well-defined pattern of stomatal distribution, and that this pattern can vary together with the dimensions of stem tracheids as a possible strategy to survive in climatically different sites. Leaves and wood were sampled from trees growing in a cold, wet site in south-eastern Brazil and in a warm, dry site in north-eastern Brazil. Stomata were thoroughly mapped in leaves from each study site to determine a spatial sampling strategy. Stomatal density, stomatal index and guard cell length were then sampled in three regions of the leaf: near the midrib, near the leaf margin and in between the two. This sampling strategy was used to test for a pattern and its possible variation between study sites. Wood and stomata data were analysed together via principal component analysis. The following distribution pattern was found in the south-eastern leaves: the stomatal index was up to 25 higher in the central leaf region, between the midrib and the leaf margin, than in the adjacent regions. The inverse pattern was found in the north-eastern leaves, in which the stomatal index was 10 higher near the midrib and the leaf margin. This change in pattern was accompanied by smaller tracheid lumen diameter and length. Podocarpus lambertii individuals in sites with higher temperature and lower water availability jointly regulate stomatal distribution in leaves and tracheid dimensions in wood. The observed stomatal distribution pattern and variation appear to be closely related to the placement of conducting tissue in the mesophyll.
Because climate can affect xylem cell anatomy, series of intra-annual cell anatomical features have the potential to retrospectively supply seasonal climatic information. In this study, we explored the ability to extract information about water stress conditions from tracheid features of the Mediterranean conifer Juniperus thurifera L. Tracheidograms of four climatic years from two drought-sensitive sites in Spain were compared to evaluate whether it is possible to link intra-annual cell size patterns to seasonal climatic conditions. Results indicated site-specific anatomical adjustment such as smaller and thicker tracheids at the dryer site but also showed a strong climatic imprint on the intra-annual pattern of tracheid size. Site differences in cell size reflected expected structural adjustments against cavitation failures. Differences between intra-annual patterns, however, indicated a response to seasonal changes in water availability whereby cells formed under drought conditions were smaller and thicker, and vice versa. This relationship was more manifest and stable at the dryer site
Foram analisados os rizomas de Bulbostylis paradoxa Ness, Cyperus giganteus Vahl, C. odoratus L., Fuirena umbellata Rottb. e Hypolytrum schraderianum Ness. O corpo primário é resultante da atividade dos meristemas apicais e do meristema de espessamento primário (MEP). Também ocorre crescimento em espessura, que é decorrente da atividade do meristema de espessamento secundário (MES). O procâmbio e o MEP originam feixes colaterais em H. schraderianum e feixes anfivasais nas demais espécies. Entretanto, todos os feixes que têm protofloema e protoxilema são de origem procambial. O MES produz floema e xilema constituindo um tecido vascular único. Elementos de vaso foram encontrados na maioria dos caules em estrutura primária e secundária, com exceção de H. schraderianum que, na estrutura secundária, contém apenas traqueídes, informação que respalda a ocorrência de crescimento secundário nas Cyperaceae. Os elementos de vaso apresentam grande variação morfológica; em estrutura primária, geralmente são mais alongados, com apêndices. Os elementos de vaso do crescimento secundário são relativamente mais curtos, apresentam apêndices e ramificações.
Seloste artikkelista: Distributions of tracheid cross-sectional dimensions in different parts of Norway spruce stems. Silva Fennica 42 (2008) : 1, s. 89-99.
Seloste väitöskirjasta: The effects of thinning and fertilisation on wood and tracheid properties of Norway spruce (Picea abies) : the results of long-term experiments. Dissertationes Forestales 55.
Seloste artikkelista: Havimo, M., Rikala, J., Sirviö, J. & Sipi, M. 2009. Tracheid cross-sectional dimensions in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) – distributions and comparison with Norway spruce (Picea abies). Silva Fennica 43 (4) : 681–688.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Trees produce different types of woody tissue during growth. The xylem produced in the first years until a certain cambial age is called juvenile wood and has different physical, mechanical, chemical and anatomical characteristics from that produced later, when the cambial cells have matured. Thus, prior knowledge of the quality of the wood is of fundamental importance for choosing the best use of the material. This work aimed at using data from length of the tracheid and wood density to define the age transition from juvenile to mature wood. For this, three Pinus elliottii var. elliottii trees, aged 35 years, were collected at the Itapetininga Experimental Station, located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. From each tree, disks of about 5 cm thick were obtained 0.05 m above the ground and used to determine the radial density by the gamma ray attenuation method and to measure the length of the tracheids. The results obtained by linear regression analysis showed that juvenile wood is limited to the first seven years of tree growth and the formation of mature wood occurs after twenty years. For the mature wood, there are significant differences among the averages obtained from the tracheid length and wood density.
Phytoliths (siliceous plant microfossils) have been recovered from Cenozoic sediments (c. 34 to 17 Ma) in the CRP-2/2A and CRP-3 drillholes cored off Cape Roberts, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. The phytolith assemblages are sparse, but well-preserved and dominated by spherical forms similar to those of modern trees or shrubs. Rare phytoliths comparable to modern grass forms are also present. However, due to the paucity of phytolith data, any interpretations made are necessarily tentative. The assemblages of CRP-2/2A and the upper c. 250 m of CRP-3 are interpreted as representing a predominantly woody vegetation, including Nothofagus and Libocedrus with local areas of grass in the more exposed locations. A cool climate is interpreted to have prevailed throughout both cores. However, beneath c. 250 metres below sea floor in CRP-3, the dominant woody vegetation is supplemented by pockets of Palmae, ?Proteaceae and 'warm' climate grasses. This association represents vegetation growth in sheltered, moist sites - possibly north-facing mid-slopes or the coastal fringe. It may also represent remnant vegetation that grew in moist, temperate conditions during the Middle to Late Eocene, previously interpreted from the Southern McMurdo Sound erratics and lower part of the CIROS-1 drillhole. The phytolith analysis compares well to the terrestrial palynomorph record from both cores and provides additional independent taxonomic and climatic interpretations.
La familia Cupressaceae incluye un total de 133 especies agrupadas en 30 géneros, 17 de los cuales son monospecíficos. Esta familia se encuentra representada en todos los continentes salvo en la Antártida. Sus especies se distribuyen en distintas regiones climáticas, y en altitudes que varían desde el nivel del mar hasta los 5.000 m. La falta de descripción anatómica de muchos de los géneros y especies de Cupressaceae es notable, así como la contradicción que aparece entre distintas investigaciones sobre las características anatómicas de la madera descritas para cada especie. Este estudio describe la anatomía de la madera de Cupressaceae y analiza las características que podrían representar sinapomorfías de los clados delimitados en los estudios filogenéticos. Siguiendo los métodos tradicionales de preparación y descripción de la madera a nivel microscópico, se ha estudiado la madera de 113 especies de los 30 géneros de Cupressaceae. Para ello se han empleado muestras de madera de origen trazable, procedentes de colecciones de madera de distintas instituciones internacionales. Se ha empleado una robusta filogenia molecular para la reconstrucción de los caracteres ancestrales. La anatomía de la madera de los 30 géneros de Cupressaceae, pone de manifiesto la gran homogeneidad de la familia, caracterizada por la presencia de traqueidas axiales sin engrosamientos helicoidales, parénquima radial con paredes horizontales lisas, punteaduras del campo de cruce de tipo cupresoide y la carencia de canales resiníferos fisiológicos. Además, todos presentan parénquima axial (salvo Neocallitropsis, Thuja y Xanthocyparis), punteaduras radiales areoladas con toro definido (salvo Thuja y Thujopsis), siendo habitual la presencia de punteaduras areoladas en las paredes tangenciales de la madera tardía, y verrugosidades en la cara interna de las traqueidas (salvo Ca. macleayana, Libocedrus, Papuacedrus y Neocallitropsis). Los radios leñosos son homogéneos y están compuestos de parénquima radial (con la presencia de traqueidas radiales en algunas especies de Cupressus, Sequoia, Thujopsis y X. nootkatensis) con paredes finales lisas o lisas y noduladas (exclusivamente noduladas en Cal. macrolepis, C. bakeri y en la mayoría de especies de Juniperus), y el rango de altura de los radios leñosos se encuentra entre 5 y 15 células. Se consideran posibles sinapomorfismos de Cupressaceae la presencia de verrugosidades en la cara interna de las traqueidas, la presencia de traqueidas axiales sin engrosamientos helicoidales, la presencia de parénquima axial, la presencia de radios leñosos homogéneos (compuestos únicamente de parénquima radial), la tipología de las paredes horizontales del parénquima radial, las punteaduras del campo de cruce de tipo cupresoide y la ausencia de canales resiníferos fisiológicos, pero lo que realmente diferencia a este grupo de coníferas es la simultaneidad de todos estos caracteres en sus maderas. Como sinapomorfías específicas por clados se proponen: la ausencia de toro definido y muescas en el borde de las punteaduras en Thuja-Thujopsis, la existencia de extensiones de toro en Diselma-Fitzroya-Widdringtonia; la presencia de engrosamientos callitroides en Callitris-Actinostrobus; la presencia de espacios intercelulares y las muescas en el borde de las punteaduras en el clado formado por el género Juniperus y las especies de Cupressus en la región oriental; la presencia de paredes finales del parénquima radial tanto lisas como noduladas en los clados formados por el género Xanthocyparis y las especies de Cupressus en la región occidental y en Fitzroya-Diselma; y por último, la presencia de punteaduras del campo de cruce de tipo taxodioide en los clados taxodioid y sequoioid. ABSTRACT The Cupressaceae family comprises 133 species grouped into 30 genera, 17 of which are monotypic. The family is represented in all continents except Antarctica. Its species are distributed in various climate zones and at altitudes from sea level to 5,000 m. There is a considerable lack of anatomical descriptions for many genera and species of Cupressaceae and much contradiction between studies about the wood anatomical features described for each species. This study describes the wood anatomy of Cupressaceae and analyses the features that could represent synapomorphies of the clades recovered in phylogenetic studies. Following the traditional methods of preparation and description of wood at microscopic level, a study was made of the wood of 113 species of the 30 Cupressaceae genera. The study samples had traceable origins and came from wood collections held at various international institutions. A robust molecular phylogeny was used for ancestral state reconstruction. The wood anatomy of the 30 genera of the Cupressaceae shows the high homogeneity of the family, which is characterised by the presence of axial tracheids without helical thickenings, smooth horizontal walls of ray parenchyma cells, cupressoid cross-field pits, and the absence of physiological resin canals. In addition, they all have axial parenchyma (except Neocallitropsis, Thuja and Xanthocyparis), a warty layer on the inner wall of the tracheids (except Ca. macleayana, Libocedrus, Papuacedrus and Neocallitropsis) and tracheid pitting in radial walls with a well defined torus (except Thuja and Thujopsis); tracheid pitting in the tangential walls of the latewood is common. Rays are homogeneous and are composed of ray parenchyma (with the presence of ray tracheids in some species of Cupressus, Sequoia, Thujopsis and X. nootkatensis), with smooth end walls or both smooth and nodular end walls (exclusively nodular in Cal. macrolepis, C. bakeri and most Juniperus species), and ray height range is 5 to 15 cells. Possible synapomorphies of Cupressaceae are the presence of a warty layer on the inner layer of the tracheids, axial tracheids without helical thickenings, the presence of axial parenchyma, homogeneous rays (composed exclusively of ray parenchyma), the typology of the horizontal walls of ray parenchyma cells, cupressoid cross-field pits and the absence of physiological resin canals, but what truly differentiates this group of softwoods is the co-occurrence of all these features in their wood. The following are proposed as clade-specific synapomorphies: absence of a well-defined torus and presence of pits with notched borders in Thuja-Thujopsis, torus extensions in Diselma-Fitzroya-Widdringtonia; callitroid thickenings in Callitris-Actinostrobus; intercellular spaces and pits with notched borders in the clade formed by the genus Juniperus and the species of Cupressus in the eastern region; smooth and nodular ray parenchyma end walls in the clades formed by the genus Xanthocyparis and the species of Cupressus in the western region and in Fitzroya-Diselma, and taxodioid cross-field pits in the taxodioid and sequoioid clades.
Survival of the free-living mycetophagous form of Deladenus siricidicola, the major biological control agent of Sirex woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, was tested in known (Pinus taeda) and predicted novel (P. elliottii subsp. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis) hybrid host taxa. Trials were established in the field to simulate nematode dispersal both naturally by infected wasps and following commercial inoculation, as well as in the laboratory under controlled conditions. Nematodes showed reduced survival in hybrid pine compared with P. taeda for all tree-associated treatments, but performed equivalently in petri-dish bioassays containing substrate of each taxon. Growth of Amylostereum areolatum, the food source of D. siricidicola was lower on plates containing ground hybrid substrate than on plates containing ground P. taeda. Some physical differences were found between taxa, including differences in bordered pit diameters, tracheid widths, and basic density, but these did not consistently explain reduced performance. More plant secondary compounds (predominantly oleoresins) were present in hybrid taxa than in P. taeda, and in standing trees compared with felled trees. Our results suggested that D. siricidicola may not be as effective in hybrid pine taxa for the biological control of S. noctilio as it is in its current known host taxa, possibly because of reduced growth of its food source, A. areolatum in hybrid pine.