1000 resultados para Trabalho diurno
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo Gestão de Empresas Orientada por: Profª Doutora Maria Alexandra Pacheco Ribeiro da Costa Esta dissertação inclui as críticas e sugestões feitas pelo Júri.
Este estudo teve como objetivos verificar a arquitetura do sono diurno após o trabalho noturno, e as características do ciclo vigília-sono em enfermeiras de diferentes turnos. Foi realizado no Hospital de Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, USP. Através do diário de sono avaliou-se o ciclo vigília-sono em (n=36) sujeitos, com média de idade de 30. Destes apenas cinco fizeram medidas da polissono-grafia no Laboratório de Sono. Apresentaram qualidade de sono noturno melhor, os registros polissonográficos identificaram sono diurno com períodos curtos e incompletos quanto aos ciclos, muitos despertares que caracterizaram pouca eficácia de sono.
Trabalho realizado pelos alunos do 1º ano, 2º semestre, da licenciatura de RPCE, 2015, no âmbito da unidade curricular de Estatística Multivariada
O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os sintomas referentes ao estado geral de saúde associado ao trabalho em turnos de enfermagem e relacioná-los com a qualidade do sono. O estudo foi realizado no Hospital da Irmandade da Santa Casa de Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais. Participaram 136 profissionais de enfermagem, com média de idade de 33,1 anos, divididos nas seguintes categorias: enfermeiro (8,1%); técnico de enfermagem (80,9%); auxiliar de enfermagem dos turnos diurno e noturno (11%). Os sintomas de saúde foram identificados a partir do Inventário de Estado Geral de Saúde, e a qualidade do sono foi avaliada pelo Diário do Sono. Os dados foram estatisticamente significativos pelo Teste Qui-Quadrado (p=0,021) para a presença do sintoma de flatulência ou distensão abdominal no turno noturno. Constatou-se com a análise de regressão linear múltipla que os sujeitos do turno diurno que apresentaram os sintomas de má digestão (às vezes ou sempre) e irritabilidade (sempre) tiveram pior qualidade de sono noturno.
O potencial mátrico em solos não saturados é um importante componente do potencial total e, portanto, deve ser medido da melhor forma possível. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência da temperatura do solo sobre o potencial mátrico e o gradiente de potencial total, durante a redistribuição da água num Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, em Piracicaba, SP, a partir de dados coletados por tensiometria. Em uma parcela circular de 3 m de diâmetro, foram instalados 10 tensiômetros com transdutor de tensão, modelo SWT3 da Delta-T, nas profundidades de 0,10; 0,15; 0,20; 0,25; 0,30; 0,35; 0,40; 0,45; 0,50; e 0,55 m, com os quais foram obtidos os potenciais mátricos para essas profundidades e o gradiente de potencial total, (ΔΦm/Δz)+1, para a profundidade de 0,25 m, com Δz de 0,1; 0,2; e 0,3 m, utilizando os tensiômetros instalados nas profundidades de 0,20 e 0,30; 0,15 e 0,35; e 0,10 e 0,40 m para ΔΦm, respectivamente. Na mesma parcela, foram também instalados termopares tipo T na superfície e nas profundidades 0,025; 0,050; e 0,075 m de solo. Ambas as leituras dos tensiômetros e termopares foram armazenadas em um Datalogger, Modelo DL2, da Delta-T, a idênticos intervalos de tempo. As avaliações detectaram oscilações na leitura do potencial mátrico da água no solo ao longo do dia e nos efeitos diferenciados nos tensiômetros instalados em profundidades diferentes, ocasionando oscilações também no gradiente de potencial total da água no solo. Os melhores horários para a realização das leituras dos tensiômetros são nas primeiras sete horas do dia ou após às 18 h.
Descriptive exploratory study, prospective with quantitative approach, performed on the Medical Regulation Central of SAMU/Natal, aiming to identify the level of professional satisfaction of the members of the nursing team working at SAMU/Natal; and verify the degree of importance attributed by the professionals to each of the components Professional Satisfaction: autonomy, interaction, professional status , work requirements, organizational rules and remuneration. The population was of 60 professionals, with data collected from january to february 2005. We used an instrument translated and validated by Lino (1999) to the portuguese language, the Professional Satisfaction Rate (PSR). The results demonstrate that there was a slight predominance of the female gender (54,9%); aged between 36 and 45 years old (60,8%); married (58,8%), 82,4% with children, 30,8% aged between 05 and 09. Regarding formation, we observed that 78,4% were nursing technicians and 21,6% nurses, formed for 11 to 15 years (17,5%). From the 11 nurses, 09 (81,8%) informed they have specialization, 29,4% of the team has been working for 11 to 15 years on the urgency area, 58.8% works for more than 02 years on SAMU, 72,6% of the team members have fixed work schedules. There was homogeneity on the work shifts: 41,2% on the day shift and 53% on the night shift. Regarding the reason to be working on SAMU, 64% chose to work in the service, and among these 76,3% predominantly perform direct care to the patients, 96,1% like and are satisfied to work in the service. Regarding the remuneration, 90,9% informed they receive 05 to 10 minimum wages; 70% of the technicians informed they receive -2 to 05 minumum wages, 50,1% informed they receive no additional benefit. The analysis of PSR through Cronbach s Alpha Coeficient resulted on the value of 0,94 and through Kendall s Tau Coeficient on 0,87, demonstrating to be a trustworthy instrument to measure the level of professional satisfaction of the SAMU nursing team, in our environment. As for the level of importance attributed to the components of professional satisfaction, we indentified that the nursing team considered the Autonomy component as the most important, followed by the component Remuneration, Interaction, Work Requirements, Work Requirements, Organizational Rules and Professional Status . Regarding the current level of professional satisfaction, we identified they were most satisfied with the Professional Status , Autonomy, Interaction, Remuneration, Work Requirements and Organizational Rules. The real professional satisfaction level, calculated through statistics, however, tells these professionals are more satisfied with Autonomy, Remuneration, Interaction, Work Requirements, professional Status and Organizational Rules. The PSR in our work was of 8,6, indicating the SAMU Natal nursing team has little satisfaction on their work environment
The present work seeks essentially to demonstrate how some anthropological structures of the imaginary, theorized by the French thinker Gilbert DURAND, projected themselves in a noticeable manner in the poetic work of the Brazilian poet Orides FONTELA. Chiefly we will demonstrate with great care in what way this projection and vivification occur through an imagination that not only materializes some fundamental archetypes of the human imagination, but also seeks to organize them through original poems in its form of presenting the poetic discourse, giving here a different contribution of the mythical or religious discourse, privileged places, since always, where the symbolic functions also manifest themselves
One of the largest problems of the present time resulting from the economic globalization and the modern technology, of the point of view of the biological rhytms of our organism, it is offering services and production of goods available in 24 o'clock, that it demands organized workers in several work schedules besides the hours of the day. Those schedules cause a series of biopsychosocial consequences in the worker's health, in function of circadian, homeostatic and psychosocial alterations. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to accomplish an evaluation of the effects of several works schedules in the pattern of the sleep wake cycle, anxiety, stress and in the health. We counted with a sample of 274 workers subdivided in 49 daytime worker groups and 225 workers in different shift work schedules with different speeds (rotating shift group, slower day shift group, faster day shift group). From the results analysis it is verified irregularities of the daily activities, stress and alterations in the workers' health in all schedules. It was also verified thata the workers thata presented irregularities in the daily activities were the mroe stressed. On the other hand, the shift works were considered more ansious and associated with bad sleep quality. It was verified that the workers with bad sleep quality were those presented larger levels of dispocional anxiety. There was no statistically significant correlation between bad sleep quality and irregular daily lifestyle. However, it can be affirmed thata shift work schendules doesn't are the main determinant for the circadian alterations, but the answers of the individuals to the shifts work; and that the inadequate behavioural strategies to work with the effects of the shift schedules. In conclusion, individual strategies related to the coping of the work in shift (adaptation and tolerance) should be extolled as indispensable tool in the ergonomic evaluation of the work
Shift work consists of an array of unusual work hours, such as evenings and weekends, and increasing workload, in order to meet the uninterrupted production, which leads to changes in the quality, duration and regularity of sleep. Research indicates that sleep alteration cause cognitive processes to become slower, unstable and prone to errors, leading to loss of cognitive functions such as visuospatial perception. In this sense, this research aimed to evaluate sleep quality and its relation to visuospatial perception in workers in alternating shifts. Participants were 21 panel operators in a petrochemical company, male, aged 19-53 years. All participants were subjected to schedules of alternating shifts (day and night) of 12 nonstop hours and data were collected from 10 workers who were assigned to the day shift and 11 workers assigned to the night shift. For the sleep evaluation were used the Sleep Diary, the Sleep Habits Questionnaire, the Chronotype Identification Questionnaire and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The visuospatial skills were assessed using the Rey Complex Figure Test and attention was assessed using a portable version of the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT). The results showed that the general sample of workers obtained poor sleep quality on working days and good sleep quality during the work break. There was shortened sleep duration in the work week and appropriate duration in the work break. No losses were found in the workers visuospatiality, but the good quality of sleep during the work break was correlated to adequate visuospatial performance, for the day shift workers. The attention performance oscillated throughout the work hours, especially on the night shift. It is concluded that the alternating shifts work scheme can be detrimental to the sleep quality workers and a good sleep quality can contribute to a better visuospatial performance
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
This article provides a survey of the demands placed by the labor market in relation to the profile of business administration professionals. It describes the characteristics of such profile and analyzes how UNESP/Tupa´s administration students fare in relation to such questions. The points raised show that the labor market is interested not only in technical-academic knowledge but also in knowledge and interpersonal and extracurricular skills. These points were identified through studies of the pertinent literature study and based on consultation of apprenticeship and employment forms of UNESP/Tupa´s job extension project for Internships and Jobs. The comparison between these sources made it possible to identify the main skills sought by companies when searching for an administrator. With the characterization of the object of study it was possible to compare the stage level in which the student was placed (3rd , 5th and 7th semesters), in regard to both day and night shifts, verifying whether these skills evolved with the student´s trajectory through the program. The study also concludes that it is not enough for administration students to restrict their training to academic knowledge. An appropriate profile demands the development of extracurricular activities that enhance competencies such as computer skills and languages. Relevant findings demonstrated that the education of students and how they react to demands are strongly connected to market demands.
Centro de dia e lar: saúde mental de idosos e capacidade para o trabalho dos seus cuidadores formais
O Envelhecimento da população é uma realidade cada vez mais presente na nossa sociedade. A investigação junto da população idosa e dos seus cuidadores requer que sejam criadas condições para que, estes grupos, possam usufruir de uma boa qualidade de vida. Propõe-se analisar a capacidade de trabalho dos cuidadores formais de idosos em contexto institucional mas com modalidades de trabalho distintas, no Centro de Dia, onde praticam um horário diurno e fixo, em paralelo com o horário por turnos rotativos diurnos/noturnos praticados no Lar. Foi proposto também analisar o estado mental dos idosos dessas mesmas instituições. A amostra deste estudo contou com 90 participantes dos quais 50 idoso e 40 cuidadores formais. Utilizou-se para a recolha de dados com os idosos o MMSE – Mini-Mental State Examination e a GDS-30 – Escala de Depressão Geriátrica, com os cuidadores a Escala de Graffar e o ICT – Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho. Os resultados demonstraram não existirem diferenças significativas ao nível da demência e da depressão entre os idosos do Lar e do Centro de Dia. Outros resultados refletiram, para os cuidadores formais, uma capacidade para o trabalho excelente, ligeiramente superior aos dados de referência. Não foi conseguida uma relação entre a saúde mental dos idosos e a capacidade de trabalho dos seus cuidadores formais o que pode retratar o sucesso das medidas de apoio e educação desenvolvidas nesta área.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física