842 resultados para Toxoplasmose ocular


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Toxoplasmosis, provoked by the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii, is one of the most prevalent parasitoses in the world. In humans, transmission occurs by three evolutionary forms of the parasite: oocysts, tissue cysts and tachyzoites. Wild and domestic felines are definitive hosts. The ocular form of toxoplasmosis can be of congenital origin with early or late clinical manifestations, or acquired after birth. T. gondii is considered the main culprit for most cases of infectious uveitis. This study aimed at assessing ocular toxoplasmosis, relating it to factors associated to the patient s lifestyle and describing the epidemic-serological and clinical profile of affected individuals. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a population of 159 patients. Univariate analysis (odds ratio) was used to evaluate the data, with a confidence interval of 95% and p-value < 0.05. A prevalence of 4% of ocular toxoplasmosis was observed in the population of patients treated at an ophthalmological clinic. Of patients directly examined by immunoenzymatic assay (MEIA-AxSYM®- Microparticle Enzyme Immune Assay), considering only uveitis, a frequency of anti-T. gondii of 73%, most of whom exhibited titulation between 40-99 UI IgG/mL. With respect to location of ocular lesions, bilaterality was observed in 57% of patients assessed by the ophthalmoscopy technique. When compared with the results of an active search of medical records, a similarity in ocular toxoplasmosis (74%) and bilateral lesion location (55%) was observed. Type I lesion was the most frequent type observed, with intraocular disposition in the macula. An epidemiological survey revealed that direct contact with cats; consuming raw or poorly cooked meat and direct contact with the soil were significantly associated with greater likelihood of acquiring ocular toxoplasmosis. Sample characterization in relation to age range was significant for patients between 31 and 40 years [χ², chi-square test (p = 0.04)], but population traits such as schooling, sanitary district, and monthly income were not significant. Results confirm that ocular toxoplasmosis is widely distributed in the metropolitan area of Natal, Brazil, with significant prevalence of ocular lesions provoked by T.gondii. It is suggested that sanitary authorities exert greater control in order to minimize the risk of toxoplasmic infection, mainly in pregnant women.


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One tthird of the world population is infected with Toxoplasma gondii, in most cases, asymptomatic. There are records of infection in birds and mammals, including the dog. Systemic clinical signs of canine toxoplasmosis are variable, however, the animals may manifest ocular signs: anterior mononuclear uveitis, retinitis, choroiditis, extraocular myositis, scleritis and optic neuritis. This paper aims to demonstrate through bibliography revision some aspects of canine toxoplasmosis as clinical signs focusing on the ocular manifestations, potential zoonotic disease and the importance of public health


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The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence of Ocular Toxocariasis, Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitis (DUSN), Toxoplasma gondii infection and Ocular Toxoplasmosis in a student population in Natal-RN/Brazil and relate it to demographic, epidemiologic and socio-economic risk factors. The incidence of DUSN was observed in patients at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Ophthalmology Service and the Prontoclinica de Olhos Ophthalmology clinic in Natal. In cases where a worm was found in the subretinal space, the result of treatment with photocoagulation using Green Laser (Eye Light ALCON) was evaluated in relation to final visual result. The sample was randomly selected among the schools of the four districts of Natal, according to the type of institution (public or private), its level (elementary or secondary), and study period (morning, afternoon or evening). The school population was studied from March to May, 2001. Initially, the students answered a questionnaire to evaluate demographic, epidemiologic and socio-economic risk factors. Afterwards, the following procedures were carried out: blood samples were taken for Toxoplasmosis (IgG, IgM) serology, hemogram, ophthalmological examination, consisting of clinical history, measurement of visual acuity, refraction under cycloplegia, biomicroscopy of the anterior segment and annexa, funduscopy and examination of extrinsic motility. The prevalence of Toxocariasis was 0.2% or 2 per one thousand students. The sample was insufficient to estimate the prevalence of DUSN. Seventy patients with DUSN diagnosis were examined from January, 2001 to January, 2003. A live worm was found in the subretinal space of all four patients in the acute phase, and these were treated with laser photocoagulation. After follow-up (average = 11.5 months), visual acuity improved in three eyes and remained unaltered in one eye. Worms were found in 22 of the 66 patients in the chronic phase, and these also were treated with laser photocoagulation. After a follow-up period of 13.1 months, on average, visual acuity improved in two of the patients, remained unchanged in 19 and worsened in one. The comparison of visual result before and after treatment was not statistically significant (p = 0.302). The diagnosis of DUSN in the acute phase, followed by prompt localization and destruction of the worm by photocoagulation, can improve the patient s vision. However, destruction of the worm by laser photocoagulation in eyes with DUSN in the chronic phase does not improve visual acuity. Seroprevalence for IgG was 46% (Confidence Interval CI 95%-42.9-49.2%) and for IgM it was 1.4% (CI 95% = 0.8-2.4%). The prevalence of ocular lesion was 1.15% (CI 95% = 0.6 - 2.0%). Socio-economic conditions were determinants in the prevalence of Systemic and Ocular Toxoplasmosis in the bivaried analysis and confirmed in the multivaried analysis (mother s scholarity illiterate/ OR = 2.9 and p < 0.001). The T. gondii infection prevalence, although high, was less than that found in studies performed in the South and Southeast of Brazil and that of Ocular Toxoplasmosis was completely discrepant, varying from 5 to 17 times less. Although important epidemiological variables such as owning a cat, drinking unfiltered water, and coming into contact with rivers or lakes showed an association in the preliminary analysis, they lost their influence when included in the logistic model. Future studies are scheduled to begin in March, 2004, in collaboration with other Brazilian and American universities in an attempt to discover the reason for these findings, as well as identifying the different strains of Toxoplasma gondii, and studying the sources of water utilized by the population of Natal Brazil


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OBJETIVOS: Traçar o perfil do usuário da Sala de Recursos para Deficiente Visual na cidade de Assis - SP, avaliar a porcentagem de deficientes visuais empregados e comparar o emprego com idade, gênero, tipo de deficiência e doença causadora da deficiência, entre dois períodos: de 1984 a 1996 e de 1997 a 2009. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo dos prontuários médicos e da ficha escolar dos portadores de deficiência visual que frequentaram a Sala de Recursos para Deficiente Visual, no período de 1984 a 2009 na cidade de Assis - SP, divididos em dois períodos de 1984 a 1996 (G1) e de 1997 a 2009 (G2). Analisaram-se dados demográficos, a doença que provocou a baixa visão, o tipo de deficiência visual (cegueira ou baixa visão), escolaridade, recursos ópticos, frequência à Sala de Recursos para Deficiente Visual e taxa de emprego. Foi feita associação da taxa de emprego com: idade, gênero, raça/cor, tipo de deficiência e doença nos dois diferentes períodos. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 149 deficientes visuais sendo: 61,07% homens, 38,9% mulheres, 82,5% brancos e 17,4% não brancos e a mediana da idade foi de 18 anos. Dos 149 deficientes visuais, 63,75% eram portadores de baixa visão e 36,24% portadores de cegueira. As principais doenças que levaram à deficiência visual dos 149 pacientes foram em ordem decrescente: retinocoroidite por toxoplasmose (17,40%), atrofia óptica congênita (12,10%), alta hipermetropia (8,72%), retinose pigmentar e alta miopia (6,71% cada uma) e glaucoma congênito e catarata congênita (6,04% cada uma). A frequência à Sala de Recursos para Deficiente Visual foi boa em mais de 50% dos pacientes. Estavam trabalhando regularmente 44,7% e 12,3% dos maiores de 14 anos respectivamente nos períodos de 1984 - 1996 e de 1997 - 2009. Não houve diferença entre os dois períodos quanto às características demográficas, tipo de deficiência e doenças, havendo correlação da taxa de emprego apenas com a idade (pacientes com média de idade maior apresentavam maior porcentagem de emprego). CONCLUSÕES: Os deficientes visuais eram na maioria homens, brancos, portadores de baixa visão e portadores de toxoplasmose ocular. Quase metade (44,7%) dos pacientes com mais de 14 anos encontrava-se trabalhando regularmente até 1996 sugerindo que esforços conjuntos de oftalmologistas e educadores auxilia na inclusão social destes pacientes. A taxa de emprego caiu no período de 1997 a 2009 e a de aposentados aumentou.


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A toxoplasmose congénita é uma doença infecciosa, causada pelo parasita Toxoplasma gondii e, adquirida por transmissão materno-fetal, a qual pode acarretar sequelas neurológicas e oculares muito graves, no recém-nascido. O presente estudo incide sobre as linhas de prevenção da doença, em Portugal. A base da prevenção define-se como primária, através da determinação do estatuto imunológico da mulher, do aconselhamento e adopção de medidas higiénico-dietéticas das mulheres seronegativas, de forma a evitar a infecção materna. A vigilância serológica, na detecção de uma possível infecção materna, e a instituição da terapêutica de profilaxia, constituem a prevenção secundária, de modo a evitar a infecção fetal. A prevenção terciária recai, sobre o estabelecimento de um novo esquema terapêutico, dotado de alguma teratogenicidade, com o intuito de minimizar as sequelas da infecção. Em Portugal, existem muitas mulheres seronegativas, mal informadas acerca da doença, e que não tomam medidas preventivas correctas, para evitar a infecção. Esta problemática é decrescente, de norte para sul do país. A prevenção da doença pode ser bem-sucedida, através da implementação de directrizes específicas, dirigidas aos diferentes grupos de risco e da orientação correcta, pelos profissionais de saúde. A realização de estudos, em várias áreas de intervenção da doença, optimiza a sua prevenção e a sua relação de custo-benefício.


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Eye loss results on facial asymmetry compromising its aesthetics. Ocular prostheses are important to re-establish aesthetics; protect the anophthalmic cavity; recover function such as the redirection of lachrymatory liquid; and reintegrate the patient to society. The aim of this study was to describe a case report, demonstrating clinical and laboratorial procedures for confection of ocular prostheses and highlighting their advantages. A female patient was afflicted by toxoplasmosis, which led to the loss of her eye. An eye visceration was performed. The patient reported no previous use of ocular prosthesis. A PMMA ocular prosthesis was manufactured restoring patient’s aesthetic and facial contour. The patient was satisfied with the treatment. Therefore the present study has shown that PMMA ocular prosthesis is able to restore facial aesthetics and can be a safe and satisfactory alternative for patients that have lost their eyes due to toxoplasmosis.


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Aberrations affect image quality of the eye away from the line of sight as well as along it. High amounts of lower order aberrations are found in the peripheral visual field and higher order aberrations change away from the centre of the visual field. Peripheral resolution is poorer than that in central vision, but peripheral vision is important for movement and detection tasks (for example driving) which are adversely affected by poor peripheral image quality. Any physiological process or intervention that affects axial image quality will affect peripheral image quality as well. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of accommodation, myopia, age, and refractive interventions of orthokeratology, laser in situ keratomileusis and intraocular lens implantation on the peripheral aberrations of the eye. This is the first systematic investigation of peripheral aberrations in a variety of subject groups. Peripheral aberrations can be measured either by rotating a measuring instrument relative to the eye or rotating the eye relative to the instrument. I used the latter as it is much easier to do. To rule out effects of eye rotation on peripheral aberrations, I investigated the effects of eye rotation on axial and peripheral cycloplegic refraction using an open field autorefractor. For axial refraction, the subjects fixated at a target straight ahead, while their heads were rotated by ±30º with a compensatory eye rotation to view the target. For peripheral refraction, the subjects rotated their eyes to fixate on targets out to ±34° along the horizontal visual field, followed by measurements in which they rotated their heads such that the eyes stayed in the primary position relative to the head while fixating at the peripheral targets. Oblique viewing did not affect axial or peripheral refraction. Therefore it is not critical, within the range of viewing angles studied, if axial and peripheral refractions are measured with rotation of the eye relative to the instrument or rotation of the instrument relative to the eye. Peripheral aberrations were measured using a commercial Hartmann-Shack aberrometer. A number of hardware and software changes were made. The 1.4 mm range limiting aperture was replaced by a larger aperture (2.5 mm) to ensure all the light from peripheral parts of the pupil reached the instrument detector even when aberrations were high such as those occur in peripheral vision. The power of the super luminescent diode source was increased to improve detection of spots passing through the peripheral pupil. A beam splitter was placed between the subjects and the aberrometer, through which they viewed an array of targets on a wall or projected on a screen in a 6 row x 7 column matrix of points covering a visual field of 42 x 32. In peripheral vision, the pupil of the eye appears elliptical rather than circular; data were analysed off-line using custom software to determine peripheral aberrations. All analyses in the study were conducted for 5.0 mm pupils. Influence of accommodation on peripheral aberrations was investigated in young emmetropic subjects by presenting fixation targets at 25 cm and 3 m (4.0 D and 0.3 D accommodative demands, respectively). Increase in accommodation did not affect the patterns of any aberrations across the field, but there was overall negative shift in spherical aberration across the visual field of 0.10 ± 0.01m. Subsequent studies were conducted with the targets at a 1.2 m distance. Young emmetropes, young myopes and older emmetropes exhibited similar patterns of astigmatism and coma across the visual field. However, the rate of change of coma across the field was higher in young myopes than young emmetropes and was highest in older emmetropes amongst the three groups. Spherical aberration showed an overall decrease in myopes and increase in older emmetropes across the field, as compared to young emmetropes. Orthokeratology, spherical IOL implantation and LASIK altered peripheral higher order aberrations considerably, especially spherical aberration. Spherical IOL implantation resulted in an overall increase in spherical aberration across the field. Orthokeratology and LASIK reversed the direction of change in coma across the field. Orthokeratology corrected peripheral relative hypermetropia through correcting myopia in the central visual field. Theoretical ray tracing demonstrated that changes in aberrations due to orthokeratology and LASIK can be explained by the induced changes in radius of curvature and asphericity of the cornea. This investigation has shown that peripheral aberrations can be measured with reasonable accuracy with eye rotation relative to the instrument. Peripheral aberrations are affected by accommodation, myopia, age, orthokeratology, spherical intraocular lens implantation and laser in situ keratomileusis. These factors affect the magnitudes and patterns of most aberrations considerably (especially coma and spherical aberration) across the studied visual field. The changes in aberrations across the field may influence peripheral detection and motion perception. However, further research is required to investigate how the changes in aberrations influence peripheral detection and motion perception and consequently peripheral vision task performance.


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Purpose To investigate static upper eyelid pressure and contact with the ocular surface in a group of young adult subjects. Methods Static upper eyelid pressure was measured for 11 subjects using a piezoresistive pressure sensor attached to a rigid contact lens. Measures of eyelid pressure were derived from an active pressure cell (1.14 mm square) beneath the central upper eyelid margin. To investigate the contact region between the upper eyelid and ocular surface, we used pressure sensitive paper and the lissamine-green staining of Marx’s line. These measures combined with the pressure sensor readings were used to derive estimates of eyelid pressure. Results The mean contact width between the eyelids and ocular surface estimated using pressure sensitive paper was 0.60 ± 0.16 mm, while the mean width of Marx’s line was 0.09 ± 0.02 mm. The mean central upper eyelid pressure was calculated to be 3.8 ± 0.7 mmHg (assuming that the whole pressure cell was loaded), 8.0 ± 3.4 mmHg (derived using the pressure sensitive paper imprint widths) and 55 ± 26 mmHg (based on contact widths equivalent to Marx’s line). Conclusions The pressure sensitive paper measurements suggest that a band of the eyelid margin, significantly larger than the anatomical zone of the eyelid margin known as Marx’s line, has primary contact with the ocular surface. Using these measurements as the contact between the eyelid margin and ocular surface, we believe that the mean pressure of 8.0 ± 3.4 mmHg is the most reliable estimate of static upper eyelid pressure.


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A common optometric problem is to specify the eye’s ocular aberrations in terms of Zernike coefficients and to reduce that specification to a prescription for the optimum sphero-cylindrical correcting lens. The typical approach is first to reconstruct wavefront phase errors from measurements of wavefront slopes obtained by a wavefront aberrometer. This paper applies a new method to this clinical problem that does not require wavefront reconstruction. Instead, we base our analysis of axial wavefront vergence as inferred directly from wavefront slopes. The result is a wavefront vergence map that is similar to the axial power maps in corneal topography and hence has a potential to be favoured by clinicians. We use our new set of orthogonal Zernike slope polynomials to systematically analyse details of the vergence map analogous to Zernike analysis of wavefront maps. The result is a vector of slope coefficients that describe fundamental aberration components. Three different methods for reducing slope coefficients to a spherocylindrical prescription in power vector forms are compared and contrasted. When the original wavefront contains only second order aberrations, the vergence map is a function of meridian only and the power vectors from all three methods are identical. The differences in the methods begin to appear as we include higher order aberrations, in which case the wavefront vergence map is more complicated. Finally, we discuss the advantages and limitations of vergence map representation of ocular aberrations.


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Aims: To investigate the change that occurs in intraocular pressure (IOP) and ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) with accommodation in young adult myopes and emmetropes. Methods: Fifteen progressing myopic and 17 emmetropic young adult subjects had their IOP and OPA measured using the Pascal dynamic contour tonometer. Measurements were taken initially with accommodation relaxed, and then following 2 min of near fixation (accommodative demand 3 D). Baseline measurements of axial length and corneal thickness were also collected prior to the IOP measures. Results: IOP significantly decreased with accommodation in both the myopic and emmetropic subjects (mean change 1.861.1 mm Hg, p<0.0001). There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between myopes and emmetropes in terms of baseline IOP or the magnitude of change in IOP with accommodation. OPA also decreased significantly with accommodation (mean change for all subjects 0.560.5, p<0.0001). The myopic subjects (baseline OPA 2.060.7 mm Hg) exhibited a significantly lower baseline OPA (p¼0.004) than the emmetropes (baseline OPA 3.261.3 mm Hg),and a significantly lower magnitude of change in OPA with accommodation. Conclusion: IOP decreases significantly with accommodation, and changes similarly in progressing myopic and emmetropic subjects. However, differences found between progressing myopes and emmetropes in the mean OPA levels and the decrease in OPA associated with accommodation suggested some changes in IOP dynamics associated with myopia.