868 resultados para Tourist Businesses


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Esta tese incide sobre as dinâmicas do turismo rural e as respetivas implicações em termos de desenvolvimento rural. Para tal recorreu-se à mobilização de um conjunto de conhecimentos, nomeadamente da área do turismo no espaço rural, do desenvolvimento rural e do marketing dos destinos rurais. Após uma revisão teórica minuciosa acerca de cada uma das temáticas anteriores, passámos à definição das hipóteses de investigação e do modelo de análise. As hipóteses de investigação permitiram-nos, efetivamente, testar algumas relações que considerámos, desde logo, relevantes no que diz respeito à problemática da investigação. Estas centraram-se nos promotores da oferta e na população rural. Se por um lado pretendíamos analisar a relação entre o perfil dos promotores, motivações de criação do empreendimento turístico e atividades de marketing seguidas, por outro, assumia-se como fundamental, observar as repercussões da oferta turística proporcionada junto da população local. Assumimos que esta se manifesta não só nos benefícios pessoais usufruídos, mas também a nível das perceções positivas e negativas. Após termos integrado as hipóteses de investigação, o modelo foi testado em duas regiões rurais que apresentam particularidades de regiões pobres, mas, ao mesmo tempo, um potencial turístico enorme, sendo que, inclusivamente, parte de uma dessas regiões é Património Mundial da Humanidade. Tomando em consideração esta última constatação, foram também apresentadas hipóteses complementares relativas à existência de diferenças (ao nível dos promotores e residentes) entre as regiões. Estas tarefas obrigaram à recolha de dados primários e secundários. Após a recolha da informação primária, os dados foram tratados e analisados à luz das perspetivas teóricas entretanto fornecidas. Os resultados obtidos com o estudo realizado permitiram identificar relações significativas entre o perfil do promotor, motivações de abertura do empreendimento, objetivos económicos e atividades de marketing desenvolvidas no empreendimento. Por outro lado, confirmámos ainda a existência de relações significativas entre benefícios pessoais auferidos e perceções positivas e negativas desenvolvidas pelos residentes e entre estas e a satisfação e apoio à atividade turística. Considera-se ainda que os resultados obtidos pela investigação devem ser utilizados em prol do desenvolvimento das respetivas regiões rurais. Por fim, sublinha-se o facto do modelo desenvolvido nesta investigação ser passível de aplicar a outras regiões rurais.


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Este trabalho tem por finalidade analisar as características teóricas e metodológicas das monografias defendidas no curso de turismo da Universidade Federal do Maranhão – UFMA, que tratam de assuntos voltados para a temática em Gestão de Negócios turísticos no período de 2001/2005. Trabalham-se as principais definições e conceitos relacionados à pesquisa, mostrando ser a pesquisa um ato não isolado, processual e sistematizado. Apresenta a importância e as funções da pesquisa afirmando que a mesma vem conquistando um certo espaço na vida acadêmica por melhorar as práticas educativas bem como contribuindo para melhoria de vida dos cidadãos, quando unida à tecnologia, além de apresentar a importância dos métodos de investigação nos vários níveis e fases. Aborda sobre a pesquisa nas diversas concepções na universidade de forma contextualizada. Aborda sobre a função social da pesquisa estimulando a divulgação científica, vinculando esta responsabilidade como débito social do pesquisador para com a comunidade científica. A pesquisa configura-se como um método descritivo - exploratório analisado segundo três matrizes: paradigmática, tipológica e o mapa conceitual que serviram como critério orientador, onde as monografias foram metodicamente analisadas em sua estrutura no nível teórico, apresentando as principais temáticas trabalhadas, as críticas e as propostas, bem como os autores mais citados e os tipos de documento mais pesquisados. No nível técnico são analisados a característica das pesquisas, as técnicas, instrumentos e procedimentos utilizados na coleta e analise dos dados. No nível epistemológico foram observados os critérios de validação, as concepções de causalidade e de ciência, e os pressupostos lógico – gnosiológicos. Os dados obtidos, analisados a luz do referencial teórico apontam para necessidade de um maior rigor científico e espírito crítico por parte dos pesquisadores.


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Tourism driven development and coastal gentrification have resulted in a notable decline in traditional coastaldependent businesses on the South Carolina (SC) coast. We examined the sustainability of these businesses by assessing tourists’ demand for local, traditional, and marine related products and services. The research integrated focus groups and an intercept-based mail survey. This paper reports selected survey results and discusses how the findings will be incorporated into small-business training materials. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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Ontario Editorial Bureau (O.E.B.)


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Waterfalls attract tourists because they are aesthetically appealing landscape features that are not part of everyday experience. It is generally understood that falls are usually seen at their best when there is a copious flow of water, especially after heavy rain. Guidebooks often contain this observation when referring to waterfalls, sometimes warning readers that the flow may be severely reduced during dry periods. Indeed, many visitors are disappointed when they see falls at such times. Some are saddened when the discharge of a waterfall has been depleted by the abstraction of water upstream for power generation or other purposes. While, for those in search of the Sublime or merely the superlative, size is often important, small waterfalls can give great pleasure to lovers of landscape beauty. According to guidebooks, however, even these falls are usually best seen after rain. Drawing on tourist and travel literature and personal journals from the eighteenth century to the present, and with reference to examples from different parts of the world, this paper discusses the importance of discharge in the tourist experience of waterfalls.


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Reports on an ESRC-funded, in-depth qualitative research project into 50 micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the cultural industries. Our evidence sheds light on the extent to which the teaching and learning strategies adopted by higher education, further education and other VET providers are effective in providing entrepreneurship education and training for this innovative, high skill sector. Our findings suggest that entrepreneurs in this sector learn best by being able to experiment with ideas, by “doing” and networking with others and by working with more experienced mentors in their sector. The article concludes by suggesting a more “naturalistic” approach to teaching and learning entrepreneurship for micro and small businesses in the cultural industries sector.


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There is much anecdotal evidence and academic argument that the location of a business influences its value. That is, some businesses appear to be worth more than others because of their location. This is particularly so in the tourism industry. Within the domain of the destination literature, many factors can be posited on why business valuation varies, ranging from access to markets, availability of labor, climate, and surrounding services. Given that business value is such a fundamental principle that underpins the viability of the tourist industry through its relationship with pricing, business acquisition, and investment, it is surprising that scant research has sought to quantify the relative premium associated with geographic locations. This study proposes a novel way in which to estimate geographic brand premium. Specifically, the approach translates valuation techniques from financial economics to quantify the incremental value derived from businesses operating in a particular geographic region, and produces a geographic brand premium. The article applies the technique to a well-known tourist destination in Australia, and the results are consistent with a positive value of brand equity in the key industries and are of a plausible order of magnitude. The article carries strong implications for business and tourism operators in terms of valuation, pricing, and investment, but more generally, the approach is potentially useful to local authorities and business associations when deciding how much resource and effort should be devoted to brand protection.


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Engaged students are committed and more likely to continue their university studies. Subsequently, they are less resource intensive from a university’s perspective. This article details an experiential second-year marketing course that requires students to develop real products and services to sell on two organized market days. In the course, students participate as both consumers and marketers in a simulated world. The current article explores the effectiveness of this experiential assessment in terms of its ability to engage students. Comparing student engagement to a traditional lecture course and National Survey of Student Engagement benchmarks, the results suggest that the use of a simulated marketplace is capable of engaging students. Specifically, the assessment reported encourages more active learning and collaboration, is more academically challenging, and permits more student–faculty interaction than a traditional lecture-based course. The course structure outlined in this article permits the dynamics of a live marketing environment to be introduced into the classroom. The authors provide practical advice for educators seeking to design and implement engaging pedagogy.


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Using panel data from the four waves of the Indonesia Family Life Survey in 1993, 1997, 2000 and 2007 we investigate the prerequisite for and contribution of micro-family-businesses to economic development. We find that family-owned firms are on average fairly profitable compared with the industrial sector profit standard. Failure rates between 1997 and 2000 are very low (about 10%), while the industrial sector experimented a massive shakeout of about 33% in the wake of the 1997 crisis (Ter Wengel & Rodriguez, 2006), with an increase in the number of family-businesses between the two years of observation. This paper contributes to the economics of entrepreneurship studies by continuing the discussion of entrepreneurship in hostile business environments (Baumol, 1990; Sobel, 2008).


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This report examines the conditions surrounding the emergence and growth of innovative new firms in the building and construction product system. The focus on innovative new firms was prompted by diverse literatures which highlight the pivotal roles of innovation and new business activity in driving economic growth. 9 The literature concludes that the founders of new firms are likely to be innovative and that new firms are likely to promote industry innovation and efficiency. New businesses have also been found to have positive employment impacts and to grow faster than established firms.