954 resultados para Tourism monitoring techniques
Nature based tourism is becoming more popular because it is perceived as a solution to the conflict between conservation and economic exploitation. Nevertheless, it is known to cause several effects. This paper reports findings whereby monitored tourism avoids triggering adverse effects for social cichlid fish species, Crenicichla lepidota. Measures used included aggression toward territorial intruders and the number of nests built in pristine reference areas for monitored and in non-monitored tourist areas. We observed suppressed aggressive behavior and suppressed nesting only in the non-monitored area. We conclude that by monitoring visits, and using techniques including avoiding stepping on the river bed, reducing the number of visitors, prohibiting fish feeding and protecting riparian vegetation, it is possible to avoid the enduring damage caused by nature tourism. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
La gestión de los residuos radiactivos de vida larga producidos en los reactores nucleares constituye uno de los principales desafíos de la tecnología nuclear en la actualidad. Una posible opción para su gestión es la transmutación de los nucleidos de vida larga en otros de vida más corta. Los sistemas subcríticos guiados por acelerador (ADS por sus siglas en inglés) son una de las tecnologías en desarrollo para logar este objetivo. Un ADS consiste en un reactor nuclear subcrítico mantenido en un estado estacionario mediante una fuente externa de neutrones guiada por un acelerador de partículas. El interés de estos sistemas radica en su capacidad para ser cargados con combustibles que tengan contenidos de actínidos minoritarios mayores que los reactores críticos convencionales, y de esta manera, incrementar las tasas de trasmutación de estos elementos, que son los principales responsables de la radiotoxicidad a largo plazo de los residuos nucleares. Uno de los puntos clave que han sido identificados para la operación de un ADS a escala industrial es la necesidad de monitorizar continuamente la reactividad del sistema subcrítico durante la operación. Por esta razón, desde los años 1990 se han realizado varios experimentos en conjuntos subcríticos de potencia cero (MUSE, RACE, KUCA, Yalina, GUINEVERE/FREYA) con el fin de validar experimentalmente estas técnicas. En este contexto, la presente tesis se ocupa de la validación de técnicas de monitorización de la reactividad en el conjunto subcrítico Yalina-Booster. Este conjunto pertenece al Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research (JIPNR-Sosny) de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bielorrusia. Dentro del proyecto EUROTRANS del 6º Programa Marco de la UE, en el año 2008 se ha realizado una serie de experimentos en esta instalación concernientes a la monitorización de la reactividad bajo la dirección del CIEMAT. Se han realizado dos tipos de experimentos: experimentos con una fuente de neutrones pulsada (PNS) y experimentos con una fuente continua con interrupciones cortas (beam trips). En el caso de los primeros, experimentos con fuente pulsada, existen dos técnicas fundamentales para medir la reactividad, conocidas como la técnica del ratio bajo las áreas de los neutrones inmediatos y retardados (o técnica de Sjöstrand) y la técnica de la constante de decaimiento de los neutrones inmediatos. Sin embargo, varios experimentos han mostrado la necesidad de aplicar técnicas de corrección para tener en cuenta los efectos espaciales y energéticos presentes en un sistema real y obtener valores precisos de la reactividad. En esta tesis, se han investigado estas correcciones mediante simulaciones del sistema con el código de Montecarlo MCNPX. Esta investigación ha servido también para proponer una versión generalizada de estas técnicas donde se buscan relaciones entre la reactividad el sistema y las cantidades medidas a través de simulaciones de Monte Carlo. El segundo tipo de experimentos, experimentos con una fuente continua e interrupciones del haz, es más probable que sea empleado en un ADS industrial. La versión generalizada de las técnicas desarrolladas para los experimentos con fuente pulsada también ha sido aplicada a los resultados de estos experimentos. Además, el trabajo presentado en esta tesis es la primera vez, en mi conocimiento, en que la reactividad de un sistema subcrítico se monitoriza durante la operación con tres técnicas simultáneas: la técnica de la relación entre la corriente y el flujo (current-to-flux), la técnica de desconexión rápida de la fuente (source-jerk) y la técnica del decaimiento de los neutrones inmediatos. Los casos analizados incluyen la variación rápida de la reactividad del sistema (inserción y extracción de las barras de control) y la variación rápida de la fuente de neutrones (interrupción larga del haz y posterior recuperación). ABSTRACT The management of long-lived radioactive wastes produced by nuclear reactors constitutes one of the main challenges of nuclear technology nowadays. A possible option for its management consists in the transmutation of long lived nuclides into shorter lived ones. Accelerator Driven Subcritical Systems (ADS) are one of the technologies in development to achieve this goal. An ADS consists in a subcritical nuclear reactor maintained in a steady state by an external neutron source driven by a particle accelerator. The interest of these systems lays on its capacity to be loaded with fuels having larger contents of minor actinides than conventional critical reactors, and in this way, increasing the transmutation rates of these elements, that are the main responsible of the long-term radiotoxicity of nuclear waste. One of the key points that have been identified for the operation of an industrial-scale ADS is the need of continuously monitoring the reactivity of the subcritical system during operation. For this reason, since the 1990s a number of experiments have been conducted in zero-power subcritical assemblies (MUSE, RACE, KUCA, Yalina, GUINEVERE/FREYA) in order to experimentally validate these techniques. In this context, the present thesis is concerned with the validation of reactivity monitoring techniques at the Yalina-Booster subcritical assembly. This assembly belongs to the Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research (JIPNR-Sosny) of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Experiments concerning reactivity monitoring have been performed in this facility under the EUROTRANS project of the 6th EU Framework Program in year 2008 under the direction of CIEMAT. Two types of experiments have been carried out: experiments with a pulsed neutron source (PNS) and experiments with a continuous source with short interruptions (beam trips). For the case of the first ones, PNS experiments, two fundamental techniques exist to measure the reactivity, known as the prompt-to-delayed neutron area-ratio technique (or Sjöstrand technique) and the prompt neutron decay constant technique. However, previous experiments have shown the need to apply correction techniques to take into account the spatial and energy effects present in a real system and thus obtain accurate values for the reactivity. In this thesis, these corrections have been investigated through simulations of the system with the Monte Carlo code MCNPX. This research has also served to propose a generalized version of these techniques where relationships between the reactivity of the system and the measured quantities are obtained through Monte Carlo simulations. The second type of experiments, with a continuous source with beam trips, is more likely to be employed in an industrial ADS. The generalized version of the techniques developed for the PNS experiments has also been applied to the result of these experiments. Furthermore, the work presented in this thesis is the first time, to my knowledge, that the reactivity of a subcritical system has been monitored during operation simultaneously with three different techniques: the current-to-flux, the source-jerk and the prompt neutron decay techniques. The cases analyzed include the fast variation of the system reactivity (insertion and extraction of a control rod) and the fast variation of the neutron source (long beam interruption and subsequent recovery).
This paper investigates the adequacy of current gas monitoring techniques to adequately detect spontaneous combustion in underground coalmines. Despite being in the 21st century spontaneous combustion continues to occur in underground coalmines sometimes being detected only at a very advanced stage. Control of the incident is often then very expensive and time consuming. The adequacy needs to be assessed not only from the point of view of the analysis technique be it tube bundle, gas chromatograph or real time sensor but also the number, location and sampling frequency of the monitoring locations. Recommendations are made to optimise monitoring processes and recognise limitations of current techniques.
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems were developed to evaluate the integrity of a system during operation, and to quickly identify the maintenance problems. They will be used in future aerospace vehicles to improve safety, reduce cost and minimize the maintenance time of a system. Many SHM systems were already developed to evaluate the integrity of plates and used in marine structures. Their implementation in manufacturing processes is still expected. The application of SHM methods for complex geometries and welds are two important challenges in this area of research. This research work started by studying the characteristics of piezoelectric actuators, and a small energy harvester was designed. The output voltages at different frequencies of vibration were acquired to determine the nonlinear characteristics of the piezoelectric stripe actuators. The frequency response was evaluated experimentally. AA battery size energy harvesting devices were developed by using these actuators. When the round and square cross section devices were excited at 50 Hz frequency, they generated 16 V and 25 V respectively. The Surface Response to Excitation (SuRE) and Lamb wave methods were used to estimate the condition of parts with complex geometries. Cutting tools and welded plates were considered. Both approaches used piezoelectric elements that were attached to the surfaces of considered parts. The variation of the magnitude of the frequency response was evaluated when the SuRE method was used. The sum of the square of the differences was calculated. The envelope of the received signal was used for the analysis of wave propagation. Bi-orthogonal wavelet (Binlet) analysis was also used for the evaluation of the data obtained during Lamb wave technique. Both the Lamb wave and SuRE approaches along with the three methods for data analysis worked effectively to detect increasing tool wear. Similarly, they detected defects on the plate, on the weld, and on a separate plate without any sensor as long as it was welded to the test plate.
During the past two decades, many researchers have developed methods for the detection of structural defects at the early stages to operate the aerospace vehicles safely and to reduce the operating costs. The Surface Response to Excitation (SuRE) method is one of these approaches developed at FIU to reduce the cost and size of the equipment. The SuRE method excites the surface at a series of frequencies and monitors the propagation characteristics of the generated waves. The amplitude of the waves reaching to any point on the surface varies with frequency; however, it remains consistent as long as the integrity and strain distribution on the part is consistent. These spectral characteristics change when cracks develop or the strain distribution changes. The SHM methods may be used for many applications, from the detection of loose screws to the monitoring of manufacturing operations. A scanning laser vibrometer was used in this study to investigate the characteristics of the spectral changes at different points on the parts. The study started with detecting a load on a plate and estimating its location. The modifications on the part with manufacturing operations were detected and the Part-Based Manufacturing Process Performance Monitoring (PbPPM) method was developed. Hardware was prepared to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methods in real time. Using low-cost piezoelectric elements and the non-contact scanning laser vibrometer successfully, the data was collected for the SuRE and PbPPM methods. Locational force, loose bolts and material loss could be easily detected by comparing the spectral characteristics of the arriving waves. On-line methods used fast computational methods for estimating the spectrum and detecting the changing operational conditions from sum of the squares of the variations. Neural networks classified the spectrums when the desktop – DSP combination was used. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the SuRE and PbPPM methods.
During the past two decades, many researchers have developed methods for the detection of structural defects at the early stages to operate the aerospace vehicles safely and to reduce the operating costs. The Surface Response to Excitation (SuRE) method is one of these approaches developed at FIU to reduce the cost and size of the equipment. The SuRE method excites the surface at a series of frequencies and monitors the propagation characteristics of the generated waves. The amplitude of the waves reaching to any point on the surface varies with frequency; however, it remains consistent as long as the integrity and strain distribution on the part is consistent. These spectral characteristics change when cracks develop or the strain distribution changes. The SHM methods may be used for many applications, from the detection of loose screws to the monitoring of manufacturing operations. A scanning laser vibrometer was used in this study to investigate the characteristics of the spectral changes at different points on the parts. The study started with detecting a load on a plate and estimating its location. The modifications on the part with manufacturing operations were detected and the Part-Based Manufacturing Process Performance Monitoring (PbPPM) method was developed. Hardware was prepared to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methods in real time. Using low-cost piezoelectric elements and the non-contact scanning laser vibrometer successfully, the data was collected for the SuRE and PbPPM methods. Locational force, loose bolts and material loss could be easily detected by comparing the spectral characteristics of the arriving waves. On-line methods used fast computational methods for estimating the spectrum and detecting the changing operational conditions from sum of the squares of the variations. Neural networks classified the spectrums when the desktop – DSP combination was used. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the SuRE and PbPPM methods.
La actividad volcánica interviene en multitud de facetas de la propia actividad humana, no siempre negativas. Sin embargo, son más los motivos de peligrosidad y riesgo que incitan al estudio de la actividad volcánica. Existen razones de seguridad que inciden en el mantenimiento del seguimiento y monitorización de la actividad volcánica para garantizar la vida y la seguridad de los asentamientos antrópicos en las proximidades de los edificios volcánicos. En esta tesis se define e implementa un sistema de monitorización de movimientos de la corteza en las islas de Tenerife y La Palma, donde el impacto social que representa un aumento o variación de la actividad volcánica en las islas es muy severo. Aparte de la alta densidad demográfica del Archipiélago, esta población aumenta significativamente, en diferentes periodos a lo largo del año, debido a la actividad turística que representa la mayor fuente de ingresos de las islas. La población y los centros turísticos se diseminan predominantemente a lo largo de las costas y también a lo largo de los flancos de los edificios volcánicos. Quizá el mantenimiento de estas estructuras sociales y socio-económicas son los motivos más importantes que justifican una monitorización de la actividad volcánica en las Islas Canarias. Recientemente se ha venido trabajando cada vez más en el intento de predecir la actividad volcánica utilizando los nuevos sistemas de monitorización geodésica, puesto que la actividad volcánica se manifiesta anteriormente por deformación de la corteza terrestre y cambios en la fuerza de la gravedad en la zona donde más tarde se registran eventos volcánicos. Los nuevos dispositivos y sensores que se han desarrollado en los últimos años en materias como la geodesia, la observación de la Tierra desde el espacio y el posicionamiento por satélite, han permitido observar y medir tanto la deformación producida en el terreno como los cambios de la fuerza de la gravedad antes, durante y posteriormente a los eventos volcánicos que se producen. Estos nuevos dispositivos y sensores han cambiado las técnicas o metodologías geodésicas que se venían utilizando hasta la aparición de los mismos, renovando métodos clásicos y desarrollando otros nuevos que ya se están afianzando como metodologías probadas y reconocidas para ser usadas en la monitorización volcánica. Desde finales de la década de los noventa del siglo pasado se han venido desarrollando en las Islas Canarias varios proyectos que han tenido como objetivos principales el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de observación y monitorización por un lado y el diseño de una metodología de monitorización volcánica adecuada, por otro. Se presenta aquí el estudio y desarrollo de técnicas GNSS para la monitorización de deformaciones corticales y su campo de velocidades para las islas de Tenerife y La Palma. En su implementación, se ha tenido en cuenta el uso de la infraestructura geodésica y de monitorización existente en el archipiélago a fin de optimizar costes, además de complementarla con nuevas estaciones para dar una cobertura total a las dos islas. Los resultados obtenidos en los proyectos, que se describen en esta memoria, han dado nuevas perspectivas en la monitorización geodésica de la actividad volcánica y nuevas zonas de interés que anteriormente no se conocían en el entorno de las Islas Canarias. Se ha tenido especial cuidado en el tratamiento y propagación de los errores durante todo el proceso de observación, medida y proceso de los datos registrados, todo ello en aras de cuantificar el grado de fiabilidad de los resultados obtenidos. También en este sentido, los resultados obtenidos han sido verificados con otros procedentes de sistemas de observación radar de satélite, incorporando además a este estudio las implicaciones que el uso conjunto de tecnologías radar y GNSS tendrán en un futuro en la monitorización de deformaciones de la corteza terrestre. ABSTRACT Volcanic activity occurs in many aspects of human activity, and not always in a negative manner. Nonetheless, research into volcanic activity is more likely to be motivated by its danger and risk. There are security reasons that influence the monitoring of volcanic activity in order to guarantee the life and safety of human settlements near volcanic edifices. This thesis defines and implements a monitoring system of movements in the Earth’s crust in the islands of Tenerife and La Palma, where the social impact of an increase (or variation) of volcanic activity is very severe. Aside from the high demographic density of the archipelago, the population increases significantly in different periods throughout the year due to tourism, which represents a major source of revenue for the islands. The population and the tourist centres are mainly spread along the coasts and also along the flanks of the volcanic edifices. Perhaps the preservation of these social and socio-economic structures is the most important reason that justifies monitoring volcanic activity in the Canary Islands. Recently more and more work has been done with the intention of predicting volcanic activity, using new geodesic monitoring systems, since volcanic activity is evident prior to eruption because of a deformation of the Earth’s crust and changes in the force of gravity in the zone where volcanic events will later be recorded. The new devices and sensors that have been developed in recent years in areas such as geodesy, the observation of the Earth from space, and satellite positioning have allowed us to observe and measure the deformation produced in the Earth as well as the changes in the force of gravity before, during, and after the volcanic events occur. The new devices and sensors have changed the geodetic techniques and methodologies that were used previously. The classic methods have been renovated and other newer ones developed that are now vouched for as proven recognised methodologies to be used for volcanic monitoring. Since the end of the 1990s, in the Canary Islands various projects have been developed whose principal aim has been the development of new observation and monitoring techniques on the one hand, and the design of an appropriate volcanic monitoring methodology on the other. The study and development of GNSS techniques for the monitoring of crustal deformations and their velocity field is presented here. To carry out the study, the use of geodetic infrastructure and existing monitoring in the archipelago have been taken into account in order to optimise costs, besides complementing it with new stations for total coverage on both islands. The results obtained in the projects, which are described below, have produced new perspectives in the geodetic monitoring of volcanic activity and new zones of interest which previously were unknown in the environment of the Canary Islands. Special care has been taken with the treatment and propagation of errors during the entire process of observing, measuring, and processing the recorded data. All of this was done in order to quantify the degree of trustworthiness of the results obtained. Also in this sense, the results obtained have been verified with others from satellite radar observation systems, incorporating as well in this study the implications that the joint use of radar technologies and GNSS will have for the future of monitoring deformations in the Earth’s crust.
Summary form only given. Bacterial infections and the fight against them have been one of the major concerns of mankind since the dawn of time. During the `golden years' of antibiotic discovery, during the 1940-90s, it was thought that the war against infectious diseases had been won. However currently, due to the drug resistance increase, associated with the inefficiency of discovering new antibiotic classes, infectious diseases are again a major public health concern. A potential alternative to antibiotic treatments may be the antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation (PDI) therapy. To date no indication of antimicrobial PDI resistance development has been reported. However the PDI protocol depends on the bacteria species [1], and in some cases on the bacteria strains, for instance Staphylococcus aureus [2]. Therefore the development of PDI monitoring techniques for diverse bacteria strains is critical in pursuing further understanding of such promising alternative therapy. The present works aims to evaluate Fourier-Transformed-Infra-Red (FT-IR) spectroscopy to monitor the PDI of two model bacteria, a gram-negative (Escherichia coli) and a gram-positive (S. aureus) bacteria. For that a high-throughput FTIR spectroscopic method was implemented as generally described in Scholz et al. [3], using short incubation periods and microliter quantities of the incubation mixture containing the bacteria and the PDI-drug model the known bactericidal tetracationic porphyrin 5,10,15,20-tetrakis (4-N, N, Ntrimethylammoniumphenyl)-porphyrin p-tosylate (TTAP4+). In both bacteria models it was possible to detect, by FTIR-spectroscopy, the drugs effect on the cellular composition either directly on the spectra or on score plots of principal component analysis. Furthermore the technique enabled to infer the effect of PDI on the major cellular biomolecules and metabolic status, for example the turn-over metabolism. In summary bacteria PDI was monitored in an economic, rapid (in minutes- , high-throughput (using microplates with 96 wells) and highly sensitive mode resourcing to FTIR spectroscopy, which could serve has a technological basis for the evaluation of antimicrobial PDI therapies efficiency.
BACKGROUNDWhile the pharmaceutical industry keeps an eye on plasmid DNA production for new generation gene therapies, real-time monitoring techniques for plasmid bioproduction are as yet unavailable. This work shows the possibility of in situ monitoring of plasmid production in Escherichia coli cultures using a near infrared (NIR) fiber optic probe. RESULTSPartial least squares (PLS) regression models based on the NIR spectra were developed for predicting bioprocess critical variables such as the concentrations of biomass, plasmid, carbon sources (glucose and glycerol) and acetate. In order to achieve robust models able to predict the performance of plasmid production processes, independently of the composition of the cultivation medium, cultivation strategy (batch versus fed-batch) and E. coli strain used, three strategies were adopted, using: (i) E. coliDH5 cultures conducted under different media compositions and culture strategies (batch and fed-batch); (ii) engineered E. coli strains, MG1655endArecApgi and MG1655endArecA, grown on the same medium and culture strategy; (iii) diverse E. coli strains, over batch and fed-batch cultivations and using different media compositions. PLS models showed high accuracy for predicting all variables in the three groups of cultures. CONCLUSIONNIR spectroscopy combined with PLS modeling provides a fast, inexpensive and contamination-free technique to accurately monitoring plasmid bioprocesses in real time, independently of the medium composition, cultivation strategy and the E. coli strain used.
Patients admitted to the neurocritical care unit (NCCU) often have serious conditions that can be associated with high morbidity and mortality. Pharmacologic agents or neuroprotectants have disappointed in the clinical environment. Current NCCU management therefore is directed toward identification, prevention, and treatment of secondary cerebral insults that evolve over time and are known to aggravate outcome. This strategy is based on a variety of monitoring techniques including use of intraparenchymal monitors. This article reviews parenchymal brain oxygen monitors, including the available technologies, practical aspects of use, the physiologic rationale behind their use, and patient management based on brain oxygen.
The focus in this thesis is to study both technical and economical possibilities of novel on-line condition monitoring techniques in underground low voltage distribution cable networks. This thesis consists of literature study about fault progression mechanisms in modern low voltage cables, laboratory measurements to determine the base and restrictions of novel on-line condition monitoring methods, and economic evaluation, based on fault statistics and information gathered from Finnish distribution system operators. This thesis is closely related to master’s thesis “Channel Estimation and On-line Diagnosis of LV Distribution Cabling”, which focuses more on the actual condition monitoring methods and signal theory behind them.