64 resultados para Totalitarianism.


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The current research agenda for construction process improvement is heavily influenced by the rhetoric of business process re-engineering (BPR). In contrast to the wider literature on BPR, there is little evidence of critical thought within the construction management research community. A postmodernist interpretation is advocated whereby the reality of management practice is defined by the dominant management discourse. The persuasiveness of BPR rhetoric is analysed with particular reference to the way in which it plays on the insecurity of modern managers. Despite the lip service given to ‘empowerment’ and ‘teamwork’, the dominant theme of the re-engineering movement is that of technocratic totalitarianism. From a critical perspective, it is suggested that BPR is imposed on construction organizations to ensure continued control by the industry's dominant power groups. Whilst industry leaders are fond of calling for ‘attitudinal and cultural improvement’, the language of the accepted research agenda continually reinforces the industry's dominant culture of ‘control and command’. Therefore, current research directions in process improvement perpetuate existing attitudes rather than facilitating cultural change. The concept of lean construction is seen to be the latest manifestation of this phenomenon.


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Despite Žižek's polemical attacks on Hannah Arendt, their writings on totalitarianism share significant similarities. Žižek's Lacanian analysis of the distortion of the elementary symbolic coordinates of human sociability in Stalinism refines Arendt's controversial account of the role of ideologies in totalitarian regimes; it brings to the political field an account of subjectivity and its relation to language derived from (Lacanian) psychoanalysis. Reading Žižek's analyses of Stalinist and fascist ideologies preserves – by psychoanalytically reframing – the radical philosophical register of Arendt's understanding of twentieth-century totalitarian regimes as attempting the systematic destruction of ‘world’ – the in-between public space of shared political human experience and action. Žižek's psychoanalytic framework allows us to address the tendency in Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism to conflate fascism and Stalinism and also to question the motives for these regimes’ political and ontological violences.


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The Soviet Union is commonly cited as "totalitarian." But just how totalitarian was the Soviet Union? The modern Russian Federation? There is an ongoing debate in Georgia about the Soviet past, the role of Stalin in Georgian history, an importance of Soviet legacies in shaping the nationalist discourse after independence and etc. Various roundtables and conferences reflecting on the historical, political and sociological contexts of the Soviet occupation are held in Georgian academic institutions and universities. On a discursive level, it is taken as a given that the „Evil Empire‟ was indeed totalitarian – brutally repressive, all-encompassing, and terrorizing. The term "totalitarian" embodies a multitude of concepts which we will try to discuss in a historical perspective, testing the extent of applicability and relevance of this term to modern-day Russia.


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The Uppsala school of Axel Hägerström can be said to have been the last genuinely Swedish philosophical movement. On the other hand, the Swedish analytic tradition is often said to have its roots in Hägerström s thought. This work examines the transformation from Uppsala philosophy to analytic philosophy from an actor-based historical perspective. The aim is to describe how a group of younger scholars (Ingemar Hedenius, Konrad Marc-Wogau, Anders Wedberg, Alf Ross, Herbert Tingsten, Gunnar Myrdal) colonised the legacy of Hägerström and Uppsala philosophy, and faced the challenges they met in trying to reconcile this legacy with the changing philosophical and political currents of the 1930s and 40s. Following Quentin Skinner, the texts are analysed as moves or speech acts in a particular historical context. The thesis consists of five previously published case studies and an introduction. The first study describes how the image of Hägerström as the father of the Swedish analytic tradition was created by a particular faction of younger Uppsala philosophers who (re-) presented the Hägerströmian philosophy as a parallel movement to logical empiricism. The second study examines the confrontations between Uppsala philosophy and logical empiricism in both the editorial board and in the pages of Sweden s leading philosophical journal Theoria. The third study focuses on how the younger generation redescribed Hägerströmian legal philosophical ideas (Scandinavian Legal Realism), while the fourth study discusses how they responded to the accusations of a connection between Hägerström s value nihilistic theory and totalitarianism. Finally, the fifth study examines how the Swedish social scientist and Social Democratic intellectual Gunnar Myrdal tried to reconcile value nihilism with a strong political programme for social reform. The contribution of this thesis to the field consists mainly in a re-evaluation of the role of Uppsala philosophy in the history of Swedish philosophy. From this perspective the Uppsala School was less a collection of certain definite philosophical ideas than an intellectual legacy that was the subject of fierce struggles. Its theories and ideas were redescribed in various ways by individual actors with different philosophical and political intentions.


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The Eastern Mafia Threat policy, crime phenomena, and cultural meanings An interdisciplinary research on the crime phenomena and the threat policy relating to the organized crime and the mafia of Russia and Estonia is based on 151 expert interviews, statistics, documents, research literature, and press material. The main part of the material consists of interviews of the Finnish, Estonian and Russian police authorities specialized in the problem of organized crime, and the reports on the crime situation drawn up in the Finnish diplomatic representations in Tallinn and St Petersburg. The interviews have been gathered in the years 1996-2001. The main theoretical tools of the research are constructivist research on social problems, and political psychology. Definitional processes of social problems and cultural semantic structures behind them are identified in the analysis and connected to the analysis of the crime cases. Both in the Anglo-American and Russian cultural frames there appears an inflated and exaggerated talk, according to which the mafia rules everything in Russia and is spreading everywhere. There is the traditional anti-Semitic paranoia in the core of this cultural symbiosis produced by Russian legal nihilism, the theory of totalitarianism of Sovietology, and the inertia of Russian anti-capitalism. To equate the Sicilian Mafia with Russia is an anachronism, since no empirical proof of systematic uncontrolled violence or absolute power vacuum in Russia can be found. In the Anglo-American policy of threat images, "the Russian mafia" was seen as a commodified conspiracy theory, which the police, the media, and the research took advantage of, blurring the line between fact and fiction. In Finland, the evolution of the policy of threat images proceeded in three phases: Initially, extensive rolling of refugees and criminals from Russia to Finland was emphasized in the beginning of the 1990's. In the second phase, the eastern mafia was said to infiltrate all over Finnish society and administration. Finland was, however, found immune to this kind of spreading. In the third phase, in the 21st century, the organized crime of Finland was said to be lead from abroad. In Finland, the policy of threat images was especially canalised to moral panics connected to "eastern prostitution". In Estonia, the policy of threat images emphasized the crime organized by the Russian authorities and politicians in order to weaken Estonia. In Russia, the policy of threat images emphasized the total criminalizing of society caused by criminal capitalism. In every country, the policy of threat images was affected by a so-called large-group identity, a term by Vamik Volkan, in which a so-called chosen trauma caused a political paranoia of an outer and inner danger. In Finland, procuring, car theft, and narcotics crimes were at their widest arranged by the Finnish often with the help of the Estonians. The Russians had no influence in the most serious violent crimes in Finland, although the number of assassinations were at least 5, 000 in Russia in the 1990's. In Russia, the assassinations were on one hand connected to marital problems, on the other hand to the pursuit of public attention and a hoped-for effect by the aid of the murder of an influential person. In the white-collar crime phenomena between Finland and Russia, the Finnish state and Finnish corporations gained remarkable benefit of the frauds aimed at the states of the Soviet Union and Russia in 1980's-21st century. The situation of Estonia was very difficult compared to that of Russia in the 1990's, which was manifested in the stagnation of the Estonian police and judicial authorities, the crimes of the police and the voluntary paramilitary organization, bomb explosions, the rebellion called "the jaeger crisis" in the voluntary paramilitary organization, and the "blood autumn" of Eastern Virumaa, in other words terror. The situation of Estonia had a powerful effect on the crime situation of Finland and on the security of the Finnish diplomats. In the continuum of the Finnish policy of threat images, Russia and the Russians were, however, presented as a source of a marked danger.


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Abstract: From a general standpoint, current thought is dominated by an ideological relativism which considers that truth depends on whom asserts a certain statement. This stance, related to Protagoras’ perspective, rejects the Enlightenment’s view, especially Kant’s way of thinking, viz. It rejects of all forms of authority, transcendent authority in particular. It also favors the conception of the subject developed by Sartre’s existentialism. However, relativism is the ultimate expression of skepticism which always reflects a painful rational relinquishment of the natural desire for truth. Relativism weakens reason and makes the arrival of ideological and political totalitarianism possible, which the 20th century suffered in its most tragic versions. In order to prevent its consequences and to restore reason’s legitimate confidence in wisdom, modern man ought to find the universal within him and his natural thirst for truth, and his transcendent origin. This demands recognizing and accepting humbly man’s condition as a creature, and his dependence on the Verb, who is Truth and Life.


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Resumen: Hannah Arendt y Walter Benjamin examinan los fenómenos asociativos de masa, multitud y populacho. Ambos sustraen tales grupos del ámbito político y los sitúan en el ámbito social. En Los orígenes del totalitarismo, Arendt indaga la noción de populacho o mob en el contexto del fenómeno imperialista. Asocia el carácter del populacho con el de la clase burguesa y posiciona ambos grupos en la emergencia de los nacionalismos tribales, ambos antecesores del totalitarismo. La masa es consustancial con los regímenes totalitarios. La apatía cívica, el cinismo y el derrumbe de las costumbres burguesas no alcanzan para explicar el fenómeno totalitario. El hombre masa ha perdido incluso el interés por sí mismo y el gusto por las asociaciones no partidarias. Walter Benjamin reflexiona literariamente los fenómenos de la bohème y de la multitud (crowd), a través de la poesía de Baudelaire y los relatos de Poe. El primer grupo incluye los conspiradores profesionales, cuyo aislamiento y resentimiento los emparenta con los miembros del mob. La falta de pertenencia y la ausencia de vínculos los conduce al activismo, sin un programa de acción. En el contexto de su reflexión sobre el fenómeno de la multitud, Benjamin indaga el impacto de las condiciones de vida moderna en las conductas automatizadas de los individuos. Los comportamientos reflejos, las respuestas automatizadas y los clichés, son las notas que también Arendt encuentra en el hombre “normal” y diluido en la masa, como lo evidenció la conducta de Eichmann durante el proceso en Jerusalén


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Résumé: Le défi vital que la Révélation pose à la philosophie légitime la question de leurs rapports possibles. La raison considère d’abord l’absence de rapport en distinguant radicalement ce qui relève de chacune. Mais l’élan fondamental orienté vers le divin qui anime cette faculté, la rend naturellement théologique. Pour éviter le scepticisme, incompatible avec son dynamisme naturel, la raison finit par dévaloriser la Révélation. Cette attitude signifie l’unicité de l’autorité théologique de la raison, alors naturellement divine. Développée à partir du XVIIIème siècle, elle culmine avec l’homme démiurgique des XIX et XXème siècles. Mais, ne pouvant justifier l’universalité de ses élaborations idéologiques, la raison hésite entre le scepticisme ou le totalitarisme, deux renoncements à l’exercice philosophique. L’acceptation du soutien lumineux de la Révélation, qui suppose l’humble reconnaissance des limites de la raison, ne nuit pas à cet exercice, mais le féconde, et, seule, en permet l’épanouissement. Eclairée par la Révélation, la philosophie contribue au bonheur suprême des hommes, qui demeure son intention fondamentale.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado pretende abordar as vicissitudes do discurso do capitalista sobre o sujeito. Para tanto, toma como ponto de partida a afirmação de Lacan, em suas palestras em Saint-Anne sobre O saber do psicanalista, de que o que caracteriza o discurso do capitalista é a foraclusão da castração. A partir dessa colocação representada no matema do discurso do capitalista pelo desaparecimento da disjunção entre produto e verdade, bem como pela ausência de um vetor entre agente e Outro, o que demonstra que esse discurso não promove laço social , percorre-se algumas questões que reverberam sobre o sujeito, dentre as quais se destaca: se o sujeito não existe fora do laço social, que sorte de efeitos a ele resulta por freqüentar um discurso que se apresenta como dominante na contemporaneidade em que a castração está foracluída e, portanto, também o liame social? Tendo em vista que a Verwerfung é o que opera no discurso do capitalista, lança-se a hipótese de que a esquizofrenização no nível do discurso resulte na propagação do que Helene Deutsch convencionou chamar de como se. Esse fenômeno surgiria como uma suplência imaginária a que recorreria o sujeito como estabilização face aos efeitos decorrentes da foraclusão da castração no discurso do capitalista. Trata-se de um discurso psicotizante que, ao contrário dos quatro discursos apresentados por Lacan no seminário O avesso da psicanálise, não promove laço social. Se discurso é o que faz laço social e Freud, em 1930, anunciara que a principal fonte de sofrimento de que padece o homem é a relação com os demais, o mal-estar na civilização é o mal-estar dos laços sociais. Logo, os quatro discursos participam do mal-estar na civilização. Ao contrário destes, o discurso do capitalista, na tentativa de eliminar o mal-estar, foraclui o laço social. Por promover o gozo ao invés da renúncia à pulsão, o discurso do capitalista acaba por instigá-la. E, como toda pulsão é pulsão de morte, não é outra coisa senão o empuxo mortífero ao gozo que o discurso do capitalismo produz. A potência que o discurso do capitalista adquiriu na contemporaneidade é analisada a partir de sua íntima relação com o discurso da ciência. A partir de algumas colocações de Hannah Arendt acerca da banalidade do mal presente em um sistema totalitário como o nazista, cogita-se a hipótese de que a aliança entre os discursos do capitalista e da ciência resulte no surgimento de uma nova forma de totalitarismo: o totalitarismo de consumo.


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A soberania surge como uma categoria do Estado Moderno. Do início da modernidade aos tempos atuais, o presente trabalho demonstra como surgiu a soberania e como sofreu vicissitudes, de uma concepção absolutista, como um fundamento legitimador do direito positivo, passando pelo fenômeno constitucionalista e a emergência da ideia de Estado de Direito, o apogeu nos âmbitos interno e externo com o totalitarismo e sua relativização na segunda metade do Século XX. A soberania moderna, com a instituição das Nações Unidas inicia seu processo de transmutação, o que foi acelerado pela globalização contemporânea e atualmente é uma categoria que foi ressignificada para se adequar à concepção contemporânea de Estado, com novas funções internamente e externamente. Essa nova soberania implicou em transformações no direito internacional, que classicamente era baseado em um sistema de Westphalia. As tradicionais teorias que explicam as relações entre o direito interno e o direito internacional tornam-se insuficientes diante da nova configuração da sociedade internacional, baseada na nova soberania, que não se trata mais de uma categoria oposta ao direito, mas que permite uma integração entre as diversas ordens jurídicas estatais e a internacional em uma só, sem que haja uma relação de hierarquia entre elas.


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The contribution is explaining the methods and the forms of the undemocratic regime on the example of the communist propaganda in the field of the emigration. The task of the article is to find out how the communist political elite was looking at the people who illegally left the territory of Czechoslovakia, which means of expression it was taking advantage of the characterizing of the political refugees, which types of the emigrants were standing in the centre of attention of the negative propaganda and in which intensity, the emigrants were presented in the communist press. We assume from the hypothesis that the propaganda language of the communists directed against the emigrants did not change in dependence of the rigidity of the communist regime. So, the emigrants were considered to be the mortal enemies of the regime both in the totalitarian condition in the fifties and in the authoritarian period of the eighties. The text is processed in the form of the contents analysis of the period newspaper articles. The article is divided into four parts. In the first theoretical part, the role of the propaganda in the undemocratic regimes is presented. Subsequently, the reasons of the emigration are explained in the investigated period, the object of the communist propaganda is subsequently presented and ultimately, in the last theoretical part, the language level of the propaganda of the Communist Party is analysed.


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Este breve ensaio sobre o poeta e escritor russo Vladimir Mayakovsky é uma modesta tentativa de contribuir para um (re)descobrimento ou para uma simples revisitação da produção literária russa do período soviético, que, por razões muitas vezes apenas de ordem política e não estética, caiu no esquecimento, não sendo traduzida na sua totalidade, como é o caso de Mayakovsky, ou, pura e simplesmente, sendo votada ao “ostracismo”, porque rotulada, a priori ou ab initio, como obras escritas dentro das paredes estreitas do “realismo socialista”, padecendo de falta de criatividade e norteandose, aberta ou dissimuladamente, pelos princípios rígidos e imutáveis de um totalitarismo inflexível. Contudo, nem toda a literatura soviética pode ser enquadrada no realismo socialista, valendo a pena conhecê-la e analisá-la.