951 resultados para Total Electron Content (TEC)


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This paper reports on a total electron content space weather study of the nighttime Weddell Sea Anomaly, overlooked by previously published TOPEX/Poseidon climate studies, and of the nighttime ionosphere during the 1996/1997 southern summer. To ascertain the morphology of spatial TEC distribution over the oceans in terms of hourly, geomagnetic, longitudinal and summer-winter variations, the TOPEX TEC, magnetic, and published neutral wind velocity data are utilized. To understand the underlying physical processes, the TEC results are combined with inclination and declination data plus global magnetic field-line maps. To investigate spatial and temporal TEC variations, geographic/magnetic latitudes and local times are computed. As results show, the nighttime Weddell Sea Anomaly is a large (∼1,600(°)2; ∼22 million km2 estimated for a steady ionosphere) space weather feature. Extending between 200°E and 300°E (geographic), it is an ionization enhancement peaking at 50°S–60°S/250°E–270°E and continuing beyond 66°S. It develops where the spacing between the magnetic field lines is wide/medium, easterly declination is large-medium (20°–50°), and inclination is optimum (∼55°S). Its development and hourly variations are closely correlated with wind speed variations. There is a noticeable (∼43%) reduction in its average area during the high magnetic activity period investigated. Southern summer nighttime TECs follow closely the variations of declination and field-line configuration and therefore introduce a longitudinal division of four (Indian, western/eastern Pacific, Atlantic). Northern winter nighttime TECs measured over a limited area are rather uniform longitudinally because of the small declination variation. TOPEX maps depict the expected strong asymmetry in TEC distribution about the magnetic dip equator.


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Global positioning system (GPS) can not only provide precise service for navigation and timing, but also be used to investigate the ionospheric variation. From the GPS observations, we can obtain total electron content (TEC), so-called GPS TEC, which is used to characterize the ionospheric structure. This thesis mainly concerns about GPS TEC data processing and ionospheric climatological analysis as follows. Firstly, develop an algorithm for high-resolution global ionospheric TEC mapping. According to current algorithms in global TEC mapping, we propose a practical way to calibrate the original GPS TEC with the existing GIM results. We also finish global/local TEC mapping by model fitting with the processed GPS TEC data; in practice, we apply it into the local TEC mapping in Southeast of China and obtain some initial results. Next, suggest a new method to calculate equivalent ionospheric global electron content (GEC). We calculate such an equivalent GEC with the TEC data along the geographic longitude 120°E. With the climatological analysis, we can see that GEC climatological variation is mainly composed of three factors: solar cycle, annual and semiannual variations. Solar cycle variation is dominant among them, which indicates the most prominent influence; both annual and semiannual variations play a secondary role and are modulated by solar activity. We construct an empirical GEC model driven by solar activity and seasonal factors on the basis of partial correlation analysis. Generally speaking, our researches not only show that GPS is advantageous in now-casting ionospheric TEC as an important observation, but also show that GEC may become a new index to describe the solar influence on the global ionosphere since the great correlation between GEC and solar activity factor indicates the close relationship between the ionosphere and solar activity.


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When used in the determining the total electron content (TEC), which may be the most important ionospheric parameter, the worldwide GPS observation brings a revolutionary change in the ionospheric science. There are three steps in the data processing to retrieve GPS TEC: (1) to estimate slant TEC from the measurements of GPS signals; (2) to map the slant TEC into vertical; and (3) to interpolate the vertical TEC into grid points. In this scientific dissertation we focus our attention on the second step, the mapping theory and method to convert slant TEC into vertical. This is conventionally done by multiplying on the slant TEC a mapping function which is usually determined by certain models of electron density profile. Study of the vertical TEC mapping function is of significance in GPS TEC measurement. This paper first reviews briefly the three steps in GPS TEC mapping process. Then we compare the vertical TEC mapping function which were respectively calculated from the electron density profiles of the ionospheric model and retrieved from the observation of worldwide GPS TEC. We also perform the statistical analysis on the observational mapping functions. The main works and results are as follows: 1. We calculated the vertical TEC mapping functions for both SLM and Chapman models, and discussed the modulation of the ionosphere height to the mapping functions. We use two simple models, single layer model (SLM) and Chapman models, of the ionospheric electron density profiles to calculate the vertical TEC mapping function. In the case of the SLM, we discuss the control of the ionospheric altitude, i.e., the layer height hipp, to the mapping function. We find that the mapping function decreases rapidly as hipp increases. For the Chapman model we study also the control mapping function by both ionospheric altitude indicated by the peak electron density height hmF2, and the scale height, H, which present the thickness of the ionosphere. It is also found that the mapping function decreases rapidly as hmF2 increases. and it also decreases as H increases. 2. Then we estimate the mapping functions from the GPS observations and compare them with those calculated from the electron density models. We first, proposed a new method to estimate the mapping functions from GPS TEC data. This method is then used to retrieve the observational mapping function from both the slant TEC (TECS) provided by International GPS Service (IGS)and vertical TEC provide by JPL Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs). Then we compare the observational mapping function with those calculated from the electron density models, SLM and Chapman. We find that the values of the observational mapping functions are much smaller than that from the model mapping functions, when the zenith angle is large enough. We attribute this to the effect of the plasmasphere which is above about 1000 km. 3. We statistically analyze the observational mapping functions and reveal their climatological changes. Observational mapping functions during 1999-2007 are used in our statistics. The main results are as follows. (1) The observational mapping functions decrease obviously with the decrement of the solar activity which is represented by the F10.7 index; (2) In annual variations of the observational mapping functions, the semiannual component is found at low-latitudes, and the remarkable seasonal variations at mid- and high-latitudes. (3) The diurnal variation of the observational mapping functions is that they are large in daytime and small at night, they become extremely small in the early morning before sunrise. (4) The observational mapping functions change with latitudes that they are smaller at lower latitudes and larger at higher. All of the above variations of the observational mapping functions are explained by the existence of the plasmasphere, which changes more slowly with time and more rapidly with latitude than the ionosphere does . In summary, our study on the vertical TEC mapping function imply that the ionosphere height has a modulative effect on the mapping function. We first propose the concept of the 'observational mapping functions' , and provide a new method to calculate them. This is important in improving the TEC mapping. It may also possible to retrieving the plasmaspheric information from GPS observations.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this dissertation, we investigated two types of traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs)/gravity waves (GWs) triggered separately by auroral energy input during super geomagnetic storms and solar terminator (ST) under quiet geomagnetic conditions (kp<3+) using TEC measurements from the global network of GPS receivers. Research into the generation and propagation of TIDs/GWs during storms greatly enhance our understandings on the evolution processes of energy transportation from the high-latitude’s magnetosphere to the low-latitude ionosphere and the conjugated effect of TIDs propagation between the northern and southern hemispheres. Our results revealed that the conjugacy of propagation direction between the northern and southern hemispheres was subject to the influence of Coriolis force. We also figure out the evolution processes of ionospheric disturbances at the global scale. These are important topics that had not been well addressed previously. In addition, we also obtained thee wave structures of medium scale TIDs excited by the solar terminator (ST) moving over the northern America and physical mechanisms involved. Our observations confirm that the ST is a stable and repetitive source of ionospheric wave disturbances and the evidence of solar terminator generated disturbances has been demonstrated experimentally via the GPS TEC measurement. The main researches and results of this dissertation are as follows. First, the global traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) during the drastic magnetic storms of October 29–31, 2003 were analyzed using the Global Position System (GPS) total electron content (TEC) data observed in the Asian-Australian, European and North American sectors. We collected the most comprehensive set of the TEC data from more than 900 GPS stations on the International GNSS Services (IGS) website and introduce here a strategy that combines polynomial fitting and multi-channel maximum entropy spectral analysis to obtain TID parameters. Moreover, in collaboration with my thesis advisor, I have developed an imaging technique of 2-dimensional map of TIDs structures to obtain spatial and temporal maps of large scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (LSTIDs). The clear structures of TEC perturbations map during the passage of TIDs were displayed. The results of our study are summarized as follows: (1) Large-scale TIDs (LSTIDs) and medium-scale TIDs (MSTIDs) were detected in all three sectors after the sudden commencement (SC) of the magnetic storm, and their features showed longitudinal and latitudinal dependences. The duration of TIDs was longer at higher latitudes than at middle latitudes, with a maximum of about 16 h. The TEC variation amplitude of LSTIDs was larger in the North American sector than in the two other sectors. At the lower latitudes, the ionospheric perturbations were more complicated, and their duration and amplitude were relatively longer and larger. (2) The periods and phase speeds of TIDs were different in these three sectors. In Europe, the TIDs propagated southward; in North America and Asia, the TIDs propagated southwestward; in the near-equator region, the disturbances propagated with the azimuth (the angle of the propagation direction of the LSTIDs measured clockwise from due north with 0°) of 210° showing the influence of Coriolis force; in the Southern Hemisphere, the LSTIDs propagated conjugatedly northwestward. Both the southwestward and northeastward propagating LSTIDs are found in the equatorial region. These results mean that the Coriolis effect cannot be ignored for the wave propagation of LSTIDs and that the propagation direction is correlated with the polar magnetic activity. (3) The day (day of year: 301) before the SC (sudden commencement) of magnetic storm, we observed a sudden TEC skip disturbances (±10 TECU). It should be a response for the high flux of proton during the solar flare event, but not the magnetic storms. Next, the most comprehensive and dense GPS network’s data from North-America region were used in this paper to analyze the medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) which were generated by the moving solar terminator during the quiet days in 2005. We applied the multi-channel maximum entropy spectral analysis to calculated TID parameters, and found that the occurrence of ST-MSTIDs depends on the seasonal variations. The results of our study are summarized as follows: (1) MSTIDs stimulated by the moving ST (ST-MSTIDs) are detected at mid-latitudes after the passage of the solar terminator with the life time of 2~3 hours and the variation amplitude of 0.2~0.8 TECU. Spectral analysis indicated that the horizontal wavelength, average period, horizontal phase velocity of the MSTIDs are around 300±150 km,150±80 m/s and 25±15 min, respectively. In addition, ST-MSTIDs have wave fronts elongating the moving ST direction and almost parallel to ST. (2) The statistical results demonstrate that the dusk MSTIDs stimulated by ST is more obvious than the dawn MSTIDs in summer. On the contrary, the more-pronounced dawn MSTIDs occurs in winter. (3) Further analysis indicates that the seasonal variations of ST-MSTIDs occurrence frequency are most probably related to the seasonal differences of the variations of EUV flux in the ionosphere region and recombination process during sunrise and sunset period at mid-latitudes. Statistical study of occurrence characteristics of TIDs using the GPS network in North-American and European during solar maximum, In conclusion, statistical studies of the propagation characteristics of TIDs, which excited by the two common origins including geomagnetic storms and moving solar terminator, were involved with global GPS TEC databasein this thesis. We employed the multichannel maximum entropy spectral analysis method to diagnose the characteristics of propagation and evolvement of ionospheric disturbances, also, the characteristics of their regional distribution and climatological variations were revealed by the statistic analysis. The results of these studies can improve our knowledge about the energy transfer in the solar-terrestrial system and the coupling process between upper and lower atmosphere (thermosphere-ionosphere-mesosphere). On the other hand, our results of the investigation on TIDs generated by particular linear origin such as ST are important for developing ionospheric irregularity physics and modeling the transionosphere radio wave propagation. Besides, the GPS TEC representation of the ST-generated ionospheric structure suggests a better possibility for investigating this phenomenon. Subsequently, there are scientific meaning of the result of this dissertation to deeply discuss the energy transfer and coupling in the ionosphere, as well as realistic value to space weather forecast in the ionosphere region.


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Acoustic Gravity waves (AGW) play an important role in balancing the atmospheric energy and momentum budget. Propagation of gravity wave in the atmosphere is one of the important factors of changing middle and upper atmosphere and ionosphere. The purpose of this dissertation is to study the propagation of gravity wave in a compression atmosphere whit means of numerical simulation and to analyze the response of middle and upper atmosphere to pulse disturbance from lower atmosphere. This work begins with the establishment of 2-D fully nonlinear compressible atmospheric dynamic model in polar coordinate, which is used ton numerically study gravity wave propagation. Then the propagation characteristics of acoustic gravity wave packets are investigated and discussed. We also simulate the response of middle and upper atmosphere to pulse disturbance of lower atmosphere in background winds or without background winds by using this model and analyze the data we obtained by using Fourier Transform (FT), Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT) and Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method which is an important part of Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT). The research content is summarized in the following: 1. By using a two-dimensional full-implicit-continuous-Eulerian (FICE) scheme and taking the atmospheric basic motion equations as the governing equations, a numerical model for nonlinear propagation of acoustic gravity wave disturbance in two-dimensional polar coordinates is solved. 2. Then the propagation characteristics of acoustic gravity wave packets are investigated and discussed. Results of numerical simulation show that the acoustic gravity wave packets propagate steadily upward and keep its shape well after several periods. 3. We simulate the response of middle and upper atmosphere to pulse disturbance of lower atmosphere in background winds or without background winds by using this model, and obtain the distribution of a certain physical quantity in time and space from earth’s surface to 300km above. The results reveal that the response of ionosphere occurs at a large horizontal distance from the source and the disturbance becomes greater with increasing of height. The situation when the direction of the background wind is opposite to or the same as the direction of disturbed velocity of gravity-wave is studied. The results show that gravity wave propagating against winds is easier than those propagating along winds and the background wind can accelerate gravity wave propagation. Just upon the source, an acoustic wave component with period of 6 min can be found. These images of simulation are similar to observations of the total electron content (TEC) disturbances caused by the great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake on December 26 in 2004. 4. Using the EMD method the disturbed velocity data of a certain physical quantity in time and space can be decomposed into a series of intrinsic mode function (IMF) and a trend mode respectively. The results of EMD reveal impact of the gravity wave frequency under the background winds.


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A method of automatically identifying and tracking polar-cap plasma patches, utilising data inversion and feature-tracking methods, is presented. A well-established and widely used 4-D ionospheric imaging algorithm, the Multi-Instrument Data Assimilation System (MIDAS), inverts slant total electron content (TEC) data from ground-based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers to produce images of the free electron distribution in the polar-cap ionosphere. These are integrated to form vertical TEC maps. A flexible feature-tracking algorithm, TRACK, previously used extensively in meteorological storm-tracking studies is used to identify and track maxima in the resulting 2-D data fields. Various criteria are used to discriminate between genuine patches and "false-positive" maxima such as the continuously moving day-side maximum, which results from the Earth's rotation rather than plasma motion. Results for a 12-month period at solar minimum, when extensive validation data are available, are presented. The method identifies 71 separate structures consistent with patch motion during this time. The limitations of solar minimum and the consequent small number of patches make climatological inferences difficult, but the feasibility of the method for patches larger than approximately 500 km in scale is demonstrated and a larger study incorporating other parts of the solar cycle is warranted. Possible further optimisation of discrimination criteria, particularly regarding the definition of a patch in terms of its plasma concentration enhancement over the surrounding background, may improve results.


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A comparison tool has been developed by mapping the global GPS total electron content (TEC) and large coverage of ionospheric scintillations together on the geomagnetic latitude/magnetic local time coordinates. Using this tool, a comparison between large-scale ionospheric irregularities and scintillations are pursued during a geomagnetic storm. Irregularities, such as storm enhanced density (SED), middle-latitude trough and polar cap patches, are clearly identified from the TEC maps. At the edges of these irregularities, clear scintillations appeared but their behaviors were different. Phase scintillations (σsub{φ}) were almost always larger than amplitude scintillations (S4) at the edges of these irregularities, associated with bursty flows or flow reversals with large density gradients. An unexpected scintillation feature appeared inside the modeled auroral oval where S4 were much larger than σsub{φ}, most likely caused by particle precipitations around the exiting polar cap patches.


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When GNSS receivers capable of collecting dual-frequency data are available, it is possible to eliminate the first-order ionospheric effect in the data processing through the ionosphere-free linear combination. However, the second- and third-order ionospheric effects still remain. The first-, second- and third-order ionospheric effects are directly proportional to the total electron content (TEC), although the second- and third-order effects are influenced, respectively, by the geomagnetic field and the maximum electron density. In recent years, the international scientific community has given more attention to these kinds of effects and some works have shown that for high precision GNSS positioning these effects have to be taken into consideration. We present a software tool called RINEX_HO that was developed to correct GPS observables for second- and third-order ionosphere effects. RINEX_HO requires as input a RINEX observation file, then computes the second- and third-order ionospheric effects, and applies the corrections to the original GPS observables, creating a corrected RINEX file. The mathematical models implemented to compute these effects are presented, as well as the transformations involving the earth's magnetic field. The use of TEC from global ionospheric maps and TEC calculated from raw pseudorange measurements or pseudoranges smoothed by phase is also investigated.


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After removal of the Selective Availability in 2000, the ionosphere became the dominant error source for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), especially for the high-accuracy (cm-mm) demanding applications like the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning.The common practice of eliminating the ionospheric error, e. g. by the ionosphere free (IF) observable, which is a linear combination of observables on two frequencies such as GPS L1 and L2, accounts for about 99% of the total ionospheric effect, known as the first order ionospheric effect (Ion1). The remaining 1% residual range errors (RREs) in the IF observable are due to the higher - second and third, order ionospheric effects, Ion2 and Ion3, respectively. Both terms are related with the electron content along the signal path; moreover Ion2 term is associated with the influence of the geomagnetic field on the ionospheric refractive index and Ion3 with the ray bending effect of the ionosphere, which can cause significant deviation in the ray trajectory (due to strong electron density gradients in the ionosphere) such that the error contribution of Ion3 can exceed that of Ion2 (Kim and Tinin, 2007).The higher order error terms do not cancel out in the (first order) ionospherically corrected observable and as such, when not accounted for, they can degrade the accuracy of GNSS positioning, depending on the level of the solar activity and geomagnetic and ionospheric conditions (Hoque and Jakowski, 2007). Simulation results from early 1990s show that Ion2 and Ion3 would contribute to the ionospheric error budget by less than 1% of the Ion1 term at GPS frequencies (Datta-Barua et al., 2008). Although the IF observable may provide sufficient accuracy for most GNSS applications, Ion2 and Ion3 need to be considered for higher accuracy demanding applications especially at times of higher solar activity.This paper investigates the higher order ionospheric effects (Ion2 and Ion3, however excluding the ray bending effects associated with Ion3) in the European region in the GNSS positioning considering the precise point positioning (PPP) method. For this purpose observations from four European stations were considered. These observations were taken in four time intervals corresponding to various geophysical conditions: the active and quiet periods of the solar cycle, 2001 and 2006, respectively, excluding the effects of disturbances in the geomagnetic field (i.e. geomagnetic storms), as well as the years of 2001 and 2003, this time including the impact of geomagnetic disturbances. The program RINEX_HO (Marques et al., 2011) was used to calculate the magnitudes of Ion2 and Ion3 on the range measurements as well as the total electron content (TEC) observed on each receiver-satellite link. The program also corrects the GPS observation files for Ion2 and Ion3; thereafter it is possible to perform PPP with both the original and corrected GPS observation files to analyze the impact of the higher order ionospheric error terms excluding the ray bending effect which may become significant especially at low elevation angles (Ioannides and Strangeways, 2002) on the estimated station coordinates.


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The error associated with the ionosphere depends on Total Electron Content (TEC) of the ionosphere. The geomagnetic field exerts strong influence in the TEC variation, because it controls the movement of the electrons. After solar events the magnetic lines of force can be compressed, characterizing the geomagnetic storm. The aim of this paper is to present to geodesic community the effects of a geomagnetic storm in the relative positioning. The processing of the data was accomplished with an interval of two hours, with a 430 km baseline. The analyze of the obtained results have been carried out from the discrepancies between the true coordinates and corresponding ones obtained in the processing of the baseline. The used data in this paper include the period of 30/03/2001 up to 02/04/2001. In March 31 a strong geomagnetic storm happened. One day after, that it corresponds to main phase of the storm, the values of the discrepancies decreased significantly. For instance, in 01:00-03:00 UT period, the value of the planimetric discrepancy reached 20 m in the storm day. However, in the main phase of the storm, the planimetric discrepancy decreased to 0.1 m.


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The effect of the ionosphere on the signals of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), such as the Global Positionig System (GPS) and the proposed European Galileo, is dependent on the ionospheric electron density, given by its Total Electron Content (TEC). Ionospheric time-varying density irregularities may cause scintillations, which are fluctuations in phase and amplitude of the signals. Scintillations occur more often at equatorial and high latitudes. They can degrade navigation and positioning accuracy and may cause loss of signal tracking, disrupting safety-critical applications, such as marine navigation and civil aviation. This paper addresses the results of initial research carried out on two fronts that are relevant to GNSS users if they are to counter ionospheric scintillations, i.e. forecasting and mitigating their effects. On the forecasting front, the dynamics of scintillation occurrence were analysed during the severe ionospheric storm that took place on the evening of 30 October 2003, using data from a network of GPS Ionospheric Scintillation and TEC Monitor (GISTM) receivers set up in Northern Europe. Previous results [1] indicated that GPS scintillations in that region can originate from ionospheric plasma structures from the American sector. In this paper we describe experiments that enabled confirmation of those findings. On the mitigation front we used the variance of the output error of the GPS receiver DLL (Delay Locked Loop) to modify the least squares stochastic model applied by an ordinary receiver to compute position. This error was modelled according to [2], as a function of the S4 amplitude scintillation index measured by the GISTM receivers. An improvement of up to 21% in relative positioning accuracy was achieved with this technnique.