929 resultados para Tort liability of juristic persons
El presente trabajo versa sobre una cuestión nominal y materialmente zanjada por la doctrina civil y penal como es la naturaleza jurídica de la RC ex delicto. Sin embargo, a juicio del autor, se trata de una problemática todavía viva. No se defiende la mutación penal de la responsabilidad civil derivada de delito. Pero sí se hace especial hincapié en los relevantes efectos punitivos a ella asignados, en su carácter no sólo y exclusivamente civil, así como en la existencia de un interés público que trasciende a las partes en conflicto y que justificaría su ejercicio en el proceso penal por el Ministerio Fiscal.
Abstract: in Portugal, and in much of the legal systems of Europe, «legal persons» are likely to be criminally responsibilities also for cybercrimes. Like for example the following crimes: «false information»; «damage on other programs or computer data»; «computer-software sabotage»; «illegitimate access»; «unlawful interception» and «illegitimate reproduction of protected program». However, in Portugal, have many exceptions. Exceptions to the «question of criminal liability» of «legal persons». Some «legal persons» can not be blamed for cybercrime. The legislature did not leave! These «legal persons» are v.g. the following («public entities»): legal persons under public law, which include the public business entities; entities utilities, regardless of ownership; or other legal persons exercising public powers. In other words, and again as an example, a Portuguese public university or a private concessionaire of a public service in Portugal, can not commit (in Portugal) any one of cybercrime pointed. Fair? Unfair. All laws should provide that all legal persons can commit cybercrimes. PS: resumo do artigo em inglês.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Driver and Pedestrian Programs, Washington, D.C.
The purpose of this research study was to investigate the legal knowledge of Florida's public elementary classroom teachers in the area of tort liability for negligence. A second purpose of the study was to assess the knowledge of school law in the area of negligence according to specific variables to determine if significant differences in knowledge existed among groups of teachers classified by: years of teaching experience, whether or not teachers took a school law course or inservice, college degree held and whether or not teachers had administrative experience. A validated survey instrument consisting of 22 scenarios based on decided court cases in the United States was utilized. These cases included court decisions ranging from 1938–1994, and represented the categories of duty and standard of care, proper instruction, proper supervision, proper maintenance, field trips, and post-injury treatment. ^ A random sample of 420 elementary classroom teachers were sent the survey instrument to complete, and a total of 309 surveys were returned producing a return rate of 77%. The results of this research study revealed that the overall level of legal knowledge of public elementary classroom teachers in the State of Florida produced a mean percent correct of 53%. The range of scores varied from 18%–82%, with the approximate average of correct answers of 12 out of 22. The category of proper instruction produced the lowest mean percent correct of 35%, and the area of post-injury treatment yielded the highest mean percent correct of 78%. ^ The findings of this study emphasize the necessity of preparing teachers regarding their legal rights, duties and responsibilities. The need for teachers to receive training at the preservice and inservice levels has become clear by this study. ^
In an earlier research project, HR-204, the magnitude and nature of highway related tort claims against counties in Iowa were investigated. However, virtually all of the claims identified in that research resulted from incidents that occurred in areas with predominantly agricultural land use. With recent increases in the rural non-farm population, many traditionally urban problems are also appearing in built-up areas under county jurisdiction. This trend is expected to continue so that counties must anticipate a change in the nature of the tort claims they will encounter. Problems that heretofore have been unique to cities may become commonplace in areas for which counties are responsible. The research reported here has been directed toward an investigation of those problems in rural subdivisions that lead to claims growing out of the provision of highway services by counties. Lacking a sufficient database among counties for the types of tort claims of interest in this research, a survey was sent to 259 cities in Iowa in order to identify highway related problems leading to those claims. The survey covered claims during a five year period from 1975 to 1980. Over one-third of the claims reported were based on alleged street defects. Another 34 percent of the claims contained allegations of damages due to backup of sanitary sewers or defects in sidewalks. By expanding the sample from the 164 cities that responded to the survey, it was estimated that a total of $49,000,000 in claims had been submitted to all 259 cities. Over 34% of this amount resulted from alleged defects in the use of traffic signs, signals, and markings. Another 42% arose from claims of defects in streets and sidewalks. Payments in settlement of claims were about 13.4% of the amount asked for those claims closed during the period covered by the survey. About $9,000,000 in claims was pending on June 30, 1980 according to the information furnished. Officials from 23 cities were interviewed to provide information on measures to overcome the problems leading to tort claims. On the basis of this information, actions have been proposed that can be undertaken by counties to reduce the potential for highway-related claims resulting from their responsibilities in rural subdivisions and unincorporated communities. Suggested actions include the eight recommendations contained in the final report for the previous research under HR-204. In addition, six recommendations resulted from this research, as follows: 1. Counties should adopt county subdivision ordinances. 2. A reasonable policy concerning sidewalks should be adopted. 3. Counties should establish and implement a system for setting road maintenance priorities. 4. Counties should establish and implement a procedure for controlling construction or maintenance activities within the highway right of way. 5. Counties should establish and implement a system to record complaints that are received relating to highway maintenance and to assure timely correction of defective conditions leading to such complaints. 6. Counties should establish and implement a procedure to ensure timely advice of highway defects for which notice is not otherwise received.
Ce mémoire porte sur la responsabilité pénale des entreprises canadiennes pour des crimes internationaux commis en partie ou entièrement à l’étranger. Dans la première partie, nous montrons que les premiers développements sur la reconnaissance de la responsabilité criminelle d’entités collectives devant les tribunaux militaires établis après la deuxième guerre mondiale n’ont pas été retenus par les tribunaux ad hoc des Nations Unies et par la Cour pénale internationale. En effet, la compétence personnelle de ces tribunaux permet uniquement de contraindre des personnes physiques pour des crimes internationaux. Dans la deuxième partie, nous offrons des exemples concrets illustrant que des entreprises canadiennes ont joué dans le passé et peuvent jouer un rôle criminel de soutien lors de guerres civiles et de conflits armés au cours desquels se commettent des crimes internationaux. Nous montrons que le droit pénal canadien permet d’attribuer une responsabilité criminelle à une organisation (compagnie ou groupe non incorporé) pour des crimes de droit commun commis au Canada, comme auteur réel ou comme complice. Nous soutenons qu’il est également possible de poursuivre des entreprises canadiennes devant les tribunaux canadiens pour des crimes internationaux commis à l’extérieur du Canada, en vertu de la Loi canadienne sur les crimes contre l’humanité et les crimes de guerre, du principe de la compétence universelle et des règles de droit commun. Bref, le Canada est doté d’instruments juridiques et judiciaires pour poursuivre des entreprises soupçonnées de crimes internationaux commis à l’étranger et peut ainsi mettre un terme à leur état indésirable d’impunité.
Intra-nasally instilled benzodiazepines have been proposed for acute anxiety episodes. However, routes with faster absorption may increase abuse liability. This study compared abuse liability of intra-nasal midazolam between subjects with a history of intra-nasal drug abuse and non-psychiatric subjects on a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Thirty-one inhaled-cocaine abusers and 34 normal volunteers received either 1 mg intra-nasal midazolam or active placebo. Visual analogue scales assessing desire to repeat the experience (ER) and Experience Liking (EL) assessed abuse liability. Profile analysis for repeated measures showed a significant effect of time over ER (F-[5,F-57]=3.311, p=0.011) and EL (F-[5,F-57]=3.947, p=0.004), diagnostic group (cocaine abusers scoring higher on both - F-[5,F-57]=5.229, p=0.026; F-[5,F-57]=4.946, p=0.030), regardless of the administered substance. It is concluded that the intra-nasal route does not seem to pose risks for non-psychiatric individuals, but it may represent a risk in itself for subjects with a history of drug abuse through this path. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.
Background: Several studies have shown that liquid and food intake interfere with the evaluation of body composition in adults. However, since there are no reports about this interference in the elderly population, the need to fast for this evaluation may be dispensable. Objectives: The objective of the present study was to assess the influence of liquid and solid food on the measurement of body composition by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Design: Forty-one male volunteers aged 62 to 87 years participated in the study. The subjects were submitted to evaluation of body composition by DXA and BIA under fasting conditions and 1 hour after the ingestion of breakfast (500 ml of orange juice and one 50 g bread roll with butter). Results: There was no significant difference in the variables fat-free mass (FFM) or fat mass (FM) between the fasting condition and the evaluation performed 1 hour after the meal as measured by BIA or DXA. There was also no significant difference when the same variables were compared between methods. Conclusion: In the present study, the ingestion of 500 ml orange juice and of one bread roll with butter by elderly subjects did not affect the results of the parameters of body composition determined by BIA or DXA. Thus, these exams could be performed without the rigor of fasting, often poorly tolerated by the elderly.
Abstract: If we think there is a significant number of legal offshore in the globalized world, then there is not even a global consensus about what «corruption» is. The «illegal corruption» in a country may be legal in another. Moreover, the great global corruption is above the law or above democratic States. And not all democratic States are «Rule of Law». Therefore, the solution is global earlier in time and space law, democratic, free and true law. While the human being does not reach a consensus of what «corruption» really is, the discussion will not go further than a caricature. One of the other problems about «corruption» is that it is very difficult to establish the imputation of crimes, including «corruption» (v.g. Portugal) on some «companies», corporations. We have a juridical problem in the composition of the art. 11. of the Portuguese Penal Code.
RESUMO: Schizophrenia’s burden defines experience of family members and is associated with high level of distress. Courtesy stigma, a distress concept, worsens caregivers’ burden of care and impacts on schizophrenia. Expressed emotion (EE), another family variable, impacts on schizophrenia. However, relationship between EE, burden of care and stigma has been little explored in western literature but not in sub-Saharan Africa particularly Nigeria. This study explored the impact of burden of care and courtesy stigma on EE among caregivers of persons with schizophrenia in urban and semi-urban settings in Nigeria. Fifty caregivers each from semi-urban and urban areas completed a socio-demographic schedule, family questionnaire, burden interview schedule and perceived devaluation and discrimination scale. The caregivers had a mean age of 42 (± 15.6) years. Majority were females (57%), married (49%), from Yoruba ethnic group (68%), monogamous family (73%) and Christians (82%). A higher proportion of the whole sample (53%) had tertiary education. Three out of ten were sole caregivers. Seventy three (73%) lived with the person they cared for. The average number of hours spent per week by a caregiver with a person with schizophrenia was 35 hours. The urban sample had significantly higher proportion of carers with high global expressed emotion (72.7%) than the semi-urban sample (27.3%). The odds of a caregiver in an urban setting exhibiting high expressed emotion are 4.202 times higher than the odds of caregiver in a semi-urban setting. Additionally, there was significance difference between the urban and semi-urban caregivers in discrimination dimension. High levels of subjective and objective burden were associated with high levels of critical comments. In conclusion, this study is the first demonstration of urban-semi-urban difference in expressed emotion in an African country and its findings provide further support to hypothesized relationship between components of EE and burden of care.
This study aimed to obtain information on homeless people appearing before the courts and in custody in the Dublin Metropolitan area and to track and to determine how homeless persons progress through the court and prison systems. The overall objective was to provide information the Probation and Welfare Service's processes of policy formation, service development and planning. Findings on the number of homeless offenders, their profile, their progression routes into the criminal justice system and prisoner reintegration are presented. Recommendations are made regarding sentencing policy, agency responsibility for ex-prisoners and appropriate issues for discussion by the Cross Departmental Committee on Homelessness. It is also recommended that drug free units be available across all closed regime prison establishments.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Although frequently used in the assessment of patients with falls, it is unclear whether 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiography contributes to their assessment in older persons. The aim of this study is to identify electrocardiographic abnormalities in patients with recurrent falls and case controls, and determine whether 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiography identifies causal arrhythmias for falls. 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiography recordings were compared for the type and prevalence of arrhythmias and symptom correlation in consecutive older subjects with recurrent falls attending the accident and emergency department and in case controls (no previous falls or syncope).
OBJECTIVES: To determine the risk of hospital readmission, nursing home admission, and death, as well as health services utilization over a 6-month follow-up, in community-dwelling elderly persons hospitalized after a noninjurious fall. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study with 6-month follow-up. SETTING: Swiss academic medical center. PARTICIPANTS: Six hundred ninety persons aged 75 and older hospitalized through the emergency department. MEASUREMENTS: Data on demographics and medical, physical, social, and mental status were collected upon admission. Follow-up data were collected from the state centralized billing system (hospital and nursing home admission) and proxies (death). RESULTS: Seventy patients (10%) were hospitalized after a noninjurious fall. Fallers had shorter hospital stays (median 4 vs 8 days, P<.001) and were more frequently discharged to rehabilitation or respite care than nonfallers. During follow-up, fallers were more likely to be institutionalized (adjusted hazard ratio=1.82, 95% confidence interval=1.03-3.19, P=.04) independent of comorbidity and functional and mental status. Overall institutional costs (averaged per day of follow-up) were similar for both groups ($138.5 vs $148.7, P=.66), but fallers had lower hospital costs and significantly higher rehabilitation and long-term care costs ($55.5 vs $24.1, P<.001), even after adjustment for comorbidity, living situation, and functional and cognitive status. CONCLUSION: Elderly patients hospitalized after a noninjurious fall were twice as likely to be institutionalized as those admitted for other medical conditions and had higher intermediate and long-term care services utilization during follow-up, independent of functional and health status. These results provide direction for interventions needed to delay or prevent institutionalization and reduce subsequent costs.