881 resultados para Torres de refrigeração
A EGEO Solventes S.A. é uma empresa com atividade na área da gestão de resíduos, focando-se na regeneração de solventes. Na unidade industrial da empresa recorre-se à destilação de misturas de solventes usados para obtenção do solvente regenerado. Esta operação exige água para o arrefecimento e condensação dos destilados das misturas de solventes, que, posteriormente, é arrefecida em torres de refrigeração instaladas na unidade. Durante o tempo de operação da unidade foram identificados problemas na condensação dos solventes limpos, obrigando a que se ligassem dois condensadores em série para assegurar a condensação do vapor produzido na destilação e à necessidade de caudais maiores de utilidade fria. Outro dos problemas identificados foi a baixa eficiência das torres de refrigeração, uma vez que a diferença de temperaturas da água à entrada e à saída do equipamento é muito baixa. Assim sendo, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é identificar as principais causas para a baixa eficiência dos equipamentos e propor alterações aos equipamentos ou soluções de melhoria do processo. Para diagnosticar estes problemas foram recolhidas amostras para determinação da composição do solvente limpo obtido e registadas as condições de operação para obtenção da mistura ECOSOLVE MET. Recorrendo a metodologias de projeto determinou-se o fator de resistência do fouling no condensador C1 e seguidamente a geometria, a alocação de correntes e a orientação do condensador mais adequadas e concluiu-se que este está sujeito a uma forte acumulação de material nas paredes e que a melhor opção seria recorrer a um permutador horizontal com condensação na carcaça, mas aumentando o número de passagens da água nos tubos. No que diz respeito à operação da torre de arrefecimento, determinou-se o caudal mínimo de ar para determinadas condições de operação e verificou-se que o caudal de ar alimentado à torre era superior ao mínimo determinado. Foram observadas diferenças quando comparadas as condições de operação experimentais com a performance da unidade usando oito enchimentos estruturados e aleatórios para os quais há dados na literatura São também apresentadas alternativas de operação e o projeto de uma torre de arrefecimento de água, sustentada numa análise económica de todo o processo. As simulações foram realizadas com recurso ao AspenPlus®.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal determinar a troca de calor em uma torre de resfriamento de grande porte, do tipo seca. A força motriz deste sistema é o empuxo resultante da diferença de temperatura entre o ar interior e exterior da torre. A partir de uma certa velocidade o vento externo também desempenha um papel importante. A convecção natural ocorre em regime turbulento, devido às grandes dimensões. A modelagem numérica é feita pelo Método dos Volumes Finitos com malhas criadas sobre Elementos Finitos, através dos softwares comerciais Fluent e CFX. Os resultados são obtidos para diferentes potências dissipadas no trocador de calor. A partir dos resultados são realizados estudos sobre a viabilidade de mudanças na geometria da torre, a fim de se obter melhorias no escoamento, bem como uma troca de calor mais eficiente. Faz-se ainda uma regressão a fim de obter correlações entre a potência dissipada no trocador de calor e a vazão mássica de ar necessária para a troca. Estas correlaçõoes são de utilidade, para aplicações posteriores, na implantação de um simulador para o processo de troca de calor nesta torre. O trocador de calor também é enfocado a fim de se determinar o coeficiente global de troca térmica, a fim de disponibilizá-lo para aplicação em outros trabalhos
This work presents a study of the absorption refrigeration system and the modeling and evaluation of two cycles using the binary solutions water-lithium bromide and ammonia-water for an equipment to be used in small size plants like residences. The study and evaluation aims the complete understanding of all parts of the system and the influence of each one of them as well as the spread of the knowledge to raise the use of this type of equipment in all sizes in order to decrease the energetic consumption of plants of all scales and making viable the alternative sources. The study is done in each element of the cycle separately and in some auxiliary equipments required in the operation such as the main power source, the solar collector. The software used for modeling, with emphasis on thermal part, was the EES (Engineering Equation Solver), that permitted the thermal balance calculus and acquisition of the used fluids properties. The results obtained for the equipment shows the system is more complex than the widely used in business, however, it can be viable and represents an alternative to increase the energetic efficiency
This paper is a beginning point for discussing what the literature states about parents’ involvement in their children’s mathematics education. Where possible it will focus on Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Little is known about how Torres Strait Islander parents approach their children’s learning of mathematics and how important early mathematics is to mothers. What is known is that is they are keen for their children to receive an education that provides them with opportunities for their present and future lives. However, gaining access to education is challenging given that the language of instruction in schools is written to English conventions, decontextualised and disconnected from the students’ culture, community and home language. This paper discusses some of the issues raised in the literature about what parents are confronted with when making decisions about their children’s education.
This abstract provides a preliminary discussion of the importance of recognising Torres Strait Islander knowledges and home languages of mathematics education. It stems from a project involving Torres Strait Islander Teachers and Teacher Aides and university based researchers who are working together to enhance the mathematics learning of students from Years 4-9. A key focus of the project is that mathematics is relevant and provides students with opportunities for further education, training and employment. Veronica Arbon (2008) questions the assumptions underpinning Western mainstream education as beneficial for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people which assumes that it enables them to better participate in Australian society. She asks “how de we best achieve outcomes for and with Indigenous people conducive to our cultural, physical and economic sustainability as defined by us from Indigenous knowledge positions?” (p. 118). How does a mainstream education written to English conventions provide students with the knowledge and skills to participate in daily life, if it does not recognise the cultural identity of Indigenous students as it should (Priest, 2005; cf. Schnukal, 2003)? Arbon (2008) states that this view is now brought into question with calls for both ways education where mainstream knowledge and practices is blended with Indigenous cultural knowledges of learning. This project considers as crucial that cultural knowledges and experiences of Indigenous people to be valued and respected and given the currency in the same way that non Indigenous knowledge is (Taylor, 2003) for both ways education to work.
This paper is a beginning point for discussing what the literature states about parents’ involvement in their children’s mathematics education. Where possible it will focus on Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Little is known about how Torres Strait Islander parents approach their children’s learning of mathematics and how important early mathematics is to mothers. What is known is that is they are keen for their children to receive an education that provides them with opportunities for their present and future lives. However, gaining access to education is challenging given that the language of instruction in schools is written to English conventions, decontextualised and disconnected from the students’ culture, community and home language. This paper discusses some of the issues raised in the literature about what parents are confronted with when making decisions about their children’s education.
This paper reports research undertaken as part of a larger project in which we examined whether and how values and beliefs communicated by Australian politicians have shaped decades of health policy and influenced health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia. To first characterise those values and beliefs we analysed the public statements of the politicians responsible nationally for the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 1972–2001, using critical discourse analysis. We found that four discourses, communicated through words, phrases, sentences and grammatical structures, dominated public statements over the study period. These four discourses focused on the competence and capacity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to “manage”; matters of control of and responsibility for the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as “Other”; and the nature of the “problem” concerning the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Analysis of the discursive elements contributing to shaping these four discourses is reported in this paper.
The Strategy presented in this report was developed through the Australian Women’s Health Network Talking Circle in 2009-2010. Over 400 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women were involved in the consultations. The Action Areas and Recommendations presented in this Strategy were raised and discussed by the women who contributed to the Talking Circle. This Strategy is not intended to replace any other national or state/territory identified priorities or needs. Instead, this Strategy supplements other work. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women experience extremely poor health outcomes. They have a right to determine for themselves what their health system will look like. This Strategy is part of that process. If Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women continue to have their sense of identity marginalised and eroded, they will continue to have the poorest health of any group of women in Australian society.
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Health Strategy was launched at the Australian Women’s Health Network (AWHN) National Conference in Hobart on the 19 May 2010. It is important to note that this Strategy does not replace other national or State and Territory documents which identify priorities and needs. The aim is to supplement existing work and contribute to the new National Women's Health Policy (NWHP) being developed. This article will outline the process of the Strategy’s development and its uses for the future.
Radio Program. Talkin with Tiga Bayles, 98.9 AM National Indigenous Radio Service (NIRS), 9.00-10.00am, Wednesday 21 July 2010. (1 hour program).----- Bronwyn Fredericks discssed the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Health Strategy was launched at the Australian Women’s Health Network (AWHN) National Conference in Hobart on the 19 May 2010. Within this radio interview the background of the Strategy is discussed, funding, who did the consultations and the writing. In the interview Bronwyn Fredericks outlines the process of the Strategy’s development and its uses for the future.----- It is important to note that this Strategy does not replace other national or State and Territory documents which identify priorities and needs. The aim is to supplement existing work.
This paper critiques a 2008 Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) assessment initiative known as Queensland Comparable Assessment Tasks, or QCATs. The rhetoric is that these centrally devised assessment tasks will provide information about how well students can apply what they know, understand and can do in different contexts (QSA, 2009). The QCATs are described as ‘authentic, performance-based assessment’ that involves a ‘meaningful problem’, ‘emphasises critical thinking and reasoning’ and ‘provides students with every opportunity to do their best work’ (QSA, 2009). From my viewpoint as a teacher, I detail my professional concerns with implementing the 2008 middle primary English QCAT in one case study Torres Strait Island community. Specifically I ask ‘QCATs: Comparable with what?’ and ‘QCATs: Whose authentic assessment?’. I predict the possible collateral effects of implementing this English assessment in this remote Indigenous community, concluding, rather than being an example of quality assessment, colloquially speaking, it is nothing more than a ‘dog’.
A one year mathematics project that focused on measurement was conducted with six Torres Strait Islander schools and communities. Its key focus was to contextualise the teaching and learning of measurement within the students’ culture, communities and home languages. There were six teachers and two teacher aides who participated in the project. This paper reports on the findings from the teachers’ and teacher aides’ survey questionnaire used in the first Professional Development session to identify: a) teachers’ experience of teaching in Torres Strait Islands, b) teachers’ beliefs about effective ways to teach Torres Strait Islander students, and c) contexualising measurement within Torres Strait Islander culture, Communities and home languages. A wide range of differing levels of knowledge and understanding about how to contextualise measurement to support student learning were identified and analysed. For example, an Indigenous teacher claimed that mathematics and the environment are relational, that is, they are not discrete and in isolation from one another, rather they interconnect with mathematical ideas emerging from the environment of the Torres Strait Communities.
This chapter outlines issues of excessive anxiety in Indigenous youth. It describes what an anxiety disorder is and its consequences and how Indigenous youth seem to be at risk for developing such disorders. Issues concerning the delivery of traditional prevention and intervention programs are discussed and possible interventions are provided.