33 resultados para Torpor


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The cryptic, subterranean ways of golden moles (Chrysochloridae) hamper studies of their biology in the field. Ten species appear on the IUCN red list, but the dearth of information available for most inhibits effective conservation planning. New techniques are consequently required to further our understanding and facilitate informed conservation management decisions. We studied the endangered Juliana's golden mole Neamblysomus julianae and aimed to evaluate the feasibility of using implantable temperature sensing transmitters to remotely acquire physiological and behavioural data. We also aimed to assess potential body temperature (T-b) fluctuations in relation to ambient soil temperature (T-a) in order to assess the potential use of torpor. Hourly observations revealed that T-b was remarkably changeable, ranging from 27 to 33 degrees C. In several instances T-b declined during periods of low T-a. Such 'shallow torpor' may result in a daily energy saving of c. 20%. Behavioural thermoregulation was used during periods of high T-a by selecting cooler microclimates, while passive heating was used to raise T-b early morning when T-a was increasing. In contrast to anecdotal reports of nocturnal patterns of activity, our results suggest that activity is flexible, being primarily dependent on T-a. These results exemplify how behavioural patterns and microclimatic conditions can be examined in this and other subterranean mammal species, the results of which can be used in the urgently required conservation planning of endangered Chrysochlorid species.


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We measured body temperatures in three species of Brazilian hummingbirds, the Versicolored Emerald (Amazilia versicolor; body mass 4.1 g), the Black Jacobin (Me lantrochilus fuscus; body mass 7.7 g) and the Swallow-tailed Hummingbird (Eupetomena macroura; body mass 8.6 g), during overnight exposure to natural conditions of photoperiod and ambient temperatures. All three species entered torpor. In both A. versicolor and E. macroura, individuals entered torpor even if they had access to feeders up to the time of sunset. In contrast, M. fuscus was less prone to enter torpor and did so mainly if it had been fasting for more than two hours before sunset. Furthermore, M. fuscus often spent the whole night in torpor, whereas the two other species entered torpor for a variable, often short, period of the night. We observed more than one torpor bout during a single night in all three species. We suggest that multiple nocturnal torpors result from interruption of the normal torpor pattern by some (unknown) external stimuli. Any interrupted torpor was always followed by a new entry into torpor, supporting the view that there is a body mass threshold below which the hummingbirds must enter torpor Our data also indicate that these hummingbird species might use torpor even if they are not energetically stressed.


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We tested the effect of chronic leptin treatment on fasting-induced torpor in leptin-deficient A-ZIP/F-1 and ob/ob mice. A-ZIP/F-1 mice have virtually no white adipose tissue and low leptin levels, whereas ob/ob mice have an abundance of fat but no leptin. These two models allowed us to examine the roles of adipose tissue and leptin in the regulation of entry into torpor. Torpor is a short-term hibernation-like state that allows conservation of metabolic fuels. We first characterized the A-ZIP/F-1 animals, which have a 10-fold reduction in total body triglyceride stores. Upon fasting, A-ZIP/F-1 mice develop a lower metabolic rate and decreased plasma glucose, insulin, and triglyceride levels, with no increase in free fatty acids or β-hydroxybutyrate. Unlike control mice, by 24 hr of fasting, they have nearly exhausted their triglycerides and are catabolizing protein. To conserve energy supplies during fasting, A-ZIP/F-1 (but not control) mice entered deep torpor, with a minimum core body temperature of 24°C, 2°C above ambient. In ob/ob mice, fasting-induced torpor was completely reversed by leptin treatment. In contrast, neither leptin nor thyroid hormone prevented torpor in A-ZIP/F-1 mice. These data suggest that there are at least two signals for entry into torpor in mice, a low leptin level and another signal that is independent of leptin and thyroid hormone levels. Studying rodent torpor provides insight into human torpor-like states such as near drowning in cold water and induced hypothermia for surgery.


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Data from diverse studies endorse ideas that short term torpor and hibernation are expressions of ancient characters. In evolutionary terms, their basic mechanisms are probably plesiomorphic (= ancestral/primitive) and physiologically similar. This contrasts with the alternate view that they are apomorphic (= derived, specialized), arising independently in many taxa from homeothermic ancestry by numerous apparent convergences. This paper explores some of the implications of accepting the plesiomorphic interpretation. Hibernation is, of course, a complex phenomenon that has undergone variations and refinements in different mammalian lineages. The argument is not that hibernation in total is a plesiomorphic character, but that it is built upon fundamental processes that are. Taking this view provides a framework for research that emphasizes the value of comparative studies, particularly of reptiles and birds. Studies of reptiles, for example, might unravel the mystery about periodic arousals. A plesiomorphic framework also explains the most extreme examples of hibernation as derived specializations from ancestry in which heterothermy is more about energy management than escape from cold. It cautions against using low body temperature (Tb) alone to diagnose torpor, emphasizes the need to distinguish between constitutional eurythermy (plesiomorphic) and constitutional stenothermy (apomorphic), and leads to a parsimonious theory about the evolution of endothermy. The paper proposes that brown adipose tissue (BAT) is apomorphic within eutheria and highlights the conundrum posed by the occurrence of both nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) and rapid arousal from hibernation in noneutherian mammals that lack BAT and uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1). It endorses the likely existence of a different, ancient and widespread mechanism for regulatory NST in mammals.


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To maximize energetic savings, female bats often roost communally whilst pregnant or with non-volant dependents, whereas male bats more often roost alone; however, differences in selection of roosts by sex have not often been investigated. Better understanding of female colony locations could focus management to protect the majority of bats. New Zealand's long-tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) roost in exotic plantation forest, where sex-specific roost selection has not been investigated, and therefore such management is not possible. We investigated sex-specific roost selection by long-tailed bats for the first time. Roosts and paired nonroosts were characterized testing predictions that males and females select roosts that differ from non-roosts, and males and females select different roosts. Females and males chose Pinus radiata roosts that differed from non-roost trees. Results suggest each sex chose roosts that maximized energetic savings. Female bats used roosts closer to water sources, that warmed earlier in the day, which allowed maintenance of high temperatures. Males appeared to choose roosts that allowed torpor use for long periods of the day. Males may be less selective with their roost locations than females, as they roosted further from water sources. This could allow persistence of male bats in marginal habitat. As all female long-tailed bats chose roosts within 150 m of waterways, management to protect bats could be focused here. To protect bats least able to escape when roosts are harvested, harvest of forest stands selected by female bats as roost sites should be planned when bats are not heavily pregnant nor have non-volant dependents.


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Bats (order Chiroptera, suborders Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera) are abundant, diverse, and geographically widespread. These mammals provide us with resources, but their importance is minimized and many of their populations and species are at risk, even threatened or endangered. Some of their characteristics (food choices, colonial or solitary nature, population structure, ability to fly, seasonal migration and daily movement patterns, torpor and hibernation, life span, roosting behaviors, ability to echolocate, virus susceptibility) make them exquisitely suitable hosts of viruses and other disease agents. Bats of certain species are well recognized as being capable of transmitting rabies virus, but recent observations of outbreaks and epidemics of newly recognized human and livestock diseases caused by viruses transmitted by various megachiropteran and microchiropteran bats have drawn attention anew to these remarkable mammals. This paper summarizes information regarding chiropteran characteristics and information regarding 66 viruses that have been isolated from bats. From these summaries, it is clear that we do not know enough about bat biology, that we are doing too little in terms of bat conservation, and that there remain a multitude of questions regarding the role of bats in disease emergence.


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Although heterothermy (hibernation and torpor) is a common feature among mammals, there is debate over whether it is a derived or ancestral trait relative to endothermic homeothermy. Determination of the physiological characteristics of primitive mammals is central to understanding the evolution of endothermy. Moreover, evaluation of physiological mechanisms responsible for endothermic heat production [e.g. non-shivering thermogenesis (NST)] is key to understanding how early mammals responded to historical climate changes and colonised different geographical regions. Here we investigated the capacity for NST and heterothermy in the Hottentot golden mole, a basal eutherian mammal. NST was measured as the metabolic response to injections of noradrenalin and heterothermy by recording body temperature in free-ranging animals. We found that hibernation and torpor occurred and that the seasonal phenotypic adjustment of NST capacity was similar to that found in other placental mammals. Using phylogenetically independent contrasts, we compared measured values of NST with those obtained from the literature. This showed that all variation in NST was accounted for by differences in phylogeny and not zoogeography. These findings lend support to the observation that NST and heterothermy occur in the Afrotheria, the basal placental mammalian clade. Furthermore, this work suggests that heterothermy, rather than homeothermy is a plesiomorphic trait in mammals and supports the notion that NST mechanisms are phylogenetically ancient.


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Mammalian heterotherms, such as hibemators, are known to be more tolerant of low oxygen tensions than their homeothermic counterparts. It has been suggested that this relative hypoxia tolerance is related to their ability to deal with dramatic changes in body temperature during entry to and arousal from torpor. However, hibemators demonstrate dramatic seasonality in both daily heterothermy and overall torpor expression. It was of interest to test if seasonal comparisons of normothermic individuals within a single species with the capacity to hibernate produce changes in the response to hypoxia that would reflect a seasonal change in tolerance to low oxygen. In particular, the species studied, the Eastern chipmunk {Tamias striatus), is known to enter into torpor exclusively in the winter. To test for seasonal differences in the metabolic and thermoregulatory responses to hypoxia, flow-through respirometry was used to compare metabolic rate, minimum thermal conductance, body temperature, and a thermal gradient used to assess selected ambient temperature in response to hypoxia in both summer and winter acclimated animals. Although the animals periodically expressed torpor throughout the winter, no differences between season in resting metabolic rate, body temperature or minimum thermal conductance were observed in normoxia. The metabolic trials indicated that chipmunks are less responsive to hypoxia in the winter than they are in the summer. Although body temperature dropped in response to hypoxia in both seasons, the decrease was less in the winter, and there was no corresponding decrease in metabolic rate. Providing the animals with a choice of ambient temperatures in hypoxia resulted in a blunting of the drop in body temperature in both seasons, suggesting that the reported fall in body temperature set point in hypoxia is not fully manifested in the behavioural pathways responsible for thermoregulation in chipmunks. Instead, body temperature in hypoxia appears to be highly dependent on ambient temperature and oxygen concentration. The results of this study suggest that the season in which the responses to hypoxia are measured is important, especially in a heterotherm where seasonality can affect the degree to 1 which the animal is tolerant of hypoxia. Winter-acclimated chipmunks appear more capable of defending metabolic heat production in hypoxia, a response consistent with the increased thermogenic capacity observed in animals that must periodically enter and arouse from torpor during hibernation.


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Given the ubiquity and evolutionary importance of parasites, their effect on the energy budget of mammals remains surprisingly unclear. The eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus (L., 1758)) is a burrowing rodent that is commonly infected by cuterebrid bot fly (Cuterebra emasculator Fitch, 1856) larvae. We measured resting metabolic rate (RMR) and cold-induced [Vo.sub.2]-max (under heliox atmosphere) in 20 free-ranging individuals, of which 4 individuals were infected by one or two larva. We found that RMR was significantly higher in chipmunks infected by bot fly larvae (mean [+ or -] SE = 0.88 [+ or -] 0.05 W) than in uninfected individuals (0.74 [+ or -] 0.02 W). In contrast, V[O.sub.2]-max was significantly lower in chipmunks infected by bot fly larvae (4.96 [+ or -] 0.70 W) than in uninfected individuals (6.37 [+ or -] 0.16 W). Consequently, the aerobic scope (ratio of [Vo.sub.2]-max to RMR) was negatively correlated with the number of bot fly larvae (infected individuals = 5.74 [+ or -] 1.03 W; noninfected individuals = 8.67 [+ or -] 0.26 W). Finally, after accounting for the effects of body mass and bot fly parasitism on RMR and [Vo.sub.2]-max, there was no correlation between the two variables among individuals within our population. In addition to providing the first estimate of [Vo.sub.2]-max in T. striatus, these results offer additional evidence that bot fly parasitism has significant impacts on the metabolic ecology of this host species.


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1. As understanding of the energetic costs of reproduction in birds and mammals continues to improve, oxidative stress is an increasingly cited example of a non-energetic cost of reproduction that may serve as a proximal physiological link underlying life-history trade-offs.

2. Here, we provide the first study to measure daily energy expenditure (DEE) and oxidative damage in a wild population. We measured both traits on eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) and assessed their relationships with age, reproductive status, litter size and environmental conditions.

3. We found that both physiological traits were correlated with environmental characteristics (e.g. temperature, seasons). DEE tended to increase with decreasing temperature, while oxidative damage was lower in spring, after a winter of torpor expression, than in autumn. We also found that DEE decreased with age, while oxidative damage was elevated in young individuals, reduced in animals of intermediate age and tended to increase at older age.

4. After controlling for age and environmental variables, we found that both female DEE and oxidative damage increased with litter size, although the latter increased weakly.

5. Our results corroborate findings from laboratory studies but highlight the importance of considering environmental conditions, age and reproductive status in broader analyses of the causes and consequences of physiological costs of reproduction in wild animals.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Injeção inadvertida de medicamentos de uso não espinhal nos espaços peridural e subaracnóideo é uma complicação anestésica passível de ocorrer. Este relato apresenta um caso de injeção inadvertida de metoclopramida no espaço subaracnóideo. RELATO do CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, 17 anos, 69 kg, IMC de 26.2, estado físico ASA I, 36 semanas e 4 dias de gestação, com diagnóstico de sofrimento fetal agudo, e indicação de cesariana. Apresentava freqüência cardíaca de 82 bpm, pressão arterial de 130 x 70 mmHg, SpO2 de 97%, ritmo cardíaco sinusal regular. A anestesia foi por via subaracnóidea com a associação de anestésico local e opióide, 15 mg de bupivacaína hiperbárica a 0,5% e 25 µg de fentanil. Após 5 minutos da instalação do bloqueio, a paciente referiu mal estar inespecífico. Aferidas pressão arterial, 190 x 120 mmHg, freqüência cardíaca, 145 bpm, e SpO2, 95%. Verificando-se as ampolas cujos conteúdos foram administrados encontrou-se uma de bupivacaína e uma de metoclopramida. O quadro se apresentou com cefaléia frontal intensa, visão turva, náuseas, vômitos e agitação inicial, que evoluiu para sonolência e torpor, além de hipertensão arterial e taquicardia. Foram administrados tramadol, dipirona, ondansetron e medidas de suporte. Após 30 minutos, a paciente apresentava-se assintomática, com PA de 150 x 100 mmHg e FC de 120 bpm. Recebeu alta para a enfermaria 140 minutos após permanência na SRPA, com total reversão dos bloqueios motor, sensitivo e autonômico, e normalização dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos. Recebeu alta hospitalar 48 horas após, sem apresentar seqüelas neurológicas, juntamente com o recém-nascido. CONCLUSÕES: Máxima atenção deve ser dada a qualquer medicamento administrado, seja qual for à via utilizada. Padronização de cores de ampolas, e dos locais de depósito, com o intuito de diminuir este tipo de acidente é recomendável.