962 resultados para Topological Defects
Invariant integrals are derived for nematic liquid crystals and applied to materials with small Ericksen number and topological defects. The nematic material is confined between two infinite plates located at y = -h and y = h (h is an element of R+) with a semi-infinite plate at y = 0 and x < 0. Planar and homeotropic strong anchoring boundary conditions to the director field are assumed at these two infinite and semi-infinite plates, respectively. Thus, a line disclination appears in the system which coincides with the z-axis. Analytical solutions to the director field in the neighbourhood of the singularity are obtained. However, these solutions depend on an arbitrary parameter. The nematic elastic force is thus evaluated from an invariant integral of the energy-momentum tensor around a closed surface which does not contain the singularity. This allows one to determine this parameter which is a function of the nematic cell thickness and the strength of the disclination. Analytical solutions are also deduced for the director field in the whole region using the conformal mapping method. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This thesis concentrates on the topological defects of spin-1 and spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensates, the ground states of spin-3 condensates, and the inert states of spinor condensates with arbitrary spin. Our work is based on the description of a spinor condensate of spin-S atoms in terms of a state vector of a spin-S particle. The results of the homotopy theory are used to study the existence and structure of the topological defects in spinor condensates. We construct examples of defects, study their energetics, and examine how their stability is affected by the presence of an external magnetic field. The ground states of spin-3 condensates are calculated using analytical and numerical means. Special emphasis is put on the ground states of a chromium condensate, whose dependence on the magnetic dipole-dipole interaction is studied. A simple geometrical method for the calculation of inert states of spinor condensates is presented. This method is used to find candidates for the ground states of spin-S condensates.
In this work, we consider the properties of planar topological defects in unconventional superconductors. Specifically, we calculate microscopically the interaction energy of domain walls separating degenerate ground states in a chiral p-wave fermionic superfluid. The interaction is mediated by the quasiparticles experiencing Andreev scattering at the domain walls. As a by-product, we derive a useful general expression for the free energy of an arbitrary nonuniform texture of the order parameter in terms of the quasiparticle scattering matrix. The thesis is structured as follows. We begin with a historical review of the theories of superconductivity (Sec. 1.1), which led the way to the celebrated Bardeen-Cooper- Schrieffer (BCS) theory (Sec. 1.3). Then we proceed to the treatment of superconductors with so-called "unconventional pairing" in Sec. 1.4, and in Sec. 1.5 we introduce the specific case of chiral p-wave superconductivity. After introducing in Sec. 2 the domain wall (DW) model that will be considered throughout the work, we derive the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) equations in Sec. 3.1, which determine the quasiparticle excitation spectrum for a nonuniform superconductor. In this work, we use the semiclassical (Andreev) approximation, and solve the Andreev equations (which are a particular case of the BdG equations) in Sec. 4 to determine the quasiparticle spectrum for both the single- and two-DW textures. The Andreev equations are derived in Sec. 3.2, and the formal properties of the Andreev scattering coefficients are discussed in the following subsection. In Sec. 5, we use the transfer matrix method to relate the interaction energy of the DWs to the scattering matrix of the Bogoliubov quasiparticles. This facilitates the derivation of an analytical expression for the interaction energy between the two DWs in Sec. 5.3. Finally, to illustrate the general applicability our method, we apply it in Sec. 6 to the interaction between phase solitons in a two-band s-wave superconductor.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Topological defects in foam, either isolated (disclinations and dislocations) or in pairs, affect the energy and stress, and play an important role in foam deformation. Surface Evolver simulations were performed on large finite clusters of bubbles. These allow us to evaluate the effect of the topology of the defects, and the distance between defects, on the energy and pressure of foam clusters of different sizes. The energy of such defects follows trends similar to known analytical results for a continuous medium.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Frustrated systems, typically characterized by competing interactions that cannot all be simultaneously satisfied, are ubiquitous in nature and display many rich phenomena and novel physics. Artificial spin ices (ASIs), arrays of lithographically patterned Ising-like single-domain magnetic nanostructures, are highly tunable systems that have proven to be a novel method for studying the effects of frustration and associated properties. The strength and nature of the frustrated interactions between individual magnets are readily tuned by design and the exact microstate of the system can be determined by a variety of characterization techniques. Recently, thermal activation of ASI systems has been demonstrated, introducing the spontaneous reversal of individual magnets and allowing for new explorations of novel phase transitions and phenomena using these systems. In this work, we introduce a new, robust material with favorable magnetic properties for studying thermally active ASI and use it to investigate a variety of ASI geometries. We reproduce previously reported perfect ground-state ordering in the square geometry and present studies of the kagome lattice showing the highest yet degree of ordering observed in this fully frustrated system. We consider theoretical predictions of long-range order in ASI and use both our experimental studies and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate these predictions. Next, we introduce controlled topological defects into our square ASI samples and observe a new, extended frustration effect of the system. When we introduce a dislocation into the lattice, we still see large domains of ground-state order, but, in every sample, a domain wall containing higher energy spin arrangements originates from the dislocation, resolving a discontinuity in the ground-state order parameter. Locally, the magnets are unfrustrated, but frustration of the lattice persists due to its topology. We demonstrate the first direct imaging of spin configurations resulting from topological frustration in any system and make predictions on how dislocations could affect properties in numerous materials systems.
We studied the anisotropic aggregation of spherical latex particles dispersed in a lyotropic liquid crystal presenting three nematic phases; calamitic, biaxial, and discotic. We observed that in the nematic calamitic phase aggregates of latex particles are formed, which become larger and anisotropic in the vicinity of the transition to the discotic phase, due to a coalescence process. Such aggregates are weakly anisotropic and up to 50 mu m long and tend to align parallel to the director field. At the transition to the discotic phase, the aggregates dissociated and re-formed when the system was brought back to the calamitic phase. This shows that the aggregation is due to attractive and repulsive forces generated by the particular structure of the nematic phase. The surface-induced positional order was investigated by surface force apparatus experiments with the lyotropic system confined between mica surfaces, revealing the existence of a presmectic wetting layer around the surfaces and oscillating forces of increasing amplitude as the confinement thickness was decreased. We discuss the possible mechanisms responsible for the reversible aggregation of latex particles, and we propose that capillary condensation of the N(C) phase, induced by the confinement between the particles, could reduce or remove the gradient of order parameter, driving the transition of aggregates from solidlike to liquidlike and gaslike.
Liquid crystals in confined geometries exhibit numerous complex structures often including topological defects that are controlled by the nematic elasticity, chirality and surface anchoring. In this work, we study the structures of cholesteric droplets pierced by cellulose fibres with planar anchoring at droplet and fibre surfaces. By varying the temperature we demonstrate the role of twisting power and droplet diameter on the equilibrium structures. The observed structures are complemented by detailed numerical simulations of possible director fields decorated by defects. Three distinct structures, a bipolar and two ring configurations, are identified experimentally and numerically. Designing cholesteric liquid crystal microdroplets on thin long threads opens new routes to produce fibre waveguides decorated with complex microresonators.
We use a two-dimensional (2D) elastic free energy to calculate the effective interaction between two circular disks immersed in smectic-C films. For strong homeotropic anchoring, the distortion of the director field caused by the disks generates topological defects that induce an effective interaction between the disks. We use finite elements, with adaptive meshing, to minimize the 2D elastic free energy. The method is shown to be accurate and efficient for inhomogeneities on the length scales set by the disks and the defects, that differ by up to 3 orders of magnitude. We compute the effective interaction between two disk-defect pairs in a simple (linear) configuration. For large disk separations, D, the elastic free energy scales as similar to D-2, confirming the dipolar character of the long-range effective interaction. For small D the energy exhibits a pronounced minimum. The lowest energy corresponds to a symmetrical configuration of the disk-defect pairs, with the inner defect at the mid-point between the disks. The disks are separated by a distance that, is twice the distance of the outer defect from the nearest disk. The latter is identical to the equilibrium distance of a defect nucleated by an isolated disk.
The interaction between two disks immersed in a 2D nernatic is investigated i) analytically using the tenser order parameter formalism for the nematic configuration around isolated disks and ii) numerically using finite-element methods with adaptive meshing to minimize the corresponding Landau-de Gennes free energy. For strong homeotropic anchoring, each disk generates a pair of defects with one-half topological charge responsible for the 2D quadrupolar interaction between the disks at large distances. At short distance, the position of the defects may change, leading to unexpected complex interactions with the quadrupolar repulsive interactions becoming attractive. This short-range attraction in all directions is still anisotropic. As the distance between the disks decreases, their preferred relative orientation with respect to the far-field nernatic director changes from oblique to perpendicular.
We directly visualize the response of nematic liquid crystal drops of toroidal topology threaded in cellulosic fibers, suspended in air, to an AC electric field and at different temperatures over the N-I transition. This new liquid crystal system can exhibit non-trivial point defects, which can be energetically unstable against expanding into ring defects depending on the fiber constraining geometries. The director anchoring tangentially near the fiber surface and homeotropically at the air interface makes a hybrid shell distribution that in turn causes a ring disclination line around the main axis of the fiber at the center of the droplet. Upon application of an electric field, E, the disclination ring first expands and moves along the fiber main axis, followed by the appearance of a stable "spherical particle" object orbiting around the fiber at the center of the liquid crystal drop. The rotation speed of this particle was found to vary linearly with the applied voltage. This constrained liquid crystal geometry seems to meet the essential requirements in which soliton-like deformations can develop and exhibit stable orbiting in three dimensions upon application of an external electric field. On changing the temperature the system remains stable and allows the study of the defect evolution near the nematic-isotropic transition, showing qualitatively different behaviour on cooling and heating processes. The necklaces of such liquid crystal drops constitute excellent systems for the study of topological defects and their evolution and open new perspectives for application in microelectronics and photonics.
We study the dynamics of Staffman-Taylor fingering in terms of topological defects of the flow field. The defects are created and/or annihilated at the interface. The route towards the single-finger steady state is characterized by a detailed mechanism for defect annihilation. For small viscosity contrast this mechanism is impeded, and creation of new defects leads the system away from a single-finger solution. Strong evidence for a drastic reduction of the basin of attraction of the Saffman-Taylor finger is presented.
Dans ce travail, j’étudierai principalement un modèle abélien de Higgs en 2+1 dimensions, dans lequel un champ scalaire interagit avec un champ de jauge. Des défauts topologiques, nommés vortex, sont créés lorsque le potentiel possède un minimum brisant spontanément la symétrie U(1). En 3+1 dimensions, ces vortex deviennent des défauts à une dimension. Ils ap- paraissent par exemple en matière condensée dans les supraconducteurs de type II comme des lignes de flux magnétique. J’analyserai comment l’énergie des solutions statiques dépend des paramètres du modèle et en particulier du nombre d’enroulement du vortex. Pour le choix habituel de potentiel (un poly- nôme quartique dit « BPS »), la relation entre les masses des deux champs mène à deux types de comportements : type I si la masse du champ de jauge est plus grande que celle du champ sca- laire et type II inversement. Selon le cas, la dépendance de l’énergie au nombre d’enroulement, n, indiquera si les vortex auront tendance à s’attirer ou à se repousser, respectivement. Lorsque le flux emprisonné est grand, les vortex présentent un profil où la paroi est mince, permettant certaines simplifications dans l’analyse. Le potentiel, un polynôme d’ordre six (« non-BPS »), est choisi tel que le centre du vortex se trouve dans le vrai vide (minimum absolu du potentiel) alors qu’à l’infini le champ scalaire se retrouve dans le faux vide (minimum relatif du potentiel). Le taux de désintégration a déjà été estimé par une approximation semi-classique pour montrer l’impact des défauts topologiques sur la stabilité du faux vide. Le projet consiste d’abord à établir l’existence de vortex classi- quement stables de façon numérique. Puis, ma contribution fut une analyse des paramètres du modèle révélant le comportement énergétique de ceux-ci en fonction du nombre d’enroulement. Ce comportement s’avèrera être différent du cas « BPS » : le ratio des masses ne réussit pas à décrire le comportement observé numériquement.
Dans ce mémoire, on étudie la désintégration d’un faux vide, c’est-à-dire un vide qui est un minimum relatif d’un potentiel scalaire par effet tunnel. Des défauts topologiques en 1+1 dimension, appelés kinks, apparaissent lorsque le potentiel possède un minimum qui brise spontanément une symétrie discrète. En 3+1 dimensions, ces kinks deviennent des murs de domaine. Ils apparaissent par exemple dans les matériaux magnétiques en matière condensée. Un modèle à deux champs scalaires couplés sera étudié ainsi que les solutions aux équations du mouvement qui en découlent. Ce faisant, on analysera comment l’existence et l’énergie des solutions statiques dépend des paramètres du modèle. Un balayage numérique de l’espace des paramètres révèle que les solutions stables se trouvent entre les zones de dissociation, des régions dans l’espace des paramètres où les solutions stables n’existent plus. Le comportement des solutions instables dans les zones de dissociation peut être très différent selon la zone de dissociation dans laquelle une solution se trouve. Le potentiel consiste, dans un premier temps, en un polynôme d’ordre six, auquel on y rajoute, dans un deuxième temps, un polynôme quartique multiplié par un terme de couplage, et est choisi tel que les extrémités du kink soient à des faux vides distincts. Le taux de désintégration a été estimé par une approximation semi-classique pour montrer l’impact des défauts topologiques sur la stabilité du faux vide. Le projet consiste à déterminer les conditions qui permettent aux kinks de catalyser la désintégration du faux vide. Il appert qu’on a trouvé une expression pour déterminer la densité critique de kinks et qu’on comprend ce qui se passe avec la plupart des termes.