960 resultados para Topoisomerase 2b
Die Herzinsuffizienz (HI) ist eine der häufigsten und teuersten medizinischen Indikationen in der heutigen Zeit. rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte zum ersten Mal die Topoisomerase 2b (Top2b) in Zusammenhang mit der Entstehung einer dilatativen Kardiomyopathie gebracht werden. rnIn einem speziellen Mausmodell war es möglich, die Top2b gewebsspezifisch und zeitspezifisch nur in Kardiomyozyten zu deletieren. Dies geschah mittels eines Tamoxifen-induzierten Cre-Rekombinase-Gendeletionsmodells. Phänotypisch zeigten die Top2b-deletierten Mäuse 8 Wochen nach der Tamoxifen-Gabe signifikant reduzierte kardiale Ejektionsfraktionen sowie erhöhte linksventrikuläre enddiastolische und endsystolische Volumina. Weder Schlagvolumen noch Körpergewicht waren verändert. Die natriuretischen Peptide ANP und BNP waren in den Top2b-deletierten Tieren ebenfalls signifikant erhöht. Zusätzlich zeigten sowohl elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen als auch klassische histologische Verfahren fibrotische Veränderungen und erhöhte Kollagenablagerungen in Top2b-deletierten Tieren. Begleitend dazu stiegen die mRNA-Expressionslevel von Col1a1, Col3a1, Tgfβ1 und Tgfβ2 in den deletierten Tieren 8 Wochen nach der Implementierung der Deletion signifikant an. rnIn einer genomweiten Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung waren bereits 2 Wochen nach Tamoxifen-Gabe 128 Gene mindestens 2-fach gegenüber der Kontrollgruppe differentiell exprimiert. Eine genauere Analyse der veränderten Genexpression ließ bereits 14 Tage nach Implementierung der Deletion kardiale Verschlechterungen vermuten. So waren neben dem atrialen natriuretischen Peptid ANP die beiden häufigsten Kollagenarten im Herzen, Col3a1 und Col1a1, hochreguliert. rnInteressanterweise beinhalteten die 37 herunterregulierten Gene 11 Transkriptionsfaktoren. Da der Top2b in den letzten Jahren eine immer stärker werdende Bedeutung in der Transkription zugesprochen wird, sollte mittels Chromatin-Immunpräzipitation ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen der Top2b-Deletion und der Herunterregulierung der 11 Transkriptionsfaktoren sowie die Bindung der Top2b an Promotoren ausgewählter, differentiell-exprimierter Gene untersucht werden. Generell konnte keine vermehrte Bindung von Top2b an Promotorbereiche gezeigt werden, was aber nicht dem generellen Fehlen einer Bindung gleichkommen muss. Vielmehr gab es methodische Schwierigkeiten, weshalb die Bedeutung der Top2b in der Transkription im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit nicht ausreichend geklärt werden konnte.rnEine Kardiomyozyten-spezifische Top2b-Deletion mündete 8 Wochen nach Tamoxifen-Gabe in eine dilatative Kardiomyopathie. Zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt sind keine klaren Aussagen zum zugrundeliegenden Mechanismus der entstehenden Herzschädigung in Folge einer Top2b-Deletion zu treffen. Es gibt jedoch Hinweise darauf, dass der Tumorsuppressormarker p53 eine wichtige Rolle in der Entstehung der dilatativen Kardiomyopathie spielen könnte. So konnte 8 Wochen nach der Top2b-Deletion mittels Chromatin-Immunpräzipitation eine erhöhte Bindung von p53 an Promotorregionen von Col1a1, Tgfβ2 und Mmp2 detektiert werden. Die Bedeutung dieser Bindung, und ob aufgrund dessen die Entstehung der Fibrose erklärt werden könnte, ist zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt unklar.rn
Background & Aims: EPIC-3 is a prospective, international study that has demonstrated the efficacy of PEG-IFN alfa-2b plus weight-based ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C and significant fibrosis who previously failed any interferon-alfa/ribavirin therapy. The aim of the present study was to assess FibroTest (FT), a validated non-invasive marker of fibrosis in treatment-naive patients, as a possible alternative to biopsy as the baseline predictor of subsequent early virologic (EVR) and sustained virologic response (SVR) in previously treated patients. Methods: Of 2312 patients enrolled, 1459 had an available baseline FT, biopsy, and complete data. Uni- (UV) and multi-variable (MV) analyses were performed using FT and biopsy. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar as in the overall population; METAVIR stage: 28% F2, 29% F3, and 43% F4, previous relapsers 29%, previous PEG-IFN regimen 41%, high baseline viral load (BVL) 64%. 506 patients (35%) had undetectable HCV-RNA at TW12 (TW12neg), with 58% achieving SVR. The accuracy of FT was similar to that in naive patients: AUROC curve for the diagnosis of F4 vs F2 = 0.80 (p<0.00001). Five baseline factors were associated (p<0.001) with SVR in UV and MV analyses (odds ratio: UV/MV): fibrosis stage estimated using FT (4.5/5.9) or biopsy (1.5/1.6), genotype 2/3 (4.5/5.1), BVL (1.5/1.3), prior relapse (1.6/1.6), previous treatment with non-PEG-IFN (2.6/2.0). These same factors were associated (p <= 0.001) with EVR. Among patients TW12neg, two independent factors remained highly predictive of SVR by MV analysis (p <= 0.001): genotype 2/3 (odds ratio = 2.9), fibrosis estimated with FT (4.3) or by biopsy (1.5). Conclusions: FibroTest at baseline is a possible non-invasive alternative to biopsy for the prediction of EVR at 12 weeks and SVR, in patients with previous failures and advanced fibrosis, retreated with PEG-IFN alfa-2b and ribavirin. (C) 2010 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background & Aims: Treatment with peginterferon alfa and ribavirin produces a sustained virologic response (SVR) in approximately 60% of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients. Alternate options are needed for patients who relapse or do not respond to therapy. Methods: This prospective, international, multicenter, open-label study evaluated efficacy and safety of peginterferon alfa-2b (1.5 mu g/kg/wk) plus weight-based ribavirin (800-1400 mg/day) in 2333 chronic HCV-infected patients with significant fibrosis/cirrhosis whose previous interferon alfa/ribavirin therapy failed. Patients with undetectable HCV-RNA at treatment week (TW) 12 received 48 weeks of therapy; patients with detectable HCV-RNA at TW12 could enter maintenance studies at TW18; 188 patients with low/detectable HCV-RNA at TW12 continued therapy at the investigator`s request. Results: Overall, 22% of the patients attained SVR (56% with undetectable HCV-RNA and 12% with low/detectable HCV-RNA at TW12). SVR was better in relapsers (38%) than nonresponders (14%), regardless of previous treatment, and in patients previously treated with interferon-alfa/ribavirin (25%) than peginterferon alfa-ribavirin (17%). Predictors of response in patients with undetectable HCV-RNA at TW12 were genotype (2/3 vs 1, respectively; odds ratio [OR] 2.4; P < .0001), fibrosis score (F2 vs F4; OR, 2.2; F3 vs F4; OR, 1.7; P < .0001), and baseline viral load (<= 600,000 vs >600,000 IU/mL; OR, 1.4; P = .0223). These factors plus previous treatment and response were overall predictors of SVR. Safety was similar among fibrosis groups. Conclusions: Peginterferon alfa-2b plus weight-based ribavirin is effective and safe in patients who failed interferon alfa/ribavirin therapy. Genotype, baseline viral load, and fibrosis stage were predictors of response.
Topoisomerases are ubiquitous nuclear enzymes that regulate DNA structure in eukaryotic cells. The role of topoisomerase III beta, the newest member of the topoisomerase family, in the clinical outcome of breast cancer is still poorly understood. This study aims to investigate the immunoexpression of topoisomerase III beta in breast cancer and its relationships with clinicopathologic features and immunohistochemical markers of prognostic significance in breast pathology. Using tissue microarrays containing 171 cases of primary invasive breast cancer, we analyzed the immunoexpression of topoisomerase III beta, estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, HER-2, BRCA-1, p53, and Ki67. Immunostaining for topoisomerase III beta was found in 33.9% of breast carcinomas, and immunopositivity was correlated with distant metastasis (P = .036) and death (P = .006). Decreased expression of topoisomerase III beta correlated with low expression of Ki67 (P < .001) and negativity for HER-2 (P < .001), BRCA-1 (P = .001), and p53 (P < .001). In the multivariate analysis, topoisomerase Hip expression was a significant predictor of survival (hazard ratio, 3.006 [95% confidence interval, 1.582-5.715]; P = .001). In conclusion, topoisomerase III beta expression can be a useful marker in assessing the prognosis of patients with breast cancer and is an independent predictor of survival. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
There is evidence that several fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are involved in growth and development of the corpus luteum (CL), but many FGFs have not been investigated in this tissue, including FGF10. The objective of this study was to determine if FGF10 and its receptor (FGFR2B) are expressed in the CL. Bovine CL were collected from an abattoir and classed as corpus hemorrhagica (stage 1), developing (stage 11), developed (stage 111), and regressed (stage IV) CL. Expression of FGF10 and FGFR2B mRNA was measured by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Both genes were expressed in bovine CL, and FGF10 expression did not differ between stages of CL development. FGF10 protein was localized to large and small luteal cells by immunohistochemistry. FGFR2B expression was approximately threefold higher in regressed compared to developing and developed CL (P < 0.05). To determine if FGF10 and FGFR2B expression is regulated during functional luteolysis, cattle were injected with PGF2 alpha and CL collected at 0, 0.5, 2, 4, 12, 24, 48, and 64 hr thereafter (n = 5 CL/time point), and mRNA abundance was measured by real-time RT-PCR. FGF10 mRNA expression did not change during functional luteolysis, whereas FGFR2B mRNA abundance decreased significantly at 2, 4, and 12 hr after PGF2a, and returned to pretreatment levels for the period 24-64 hr post-PGF2 alpha. These data suggest a potential role for FGFR2B signaling during structural luteolysis in bovine CL.
The current diagnosis of human T-lymphotropic virus type-2 (HTLV-2) infection is based on the search of specific antibodies; nevertheless, several studies conducted in Brazil pointed deficiencies of the commercially available kits in detecting HTLV-2, mostly in HIV/AIDS patients. This study searched for the presence of HTLV-1 and -2 in 758 HIV/AIDS patients from Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. Serum samples were screened for HTLV-1/2 antibodies using two EIA kits (Vironostika and Murex), and confirmed by WB (HTLV Blot 2.4, Genelabs). The results obtained by EIA disclosed 49 (6.5%) reactive sera: 43 positive by both EIA kits, and six with discordant results. WB confirmed HTLV-1 infection in seven samples (0.9%) and HTLV-2 in 21 sera (2.8%). Negative and indeterminate results were detected in four (0.5%) and 16 (2.1%) sera, respectively. Blood from 47 out of 49 HTLV seroreactive patients were collected and analyzed for the presence of env, LTR and tax genomic segments of HTLVs by PCR. PCR confirmed six cases of HTLV-1 and 37 cases of HTLV-2 infection (14 out of 16 that were found to be WB indeterminate). Restriction analysis of the env PCR products of HTLV-2 disclosed 36 isolates of HTLV-2a/c subtype, and one of HTLV-2b subtype. These results emphasize the need of improving serologic tests for detecting truly HTLV-2 infected patients from Brazil, and confirm the presence of HTLV-2b subtype in the South of this country.
Este trabalho objetivou a caracterização molecular do vírus linfotrópico de células T humanas infectando doadores de sangue atendidos na Fundação Centro de Hemoterapia e Hematologia do Pará. Amostras de DNA de 79 indivíduos soropositivos para o vírus linfotrópico de células T humanas foram analisadas por meio da reação em cadeia da polimerase para as regiões genômicas pX, env e 5'LTR, de polimorfismos de comprimento de fragmentos de restrição e do seqüenciamento da região 5LTR, com posterior análise filogenética, definindo o tipo e o subtipo do HTLV circulante na população estudada. Observou-se uma maior prevalência de HTLV-1 (71%) em relação ao HTLV-2 (29%). As amostras de HTLV-1 sequenciadas foram classificadas como pertencentes ao subtipo Cosmopolita, subgrupo Transcontinental, sendo as de HTLV-2 identificadas como HTLV-2c. A análise de polimorfismos de comprimento de fragmentos de restrição da região env e do sequenciamento da região 5'LTR, identificou, pela primeira vez na Amazônia Brasileira, uma amostra de HTLV-2b, enfatizando a necessidade de estudos moleculares contínuos na região para melhor entendimento da epidemiologia de transmissão do HTLV na população e permitir a vigilância epidemiológica da emergência de novos tipos e subtipos.
A polineuropatia desmielinizante inflamatória cônica possui forte associação com a infecção pelo HIV e HCV. Uma rara associação entre PDIC e o tratamento da hepatite C com interferon peguilado alfa foi descrita recentemente. Nós descrevemos o primeiro caso de polineuropatia desmielinizante inflamatória crônica em um paciente branco, sexo masculino infectado por HIV e HCV associado a interferon peguilado alfa 2b. O paciente recuperou-se completamente após o uso de imunoglobulina hiperimune endovenosa. Infectologistas e hapatologistas devem estar atentos à esta rara e grave associação, que exige imediata descontinuação da droga e tratamento precoce.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways that involves many cell types, amongst which mast cells are known to be important. Adenosine, a potent bronchoconstricting agent, exerts its ability to modulate adenosine receptors of mast cells thereby potentiating derived mediator release, histamine being one of the first mediators to be released. The heterogeneity of sources of mast cells and the lack of highly potent ligands selective for the different adenosine receptor subtypes have been important hurdles in this area of research. In the present study we describe compound C0036E08, a novel ligand that has high affinity (pK(i) 8.46) for adenosine A(2B) receptors, being 9 times, 1412 times and 3090 times more selective for A(2B) receptors than for A(1), A(2A) and A(3) receptors, respectively. Compound C0036E08 showed antagonist activity at recombinant and native adenosine receptors, and it was able to fully block NECA-induced histamine release in freshly isolated mast cells from human bronchoalveolar fluid. C0036E08 has been shown to be a valuable tool for the identification of adenosine A(2B) receptors as the adenosine receptors responsible for the NECA-induced response in human mast cells. Considering the increasing interest of A(2B) receptors as a therapeutic target in asthma, this chemical tool might provide a base for the development of new anti-asthmatic drugs.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona of the CSIC –state agency – from april until september 2007. Topoisomerase I is an essential nuclear enzyme that modulates the topological status of DNA, facilitating DNA helix unwinding during replication and transcription. We have prepared the oligonucleotide-peptide conjugate Ac-NLeu-Asn-Tyr(p-3’TTCAGAAGC5’)-LeuC-CONH-(CH2)6-OH as model compound for NMR studies of the Topoisomerase I- DNA complex. Special attention was made on the synthetic aspects for the preparation of this challenging compound especially solid supports and protecting groups. The desired peptide was obtained although we did not achieve the amount of the conjugate needed for NMR studies. Most probably the low yield is due to the intrinsic sensitive to hydrolysis of the phosphate bond between oligonucleotide and tyrosine. We have started the synthesis and the structural characterization of oligonucleotides carrying intercalating compounds. At the present state we have obtained model duplex and quadruplex sequences modified with acridine and NMR studies are underway. In addition to this project we have successfully resolved the structure of a fusion peptide derived from hepatitis C virus envelope synthesized by the group of Dr. Haro and we have synthesized and started the characterization of a modified G-quadruplex.
Less than 50 patients are reported with platelet type von Willebrand disease (PT-VWD) worldwide. Several reports have discussed the diagnostic challenge of this disease versus the closely similar disorder type 2B VWD. However, no systematic study has evaluated this dilemma globally. Over three years, a total of 110 samples/data from eight countries were analysed. A molecular approach was utilised, analysing exon 28 of the von Willebrand factor (VWF) gene, and in mutation negative cases the platelet GP1BA gene. Our results show that 48 cases initially diagnosed as putative type 2B/PT-VWD carried exon 28 mutations consistent with type 2B VWD, 17 carried GP1BA mutations consistent with a PT-VWD diagnosis, three had other VWD types (2A and 2M) and five expressed three non-previously published exon 28 mutations. Excluding 10 unaffected family members and one acquired VWD, 26 cases did not have mutations in either genes. Based on our study, the percentage of type 2B VWD diagnosis is 44% while the percentage of misdiagnosis of PT-VWD is 15%. This is the first large international study to investigate the occurrence of PT-VWD and type 2B VWD worldwide and to evaluate DNA analysis as a diagnostic tool for a large cohort of patients. The study highlights the diagnostic limitations due to unavailability/poor application of RIPA and related tests in some centres and proposes genetic analysis as a suitable tool for the discrimination of the two disorders worldwide. Cases that are negative for both VWF and GP1BA gene mutations require further evaluation for alternative diagnoses.
The action of various DNA topoisomerases frequently results in characteristic changes in DNA topology. Important information for understanding mechanistic details of action of these topoisomerases can be provided by investigating the knot types resulting from topoisomerase action on circular DNA forming a particular knot type. Depending on the topological bias of a given topoisomerase reaction, one observes different subsets of knotted products. To establish the character of topological bias, one needs to be aware of all possible topological outcomes of intersegmental passages occurring within a given knot type. However, it is not trivial to systematically enumerate topological outcomes of strand passage from a given knot type. We present here a 3D visualization software (TopoICE-X in KnotPlot) that incorporates topological analysis methods in order to visualize, for example, knots that can be obtained from a given knot by one intersegmental passage. The software has several other options for the topological analysis of mechanisms of action of various topoisomerases.
The ability of synthetic P. falciparum (NANP)n circumsporozoite peptides to elicit murine T cell proliferative responses was studied. When C57BL/6, C3H, and DBA/2 mice were injected with (NANP)40, only C57BL/6 (H-2b)-immune lymph node cells proliferated on restimulation in vitro with the same peptide. By using anti-I-A monoclonal antibodies or spleen cells from congenic H-2b mice as a source of antigen-presenting cells, the T cell proliferative response was shown to be restricted to the I-Ab region of the C57BL/6 haplotype. These results are in agreement with previous experiments which demonstrated that the anti-(NANP)40 antibody response was uniquely restricted to C57BL/6 (H-2b) mice. Several C57BL/6 long-term (NANP)n-specific T cell lines and clones were derived. All of the clones exhibited the L3T4 helper T cell phenotype. A considerable heterogeneity of T cell responses was observed when the lines and clones were stimulated with different concentrations of the various peptides studied. The results, together with the observed genetic restriction for both antibody and T cell responses, suggest that perhaps not all individuals who receive a similar repetitive tetrapeptide sporozoite malaria vaccine will develop T cell and or antibody responses.
After inoculation of Leishmania major, a rapid production of IL-4 by LACK-specific CD4+ T cells has been shown to drive Th2 cell development in susceptible mice i.e. BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice rendered susceptible by neutralization of IFN-gamma at the onset of infection. Here, we showed that peptide AA 156-173 induced an early IL-4 mRNA expression not only in BALB/c mice but also in resistant B10.D2 mice when IFN-gamma is neutralized. Epitope mapping of LACK protein demonstrated that peptide containing AA 293-305 induced early IL-4 mRNA transcripts in susceptible H-2b mice i.e. BALB/b and resistant C57BL/6 mice when IFN-gamma is neutralized. Stringently, the early IL-4 response to the H-2d (AA 156-173) or the H-2b (AA 293-305) epitopes occurred in V beta 4 V alpha 8 CD4+ T cells from either H-2d or H-2b susceptible mice, respectively.